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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.34 MB, 1024x1024, damn Nijisanji Livers live like this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68100276 No.68100276 [Reply] [Original]

Riku wtf are you feeding your livers? If this is what one of the top earners of NijisanjiEN eats, I am starting to fear what are the worse earners are eating...

>> No.68100395

Kobo had to bum money off of her manager and homos so not the best example there my friend

>> No.68100418

Can anyone tell me what even is that? Is it some animal's gut on a stick?

>> No.68100456

Laziest bait thread ever. SEAniggers are really subhuman animals.

>> No.68100488

chicken intestine

>> No.68100507
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>As a swagapino

>> No.68100541

Millie eating tripe?

>> No.68100557


>> No.68100570

ah... swing low, sweet cringe

>> No.68100594

>tfw no Tito "Dick" Dickman Vtuber

>> No.68100616

It's clearly a snake, anon. Haven't you ever seen one before?

>> No.68100624
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>>As a swagapino

>> No.68100734
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Meanwhile burgers.

>> No.68100739

Flip-flop here, that is a chicken intestine. But there are also pig and sheep intestines that could be sold but those are more expensive. Chicken intestines are cheaper and usually... Part of the daily diet of a broken flip-flop who had no money to even buy bread as an alternative. Yes, those intestines are cheaper than bread.
But eating four or more of those in a daily basis will increase the chances of you becoming yellow with parasite infestations, hepas, cancer and brainrot. So eating this only satisfy your stomach from hunger with no gains except parasites on your body.
But after seeing the recent stupid actions of Millie, we can safely assume that she is already infected with dozens of parasites on her brain.

>> No.68100771
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>> No.68100837

>Thank you for the support guys so I can fill my womb
what did she mean by this?

>> No.68100858

Then Millie should have bum off of her manager and homos to get better food... Oh wait, even her managers and homos are not getting paid well also and probably eating same chicken intestines as her.

>> No.68100906
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>The guy obsessed with third worlders posted this btw.

>> No.68100914
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>> No.68100934

It's chicken intestines. But you can safely assume you are eating tapeworm on a stick as it's practically the same as eating parasites.

>> No.68101062

She means she's esl, but also yeah me

>> No.68101121

>hates being pinoy
>swagpino when she needed to grift
disgusting, just pick one grift and fuck off.

>> No.68101151

Shutup Millie. Go back and finish your skewered tapeworm.

>> No.68101394

>post an image of some freaky street food shit you found today
>you are now poor

>> No.68102133

After trying beef intestine, I don't really get the appeal of intestine meat. I like other organ meat like heart or liver or tongue, but intestine just has a shitty texture that I don't really get the appeal of.

>> No.68102256

Well you're eating a part of where shit is stored after all

>> No.68102372

Burgers are more like this


>> No.68102679

Jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.68102814

filipino diet

>> No.68103206


>> No.68103257


>> No.68103487
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The most depressing thing is how mariring spends most of her money on covers and hearing about how she had to borrow money from her sister and rummage through the local grocer's trash for edible food. Although I think what she meant was going to the grocers and asking for their leftovers/ food that they're about to throw out...

>> No.68103493

Not even if I was starving.

>> No.68103559

Pagpag is the Tagalog term for leftover food from restaurants (usually from fast food restaurants) scavenged from garbage sites and dumps. Pagpag food can also be expired frozen meat, fish, or vegetables discarded by supermarkets and scavenged in garbage trucks where this expired food is collected.

>> No.68103656

The gut isnt that bad as a food but the way they are cooked and sold as a streetfood is well horrible. That shit will exist on a street side bbq for hours or hell days before somebody gets drunk enough to buy them. If they dont sell out that same sticks going out tommorow. It being outside guranteed bugs flys mosquitos and other shit have been touching it all afternoon and night. The air is polluted though not as bad as it used to be.But its bbq the heat will kill the parasites nah thats bullshit they dont wnt it to cook they add enough wood to keep it kinda heated cause wood is expensive.
Whats sold in canada should be more sanitary

>> No.68103666

Question. Were there really any asians poor and stupid enough to see this goyslop and say "Yeah thats exactly as trashy as I wanna be!"?

