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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67850076 No.67850076 [Reply] [Original]

Talk about OWOZU, idol ES, other random ñ shit HERE.

>> No.67850357

shitty thread.

>> No.67851028

Good thread

>> No.67851321
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>> No.67851371
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>> No.67851642

This Vtuber thread is going to die quickly. Latinos don't know how this site works (not to mention the fear they have of stereotypes like "they dox here, be careful"

>> No.67851723

Just use wactor thread

>> No.67851761


>> No.67851832
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>> No.67851911

>owozu has been evading taxes and probably their NDA is invalid due to not being a registered businesses at the time they signed their contracts

>> No.67851960

Shitty thread. Spanish side of vtubing has always been, and will, be rotten to the core, from the corps to the streamers themselves they all are not worth of being called vtubers, they aren't idols nor characters, just filthy women with avatars.

>> No.67852047

you seem to be butthurt Misrra

>> No.67852218

>not to mention the fear they have of stereotypes like "they dox here, be careful"
latinos are the worst kind of doxxers and latin egirls are the worst kind of whores
we latins know this that's why we don't engage with any of this shit, the hispanics that ES vtubers are the ones that like that kind of drama

>> No.67852370

If I were misrra I wouldn't complain about them being such cock sleeves for their manager and every men around them

>> No.67852426


>> No.67852673

>latinos are the worst kind of doxxers and latin egirls are the worst kind of whores
you don't even elaborate your answers
I have never seen any Latino doxxing vtubers and extracting private information from them compared to Japanese fans. I do not know what are you talking about.

>> No.67852804

Owozu inner workings leaked

>> No.67853267

How are you doing my latinx bros?

>> No.67853354

owozu has always been a meme company made up by randos larping as businessmen, if you didn't see this coming from a mile away you are retarded

>> No.67853388

fk off manzanita your not welcome here

>> No.67853437

I always thought that OWOZU were just a group of friends and now I find out that they were a company

>> No.67853494

No need to split. Take it to:

>> No.67853754

fantastico, vshojoes is dying.

>> No.67853814

>Kendo grooming story

>> No.67854018


>> No.67854067

>LATAM vtubers be like
>We're having sex but don't worry es puro mame

>> No.67854267


>> No.67854950

>Contando sus situaciones de haber sido tirada un lado luego de tener relaciones sexuales
Oh shit

>> No.67854998

tan mal está el lado latino que el nombre que le dan a esto es digno de un programa de tv para mujeres sobre la vida privada de famosos?

>> No.67855669

yes. JP > EN > something >ES

>> No.67856521

a retard at exwactor created the thread to filter out the garbage.
but yes, the Hispanic scene is shit.

>> No.67856577

especially the twitch trash

>> No.67856819

stream in 3 hours speaking about Owosu


>> No.67857200

You are literally describing what this board is all about

>> No.67857243

I hope Meica stays away from this bastard.

>> No.67858113
File: 68 KB, 680x422, GFHxrUTWAAAa9Xj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are sipc agencies so cancerous?

>> No.67858182

The one in the left is a rapist and a pedo

>> No.67859260

0 real proofs

>> No.67859367

because grooming is seen as normal in the spic community, and the lengths mods, clippers, and schizos are willing to go to try to fuck their oshi IRL

>> No.67859535

Shipfags ruined vtubing, imagine those fags were shipping a girl with her rappist

>> No.67859579

Kendo sounds like a huge faggot so I believe that owozu whores.

>> No.67860208

I'll always believe a whore over a groomer, groomers are the lowest of the lowest

>> No.67860505


>> No.67863121

this thread is dead. and trash.

>> No.67863122 [DELETED] 


>> No.67864512
File: 56 KB, 887x665, 1684295719165624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm argie but who the fuck is owozu.
tldr thanks

>> No.67864653


>> No.67864705

Me on the left btw

>> No.67864895

Hello there fellow proud world champion.
This piece of shit agency doesn't matter anymore, keep on moving.

