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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67994108 No.67994108 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.67994508

Buy an ad

>> No.67994771


>> No.67994932

There are half a billion Spanish speakers in the world. Don't you have your own bread-baking forum you can post your ads on?

>> No.67997359

>but it's all good when Coco speaks Japanese about reddit

>> No.67997481

I just love Latinas, Sonic

>> No.67997534

How do I become a manager for some sweet Latina pussy

>> No.67997560

mothefuckers dont see the bunch of drama latina vtuers and then go ahead and try
fucking idiots

>> No.67997563

Wonderful, another drain of Holocorns
Hope they actually go this time

>> No.67997674

>scream in the mic
>shooting noises in the background
>mom walks in to throw her shoe
>lil bro and his friend walk in naked
>drunk dad walks in
>female "friends" join in the middle of the stream

I cant wait.

>> No.67997751

Viva Palestinia

>> No.67997789


>> No.67997930

I don't get the message.

Shouldn't exclamation points be used instead?

It seems weird to say "Are we waiting for you?" rather than "We are waiting for you!"

>> No.67998107

Who is "we" anyway?

>> No.67998149

Compra un anuncio

>> No.67998151

it says "Are you waiting for us?"

>> No.67998514

Ironmouse and Reimu are shaking, they’ll no longer be able to monopolize the Latinx market after this.

>> No.67998577

>Ironmouse and Reimu
>Latinx market

>> No.67998858


>> No.67998880

Learn spanish fucking idiot

>> No.67998966

"CAAAAAASO CERRAAAAAAADO" speedrun bets? I say first week

>> No.67999023

Don't forget the chicken noises.

>> No.67999036

Pablo Escobar compró a tu país, así es como pasamos anuncios gratuítamente gringo pendejo.

>> No.67999069

On a completely unrelated note, I've been reading DBZ for the first time.

>> No.67999100

needs some dog barking in the background and mom arguing with drunk dad

>> No.67999123

comprate un anuncio pelotudo

>> No.67999158

Podría si quisiera y con lo que me sobra me monto a tu mamá dos veces culiao

>> No.67999261

No one watches Reimu bro

>> No.67999364

It's gonna be a speedrun into showing up in fucking Radiofuna, be it as a collab or as the main topic.
If you thought False and DN were dramafags before...

>> No.67999419

Compra uno publicidad

>> No.67999849

Ah yes, I love the country side of the united states of America.

>> No.68000469


>> No.68000522

Aviel cutting on losses. Getting Brave to help them with merch and (possibly) 3D cost him a fair amount. So you shouldn't expect ES anytime soon.

>> No.68000571

more like

>> No.68000649

Latinas are always on auto-menhera mode. This is gonna be a shitshow.

>> No.68000713
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>their biggest graduation was the one who lived in Spain

>> No.68000762

I do agree that Mexico is the country side of USA.

>> No.68000814

>he don't know about hte shaddy terminations of their first gen

>> No.68000857


>> No.68000882


>> No.68000920


>> No.68001211

You're getting Spaniards kek

>> No.68001240
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Kys Vtroon

>> No.68001575

But enough about the Southern U.S.

>> No.68001657
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>> No.68001682

But unlike the white and japanese ones, it’s actually hot.

>> No.68001687

I think there are far easier ways of getting that, anon.

>> No.68001787

true, but the novelty of it being a vtuber + cucking her fans. I can only imagine how good the Riro manager felt.

>> No.68001805

how many spics are even jewish? or jews that speak spanish?
very small talent pool. EN makes sense since there's a ton of kikes in the states and europe.

>> No.68001807

I hope they're Euros and not Latinas

>> No.68001872

How come Brave hasn't bought Idol yet?

>> No.68001896

Do you have evidence any of IdolEN is Jewish?

>> No.68001987

>how many spics are even jewish? or jews that speak spanish?
There's about the same amount of jews in Argentina and the UK, and that's only one country,

>> No.68002096

An Esperanto-speaking gen ? Why ?

>> No.68002141

they're all jewish retard, Idol doesn't hire non jews.

>> No.68002176

Dude... jews aren't the target audience, didn't you see the Hebrew gen dying because they don't pay up?

>> No.68002229

The only Jews are the Israeli ones

>> No.68002292

>he really believes it
im not buying that a kike corpo is hiring non-kikes.

>> No.68002396

You telling me Rin Penrose is a Jew?

>> No.68002413

since when have jews been against whoring out non-jews?