>> No.68103955

flips are latino-adjacent

>> No.68104003
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>> No.68104170

Is eating isaw all it takes to be Filipino?

>> No.68104263

Don’t compare us to those sea monkeys

>> No.68104386

Weren't you both colonized by Spain?

>> No.68104571
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Real food is a luxury to many flips. They scavenge from garbage bins and call it 'culture'.

>> No.68104599
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>> No.68104706
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>Industries have arisen around pagpag
Holy Grim

>> No.68104761
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Ehh, I'm sure Kobo eats chicken intestines too. It's a popular side dish to be eaten with porridge in ID.

>> No.68104767

I think it's a texture thing. Especially if you're having it barbequed.

>> No.68104940

Some places usually boil it first before frying it

>> No.68105086

this is sensationalist crap. it'd be the same as filipinos writing papers about bums digging through trash in new york and how it's an "industry" because they do it every day to find edible food.

>> No.68105391

Kinda funny that all spain excolonies eat tripes from cows meanwhile philippines eat chiken ones wtf

>> No.68105485

Intestine have thin membrane, that's where the shitty taste came from, you have to pull/clean it out before you cook it.
Most restaurants are too lazy to do that,

>> No.68105487

Many fast-food franchises in the Philippines pour kerosene or diesel on the leftover and expired food before dumping it in the garbage to discourage scavengers.

>> No.68105506

What the fuck, it does? I eat deep fried chicken liver and chicken gizzard whenever it’s available as street food. I just kinda like it because of the tough chewy meat texture

>> No.68105565

cost of living is pretty high in australia

>> No.68105620

The problem is never about dumpster diving for food because you're poor, that happens all over the world.
The problem with pagpag is the fact that they use garbage meat and sell it.
Any society that deemed that it's ok, is fucking stupid.

>> No.68105980

Add Balut and grilled chicken gizzard. Increased Swagapino points if the balut has a hairy chick in it and the chicken gizzard still has traces of chicken feed inside.

>> No.68105994

The cognitive dissonance of not wanting to judge poor populations for what they do to survive and being utterly disgusted at the wiggly intestine

>> No.68106138

>Any society that deemed that it's ok, is fucking stupid.
even the natives don't deem it okay. most Filipinos look down on it. they're just poor as fuck and know that some people are desperate.

>> No.68106187

Pagpag is a lost cause. This street food mentality is more disgusting than the food themselves because of how sloppy they clean/prepare these food. Apparently its acceptable because its affordable and its rude to judge the sweaty vendor who has been cooking non-stop in a hot environment while disregarding his personal hygiene.

>> No.68106314

It helps build a strong immune system.

>> No.68106674
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Flips are the microcosm of schizo self-loathing and ethnic hubris. That's what happens when you get colonised by a country built on myth of American Exceptionalism. It's also why they worship kleptocrats like Marcos and his balldfaced bullshitting brood Bongbong. Like Kenneth Copeland, American prosperity is their God, because they are the original Ameriboo pickmes.

>> No.68106938

said by a true american
now go back and praise trump

>> No.68107040

>/pol/ talk
Anon, you’re a flip too.

>> No.68107123 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 824x928, d2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire comment shits everything Trumpist America stands for
>now go back and praise trump
>to a fucking leaf

Touched a nerve, didn't I, third-worlder? Maybe learn to read English properly before arguing with those who know it to heart.

>> No.68107169

You can tell he's a filipino because it's not his fault he's poor and stupid, it's the Americans and the colonizers and the kleptocrats and most importantly - every other filipino.
But never himself.

>> No.68107230

Millie, please stop browsing 4chan. It’s bad for your mental health.

