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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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6796673 No.6796673 [Reply] [Original]

>openly hates and talks smack about the country roads cover
KFP defend this please. How would she feel if people openly hated Sparks?

>> No.6796716

she wasnt the pure focus of the cover, of course she hates it.

>> No.6796736

Cum in my ass, Anon.

>> No.6796891

She hates America

>> No.6796943

>open and honest, even if it means criticizing something she worked on
wow how can we defend this!

>> No.6797000

>Got banned for shitting on Sparks
You tell me...

>> No.6797010


Not at all. She said she loves the US, but just that they should treat minorities better like they do in Europe.

>> No.6797023

Her contribution isn't the only thing that matters. The genmates who sang too, the people in charge of mixing. All of those people worked on it and she just trashes it.

>> No.6797027
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I'm no KFP, but it's the worst HoloEN song by a long shot.

>> No.6797051

the country roads covered sucked, openingly hating and talking smach about it is the only good thing about kiara

>> No.6797058

>we need to make a song that I LIKE
Wow, the "ME ME ME" meme is actually real.

>> No.6797082

the people in charge of mixing deserve it

>> No.6797083

She's right.
The sound quality is shit, the mixing is shit, the autotune is shit.

>> No.6797188

>but just that they should treat minorities better like they do in Europe.
... it would probably absolutely destroy her career but suddenly i want kiara to get baited into talking about gypsies because you can get some hilarious whiplash when you get a euro who was just talking about how minorities are treated in america onto the subject of gypsies

>> No.6797192

The country roads cover was pretty ass. No one sang well in that.

>> No.6797215

Just listened to it. It doesn't sound good, Ina sounds the weirdest, and I thought you guys were joking about Takamori being pushed everywhere

>> No.6797304

The autotune kills it and sucks the soul out of everyone's singing.

>> No.6797324

The comments in the clip are fucking cringey, but there are a few that are on point

>> No.6797338

It really was bad, but the excuses people give in threads about it don't really make sense.
>They recorded it from home instead of using a professional studio, that's why it sucks
This does have a negative impact, but this one was recorded under the same conditions and sounds much better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfEUPlRuPac
>They weren't allowed retakes
How so? Weren't they recording from home and that was the reason why it sucked? Who would stop them from doing as many retakes as they found necessary? Or do you mean they weren't allowed to do it all over again once the song was ready? No shit.

>> No.6797470

>It has her in it but it wasn't posted on her channel.

>> No.6797540

Because it's trash anon, not because people work hard on something it inmediately makes it good.

>> No.6797559

Yeah, I've heard some of the ENs sing and they seem fine so I don't know why the person in charge decided to do that to their voices.

>> No.6797560

Fuck, meant to reply to this >>6796716

>> No.6797660
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>i want to create something together
fucking falseflagger
keep sucking Cover's cock

>> No.6797881

To be fair it’s not that great of a cover.

>> No.6797902


>> No.6797915

So is Sparks so that makes it ok if I superchat Kiara saying Sparks is shit right? After all I'm just being honest.

>> No.6797969

>Management ask for a collab song
>Instead of a song that talks to everyone they choose Gura's meme song
>Ask each member for recording, give them no instruction
>Members records at home with shitty microphone
>Management keep the first recording and doesn't provide feedback nor ask for second recording or anything
>They take literally months to provide the final mixing, no feedback during that time
>The result is shit

Gee... I wonder why she hates it.

>> No.6798021

She hates it because it is not about herself.

>> No.6798026

You did this yesterday to eggman.
They all hated it, nobody talks about it.

>> No.6798068

So why does Mori also hates it?

>> No.6798148

Kiara hates it because she personally doesn't like the song. She made that pretty clear.

>> No.6798241

It's kinda based she would put it so bluntly. Respect up for the chickenslut.

>> No.6798251

That's not what she said, but let's pretend you're right.

Imagine taking Gura's signature song and forcing all five of them to sing it. How is that a unity song?

>> No.6798319
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Meanwhile, Diamond City Lights is still praised to this very day. Looks like NijiEN wins again!

>> No.6798366

I mean... go ahead, you're just giving her money retard.

>> No.6798369

>interjecting random nijishit into as many threads as you can
This is why nobody likes you

>> No.6798379

That song sucks ass and i dont mean the cover, the song is such dogshit, i have no fucking idea how yoy fucking hicks and tyrones in the hood could even listen to these fucking dogshit rappers

>> No.6798412

So Kiara will force them to all sing something she likes instead. Much better.

>> No.6798496

its a meme of a song i'd hate it too

>> No.6798578

Can't she just keep her opinions to herself? Of course not, it's Kiara.