>> No.68002470

Ironmouse, Nimu, Reimu...
Ven a casa.

>> No.68002474

>didn't you see the Hebrew gen dying because they don't pay up?
>they expected kikes to give them donations

>> No.68002724

HOLY SHIT, jewdol is fucked. Any idolfag here? Tell them is a horrible idea. YOU DON'T WANT THE ES AUDIENCE.

>> No.68002792

i thought most south americans were pro palestine?

>> No.68002850

pretty obviously yes.
all these small corpos are fucking trash, its all cucking, yabs, black companies, and money grubbing kikes.
the only good small corpo worth supporting is phase.

>> No.68003233

Donkey show when

>> No.68003267

I don't think they have much of a choice mate. The english sphere is a bit of a poisoned well right now given recent events, and it might continue to be so for a while until things calm down. It's not unreasonable to think that expanding in a different market is the better choice while waiting for tempers to cool over here. So, for the sake of avoiding stagnation, their strategy is to ACCELERATE.

>> No.68003276

Wait until you get cucked

>> No.68003351

If she can flip a tortilla on the range then I’ll marry her

>> No.68003526 [DELETED] 

In terms of popular sentiment South America is more pro-Israel than Europe. Being explicitly pro-Palestinian is a fringe leftist position.

>> No.68003670
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>> No.68004372

idolEN has a 3rd gen debuting soon too already

>> No.68004382

Desde el fondo de mi corazón, desde el fondo de mis entrañas, maldito seas estado de Israel

>> No.68004472

HoloES para cuando?

>> No.68004606

>the only good small corpo worth supporting is phase.
they only need to hire good streamers!

>> No.68004670

I don't think I'll ever stop laughing at how much /vt/ seethes at this corp just because of the juice.

>> No.68004682

Odio a los judíos, antes me pego un tiro que apoyar a una mierda de empresa judía, aún peor, una empresa judía con sede en Israel, arderéis en el infierno sodomizados por Satanás, sionistas subhumanos de mierda

>> No.68004794

holy based

>> No.68006670

cuckstavo is retarded.
also idiots simping for a fucking corpo WEW
>Por ahi unos imb....andna rebuznando que estan relacionados con israel
spics are so fucking stupid, holy shit they can't even do a quick search on google:
>Idol Corp, or simply stylized as idol, is a VTuber agency based in Israel.

>> No.68006764

That anon is the least antisemitic latino you'll see on LATAM

>> No.68006856

Total Kike Death now is personal

>> No.68007289

there was Hispachan that closed down because the admins couldn't get funding to keep the lights on (and because your average retard that posted there was against the idea of something like the 4chan pass as they either couldn't afford it or thought it was dumb)
there's also Forocoches but that one is more or less for Spanish people only, and Taringa which also closed down

>> No.68007376

as always, Cover is late to the party

>> No.68007658

Esto va a salir mal

>> No.68008161

anon, it was decent bait at first but now you're trying too hard

>> No.68008280

Esto se va a descontrolaaaaaar

>> No.68008437

Dude, they're not coming.

>> No.68008532

Not trying to shitpost. If Idol pulls it off, good for them. But this is my concern:
Unless they only hire literal Spaniards from EU, you're talking LatAm, which is a little ahead of NA, but still a similar time zone. Have you noticed how the two most famous Latin American vtubers, Ironmouse and Reimu, stream in English?
It's the same damn problem as ID. Anyone who can speak English is going to try to stream in English because burgers make better paypigs. The literal minimum to have your superchat show up in USD is worth more than a red superchat from Argentina.
But if the talents *don't* speak English, they're going to be contained in their own branch, isolated from everyone else in the company.
Anyway, best of luck to Aviel. I guess we'll wait and see how this ends.

>> No.68008734

Only ARS superchats are that cheap, I'm from another latam country and my akas are worth more than JPY akas

>> No.68008761
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Latino bros, spill the beans! any recently soft graduated/on hiatus/streaming very little ES vtubers that we could be seeing debuting here?
Idol doesn't really require actual graduations, nor deleting PLs, so you can (mostly) discard those

>> No.68008910

Imagine if they hire nimu lmao

>> No.68009784

Central America? The rates seem wildly out of whack. No idea why superchats are so expensive there. That leads to the other problem, which is that 5 USD is way less to an American than, say, 2500 colón are to a Costa Rican.
Maybe Idol is banking on ES1 being the Spanish equivalent to Myth, in which case it could balance out. One thing Spanish *does* have going for it is that most of its speakers are concentrated in a select few time zones.
It's an interesting strategy. On behalf of you guys, I hope it works. I can't imagine how it feels for fucking Wactor being the only corpo of note in your language.