>> No.68107504

It's filled with parasites because of the dirty cooking environment and the type of chicken feeds. I've lived on a homestead most of my life and have eaten a ton of freshly grilled chicken innards, and it's perfectly fine. Most everyone here itt are either city slickers or third worlders with a shitty source of chicken innards, and they don't cook their chicken properly.

>> No.68107637

Even if it's prepared with great sanitary care, it will only eliminate parasite risks but still going to give you risks of hepa, cancer and later cardiovascular disease. It's a fcking intestine you're eating where chicken shits are made. It's even worse if the chicken it came from was highly concentrated with chemicals and boost enhancers as all bad things from these chemicals are stuck on the intestines.
It's better if you want to eat chicken intestines that you have grown yourself as you know what the fuck went into it's beak and it shat. And even better if the main diet of the chicken was full of greens and fibers because it helps clean the intestines of the chicken when it's still alive.

>> No.68107769

fucking hate retarded obnoxious leaftards, praise that turdo then

>> No.68107890

Imagine having relationship between talents and managers that are so good that they allow the talents to borrow their pocket money
Eugh disgusting, NijiEN would never stoop that low, right sister?

>> No.68107977

But enough about Kobo

>> No.68108215

wait how are these people not getting electrocuted

>> No.68108328

SEA water are so dirty it cannot conduct electricity properly

>> No.68108771


Ugh... I feel sick...

>> No.68108807

I thought Maria was Australian.. don't tell me she is Ausflip?

>> No.68108887

why would you even eat fucking interstines of all things? yuck!

>> No.68108944

This shit is popular!? You've got to be kidding me.

>> No.68109091

looks like shit from the anus of chicken

>> No.68109127

Nigger that's street food
People who are broke eat instant noodles
Lots of homos you duped ya faggot
It's a misinfo agent

>> No.68109141

So this is what a black company job does to a third worlder. Jesus christ!

>> No.68109160

* rapes and beheads you *

>> No.68109204

You're replying to the well known pagpag schizo

>> No.68109251

nta but why would you say that?

>> No.68109387

Instant noodles here in the Philippines cost 8-10 pesos at its cheapest price.
Isaw/ grilled or fried intestines cost only 3-5 pesos. If you think isaw is expensive than instant noodles then you're a fcking rich privilege to eat "clean" intestines in restaurants.
Go finish your skewered tapeworm Millie. The parasites on your brain needs more friends.

>> No.68110845

that's latinx tier cringe, shut the fuck up Millie

>> No.68110905
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Weebs, don't look...

>> No.68111021

They were but there's no "spanish ancestry" with modern flips.

>> No.68111105

Does it taste good though?

>> No.68111141
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>> No.68111184

You guys use pesos? Man the Spanish did fuck you guys hard.
The one she got was from Canada though. They actually have health standards there.

>> No.68111225

You guys look like Puerto Ricans mixed with SEA.

>> No.68111237

You white people in the US are colonized brits. Your point?

>> No.68111267

Are intenstines halal? Generally curious

>> No.68111301

Where do you think intestines are connected to?

>> No.68111341

Wtf is halal. You Muslims and your weird words

>> No.68111382

Filipine looks more like south American version of Chinese

>> No.68111400

I'm in the process of converting. That's why I'm asking. Halal just means clean.

>> No.68111556

I'm legitimately worried for Kunai's wellbeing, she's going to end up homeless at this rate

>> No.68111568

They may look like them but I 100% guarantee you that there's no "spaniards" in them at all.

The same goes with there's no dutch ancestry with Indonesia.

>> No.68111591

Flips had to adopt Spanish family names but only a tiny, minuscule portion of the population have Spanish blood

>> No.68111659

I thought the Spaniards raped a lot of women and I mean alot.

>> No.68111832

Genghiskhan did to and is a reason 75 percent of the world share his dna.

>> No.68111856

>75% percent of the world is mongoloids

>> No.68111904

Time for a thought exercise
Go look up pictures of tribe members living on Sentinel Island, a place that exists in real life and is currently inhabited by an uncontacted tribe
Would you?

