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File: 189 KB, 1200x1694, __uruha_rushia_and_uruha_rushia_hololive_drawn_by_mikan_chipstar182__14ced386ddc8b0c1f680eba580590f10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67965977 No.67965977 [Reply] [Original]

what happens if a corpo chuuba spills the beans, all of them but then she kills herself
who gets sued, who would take the blame for it?
the manager? the family?

let's just suppose (as an example) tomorrow mikecat goes full schizo and reveals everything about covercorp, from talent names to
NDA contracts
and then fucking kills herself before any lawyer shows up at her door

they'll just get fucked or might go after someone?

or what if she goes to a third world country to live in a rural area, would the company actually try to track her down, expending more resources than whatever they might get from suing her?

just a random shower though i had

>> No.67966029

The platform, or estate if there is one

>> No.67966043

I hope she kill mfmf faggot before that
Would be totally KINO

>> No.67966067

The FBI and Interpol are already on the case

>> No.67966221

What do you mean "who would they sue"? An NDA is two parts of protection, against people signing NDA's leaking information, but also against the spread of that information. They'd go after whichever site publishes or hosts any of the info leaked by the NDA. If people say family/connections/etc. they're fucking retarded. It's between the contracted parties, and the protected IP.

>> No.67966272

If anything she will go nuclear on mfmf so this thread is pointless

>> No.67966398

Let's say mikeneko post it on 4chan with a gold account, would've mean 4chan could've dead?

>> No.67966525

mfmf is POS for publicly criticizing greenwoman on a livestream just to save his ass on public that he is in fact married

>> No.67966535

As long as they can prove they make a good faith effort to take it down, 4chan would likely win any case brought against it.

>> No.67966597

You know the funny thing is that someone smart in her position would be in a prime position to put the hurt on a ton of holos. Someone smart enough to compile and source damaging material, and to avoid developing a reputation as an unmedicated schizo… kind of a stretch I suppose.

>> No.67966698

Most private/personal info is pretty well controlled within companies. Think about how much you know about your cow-orkers, it's really only the retarded ones that overshare everything

>> No.67966845

Cover probably dropped Rushia because they were afraid of this scenario after reading her messages to Krkr. No matter how much BS her allegations are, heroing herself while being in the company would make them seem a lot more creditable while dropping a “Your employee hero’d” bomb on top of that.
If they are just ex-employee, though, the more time passes from their firing, the less connected they will be to the company and the easier it will be to deny everything. Like, if Miguel does a tell-all now, Cover can just claim that those were nonsense from a menhera and most fans will accept it unless there are solid evidences against them

>> No.67966869

She would be canonized by the unicorns. Highest order of martyrdom from their cause.

>> No.67967674
File: 591 KB, 498x498, nanashi-mumei-dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you cover your ass and only share confidential information on a need to know basis. For this whole rrat to work Cover would have to share company secrets with her, something they would never do. I mean outside of names and maybe age how much do you know about your co-workers? If you wanted to ruin their lives could you give up where they live and family members? Do you think she would know anything about the other gens and branches?

Rushia was an idiot but she didn't know anything that would destroy Cover itself. The worst damage she could have done from her Kore leak was doxxing the names of gen 3 and any talent she was close with. Not the end of the world but more then enough to kick her out.

>> No.67969460

Even if she did share a bunch of stuff, how much of what Rushia would have known haven't already taken place?