>> No.67865251
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okay thanks anon

>> No.67866150

Owozu's summary in 30 minutes:


>> No.67866522

>filthy women with avatars
thats pretty much the entire vtuber sphere my little EOP, but 2bf we are nothing compared to the amount of shit cunts the jp side got the last 2 or 3 years.

>> No.67867276

Dream is over isn't it?

>> No.67867400


>> No.67867603

Am I wrong?

>> No.67870137

for owozu? yes
for vtubing as a whole? lololololxddddddlmaojajajajakekekekek

>> No.67870199

for latino vtubing? also yes

>> No.67874288

I love latinx vtubers

>> No.67874528

shit taste

>> No.67877054

>6.3K in Rakkun stream
Fuck off old gossips

>> No.67878749


>> No.67879853

I guess there are advantages to Japan's idol culture. It filters out normies and casuals.

>> No.67882347


>> No.67882735

So who are the good guys here, spoonfeed me bros

>> No.67886193

Fuck off

>> No.67886706

all are bad

>> No.67886774


>> No.67889614

you first

>> No.67890042

>Kendo managed to twist shit to his favor and is painting the girl as a slut
Typical groomer move, not the first time I see it.

>> No.67890316

Kendo is trying to divert the fact he raped that girl by focusing on the issue that she got pregnant or not.
Listen Xege, you need to focus on the rape part, he doesn't has a way to deny that.

>> No.67893020


>> No.67893279


>> No.67893897

oh so Akami is that kind of trash huh, i always suspected it.

>> No.67894609


>> No.67894715

>Akami is a rotten fish

>> No.67894808

that overweight scum will pay

>> No.67894834

Reminder that ruining a groomers career is always and will always be based. Piraña is a hero.

>> No.67894895
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>the irony of that post

>> No.67894978 [DELETED] 

i still remember how all the wactor girls stopped following that leech when they found that she was throwing trash at them on the diskeks and doxxing Himea

>> No.67894989

So Kendo is officially a pedo

>> No.67895075
File: 87 KB, 1080x1065, GFJcIpmWUAAnEbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wowzers! wow!

>> No.67895253

Manzanita isn't she the girl who spends her time defending her grommer friends on Twitter???

>> No.67895278

almost as based as sabotaging a lot of gullible small cuubas and Nateyo and forcing her to drop vtubing for ever, hell she even spreed irl trash of Nateyo

>> No.67895371

>literalmente putas haciendo cosas de putas
>ohhhh me arrepiento de haber sido una puta

>> No.67895375

Nateyo dropped vtubing because she couldn't get donations.
Why lie?

>> No.67895381

no that would be Akami and her circle of pedos that are that diskek that she made to organize their actions to ruining her rivals carrers

>> No.67895429

She was a minor, it doesn't matter. Legally he committed statutory rape.

>> No.67895460

This is kendo gang running damage control by deflection btw

>> No.67895466

no gracias, hololive board y todo eso

>> No.67895522

i feel dissapointed and disgusted with Akami, my fault for trusting a porteña...

>> No.67895670

This, I won't rest until I see that fucked DESTROYED.

>> No.67895920

>jealous of Kendo success
lol you are a bunch of effeninate trannies

>> No.67895960

>Simping a male

>> No.67896009

We hate males here.

>> No.67896049

>pointing the truth is now simping
kek, he had discord """""sex""""" with a whore on the legal age of consent

>> No.67896103


>> No.67896110

>Discord sex
He took her to his hotel room and raped her.

>> No.67896170

>0 proofs

>> No.67896220

Her testimony is proof enough and he admitted to have had sex with her.

>> No.67896287

Kendo didn't deny having sex with Xege, he only tried to focus on the pregnancy which is irrelevant.
He had sex with a minor and that's a fact.

>> No.67896323

once again post proofs

>> No.67896360

wtf so she was a grown ass woman i thought she was a minor or something by how she said she was manipulated kek woman moment

>> No.67896396

>grown ass woman

>> No.67896442

>age of consent in latam:13
>she is 17

>> No.67896508

Minors can only consent between minors, an adult can NEVER get a minor to consent.
Those laws are only so 17yo boys don't become criminals for fucking their girlfriends.
But as soon as hit 18 all minors are off limits.