>> No.68111963

I'm not a Spaniard that was stuck on a boat for a year never seeing another woman.

>> No.68112086

Well can't deny that. When Spaniards fucked our ancestors for more than 330 years.
And nope, you think having those on Canada is an automatic sanitized, it almost made me remember when we went to Canada and my idiot friend tried a take home Mexican sandwich thingy on the side restaurant we passed and not even a street stall (I forgot the name but it had a spicy aroma with meat, vegetables and tacos iirc). Then he told me on the way that the taste felt weird as it was different from his previous ones he got from others, I smelled it and I told him it seemed to be near spoiled (I know the sell of spiced chopped meat but it had a stinky strong odor that even beat the spice) but refused my take and finished it.
Then he got rewarded with exploding LBM that lasted the entire night on our hotel. That was a branded restaurant btw I forgot the name but he confidently told me that their food was good because he trusted their brand. D224

>> No.68112223

I'm sorry for your friends food poisoning and the imperial actions of the Spanish. Imperialism is disgusting if they didn't exploit your people your land your resources I imagine life would be better there.

>> No.68112243

Unfortunately for you and for my ancestors, when Spaniards came to our country, we aren't blacks. Most of the blacks(we mostly call them aetas/negros) lived on the mountains. But those who lived on the coastlines and first Filipinos who encountered the Spaniards were combination of fair and light brown skin from the genes of Malay, japanese, koreans and Chinese pirates.

>> No.68112282

>Make a flip thread
>it becomes /int/ thread
Every time

>> No.68112299

She's AusChinese

>> No.68112313

/asean/ is lame, there's that one flip who thinks he's superior above every other flip flag
I bet he's already here in the thread

>> No.68112477

Thanks for the explanation anon, i expected it to be duck dick or something.
Not sure whether chicken intestines is better or worse…

>> No.68112489

She's here. And she's Millie.

>> No.68112532

So Millie is literally eating chicken shit and tapeworms and bragging about it on twitter?

>> No.68112565

So the Asian Filipinos arent even indigenous? How the fuck were black people the natives?

>> No.68112623

Flips and all other third world countries would be worse off without colonialism anon.

>> No.68112660

It tastes like sour and a little bit of bitter. Do you see the sauce on Millie's pic? That's the spice to make it "delicious". It's also chewy.
Yep I ate it when I was a kid and stopped when a case of Hepa spread in my school which suspected the local street stalls of these intestines, chicken gizzards, chicken heads and pig ears and tongues.
Where do you think Haachama got her cursed cooking?

>> No.68112699

Same as Australian aboriginals, but they got outcompeted and genocided by modern asians for the most part.

>> No.68112740

Pig ears and gizzard are good though.

>> No.68112744

I have never been hospitalized for eating these from stalls around my university, but I don't really eat these anymore because I know my immune system's gonna get worse as I grow older
But last year I had some at a yakiniku place in Osaka and it tasted really good
I trust the Japanese to have cleaned them before serving + getting grilled over flame would've killed anything else that needed to die

>> No.68112747

Just that the genes of malay are stronger than local black genes. So when they crossbreed, malay genes stayed while the black genes went extinct.
You can call Philippines as the crossbreed capital of the world where only the strongest genes would appear on its next offsprings.

>> No.68112774

So Millie is eating pagpag and tweeting about it as if it’s something to be proud of?

>> No.68112806

>thread shitting on millie
>infested with pinoys

>> No.68112866

Burger talking about other third world cuisine. Let's talk about burger cuisine especially down the southern side they hunt raccoons squirrels and alligators to skin and ear them

>> No.68112871

>Thread shitting on Millie
>Infested with pinoys
>Pinoys shits on Millie for being a hypocrite

>> No.68112873

You think Westerners make up majority of /vt/'s userbase?