>> No.6798668

>Recorded in October when nobody had good mics.
>All 5 of them recorded the song solo and had no input as to which parts would be used where
>Horrible mixing on top of the already shit sandwich.
Mori also hated it, Ame mentioned she didn't like it and Gura and Ina never talked about it, they all hate it, its absolute shit.

>> No.6798669

how is my video being posted again? i thought it was run into the ground like three days ago

>> No.6798677

The comments in the clip say that Austrians hate that song like americans hate Wonderwall, is this true?

>> No.6798704

I know this song because of Whisper of the Heart, I imagine the same is true for many of the people who are into Hololive, especially the JP side. Dismissing it as "a meme song" seems kind of stupid. It is kind of a normie song, I guess, but this is the same company where everyone loves to cover Naruto openings.

>> No.6798764

I don't care if it is a meme song outside of Hololive, it's a meme song inside Hololive thanks to Gura.

>> No.6798780 [DELETED] 

Agreed. She should eat the shit cover tosses onto her like Gura does.

>> No.6798784

didn't you make this same exact thread yesterday?
the cover is objectively ass

>> No.6798827

>cant critique something without comparing it to something else
It was garbo, im pretty sure all the other holos said the same. Whats your problem?

>> No.6798863

did any holo defend that song?
when they posted it they all sent signals that they were not happy of how it turned out
this is a weak bait

>> No.6798877

Egg cord is furious that they're being deplatformed and they blame Kiara for it.

>> No.6798898

Why is that?

>> No.6798924
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stay mad doxniggers

>> No.6798943

euros are a thousand times more racist. america has always been a melting pot, but europeans view their countries as homelands, one culture, not a hodgepodge of cultures.
yes, the melting pot of old was a white melting pot, but over time the melting pot has expanded, meanwhile europe is still viewed as a homeland with one dominant culture for each country, unlike the u.s which has a dominant culture divorced from race or general norms -- as real as american culture is, it is far less defined and far more ideological than other cultures.

>> No.6798974

wtf I love Kiara now

>> No.6798988

She can sing Sparks a whole stream to make you like it

>> No.6799003

>mixers fucked up everything they possibly could've
>their mics were shit at the time
>non of their voices mix well together
>they are all autotuned either poorly or too much,
>took literally like half a year to record and put the song together
>le funni meme song
kiara's right. this cover is really, really bad.

>> No.6799083

Because of HER.

>> No.6799209

Is it like asking IRyS to sing Renai Circulation like 300 thousand morons were doing in her Karaoke Stream?

>> No.6799262

Wouldn't want to trigger autists with those hot opinions, no siree.
Get a grip faggot.

>> No.6799273

The promoted it at the end of the pummel party collab on Gura's channel (probably a requirement from Cover) and then never again.

At best they are silent at worse they openly hate it. Nobody said anything good about it.

>> No.6799278

You need to let go, OP.

>> No.6799592

Her roomate is streaming soon
Graduation imminent.
Can't wait to see her onlyfans.

>> No.6799788

To be fair, the cover was pretty bad, almost like everyone sang alone and just put it together and trying to make it as presentable as possible. Wasn't the audio recorded on like october too? I am surprised they even made a big deal about it when it was okay at best

>> No.6799799

I hate her but she is right about this shit song.

>> No.6799932

chumkekslol pls go to bed

>> No.6800319


The songs was already famous in Hololive before Gura. This was Haachama signature song when she was in Australia and she already had a cover of it

>> No.6800628

You know it's bait when someone is defending that shitty cover

>> No.6800664

For the retakes, I think it was a producer / management blocking them. Something like they already put the work into mixing the original vocals and they didn't want to do it again with a retake.

>> No.6800722

I think you'd be pretty made if random bands of squatters managed to start living in your neighborhood, stealing shit, causing crime, and being assholes in general to the other people in their community. Good thing there's no culture in the US that parades that mentality.

>> No.6800757

You tard they all hated it. No comment from ina though kek

>> No.6800766

Whether it's shitty or not doesn't matter, it's rude to the people involved to say it publicly. If Gura said Sparks is dogshit would she be wrong? No, but I think we both agree that even if Sparks is dogshit you probably shouldn't say it on a stream.

>> No.6800975

That sounds pretty reasonable to me, the song is ready, of course they don't get retakes in this case. Who would expect any different?

>> No.6801204

I mean I don't know the time frames they asked for retakes, so it may or may not have been reasonable; but you can also compare this to the Sonic movie. Original design of Sonic was shit, and they literally delayed the movie to redesign it to look more like actual Sonic and not just a furry.

