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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67839948 No.67839948 [Reply] [Original]


>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to foster growth, increase their numbers, and gain an audience. For more technical advice you can check /asp/.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, althought we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>Should I post in /asp/ too?
The thread recommendation is to introduce yourself in as many communities you can, so yes. Just don't bring the general up unless asked, that particularly applies outside of this site.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like buying ads in this site, for example)

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."
Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight.


>Some resources

>threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Global
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie chuubas
>>>/vt//choc/ - Chuubas with overall darker skin color
>>>/vt//wool/ - Sheep chuubas and friends
>>>/vt//vrt/ - Retro gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt//vt/uber drawthread - Drawfags and draw requests
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up
>>>/vt/jong/ - beloved offspring for mahjong players

Previous >>67761449

>> No.67840323

First for Laine and coffee.

>> No.67841191

Do we have a list of waspies?

>> No.67841359
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>> No.67841658

Threads too young to have a casual rooster of actual here vtubers that is accurate. Some posters are here officially like Mutton and Pittie, but there's not that much selfposting to determin which vtuber want to be associated with /wasp/ plus it shouldn't just be a different /wvt/ thread and people shouldn't hang around forever like they do in /asp/, but move on and cultvate their own communities.

>> No.67841721

I went to work and couldn't keep wasp alive... I failed...

>> No.67841897

the topic wasn't really going anywhere neat, so I just didn't bother keeping it up. gomen, don't feel sorry.

>> No.67842376

Should I post my redesign here for feedback? I want to keep it as a surprise and feel conflicted.

>> No.67842383

just post images, now this thread has no FAQ
that is going to make it harder to find previously discussed topics later on

this thread is also meant to be a repositry of knowledge

>> No.67842482

Depends on if your main audience is here, or on what is most important; feedback, or the surprise.

>> No.67842488

if you want to keep it as a surprise just dm your artist friends for feedback instead

not everyone here has the expertise to provide you with proper feedback to begin with, this is more of a brainstorming session

>> No.67842573

I agree with this anon, if you have artist friends, or any of the artists associated with here that you trust. Get feedback from them.

>> No.67843292

who ever is in charge of this add pits abd paws

>> No.67843683

sweaty poisonous pits...

>> No.67843873

Waspies please record your delectable female flatulence on vocaroo and share it with me.

>> No.67843999

well since this thread wont be searcheable on the archives might as well start asking pretty deranged stuff

>> No.67844058

>this thread wont be searcheable on the archives

>> No.67844481

no FAQ on the op so you would have to look for it by searching each wasp thread instead of with certain key words

>> No.67844581

Then make a FAQ of the last thread?

>> No.67845123

RE: Problematic posting in "past lives"

How do you anons suggest handling this? Being an edgy teenager, doing/saying things you regret today etc... The dreaded "cancelling".

Just ignore it if it happens? Double down? Whats your suggested approach?

>> No.67845196

ignoring it is almost always the superior option. bad pr is still pr.

>> No.67845217
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here is a puzzle

>> No.67845281

good opsec is the best solution, then the next is full front denial if discovered

you might get one or two schizos but fans of vtubers dont really want to hear about bad shit you have done in the past

>> No.67845589

Delete stuff, or dissasociate with the previous profile before you even make it big enough to be worth cancelling, so that people don't put 2 and 2 together.
If it's just some random twatter and some edgy no one cares but you and them stuff, you can just weather it and block the people. Everyone were teen once, but it depends.

>> No.67846926

Opsec is your friend
never post your real face
delete everything
people with skeleton in their closets should be extra careful

>> No.67847141

uuuuuuu I miss Rinna uuuuuuu

>> No.67847467

no uuuing

>> No.67847839

uuuu i miss uuuing

>> No.67848005

Pittie why are you publicly tweeting about this board? Stop

>> No.67848278

its a hard one. it's not stuff i can delete as it's impossible to measure what is or isn't there.

MMO communities are a difficult one to "opsec" on when you've been hanging out in discords, teamspeaks and whatnot with upwards of 30-40 people at once for veeeeeeery long periods of time.

It's very anxiety inducing because of that very fact x_x

>> No.67848646

there is a software that allows you to kill everything you have written in discords
use it

>> No.67848704

yea we should had mentioned in the tips but talking publicly about this site is
kinda dangerous

>> No.67848848

oh i've been doing that - as well as changed to a new discord. but there's only so much one can do when they're not sure what "voice chat" stuff exists.

i'm probably just being too paranoid, but its a fear that constantly plagues me

>> No.67848924

Hi mel
please brap on vocaroo

>> No.67849013

the sheer amount of money a holo could make from selling a fart voice pack is an unprecedented and untapped market....

>> No.67849273

Breaking containment over twitter? Couldn't be me

>> No.67849349

i always associate this thread with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Anglo-Saxon_Protestants

>> No.67849402

ironic because most of the people ITT are southeast asian or south american dudes

>> No.67849464

but I'm the brownest of brown

>> No.67849779

meant to post THIS crop, terrible opsec. was ip blocked atm of post

>> No.67849855
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also, forgot to attach

>> No.67851373

fighing games strong

>> No.67851415 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 564x795, Crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good you deleted it, but I did take a screenshot to mark the special moment. Such preciousness.

>> No.67851595

but does it work against betterdiscord? ive been in the schizophrenic trenches of /vg/.

>> No.67851884

thats what i'm worried about. i've ran the "delete" bot and changed discords too but schizos are schizos......