>> No.68010597

sorry to tell you this but no one cares, really, neither the spics that are burned of agencies, and even less the chuubas

>> No.68011051

How many chuubas in this branch do you think will be streaming Sparking Zero when it comes out?

>> No.68011074

They have good streamers already. They just need to work on their fanbase.

>> No.68011166

the cartels will kill anyone that overshadows them in popularity.

>> No.68013277

Aquí no reconocemos a Israel como un estado legítimo

>> No.68014367

omega turbo basado

>> No.68014508

Esto va a ser un desastre. No puedo esperar.
No veo ninguna chuuba en español, ¿alguna recomendación?

>> No.68014912


>> No.68015260
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>> No.68015299

cunny judio uooooh erotico

>> No.68015669

Te hubiera dicho la cobaya, pero ya se graduó, y estoy seguro que es porque va a debutar como judía.

>> No.68015984
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>Forgetting the best one
>Estimados vecinos, andamos recogiendo chatarra como latas viejas, ollas, planchas, pedazos de canoas, bicicletas, alambres de cobre, varilla, refrigeradoras, pedazos de hierro, microondas, baterías en mal estado y todo lo que a usted no le sirva en metales a nosotros nos sirve para fundir. Gracias

>> No.68016152

Nah, I prefer when the fucking scrap dealers come in their minitrucks

>> No.68016673

Judios basados.
Retiro todo lo que he dicho en /p0l/ los ultimos 10 años

En realidad so son nuestros mas grandes aliados.

>> No.68016788

alienado huevon, vete a tu chamba de esclavo y deja de defender a esas mierdas

>> No.68018246 [DELETED] 

¿Idol les paga al menos un sueldo base a sus chuubas? Porque si van a depender de solo superchats, no me imagino que vaya a ser muy rentable para las chicas que se unan.

>> No.68018509

no hablar taco taco faggot, read the rules.

>> No.68018583

Spics were sucking chilean cock (the latam jews) TWO TIMES, first with Akira and then with owozu.
They will suck jew cock a third time and they will like it.

>> No.68018712

Chúpame las weas :D

>> No.68019053

>he doesn't have the chad bakery van rolling up every week

>> No.68019421
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No, no los estoy esperando PUTOS JUDIOS
Owozu imploding reminded me hispanic youtube is a drama hell hole. No one escapes the retardation, not even after joining a foreign corp

>> No.68019591

My oshi only aims for the superior company AKA Hololive, not interested.

>> No.68019933

let's be sincere who will want to join this black corpo with shady terminations of their first gen, rumors of the CEO Aviel Basin having history of tax fraud, the ill intended and termination tweet, and having all the current girls discontent and on the berge of dropping the agency?

>> No.68020045

Nope, pretty much every talented chuuba has made it clear that they don't want to join a corpo since the Wactor fiasco.

>> No.68020389

>also implying that any chuuba will join this corpo after how they terminated Riro
if at least they stfu and just forced her to have a graduation maybe they could scam some girls, but after that i doubt anyone whant to risk that kind of bullshit, they didn't doxxed Riro but they ruined their vtuber carrer.

>> No.68020601

Buy an ad

>> No.68020701

YT is fine, only the Twitch side is full of that shit. Owozu was a twitch agency.

>> No.68020786

Don't want you career ruined? Don't get groomed by mane-san.

>> No.68021124

Congratulations, SEA, you're about to be demoted to the second worst kind of fans.

>> No.68021168

and shoot your agency on the foot by doing that retarded move, showing what kind of subhuman jew you are.

also thats what the jew said, who know what the real reason is, cause you know the fag they kicked was a personal friend of Aviel, i bet you that the faggot tried to jew Aviel and fag got caught, and probably other talents where involbed with that but Riro was jewing more mone than the other.

>> No.68021257

>your average retard that posted there was against the idea of something like the 4chan pass as they either couldn't afford it or thought it was dumb
based desu

>> No.68021323
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I am disappoint, sonic.