>> No.67896595

País en el que ocurrió, o país de origen de cada uno?

>> No.67896639

nice bullshit, a 13 y/o girl can marry an adult if her parents consent it

>> No.67896672

Whores, who cares

>> No.67896686

Read the laws Kendo, you're fucked.

>> No.67896744

I won't miss a chance to fuck over a male, doesn't matter that I defend a whore it benefits my unicorn agenda

>> No.67896824

you know smart anon, if anyone can read your masterplan it then it will not work

>> No.67896854

Nice bait unicorns don't give a shit about whores

>> No.67896881
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stay mad

>> No.67896929

Not all unicorns are the same, and this is a call so the ones who are closer to me join the fight.

>> No.67897155

The only good latino vtubers are the ones that know spanish only people are cancer, so they get away from them by streaming in english

>> No.67897576

spreed the word

>> No.67897722

guey its culture

>> No.67897778

Name a more iconic duo

>> No.67899883

weird thread

>> No.67900349


>> No.67901298

Not really, but most good ES chuubas are ESL or at least know a bit of EN, very few good chuubas that are pure ES.
While we're on the topic, can anyone share ES chuubas that are safeM or at the very least that are not drama magnets?

>> No.67901787

>asks for drama free chuubas
>implying anyone with a brain would mention them in a place where groomers and dramanigs lurk

>> No.67903466

seriously who?

>> No.67903629

The good latino vtubers are the ones that took up VTubing because they are originally idol/anime fans, but the majority are just generic streamers with an anime avatar that all they do is stream reaction videos and collabs with normie fleshtubers all the time. The owozu chuubas are like that. Hell, even Ironmouse is like that.

>> No.67903765

Use latino or get the firing squad, fag

>> No.67908120 [DELETED] 


>> No.67908879

don't need 18 years to enter a hotel?
anon you're not going to fuck her

>> No.67910834

No one is mention them here just to get their oshi shitted. Do they exist? They do, you just gorra look exactly out of the influential circles of Owozu and Radio Funa, look around the girls who collab with ex wactor girls and so on

>> No.67911169

It wasn't a motel, it was a normal hotel room and fag told they were just dropping his luggage.

>> No.67911426

pero que basado, ahorita lo apoyo al mr. basado

>> No.67913214

why is Akami like this?

>> No.67913487

For real, I'm a no-name vtuber in the latin american community and for some reason my chat constantly makes jokes about doxxing and some don't respect my attempts at kayfabe. Spic vtuber fans act like twitch chatters even in YT I swear to god

>> No.67913933

Hello little sheep

>> No.67914609

>The ultimate form of evidence in the internet

>> No.67914804

If you watch a latina whore trying to act kawai is so fucking cringe because you know she is whore trying to mimic the real products, just a bootleg third world trash as everything that comes out of latam.
Just look at nimu and all her yabs and you have a summarized picture of how e-celeb latam women behave..
We don't want latina vtubers because we hate latam, simple as.
t. Latino

>> No.67914883

What are some vtubers who are actually from Spain?

>> No.67915740

off the top of my head: Erispheria, Serrivel, Ayami2059, YurikaVTuber

>> No.67917467

>Screenshots are only valid when they fit my narrative

>> No.67917836

and how those screenshots prove anything? kek it sound like they are joking around and only supposing it's not an edit.

>> No.67917884

stop posting here Kendo you are full of shit

>> No.67918636

It prooves he fucked her while she was a minor.

>> No.67918706

Mexicans have a serious problem with the normalization of pedophilia and abuse against women

>> No.67918768

hello xBelizanVT

>> No.67918870

what a shameless faggot kek, people don't forgot about what you did schizo argie groomer

>> No.67918917

Taking out that she got pregnant or not.
Taking out that she was a minor in the "age of consent"
The first time they meet, he raped her in his hotel room, he took advantage of the shock of seein him for the first time and that she was frozen because how quickly things went.
Rape doesn't require physical violence, if she wasn't ok with it and he proceeded nonetheless it was rape.