>> No.68112896

Dear god…

>> No.68112920

Oh I was hoping it would be crispy and nice and umami. I imagine if those were prepared in a clean kitchen from chickens that aren't raised eating garbage it would mitigate those problems.

>> No.68112934

Most flips i’ve meet are like this, fucking pathetic people.

>> No.68112949

Imperialist propaganda. Are you British, American, or the most disgusting Dutch?

>> No.68112952

You all seem to be confused and racist but just so you know, literally all asians, including idonesians, INCLUDING JAPANESE eat intestines and literally every other wierd shit you can imagine. Whatever point you are trying to make here is meaningless.

>> No.68112995

No no no Burgers don't look!

>> No.68113008

Damn that's fuckin wild. I guess being in the middle SEA to Oceania does that. Whodathunk id learn so much about the Philippines today

>> No.68113009

All expats act like this, Fil Ams especially

>> No.68113029

Seethe and cope

>> No.68113044

I see mostly Chinese and Vietnamese boba liberals in my area. It's disgusting have some fucking pride.

>> No.68113049

It's true, but that's the reason why pagpag still works against flipposters

>> No.68113059

It's a flip mentality. Please understand that this is one of the disgusting mentality of flips. I know this because Im a flip and lived here. And you will see first hand on how desperate flips attempts to grab attention by doing clown things even at the expense of his/her dignity.
Just like how Chinese wanted to disown those who practice Grab Hag mentality. Some of us flips also want to erase this disgusting attention seeking mentality. But hey, thanks to Tiktok it just made it worse.

>> No.68113114

Dumpster diving for food isn’t at all as common as you make it out to be in the rest of the world.
This is a third world/SEA problem.

>> No.68113133
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Americans do too.
Natural casing sausage is all pig intenstines. I think its actually a flip running this thread, and says those are lousy with parasites down there and his buddy got food poisoning at a Taco Bell in Canada.

>> No.68113155
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Yes, it's halal
As unappetizing as it may be, chicken intestine skewer isn't pagpag, anon.
There is fried variety too if you want something crispy. And yeah it's crispy and umami(from msg)

>> No.68113241

shukran, the crispy umami ones look good.

>> No.68113548

None of them, just stating my opinion.
If it wasn’t for colonialism you people would literally be living in straw huts and be dying at forty.
Practically every piece of technology you see around you, such as the roads and public instituitions you’ve used your whole life and all other very basic things that make up your society only exists because of those ”evil” colonizers.
If anything you should be thankful that they managed to drag you ungrateful retards out of the stone age.

>> No.68113708
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yeah, cute south american indians, not sea women

>> No.68113711 [DELETED] 
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It's essentially rice porridge with onions sauce and various toppings like chicken, fried scallops, peanuts, etc. Sometimes, they substitute the onions sauce with chicken broth. It's affordable (costing around 1-3$ in Id), easy on the stomach, quite filling, and tastes good too.
Well, it tends to look like vomit if you stir the toppings into the porridge, kek.

>> No.68113741

It's essentially rice porridge with onions sauce and various toppings like chicken, fried scallops, peanuts, etc. Sometimes, they substitute the onions sauce with chicken broth. It's affordable (costing around 1-3$ in Id), easy on the stomach, quite filling, and tastes good too.
Well, it tends to look like vomit if you stir the toppings into the porridge, kek.

>> No.68113765
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I'm glad I'm Puerto Rican. We eat stuff like mondongo boiled green bananas gizzards pig ears pig feet yams lots of unique fried stuff like mofongo alcapurrias pionono. I grew eating all that stuff. So what millies eating while a lot of you think is not appetizing it actually taste good for me. Suck it burgers.

>> No.68113811

Doubtful that even a horny spaniard stuck at sea for a year would stick his dick in a native SEA woman.

>> No.68114099

ITT: Seamonkeys pretend to be white by acting disgusted at the thought of eating offal

>> No.68114219

asia is not africa you fucking numb nuts.

>> No.68114321

ohh buddy you didn't know how many actual european flips the japs killed during ww2.