>> No.68022707

Most of the Ex-WACTOR’s already invested quite a bit in their new models and personas so I don’t think they would be tempted no matter how much jewbucks they offer to get a corpo leash again.
Besides literal who 1 views the only other girl that comes to mind is Endou Lily who graduated last year from a small corpo and has only appeared seldomly in twitter with a new account but that girl’s goal has always been Holo.

>> No.68023073

>Broken promises: never trust the jews

>> No.68023205
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There better be flour tortilla cooking streams, or else they aren’t competent enough to become waifus.

>> No.68023275

My old oshi knew how to make chocolate from fresh cacao seeds, does that count?

>> No.68024214

Latinxs are better than SEA tho. They have manners.

>> No.68024425

Not bad. That’s some small village stuff or cooking autism.
Even I have never made chocolate by hand and my grandma owns a small lot full of cacao trees.

>> No.68024519

No one cares. Give us HoloES

>> No.68024524


>> No.68024544

>no estáis
yeah I don't think so

>> No.68024576

es el fin para Hololive...

>> No.68024688

Latam doesn’t have many angry unicorns so it won’t be too bad.

>> No.68025013

>They have manners
They are probably the most gossiping drama inducing online community. Shitstorms are 100% guaranteed.

>> No.68025048

please no mexican chuuba

>> No.68025313

they hired a sudaca manager bc its cheaper and they're jews kek

>> No.68025338

El porno de los 80 y 90 me condicionó a que el acento de las españolas es sexo puro.

>> No.68025362

How long till this corpo falls under?

>> No.68025549
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>> No.68029144

Spics are more rabid for different and dumber reasons

>> No.68029214 [DELETED] 

worst, they have a legion of groomers that will skin alive any girl that refuse their advances kek

>> No.68029497

Sounds like based to me

>> No.68030015

Until you hear one of them rapes your oshi and is not you

>> No.68033398
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Es tu hora de emprender tus suenos. Estas motivado?

>> No.68033603

oaxaqueña oshi? wakala

>> No.68033772

Please no Mexicans. Please bring some South Americans, you dumb jew

>> No.68033785


>> No.68033897

It is the worst time to do this at least we have had 3-4 companies fail and mistreat their talents in the last year (one right now), All the good chuubas are traumatized by the companies and prefer to take over everything because they already realized they can do it and are not willing to share their profits.

>> No.68034388

>zionist org
>spic market
Also here's a sneak peak

>> No.68034995
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>> No.68036542

>there was Hispachan
Dude, Hispachan was Facebook-tier. There was nothing of value in that place.

>> No.68037054

I just hope it's not chicanas. Those are the worst people they could hire.

>> No.68037152

vtuber latinas are probably ugly, anyway. If they weren't, they would just stream the old way

>> No.68038487

Basado. Idol está en Israel?

>> No.68038765

>Joining Idol after all that Wactor BS/Fiasco and Riro
Nah senpai.

>> No.68038881

Couldn't be worse than Wactor. They probably are the blackest company in existence.

>> No.68039142

So how the cuck meme gonna to work? over here is called cornudo

>> No.68039258

You mean the ones that mostly had the shittiest handling of all time? How is that Drama?

>> No.68039303

cucked = cuqueado

>> No.68039433

We spics are the literal worst and ALL Latin-American Women on the internet are whores, this is my warning to you, NO ONE will be a virgin, the chances of everyone selected will have a trained Imouto voice are 100%.

Expect at least 2 “Pick me” land whales or 3 broken homes anorexic lunatics. Years ago, I learned that real female weebs/Otaku are extremely rare to this day and really 9 out of 10 only know of anime because of a past boyfriend. I only knew of a single girl who got into anime on her own and was quite the super nerdy Otaku, but she was a nut job, I got to know her a bit, she broke up with her bf and had a massive meltdown, she stalked him for months and crashed a farewell party of him before he left to live/work in Spain. She had the cops called on her.

>> No.68039507

Based, did you tell her to become a chuuba? She could borrow from Michael Cat's Menhera energy and reek on thousands of simp bucks.

>> No.68039801

Huh, I thought they gave up after the Seina yab (whom was a highly possible debut candidate for idol ES)

>> No.68039850

There is nothing wrong with Kai

>> No.68040220

I really hope we get some Spaniards. And preferably not Russian immigrants this time.

>> No.68040327

inb4 riro joins and that's why she has been so absent the past couple of months

>> No.68040469

I'm betting on 1 Spaniard out of a gen with 4 girls, 2 Spaniards+ LatAms if there feeling fancy

>> No.68040508

Reminded me of this video

>> No.68041721

Reimu is no way even close to compete with vtubers like Meica or Emikukis. Ironmouse is well know but no one actually watches her not Reimu within the ES audience.

