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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68059278 No.68059278 [Reply] [Original]

Member streams are boring
Morning show is just a long ad
Barely any collabs and when they do they fall flat by hiding into their little corner with each other

Whens the next season because this one is already stale

>> No.68059349 [DELETED] 

op is brown

>> No.68059351

Still won't collab with your homoturds sis. Cope and seethe.

>> No.68060231

you'll dump the trans flag twins as soon as en4 drops

>> No.68061449

Don't worry these two will outlast your entire homofag branch.

>> No.68061484


>> No.68061655

I feel bad about stopping watching FWMC Mornings, but I get so busy around that time with meetings and other radio shows, and to be fair, they did start to get kind of played out after a while.
>Mondays are supposed to be challenge days
>just comes down to forcing natto down Mococo's throat every week
Doggy of the Day is genius though, admittedly.

>> No.68061979

fuck you

>> No.68062436


>> No.68062775

>Kyo graduating deflect

>> No.68063027
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>> No.68063631

I really liked them too the first few months, but the BAU BAU spam is just too much. Also, props to them sticking to their cliche, but too much is still too much.

>> No.68063750

This thread smells of homobeggars pretending to be ex-ruffians...

>> No.68063869

Consider the following, theyre boring and their contemporaries have grown as streamers in 6 months and theyve stagnated

>> No.68063960


>> No.68066186

dont watch em
dont watch em
almost all collabs suck

what's left when you remove all those? oh yeah hours and hours of good content. here's your (You)

>> No.68066324

>grown as streamers in 6 months and theyve stagnated
this is treadmill numberfag shit. bands successfully make the same kind of music for 20 years and do well. destroy the idea that in your brain that constant change is necessary

>> No.68067854

>holo anti threads popping up
So, what happened with Niji today?

>> No.68067886

I love how fuwamoco trigger all the miserable people, the anti-idol and culture war weirdos. it must be like kryptonite to those losers to see the twins and all their fans always being so cheerful and happy. fuwamoco are cleaning up EN a little more with every bau bau.

>> No.68067901

I cancelled membauship after realizing that it barely ever got stuff posted to it and whatever was put there was pretty inane or was just lazy like fall guys/mario kart stuff and watchalongs. They also stopped bothering to heart the comments under their posts after a while which makes me menhera

>> No.68067988

I’m sorry we couldn’t protect your smile ruffian

>> No.68068021

I always at least watch the VOD. It's only 30 minutes afterall

>> No.68068082

>barely any collabs
Sister...every stream they do is a collab! There's literally two of them!

>> No.68069445

>t. seething

>> No.68070537

I was looking for this comment. This guy gets it.

>> No.68070670

This bait won't ungraduate your wigger faggot, sister.
I hope he kills himself.

>> No.68070830

Kyo graduation

>> No.68071130
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have sex
with each other
instead of posting

>> No.68071913

As people get busier they tend to lose their old ways, they lost theirs rather fast

>> No.68072898

You're really not beating the homobeggar shitstirrer allegations with this counterargument, anon...

>> No.68073249

Can you give some examples of how anyone else in advent is grown, and how FWMC haven't in that regard?

>> No.68073371

Of course he can't, he doesn't watch any of them.

>> No.68074712

>no you HAVE to like my whorshi or you're a homobegging shitstirrer!

>> No.68074831

You can't parrot something that's said here every day by homobegging shitstirrers and expect to not be treated as one, anon.

>> No.68074975

Are they happy? To me ruffians always seem hyper aggressive and angry lashing out and everything up to and including their oshi's genmates

>> No.68075008

Is "your favorite hologirl has stagnated" a homobegger canard?

>> No.68075068

Watch the familia streams

>> No.68075159

maybe you shouldn't build your community around number monkeys if you don't like number monkeys being everywhere

>> No.68075177

Actually yes, it is, it's used as an argument in favor of mixed collabs since it "brings something new to the table". They just fail to mention how that "something new" is always drama and even more homobeggars in chat and comments sections.

>> No.68075309

Nah theyre just boring, and they have nothing to talk about. I dont care about their nostalgia for shit that was relevant to weebs in 2004

>> No.68075317

The drama comes from schizoid virgins shitting their diapers over being "cheated on" though. The vtubers themselves get along with eachother fine

>> No.68075423

Which is why these two went completely silent during the showcase stream the instant the Holostars came on screen, yes clearly (this was based btw and I love these two standing their ground despite not expecting to be put in that position)

>> No.68075463

Its based that they fear their fans?

>> No.68075516

>the invisible gun

>> No.68075629

>has to spend member stream telling other fans to stop attacking their top superchatters

>> No.68075689

If that's what it takes to filter out the worst fans, then so be it. If there were any Ruffians that weren't on board with those two wanting to follow the traditional idol path, then they can leave.

>> No.68075816

>he thinks schizos will ever stop harassing them as they buy their attention every stream

>> No.68075822

Advent is just boring.

>> No.68075932

To be honest, this isn't the right way to build a healthy fanbase.

>> No.68075987

You're a towel

>> No.68076161

>Bau Bau spam is too much
You never liked them.

>> No.68076443

They'll be fine.

>> No.68076610

Yeah because theyll fuck off from streaming kek

>> No.68076730

Should I add this to the "things that will happen in 2 more weeks" list?

>> No.68077152

>homobeggar still seething to this day
Why are FWMC so based????

>the most toxic fanbase got BTFO again and again and again

>> No.68077244

>healthy fanbase
see Nijisanji

>> No.68077260

Oh look the bot showed up

>> No.68077264

There are many ways to bring something new to the table that don't involve mixed collabs, sounds like a you problem if you immediately think of cock.

And this sounds like someone who got filtered, to which I say Bau Bau

>> No.68077672

>There are many ways to bring something new to the table that don't involve mixed collabs, sounds like a you problem if you immediately think of cock.
Do your reading comprehension reps. I was not presenting this as an argument, they asked for an example and I provided one.

>> No.68077927

mixed collab only brings the most toxic kind of fanbase who never support anything.
Those people only want drama
Nijisanji is the best reference since most of their fans are twitter trannies who love to suck Riku cock and throw "livers" under the bus when they talk shit about company

>> No.68078047

Exactly, thank you. That "StarsEN fans don't watch streams" thing didn't come from nowhere, it's a stereotype that exists for a reason. They arrive in a fanbase, shit it up and cause drama, force out some of the original fanbase due to said drama, and then leave to whichever new unfortunate vtuber is collabing with "their boy". They're like an invasive species.

>> No.68078106

yeah whorofags are just as toxic as nijiniggers, hence why starsCHADS don't have any issues unlike those two tumors

>> No.68078964

Lmao. Seething regards itt. If you don’t like their gimmicks then don’t watch. Seething about their success here only makes you look like a jealous 2view or a homobegging failure.

>> No.68079029

Bau Bau!

>> No.68080187

ruffian not like this. just smile a bit

>> No.68081210

>You never liked them.
You don't even watch them.

>> No.68085110

They're always smiling

>> No.68085259

nigga shut up lol

>> No.68087490

It warms my heart that the bau baus have done so well that it makes you perpetually miserable cretins have menhera attacks daily. I sincerely hope after one of your fussy little meltdowns you take a bit of introspective and try a new outlook on watching cute girls instead of attentionwhoring. BAU BAU

>> No.68092259 [DELETED] 

ok and?

>> No.68096293

Theres a reason they were never popular to begin with

>> No.68096881

They should really kiss

>> No.68097229

>Niji deflection thread

>> No.68097428

what the fuck is going on with the constant shit flinging aimed at the doggos in the catalog?
Of all the talents, Fuwamoco? Really?