>> No.67918937

hola Kana :D

>> No.67918970

>"Yo no quería, le dije que no quería hacer nada con el"

>> No.67919033

Hi kendo, how many girls did you abused today?

>> No.67919038

Hi Kanita, can I hug you? pleeeaaase

>> No.67919096

Vanya is my latin american oshi.

>> No.67919121

I want Kana Kani !!(ToT)

>> No.67919177

The last time someone recommended a girl in the other general, a lot of groomers started orbiting her.
I don't think you're going to have an answer.

>> No.67919385

sorry, Radiofuna use only.

>> No.67920041

radiofuna is dead.

>> No.67920057

kek you wish

>> No.67920258

When collab between radiofuna and kendo? Among groomers they understand each other

>> No.67920318

radiofuna is dead (with my dick!!)

>> No.67920388

I forgot!!!

PaltaChilena's le epic ebin 4chan stream is today.

Let's see how he handles the topic of grooming, being that he is one himself.

>> No.67920431

time to have porn prepared to get his channel nuked bros

>> No.67920496

sis our proofs...

>> No.67920530

Is this thread just all spics trying to pretend to be armchair US lawyers or actually just ignorant gringos?

Age of consent doesn't mean shit in latin america

>> No.67920630


>> No.67920674

My friend got into jail for fucking a 17yo and he was 19

>> No.67920726

Doesn't matter, she didn't gave her consent the first time.

>> No.67920729

shut up kana and shit on my chest now

>> No.67920835

Someone get the mexican and chilean equivalent of #MeToo groups into the case.

>> No.67920938

I call bullshit, only way that happened is if the 17yo's father was in the police or cahoots with the police or not even third world.

>Doesn't matter
Sure, good that you don't get pidgeon-holed on the culturally ignored circumstance.
>she didn't gave her consent the first time.
Call me an incel or whatever but she better have good proof or good legs to stand on to back up her claims.

Why don't you just dox the fag so you can send some thug to fuck him up or kill him? Those are the only ones that care about this shit since they have an excuse to go ape.

>> No.67921093

Can someone drop a qrd?

>> No.67921148


>> No.67921180


>> No.67921350

He is what we call "cipayo" he hates being a latino becouse /pol/ brainwashed him.

>> No.67921654

Thread theme: La oscuridad de los groomers en el mundo de VTubers

>> No.67921682

By DrossRotzank

>> No.67921712

>Palta is a groomer
what? proofs?

>> No.67921915

he DM all tfhose "ahahaha™" with groom intentions, he even have a diskek with other groomers where he invites chuubas with the promise of shilling.

>> No.67922018
File: 80 KB, 2108x1439, groomer checklist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is self-evident in the way that he perceives himself and interacts with vtubers and other girls online. He acts as though he has no bad intentions, should be allowed to get close to them because he's a mod/clipper, and that everyone that isn't his friend is evil. Projection much?

>> No.67922507

Mal pedo

>> No.67922509

My fucking sides. But I am sure he would actually make a video of it if someone tells him about this shitshow.

>> No.67922679

>Latinos don't know how this site works
Anon, half of this site is latinos, at this point. You are just in denial.

>> No.67922741
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but kusogakis are the best brats in the world (ToT)

>> No.67922840

¿Hololive ES cuándo? Aunque seguramente estaría lleno de panchitas, pero bueno...

>> No.67922905

>seguir aconsejando los mismos vtubers de siempre
so...in other words...grooming?

>> No.67922925

>they aren't idols
That's the fun stuff. Imagine the banter between latin american countries but now in the form of chuubas.

>> No.67923011


>> No.67923094

It's boring as hell

>> No.67923155
File: 46 KB, 450x636, GFATNP8bcAAd4Ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puta madre odio latam

>> No.67923171

Latinas are good if you have them on a leash
like all women

>> No.67923214

Nowadays they're better than your average Spaniard woke cunt, I'll give you that.

>> No.67923271

>spanish chuuba company
>spanish thread
>no spanish replies
why even try?