>> No.68042172

>famous Latin American vtubers
she does not speak spanish nor is from latin America, she's from an USA colony if anything

>> No.68042772

They should hire kyOresu, i heard she got kicked out of her vtuber agency recently, she be perfect for them

>> No.68043351

Redpill me on ES chuubas

>> No.68044587

drop the teaser already

>> No.68045057

Hololive sleeping on spanish
Please, have Lily Endou in idolES. She was good at making original content.

>> No.68045360

>women in male hobbies are all attentionwhores, severely damaged, or imprinted on their past bfs' interests
Is this news to you, anon? It's has always been like this. Btw there's not a single(1) virgin female chuuba

>> No.68045439

>Btw there's not a single(1) virgin female chuuba
Is there a single virgin female (>15yo)?

>> No.68045622

>Hololive sleeping on spanish
Nothing to sleep on

>> No.68046545

Only time I watched her was when she was teaching Spanish words to Chammers and I was disappointed by how bad her Spanish was.

>> No.68046662

How fast is the fastest one gonna talk and will anyone be able to understand her?
Also will they argue about mexican spanish versus castillian spanish?

>> No.68046697

Gonna be at least 1 Chileño no matter what. I could see a Peruano too.

>> No.68046771

Me chupan un huevo estas minas

>> No.68046848


>> No.68046904

So exactly like /vt/ then?

>> No.68046964

>Taringa closed down
Works on my machine, mentiroso.

>> No.68047045

Good, anda a chingar a otro lado pinche unicornio.

>> No.68047064
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>> No.68047103

hay shurs por aquí?

>> No.68047165

No onions un unicornio, pendejo, les advierto a los unicornios, maricones gringos y otros webones que no conocen a la mujer latina moderna y de seguro seré inmortalizado, je, je, je.

>> No.68047236
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>> No.68047344
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if there's one cute aryan Catalunya girl among them I'll be happy

>> No.68047388 [DELETED] 

>cree que los gringos les interesan las que quieren ser idol hispanas

Ya les arde el culo con Calli y van a fijarse en spicy latinas. Si piensan que son como Reimu puta madre si se equivocan.

Por otro lado, Idol es más serio que las últimas agencias que han salido por este lado. Donde todas han dejado más que desear... Es cosa de ver la cagada que quedó con owozu

>> No.68047444

>catalan or basque girl
>is constantly trying to disrupt the madrileña

>> No.68047544

is there even a single catalan vtuber?

>> No.68047549

here's my wishlist

1. a brown chihuahua loli that is officially sponsored by Taco Bell and gives taco flavored kisses
2. a big tiddy sex hag that will have a hot mic yab by month 2 that ends up revealing she is a single mother of 3 children, and despite a relentless torrent of ensuing cuckposting, manages to prove herself as the best GFE in the entire vtuber industry
3. Riro wearing a mustache
4. Goku, who will be the sole male talent Idol ever has, officially drawn by Akira Toriyama himself
5. mandatory korean streaming mafia token

>> No.68048062

Owozu ended up being worse

>> No.68048276

Feels good that my oshi is 100% unicorn friendly but I'm not telling any of you because retards like this >>68047045
would go bother us.

>> No.68048923 [DELETED] 


>> No.68049077

Literally zero market for it.

>> No.68049174
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She's in.

>> No.68049179

>officially drawn by Akira Toriyama himself
A latina chuuba designed by Toriyama would be an instant success. Hell, even one designed by Toyotaro would be enough.
A shame no one in the industry is smart enough to ask any of them for their help.

>> No.68049221

Yes anon, their first vtubers streamed on hebrew, IdolHE: Lily, Emi, Neo, Nikki, Kattarina.
3of these Girls where terminated on shady circunstances and forced to graduate before the contract ended.

>> No.68049295

3 cunnies terminated just like that and to this day no explanation was given.

>> No.68050082
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just look at the nose of the CEO Aviel Basin.

>> No.68050137

>Hola! I am uh...Lilo Lon here for the application!

>> No.68050147

sounds like kino. the off collabs with the inevitable male members would be off the charts kino

>> No.68050395
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I seize this opportunity to condemn one more time, from the bottom of my soul, from my viscera, ldol ES. Damn you, Idol ES. Damn you! Terrorist and assassin!

