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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67869297 No.67869297 [Reply] [Original]

JP vtubers, and numbers, and news.

No tribalfagging or dramafagging.

Previous: >>67797716

>> No.67869395


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.67869491
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A thread for numbers and news discussion of all JP vtubers and things related to JP vtubing.

>Who is on topic here?
All JP vtubers. Especially if they are without a general otherwise, but anyone JP or in a JP vtubing branch goes, for the most part.

>I’m new to JP vtubing, can I get a QUICK RUN DOWN?
To be added

>Are non-vtuber topics allowed?
Yes as long as they are Japanese and have sufficient impact on JP vtubing.
Some you might regularly find to be relevant: JP streamers and content creators, Crazy Raccoon, Anime&Manga, JP gaming industry, Vocaloid, Seiyuus, Jpop, National Television, other Japanese media and news outlets, etc

>Can I shill my small indie/corpo oshi here?
They are on topic, by definition. However, remind yourself that low-effort link-dumping and begging has never worked out well anywhere. Make your post interesting, put some effort into writing about them, and it should greatly help your purpose of shilling them as well.

>What is off-topic?
non-JP vtubers without relevant context

>> No.67870532
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Hachi bros run these threads

>> No.67870742

Frieren is a whore

>> No.67870767

Feels great that EN sharts can't even make it to the podium.

>> No.67870886

Feels great to be a JP Chad. ENsharts can't even make it to the podium.

>> No.67870888
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You mean Aogiri chads

>> No.67871054

>Now this one is missing the keyword to other threads
Are you for real?

>> No.67871375

As someone who search Vsing for both this thread and /Vsinger/, I propose who wait until both die and make a new one. Today has some important graduations so I don't want any anons to miss the thread.

>> No.67871633

Yes, I'll come back in about an hour then. Today's thread was baked earlier than usual anyway.

>> No.67871777

..are numberfags bots?

>> No.67872105

ez gold prediction

>> No.67873437

Peko Palworld or Chihiro graduation?

>> No.67873590

No It's just that the captcha is slow as fuck and I typed my post twice thinking the first one didn't appear.

>> No.67873691

Let this thread die and we'll talk about it in the next one

>> No.67873727

Their queen is back tho.

>> No.67873766

Thread for numbers and news discussion of Japanese Vtubers and all related topics.
This includes Hololive, Nijisanji, VSPO, Neo-porte, 774 inc, Aogiri High, NoriPro, Dot Live, VOMS, Strawberry Prince, any other corpos, vsingers, ASMR and all JP indies regardless of scale.

>> No.67873837
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I guess for non-convert,
Loli Kami will be the first 100M MV
PLAVE The Sixth Summer will be the first 100M song on a single platform

>> No.67873922

Pekora hands down.

>> No.67873969

No wonder Barts Barts numbers are so sad.

>> No.67874119

let this thread dies first.

>> No.67875565

Is the OP really that important? I usually just type "numbers".

>> No.67876758
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1000, うめうめ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>「My Dearest」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover) *new*
>「DAYBREAK FRONTLINE」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover)
>「名前のない怪物」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover)

>> No.67878278


>> No.67882158

excellent music

>> No.67885375

cute feet

>> No.67888794


>> No.67891938
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>> No.67892873

As one anon is stubbornly bumping this thread for some reason, just make a new one with a correct OP now instead of waiting.

>> No.67893282

new thread >>67893196