>> No.68114522 [SPOILER] 
File: 293 KB, 662x720, discordkitten[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ff6rq4i.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, they'll have their steak dinner soon

>> No.68114638

East asia isn’t like Africa but SEA is.

>> No.68114715

>t burger
it sure is

>> No.68114740

Imperialist pig. These countries aren't invaded because they are poor they are invaded because they are rich. You imperialist dogs come in work the people and have them live in squaller while you build monuments to your own ignorance. You build golf courses not hospitals, roads to palaces not to schools. All while the native population is exploited more and more. Despicable I spit on you and your children, you and future generations will have their fat bellies gutted when the global proletariat rises up.

>> No.68114781

Those used to fuck manitees man.

>> No.68114808

You've never been to neither of those countries and only get your information from those please feed the foreign children scam charities ads that air on your fox station burgerchama.

>> No.68114840

East Asia was until the Chinese people stood up and kicked the western imperialists out along with their reactionary landlord dogs.

>> No.68114842

Lmao a woke commie

>> No.68114982
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>> No.68115138

you mean.. a californian?

>> No.68115166

This is what citizens of the Empire do. All empires fall like Rome. We can see who is spitting then.

>> No.68115211

California is the furthest thing from communism on the planet. It's bourgeoisie paradise. Billionaire tech bros and tent cities. This happening in the heart of the imperial core too!!

>> No.68115274


>> No.68115480

Jesus fucking christ that's disgusting. Shit literally passes through that and they're eating it. What the fuck is wrong with them

>> No.68115554

their what?

>> No.68115637

They are ESL incarnate anon pls undastand

>> No.68115660

>What are sausage casings
Do you literally not know how the sausage is made?

>> No.68115739

As Otto von Bismarck once said:
”Never show them how the sausage is made”

>> No.68115962

If you eat sausages and hotdogs I have some bad news for you

>> No.68116032

Filipinos! They look like Mexicans that just woke up-Gabe Iglesias, some time in 2006

>> No.68116089

I don't eat that, but natural casings are made fron the submucosa of the intestine, not the entire thing. Also artifical collagen casings are more widely used because it's cheaper.
So even then, OP's pic is still revolting

>> No.68116160

I don't know what is the issue here, eating every part of dead animal means nothing of it goes to waste.
I'm more disgusted of the term swagapino. Sounds very lame.

>> No.68117050 [DELETED] 
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>> No.68117500

Anon some of the dead animal is just waste in this day and age. Unless you also collect and eat the shit sacks out of shrimp? lmfao

>> No.68117588

Swag is cringed as it is.
And what swagger pinoy have?

>> No.68118065


>> No.68118635

dunno how bout you ask your fellow white trash why they keep coming in this shithole.

>> No.68118816

Mexicans were the ones who liberated the Philippines from colonial rule. Latinx are therefore better than them.

>> No.68118843

They come in to fuck your underage siblings. Why you think they always get caught in places like Brazil Thailand and Philippines with their pants down.. I'm not a burger btw.

>> No.68119439

i couldn't give a shit if some whitetoid trailer trash fuck my fellow pinoy, since even if your the whitest of white that ever white, your child will be.. *drum roll* pinoy.
its an all encompassing identity that you can't escape.
and seriously with how america is literally burning lately, your descendants would be better being a fucking pinoy. lule.

delusional take. you sat down on your asses and were already out of the spanish empire by the time the philippine revolution was happening, mexicans were too busy killing their own kind i guess.
frankly the philippines aside from having almost the same culture as a mexico, there's really not much of a "shared" history between the two.

>> No.68119481

more dirt would make it more conductive tho

>> No.68119683

Even if you're "recovering" from a hospital stay you can still fucking tweet.

>> No.68119720

sex tourism

>> No.68119886

What the two other guys said. Sex tourism.