>> No.68050514

>he thinks that anyone on the western or EN side of vtubing is a virgin

lmao, western women are worse than latina women

>> No.68050631

Good, at least now the ESfags will stop bothering /hlgg/ with their requests for an ES branch. God I fucking hate spics
t. spic

>> No.68050667 [DELETED] 
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they are coming for LATAM now, they were not happy with destroying the western civilization, they will spread their cancer on our continet now!
thewy already did they first move with Argentina and now are spreading their woke cancer with the media we consume.
prepare for trans rights, Veneco lives matter!, and mass immigration of mudslimes to latam.

>> No.68050969

>there are people here that still don't know that Idol Corp was founded with monetary help from the state of Israel
spics are indeed very stupid.

>> No.68051184

Retarded bait

>> No.68051390
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>> No.68051409

fuck off idolfag nobody knows idol corp existence in the first place

>> No.68051472
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>> No.68051548

Jew tunnels on Buenos Aires!

>> No.68051749

Waiting for a monkey themed member so I can taste her sopa de macaco(piss)

>> No.68052664

>she wants her oshi to remain poor and irrelevant
Weird flex, but ok

>> No.68052752

You wish. Him >>68051390 and the next president of Mexico are jews, and Argentina+Mexico is like the 80% of the whole ES audience.

>> No.68052792

Hopefully, the odds of cartels grooming vtubers are low.

>> No.68053562
File: 516 KB, 1583x2048, 20231017_140200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this company? It seems they are trying to be Natamo 2.0

>> No.68055391

The goyim know shut it down

>> No.68055751


>> No.68056588


>> No.68056952

I will now travel to Spain to look for ToT

>> No.68056983

post her rapebait bod

>> No.68057051

The global south stands in solidarity with Palestine. Up yours idol corp.

>> No.68057123


>> No.68057131

One of them was getting raped by her manager and they fired her to save face.

>> No.68057225

They're the most relevant vtuber show currently

>> No.68057234
File: 347 KB, 1528x1528, pk5nn1c8qdw61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't want Settler colonial nations helping a region with such a rich people's history.
Israel drops more bombs than Franco did

>> No.68057249


Ya pasó, dejad de discutir y salid a la calle a tiraros flechas como es costumbre por allí.

Luego ya si eso nos matamos de verdad por futbol o monas chinas.

>> No.68057261

Just like Owozu!

>> No.68057285
File: 155 KB, 743x179, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was not talking about Riro Ron (KyOresu) but the Israelite girls before idolEN ever existed.

>> No.68057306


>> No.68057310

You got her number? I want a spicy batshit crazy Latina

>> No.68057377

Todo por que la mierda de barco useño explotó por los vagos de abordo.

>> No.68057415

wasn't Katt Aviel gf? kek the bastard fired Tomer for doing the same he did in the past lol

>> No.68057435

You sound like an expert on such sucking.

>> No.68057474

Oh they probably were also raped and discarded. That country is full of convicted rapists that escaped first world countries.

>> No.68057491

SEA is more prone to attack the chuubas. When one ES fan thinks that any vtuber is his acquintance, defense might even be irrational.

>> No.68057539

Owning cacao trees and not doing cacao is such a waste...

>> No.68057645

If Franco was like this the civil war wouldn't have happened.

>> No.68057690

The basque girl in minecraft, with a shitload of TNT...

>> No.68057712
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sigh... It's all so tiresome

>> No.68057721

>God I fucking hate spics
>t. spic

It checks out anon, good job!

>> No.68057743

>3of these Girls where terminated on shady circunstances
They probably got terminated because they couldn't pull enough numbers. The Jews don't really give a fuck about brand loyalty or things like that. If something doesn't produce money, they get rid of it.

>> No.68057813

then why some girl from the EN branchs still exist if they barelly pass the 100 ccv mark

>> No.68057877

>Ironmouse and Reimu
Iron knows spanglish at best and Reimu speaks spanish well but it seems like she is ashamed of speaking the language, for some reason.

>> No.68057916

Lo dices como si la comunidad angloparlante fuera un paraiso.
Gringo wannabe de mierda

>> No.68057944

nijishit don't pay her if she speak on spanish kek

>> No.68058073

Don't you phasecucks have anything better to do than thread read?

