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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68129067 No.68129067 [Reply] [Original]

Pomu? Selen? No thank you.

>> No.68129153

Yeah they don't fit into the company culture. They stream way too much

>> No.68129237

Pomu is fine, but Selen would just do Stars collabs every other day.

>> No.68129241
File: 3.44 MB, 2796x1290, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enna's 3d will be a hit and holo
will beg for her

>> No.68129250

they worked so hard but niji graduate them anyway KEK.

>> No.68129280

Pomu's already in

>> No.68129492

nah, she lost the all out war.

>> No.68129645


>> No.68129760

Can you imagine if Enna leaves and goes to Hololive. Shit would be absolutely hilarious.

>> No.68129824

>stream way too much
>Don't have money to pay a rent
Poor Selen

>> No.68130093

nice one vshojofag, but we welcome hardworking chuubas in our establishment unlike your whorehouse.

>> No.68130096

Her shit speaking voice would runt her harder than kiara

>> No.68130115
File: 462 KB, 1110x888, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkhnbf6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They stream way too much
>last stream 40 days ago
>last stream 10 days ago

>> No.68130147

>stream way too much
Just like a shark

>> No.68130224

sounds like exactly something Stars needs. imagine DEV IS EN or something that collabs with the homos. she's already streamed with Axel and Altair. seems perfect imo

>> No.68130232
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>> No.68130895
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>Pomu's last stream is more recent, than Selen's last stream.

>> No.68130980

That's why you debut selen as a holostar under a tomboy rig model. Are you retarded?

>> No.68131039

Anon, girls have cooties.

>> No.68131130

Pomu just had an X space a few days ago.

>> No.68131551

>Pomu has streamed more post-graduation than Selen has streamed all year

>> No.68131563

But you like your cdgct cooties is part of the package.

>> No.68131605

he looks sad but oddly resolved

>> No.68131740

Selen is fine, but Pomu would just do Stars collabs every other day.

>> No.68132151

Selen is the one who spent months collabing with Stars, while simultaneously telling off her own fanbase who complained about all the APEX she was spamming. We don't want her in Hololive.

>> No.68132299

Who is we? You think everyone who watches hololive is some neckbeard unicorn who sits on his 3 day old cumstained boxers shit posting on 4chan?

>> No.68132399


>> No.68132465
File: 1.43 MB, 640x640, stalin-stare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, me and everyone else. You're not about to say something anti-revolutionary, are you comrade?

>> No.68132517

Yes, WE don't want someone who tells off their own fanbase in favor of playing APEX with males all day.

>> No.68132790

>subscribe to an FPS vtuber
>complains that she plays them too much?
with just a quick look at her channel the last time she was "spamming" it was 8 months ago, a couple streams in a row. Unless you are speifically talking about the Vsaikyo period..no fucking shit a vtuber preparing for a tournament of that size would of course focus on sharpening their skills/buliding up team synergy as much as possible.

>> No.68132996

who asked?

>> No.68133001

Tell the other english-speaking girls to get good at APEX then? Don't really see the issue in her wanting to play with high level players she can actually do comms with regardless of sex.

>> No.68133231

Prior to Vsaikyo, she would only stream APEX 2-3 times a month (out of ~25 streams per month). After spamming APEX for multiple months for Vsaikyo, she told off her fanbase and then immediately dove back into spamming APEX with tons of different males, not even for a tournament.
We don't want someone who cares so little about their fanbase to be in Hololive.

>> No.68133331
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>> No.68133395

>we welcome hardworking chuubas in our establishment
Someone should tell the ones that already joined

>> No.68133725

unickucks need to be genocided

>> No.68135137

Both Pomu and Selen aren't streaming tho KEK.

>> No.68135193

homobeggars cries as their oshi graduate lmao.

>> No.68135254


>> No.68135341

The fact you automatically dismiss anyone who doesn't share you mental illness as a nijinigger or. Homobeggar prove his point.

>> No.68135453

Pomu streamed dave the diver just 3 days ago

>> No.68135495

we don't need them, don't bring drama faggots here.

yes, WE

>> No.68135837

is she back on her PL or did she make a new persona?

>> No.68136062

new persona

>> No.68136154

>Account created 2021
very new

>> No.68136224

I mean, it can't be PL because it's not a vtuber account. And it was the first time she used it for streaming so might as well be new.

>> No.68136499

My oshi is doing fine.
It has nothing to do with complete unicuck death being necessary.

>> No.68136527

>drama faggots
But enough about all of Myth

>> No.68138980

It is her old account she unprivated. No vtuber avatar yet though.

>> No.68142305

My sides

>> No.68142380

I’d prefer a hiatus over a graduation sister

>> No.68145306


>> No.68151545

Pomu feels like a hololive member desu...

>> No.68151926

Enna and millie will graduate and become the new fuwamoco

>> No.68153503

Fuck selen, she deserves all those bad things to have happened to him.

>> No.68153768

You don't get it. According to her crying on twitter, she was almost IRyS. I don't know if I believe it, but that is her own claims.

>> No.68154841

Selen should be in Holostars

>> No.68161782

I mean there's zero good reason for them to be holo's

>> No.68163670

The beggars would love for her to join Hololive. Just to help Bettel shoulder the burden of carrying that failure of a branch.

>> No.68168239

That would imply shes in holostars

>> No.68168832

>help Bettel
he lives as though the unicorns are coming for him, she'd just be forming TSB with shinyspicy. which, honestly, not a bad idea.

>> No.68168869

Yet, they are still begging for money to pay rent. How odd.

>> No.68169038

Only Selen

>> No.68169424

does she plan to? i thought shes done with vtubing and all corpo stuff

>> No.68169709

She's done with corpo, but she'll probably be back to vtubing in a few months. Probably as Mint because a couple of days ago she unprivated a video randomly.

>> No.68172296

B-But I don't want them in V-Shojo...

>> No.68172959

Retard, the issue start with playing fucking apex. Indeed it get worse when your only content is to get carried, but if out chubba don't touch apex ever it's even better.

>> No.68175130

But I do

>> No.68175288
File: 66 KB, 666x666, POV you're Riku and Selen is asking for basic employee dignity[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmupjnq.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu would be far less likely to rock the boat but Selen is a carbon copy Ollie.

>> No.68179469

Who are you?