>> No.68120164
File: 30 KB, 476x566, 1695394424749801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dropping by to remind you that Millie wants hafu babies with blue eyes because despite her leftist proclivities, she's powerless against White Boys, and dreams about being claimed by one. Like most Asian women, DESU.

>> No.68120822
File: 155 KB, 1024x768, scr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 1%?

>> No.68121106

People like this content?

>> No.68121395

apparently cucking is huge in the west.
evident by how much people tune in to enna's stream.

>> No.68121777

This thread reminded me without fail how infested this board is with SEA 3rd worlders.
It also reminded how amazing it feels to not be them.

>> No.68122381
File: 142 KB, 704x750, 1678235593587037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how is it exactly riku's fault that millie has literal shit taste in food?

>> No.68122431


>> No.68123145


>Riku's livers eat intestines

>> No.68125543

>wanting to eat your culture's food in a different country
As much as I dislike Niji, the only problem here is OP being a retard

>> No.68126867

Two people eat different things who would have thought

>> No.68128007

Is that pagpag?

>> No.68128100

its 1 piece of identifiable meat, not 50 pieces of unknown. it is not pagpag

>> No.68128130

It’s high Phillipino cuisine!
yes it’s pagpag.

>> No.68128577

If any flip females want a white boyfriend feel free to send me a message on 4chan Messenger.

>> No.68129615

>everyone eats it bro
>posts something I've literally never eaten
nah I'm good bro

>> No.68129731
File: 113 KB, 500x374, 1605127542953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought Maria was Australian.. don't tell me she is Ausflip?
Well, she is called fucking MARIA

Not that Spain had anything to do with the Philippines for 350 years

>> No.68130880

My condolences, anon

>> No.68133339

People who begin posts with "eh" should be beheaded

>> No.68134035


>> No.68134315

that's because you're not everyone, you're a nobody

>> No.68135597

I never had grilled chicken offal on a stick with some kinda mystery sauce so I dast not judge, but I just can't help but think about this thing's function when it was still part of the chicken...

>> No.68135793

No. Pagpag is food left over from food places you get out of the trash, no food place is throwing away food left untouched on a skewer kek

>> No.68136761


>> No.68137679

You didn't have to hand yourself an L

>> No.68137800

read and replied like a true third worlder. the malnourishment must be brain-damaging

>> No.68137957

speak for yourself, i'll judge as i please, literal shit deserves to be mocked, stigmatized, and otherwise prevented from spreading anywhere else

>> No.68141154

It wasn’t on a skewer when they picked it out of the dumpster behind a restaraunt.

>> No.68141254

If pagpag is trash, why do Indo peeps love it so much

>> No.68141469

Because they have no dignity and can’t afford actual food.

>> No.68144616

Intestines are actually tasty, dunno why this thread is freaking out

>> No.68144662

You can't blame them. Hard to find food if you are dirt poor

>> No.68145096

eh, whatever.

>> No.68146644

All the wires are going to the ceiling.

>> No.68147336

> SEAmonkey hiding behind a white girl avatar
> wants white children
Like cockwork

>> No.68147416

> cucking is huge in the west
> Philipinos getting cucked for white men
I don't think this particular one was addressed at western people

>> No.68149250

>t whitetoid trailer trash after he settled down marrying an ugly pinoy goblin whore that is some other pinoy's sloppy seconds
kek there's plenty of pussy to come around here but you sure told me buddy.

>> No.68150909

Never understood why people eat raw stuff or sausage with intestine skin. I like my food well done and in germany we have sausages without skin.

>> No.68153487

>organ meat
EWWWWW, like... YUCK, bro! p-poop comes from there!!!
>organ meat (Japan)
eeehhhh??? sugoiiiiiii dehsoo ne! itadakeymass!

>> No.68155226

> Implying white men go for the shitskins
Kek anon

>> No.68156454

The casings of hotdogs and sausages are made from intestines.

>> No.68156796

>chicken intestines
Do flips really?

>> No.68157712

>Implying white men go for the shitskins
fucking kek