Do it in one take = shit product
Take the time and effort to do it right = well made product

>> No.6801269

The actual reality of gypsies has nothing to do with the humor of it

>> No.6801283

Didn't we have the exact same thread less than 36 hours ago? Or do you want to regurgitate the same shit until you somehow get this board to defend that shitty mess of a cover from Cover?

>> No.6801313

They only remade parts that were already added in post, they didn't go back to rerecord the entire movie from scratch. Wanting a retake on the vocals for a finished song feels closer to the latter to me. But I don't know shit about music production, I could be entirely wrong.

>> No.6801343

>two nijiEN collab songs are decent
>holoEN collab song is trash even though they're better singers on average than nijiEN
does this accurately describe their personality too? shit at collabs due to no chemistry but their solo streams are decent whereas nijiEN collabs are great but their solo streams need variety?

>> No.6801351

This thread is a false flag to drum up support for kiara by attacking her for the only good thing she's ever done

>> No.6801397

but the people involved in it already said it was bad.

>> No.6801501

Yes, we did

>> No.6801533

What? They're just roaming bands of assholes who ruin the areas they walk into by being absolute menaces to everyone that isn't in their group.

>> No.6801585

Not all of them. If 9/10 people agreed Sparks is shit and they worked on it would it be acceptable for them to make public tweets about how the song is awful? This is basic professional behavior my man, even if you privately think something is bad you don't burn bridges by shitting on work publicly unless you're the only one involved.

Now Kiara is whining the Hololive staff don't want to work with her. Consider why that might be.

>> No.6801647

Gura and Mori are the only good singers in HoloEN, and i define "good" loosely here

>> No.6801650
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Did anyone here actually like the cover? Be honest.

>> No.6801668


>> No.6801706

No, Mori was the only decent sounding voice and everyone else sounding like the Chipettes

>> No.6801988

I agree but nijiEN did it twice and hit it out of the park twice while holoEN cant do one collab song worth for shit is a good overview of each branch imo.

>> No.6802050

Even though Ina's voice was fucked from the autotune I thought she kinda sounded cool like that. To me it's not a bad cover but definitely not of the caliber that it should have been for the first EN original collab song.

>> No.6802069

people like kiara and kfp dont understand no matter how cut throat the field, there is a time and place for competitiveness & a time and place to not bring up petty shit. they will soon end up like matsuri with no friends wanting to be with her and even work colleagues not interested in them.

they'll realize it soon enough.

>> No.6802120

Trash song produced in a trash way, I can see why she hates it

>> No.6802264

Just listened to it. It really doesn't sound very good.

>> No.6802294

It was bad, like every EN collab song, except for Mori's. The solo ones are good, but Getcha, Cloudy Sheep and Spiral Tones are the only EN collabs that don't sound awful.

>> No.6802300

sauce where the people who worked on Sparks shit on it?

>> No.6802313

> first EN original collab song.
Obviously didn't mean original

>> No.6802482

I was talking about country roads, not sparks. Sorry if it wasn't so specific.

>> No.6802544

>If 9/10 people agreed Sparks is shit and they worked on it would it be acceptable for them to make public tweets about how the song is awful?

If there is a consensus then sure, there’s nothing wrong with that as long as they affirm that they can/will do better.

>> No.6802564
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This thread

>> No.6802684
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Ohhhh fuck here they come!

>> No.6802724

Eggs are nice though, they hatch into little chicks

>> No.6802829

egg is a transgender bullshit term so eggposters are falling for a leftist meme ploy.

>> No.6802865

Not the rotten ones

>> No.6802962

Fair enough. Eggs that are neglected go bad

>> No.6802965

it sounds like shit Kiara is right
Why did the whole group have to sing guras meme song?

>> No.6803121

Its better than Sparks though. Kiara is just seething that Gura got to pick Holo ENs theme song

>> No.6803271

Actually, this would be a great opportunity for them to gather around and make an original song just to show that they can do a lot better than this cover.

>> No.6803319

You talk as if you have years of experience in this line of work or you have the slightest idea of how things going behind the scenes. Sure every outsider's perspective matters, but saying that a talent can't criticize a shit product just because they're a pseudo public figure is fucking stupid. I don't think anyone involved in that hot mess can say they're proud of the release, because it could have been done so much better than it eventually was.
If you want to talk about professionalism then talk about how the company or whoever was behind the release refused any improvement to the product despite having 6 months, or at least 5 months, before it made it to their channel.
> whining the hololive staff don't want to work with her
Nigger you even got the timeline wrong. How the fuck can anyone see you with any credibility if you're just pulling shits out of your ass?