>> No.67923313

read the rules nigger

>> No.67923474

I wanted it before to listen to cute culombianas but the more I learn about latam vtubing the more I just want them to go to a EN branch and make a ES stream once every 2 weeks or something

>> No.67923483

Most Mexichangos have a fragile ego, so banter is not possible.

>> No.67923532

Any nudes from anyone?

>> No.67923565

But the Latinas also have their pussies awake. even more; There are even very young Latinas who are already awake

>> No.67924900

wasn't that faggot grooming a minor too?

>> No.67925494

yes, ironic isn't it

>> No.67925679

>they aren't idols nor characters, just filthy women with avatars
Just like Phase Connect, yet they are still popular.

>> No.67925742
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ok, what's the trick? she seems too good to be true

>> No.67925897
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but shilling her groomer friends is ok for her it seems kek

>> No.67926005

I was also hyped for the companies that wanted to create their own ES branches, but then I started to think they will probably just hire chicanas or puertorriqueñas that are already living in the US and then my hype dropped to 0.

>> No.67926035

What about Siri? How's she doing? Has she said anything? Where does she fall into all of this?

>> No.67926440

But not only mexicans exist, anon, but other latinas as well. Just imagine the situations.
>banter about territories gained/lost by wars
>"How many Venezuelans are there in your country?"
>"SÁQUENME DE AQUÍ" comments all over the place

>> No.67926889

first time I see this in any OP post in this mudboard

>obligatorio "chinga tu madre nimu"

>> No.67926943

and the other half are SEA

>> No.67927311

Nisha I guess

>> No.67927408

And Meica.

>> No.67927465

he said no male collabs, so Eru and Yamu too

>> No.67927472

to be fair laws here are harsher BUT the actual aplication is no-existant in 75% of cases pero ya chingastes si te agarran

>> No.67927508

you can add the ex-amai direct girls too

>> No.67927536

the Phase Connect chuubas at least have their repute of being irreverent nutjobs. Latina chuubas are generic streamers with "Chinese monkey" masks on

>> No.67927592

>not being drama magnet

>> No.67927607

stop being a nigger, there are different types of chuubas out there, 1 and 2 views, yes but not all are a Rakkun clones

>> No.67927714

meica doesn't collab with males and she is neither a drama magnet

>> No.67927738

Cancerous shit

>> No.67927761

all latam VTubers eventually end up talking like Mexicans in short order, anyway. Take a shot every time any of them say "No mames" or some variation of "Chingada".

>> No.67927774

you fags still don't get that vtubers are niche af for the spic market, and the viewers are mostly normalfags, so don't expect the most popular chuubas to do the jpstyle vtubing.
that girls are a nice inside of a niche.

>> No.67927801

But that's the fun stuff.

>> No.67927835

neck yourself rn.

>> No.67927945

Go watch some Hana Yomeguri/Hina Misora old streams

>> No.67927978


>> No.67928287
File: 169 KB, 356x358, Locogod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of this is meica's fault

>> No.67928497

You know what? I genuinely think men could make better vtubers than women. The problem is that Latinas and Spaniards are just bad streamers in general. They basically have no personality and almost always rely on looks to attract viewers and to stay relevant. Their streams are super basic as fuck and have to make collabs with men to stay afloat.
And men could be ugly as sin but their personality carry the whole thing. There is a reason why men are way more popular in the spanish-speaking world in comparison with women.

>> No.67928618

At last some justice for all the people this bitch hurt

>> No.67928836

I hope they kill each other

>> No.67929196

>He watches males
what a faggot lmao

>> No.67929443

but I love meica

>> No.67931113

Who did she hurt? (I really have no idea, I only know her by name)

>> No.67931117


>> No.67931301

does he mean owozu?

>> No.67931451

No one

>> No.67932961


>> No.67933511

Nah, this thread is full of SOUL

>> No.67933598

Shut up meicagon

>> No.67933662

someone can post a qrd of the Owozu drama?

>> No.67933694

Now how will the Owozu server be reused for Twitch CCVs?