>> No.68058153

>Oy vey, shut it down!
>P-P-Phasecucks fuck off

>> No.68058387

You’d need to build an entire corpo around Toriyama’s art style, it’d stick out so much next to a chuuba from like Izumi-papa or Kanzarin. This is why shit like Dragon Quest just goes all in on that art style.

>> No.68058464

Actually they do some really slutty member’s ASMR so I know like two of them for that.

>> No.68059046

>t. SEA
I would ask the same about you lot

>> No.68059197

You forgot
>random barking
>"tamales calientitos" passing by

>> No.68059312

>there's a high chance of this happening in a menhera lapse/inminent graduation

>> No.68059378

>wactor 2.0
I can't wait

>> No.68059453

nice new 2views

>> No.68059486

ew mexicans

>> No.68059488

>LoyalMiutomo is a mod there already

>> No.68059496

>"se compra, colchones, tambores, refrigeradores..." passing by

>> No.68059505


>> No.68059528

Hate that reactionary corp as much as I hate the genocidal exploitative corp that is idol corp

>> No.68059614

go back

>> No.68059698

My man in christ, you can send akas in colombian pesos, one of the most devaluated money in the world

>> No.68059777

where did the SEA man molest you

>> No.68060110

Still going to laugh at all of you when it comes out this is a Mossad psyop with infinite money behind it to make (You) love open borders and absolute degeneracy. It literally is a jewish psyop agency.

>> No.68060269

unlike normal vtubers...?

>> No.68060283

i remember that Riro broadcasting the spanish news saying how fucked the thing where at Gaza on her last stream, the termination notice was posted some days after that.

>> No.68060299

The grimier parts of Japan has those believe it or not.

>> No.68060427

i want en 3, i dont speak spanish

>> No.68060484

Anon, Misora was never in Japan.

>> No.68060708

why, do you fucks hate mexicans?
also answer where you are from if you do hate them, that info is also interesting

>> No.68060720


>> No.68060896

Talking about Phase, they are probably the best company for an ES branch debut, considering the fish doesn't give a fuck how crazy his chuubas are. Your crazy latina chuuba would be just your average menhera member of phase, or even milder.

>> No.68061730

All south america hates mexicans because they're a bunch of self-absorbed fags that pretend the world has to accommodate to them just like Americans

>> No.68061801

Not sure about that one. Phase has only managed to keep itself from collapsing by having their mentally ill talents have each others' backs when it comes to yabs, while from what I've seen of ES companies a lot of their deaths involve internal catfighting between members. Bringing the latter into the former would be a recipe for disaster.

>> No.68061833

argies are a substantial part of the ES fanbase and they are OBSESSED with Mexico

>> No.68061837

The only thing good about them is their food

>> No.68061884

>she stalked him for months and crashed a farewell party of him before he left to live/work in Spain. She had the cops called on her.

>> No.68061912

Mexiniggers are the ones obsessed with argies tho

>> No.68061927

Yo no apoyo a ninguna compañía del estado ilegítimo de Israel, ni tampoco le doy mi dinero a judíos.

>> No.68061989

Their food is disgusting, what the fuck is that shit about mixing snacks with a bunch of shit

>> No.68062011

you sure about that bro? the proportion of mexican hate to argie hate posts is easily 100:1
we both know who the obsessed ones really are, and it's not mexicans

>> No.68062072
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>> No.68062076

Where are you from?

>> No.68062087

get fucked? explain with examples
shit taste

>> No.68062135
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>> No.68062138


>> No.68062228
File: 12 KB, 1010x92, 16 Argentine president says.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68062405

>go to any spanish speaking vtuber channel
>one argie is spamming chat by throwing cheap 0.25 cents superchats
no thanks

>> No.68062844


>> No.68062880

And fucking mexie youtubers talking everything in pesos instead of USD that everyone can understand

>> No.68063077

>Why do you get mexicans?
The fucking irony kek, you are more likely to see chilean hate from an argie than anything else. It's time to stop coping.

>> No.68063196

Friendly reminder that mexicas got buttfucked by tlaxcaltecas and they have my eternal respect for that.

>> No.68063429

I have heard from some Argies that they consider Chileans traitors to South America, why?

>> No.68063518

They always allied the British in wars against other South American countries, for centuries at this point.

>> No.68063519

stop! you can't expose us in front of fucking gringos like that

>> No.68063836

Argentina tried to invade Chile multiple times so Chile chose to help the british in the Falklands war

>> No.68063838

be more economically relevant next time
borra sto

>> No.68065477