>> No.6803362

It's laughable that NijiEN has two original group songs, while HoloEN has been around for 10 months without a single one.

>> No.6803375

sounds like something a breeder would say

>> No.6803389
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>You talk as if you have years of experience in this line of work
I do

>> No.6803503

>Publicly shit talk creators in a small industry
>Wonder why nobody wants to work with you anymore
It's unprofessional and a terrible for your career. Kiara especially should know better since shes already been blacklisted from an industry for doing this.

>> No.6803598

wtf i love Kiara now???

>> No.6803725

>It's unprofessional and a terrible for your career.
nobody cares

>> No.6803745

Made a new song, no attention
Then it came out so I started bitchin'
Wasn't the focus so it made me seethe
Yes I really do believe that it missed something

Me me me, KFP
Entitled hi no tori
Need attention, give me love
Me me me, KFP

>> No.6803805

> Gender: Male

>> No.6803843

all kiara hate is from that russian divorced middle aged discordfag obsessed with her because his ex wife took the kids. why dont you stop posting and play with your kids before they grow up to hate you?

>> No.6803955

I thought it was all SEAniggers. Why does the KFP boogeyman change every 3 months.

>> No.6804073

almost time to pay that alimony. tick tok

>> No.6804080

Kiara hates America

>> No.6804081

Most people who now know of it because of Fallout 76 reviving interest in it than anything else. That's why it became a meme enough for HER to cover it which then turned it into a meme song for Gura.

>> No.6804140

America does fucking everything for its stupid minorities. The complaining is pure Tocqueville effect.

>> No.6804149

Had they done it now with them more experienced and more in touch with each other it wouldnt have sounded half as bad. Of course the other half is that fucking mixing. I have only mixed podcasts so I shouldnt be talking but, fuck sake nothing about that mix sounded good. It was almost like they tried to make it bad on purpose, and of course the autotune was just the cum cherry on the shit sundae.

>> No.6804245

>defending a memesong
Kiara is right and based as usual

>> No.6804360

You haven't seen it yet?

>> No.6804607

I wonder if cover only realised that Gura can sing after they heard her covered 'Ride on time'.

On a slightly more serious note, I get the feeling that Cover isn't focusing so much on EN up to the point where they would need to make their gen songs like their JP counterparts. At the time God only knows where HoloEN will end up in a few months as it was uncharted territory for them. Anykara probably had those originals prepped up knowing that expanding their business in the west will be a bit easier now though with competition of course so they had to step up.

I think IRyS is another litmus test for Cover to see how the reception would be like for releasing THEIR songs in the western market, like AZKi or Sora-type songs.

>> No.6804682

>I think IRyS is another litmus test for Cover to see how the reception would be like for releasing THEIR songs in the western market, like AZKi or Sora-type songs.
If marketed right, I'm sure they can catch the weeb crowd pretty easily. Hatsune Miku opened up for Lady Gaga once so another wave is bound to happen.

>> No.6805808

I know /vt is a timeloop, but you're taking it too literally

>> No.6805866

i’m in awe of kiara’s alpha personality.

>> No.6806251

Alphas being well known for having weekly mental breakdowns over not being popular enough of course

>> No.6807154

Kiara was right about that cover. It was bad.

>> No.6807262

I like her honesty

>> No.6807835
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someone's angry

>> No.6807973

You niggas should start a fucking magazine, holy shit. Is it true this board is mostly women? You people shit like TMZ to shame.
>Mori Calliope and Kiara BREAK UP!?
>Gura talks DEATH in the family
>Ina and Amelia CAUGHT bathing together
>Headline: Kiara said WHAT?!

>> No.6808128
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kek that would be a good read to be fair

>> No.6808292

Because its not about kiara

>> No.6809447

Shit song
Egg discarded

>> No.6809577

Based chicken.

>> No.6809921

To be fair, it wasn't that good. It also lacked soul. Like Gura's natsuiro days cover. EN songs have been hit or miss.

>> No.6810107

Not enough ME in the song

>> No.6810235

Based Kiara

>> No.6812448

Not enough nigger gibberish extoling the profound benefits of phentanyl abuse.

>> No.6812519

>No way she’s hating on Cover official collab project
>it’s real
Wtf I love Kiara now.

>> No.6812704

That could be said about every Anti threat these days. What actually bad thing has she done in recent memory? If your best milk is her being resentful towards management over their shitty scheduling then you need to find a new cow.

>> No.6812813

Sparks is her song. Country Roads is just a meme cover song. No one gives a shit, except fo Zawa shitters and doxxers.

>> No.6812885

she is unironically right though