>> No.67934423

My oshi loves Jp style and even has acknoweldge they’re the superior entertaiment and that she can’t do the same because she was born latina, and I choose her for that. That being said shes a low 3view who has been growing a lot lately. There’s is room for girls who purse that culture, but sure not the mainstream owozu radio funa streammer with and avatar who are the ones who bring worth numbers.

>> No.67935806

what you mean?

>> No.67935869

PaltaChilena is a sack of shit groomer scum

>> No.67936099

Any hint so I can find her?

>> No.67936354


>> No.67937088

someone spoonfed him on the owozu drama, he is lost af

>> No.67937642

I want to impregnate Manzanita

>> No.67937919

>chuubas that are safeM or at the very least that are not drama magnets?
Literally impossible. All latinas crave drama and are conditioned from childhood into act like telenovela characters.

>> No.67939204

Akami will pay

>> No.67939274

Not my oshi

>> No.67941361


>> No.67942057

And your oshi is?

>> No.67942591

Palta hijo de puta i'll go for you

>> No.67942857
File: 1.34 MB, 1088x1024, 1705299794793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello PaltaChilena

>> No.67942920

narco-sponsored chuuba company when?

>> No.67943482
File: 317 KB, 517x800, 112195480_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love paltachilena so much

>> No.67943840

lmao the dude is retarded

>> No.67944382
File: 688 KB, 800x987, Fh6koMPUYAM7xCk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owozu is burning down

>> No.67944662

So Palta is that anon throwing shit at the vtubers that ignore his grooming attempts

>> No.67944784

>onions mod de vtubers que me gustan
so honest, he only mods for girls he wants to fuck

>> No.67944876

what a retarded negroid spoonfeding newtards

>> No.67944914

Kuro i love you (ToT) fuck off Iliya nobody like you

>> No.67945067

Is paltachilena still trying to fuck that underage mexican girl?

>> No.67945133

Nateyo return when?

>> No.67945141

Can you call that spoonfeed when everything he said is downright wrong?

>> No.67945341

Palta is just as retarded as the other groomer mods he's friends with

>> No.67945627

Friendly reminder that PaltaChilena was on that Nara stream talking shit about the girls from W and Hana because of the clipper holocaust.

>> No.67945812

>all the evil comes from here
>not from private discord servers
paltachilena tries to divert attention from his discordgroomer friends

>> No.67945815

>encouraging tourists to browse /vt/

>> No.67945832

>he did it only to it deliverally spoonfed the archive to retards
>also he is keeping the vod
what a piece of shit

>> No.67946103

meka chan twin turbo you will pay

>> No.67946691

He's the worst kind of scum

>> No.67946888

not even that retarded explicador did that

>> No.67947096


>> No.67948134

can someone reason with that retard to nuke it?
i think that he is not actually aware of what he is doing.

>> No.67948244

He didn't even realize when Meka subtly told him to stop showing her name search results on his stream

>> No.67949731

I love Yamu...
I love Nisha...
I love Meica...
I love Nateyo...

>> No.67950134

If anyone remembers C.L.O.W.N. and H.U.M.A.N.S. they're both behind the current twitch whore meta for LATAM chuubas

>> No.67950234

both are related and have a task force of groomers to jump at any girl available to sell them an exclusive "work-only" discord. Beware.

>> No.67950458

shut the fuck up, don't spoonfeed the newfags.

>> No.67951358

Nisha CUTE
Nisha LOVE

>> No.67952008

ok groomer lmao

>> No.67952716

So, that means they could balk out from the company and face zero consequences? That's probably a win for them and could even keep their models with no legal repercussions.

>> No.67954180

I do remember

>> No.67956462

chileno = shitter

>> No.67956491

pink chuubas bad

>> No.67956507


>> No.67957332

unfathomable based

>> No.67957450

And that's a good thing!

>> No.67957582

Who should I watch, añons?

>> No.67958268


>> No.67960624

Aisu Kurimu

>> No.67961221


>> No.67961375
File: 11 KB, 744x143, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only know what this is because my philosophy teacher was a lawyer

>> No.67965863

why are you fags using ñ wrong