>> No.67851990

What are you afraid of? It's just discord talk.

>> No.67852006

What's betterdiscord?

>> No.67852362

there is always a way, but the harde you make it for someone to find your info the more likely they are too keep it to themselves
its only the retards the o es that share shit, doxxers keep it to themselves to use it as a way to groom you
be sus of anyone who likes the exact music and movies you do, oldest trick in the book women have been falling for that since the facebook era began

>> No.67852402
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i take a form (gif)

>> No.67852501

Any of these women into martial arts?

>> No.67852569

looking good
sexy lips

>> No.67852626

not exactly, but i used to do kickboxing

>> No.67852629


>> No.67852635

mutton doko...

>> No.67852695

have you seen bloodsports with vandamme? love that movie

>> No.67852768

Don't worry about it

>> No.67852941

oh you know
i’ve just been lurking, also good mutton morning

>> No.67853035

Why/how you so fast?

>> No.67853117

no, is it a good watch?

>> No.67853122

rinna used to do brazilian jiu jitsu

>> No.67853358
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puzzle complete, new puzzlan soon

>> No.67854637

twitter, i guess.

>already lost by typing that

>> No.67855091

how are we doing today /wasp/ies

>> No.67855225

all good
just playing jong instead of working

>> No.67855272

I'm so embarrassed, I let myself get one guy'd today. I'm normally able to keep my menhera under control but then this faggot comes to my stream and trolls me even after I already banned him. Any tips on how to prevent this from happening again?

>> No.67855339

jesus christ it looks so good. where are all these multi-skilled girls coming from

>> No.67855445

Keep banning and ignoring.

>> No.67855448

>Any tips on how to prevent this from happening again?
try being incredibly condescending instead of being angry
we used to have a pretty bad troll around this threads who later we discovered used to shit himself and wore diapers.
I don't even know or care if that was true but since that day I imagine all trolls are going through a similar situation that makes them lash out against random people and I just pity them instead.
Once you feel sorry for them, and they can feel you feel sorry for them, they leave you alone.
Contempt is way more damning than anger

>> No.67855516

understandable. maybe one of these days i'll actually try learning jong
hey, it happens. don't let yourself get too discouraged from one bad experience. getting a tough skin can take some time and i'd think you'd be hard pressed to find any streamer who has never gotten one guy'd before. that being said next time just ban immediately and if you need to take a break to get some water or whatever to cool your head, don't worry about it
according to her twitter it's apparently a recolored booth model, but she still wants to make her own live2d someday

>> No.67856220

wtf is going on in /asp/

>> No.67856811

I havent read but I assume they are all being literally gay and retarded

>> No.67856949

i haven't checked but i also assume they are being gay as hell. not interested in a total sausage fest thank you

>> No.67857255

>a recolored booth model
Not bad still, given how new she is.

>> No.67857335

my humongous tits make all my file sizes too big


>> No.67857367

I always knew that vieweroshis are something special but this feels even better than i could ever have imagined

>> No.67857564

unfortunately it's a booth model, (info on twt) i'm working on my own currently. i have a lot to work on outside vtubing so it's hard to focus on model creation

>> No.67857578

1- you cant be a vieweroshi if you are a chuuba
2- there are no viewers in this thread, just vtubers
3 -where is your image
You are lying and recycling bait from wvt's 2021 as if viewers who would feel bad about that still existed

>> No.67857627

that's pretty unique

>> No.67857638

Lucky bastard/bitch (¬_¬)

>> No.67857737

forgot to look at the eyes when I saw the model ngl

>> No.67857783

stealth redeem

>> No.67857824

Sounds like something that a viewer would say

>> No.67857932

damn this is taking a while to load how much does it weight

>> No.67857967

at least 10 each

>> No.67858048

I don't get if you're have a viewer oshi, or if you're happy being a vieweroshi?

>> No.67858049
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NGL this is weirdly hot

>> No.67858103

Was about to say it's weird that a surprising amount of people are into that.

>> No.67858159
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>> No.67858219

Its so crazy that you can just do things together with a cute girl and not have anyone else distracting you

>> No.67858312

You mean like touching grass hanging out with a female friend, or gf?

>> No.67858478

How the fuck is that alien monstrosity hot

>> No.67858628

It's true, sometimes i post random infuriating shit here and I don't even know who any of you are. I don't even watch vtubers.
It's just funny to imagine people reading the shit i post and taking it earnestly

>> No.67858709

What's a vieweroshi? Is it when your oshi watches you?

>> No.67858882

Its the oshis favorite viewer that they may have groomed

>> No.67859329

oh so it's when the parasocial goes both ways. that's crazy

>> No.67859369

it can be helped, tjis thread is by definition full of newfags.
asp is particularly bad at not taking the bait since they are both newfags and male vtubers with fragile egos

>> No.67859456

I'm trying to be supportive, but I'm just feeling like a down right tard, I hope they debut soon, take off and gain a fair share of followers/viewers so I can just go back to lurking.

>> No.67859495

tf you mean aliens are not hot?

>> No.67859541

>parasocial goes both ways

>> No.67859569

she's hot only in that H. R. Giger sort of way

>> No.67859746

I'm not a moron I'm just stupid.

>> No.67859864

any waspies streaming?

>> No.67860353


>> No.67860433

I'll likely be another week before anything streaming happen.

>> No.67860469

I don’t even know what to appeal to anymore, there’s so many decisions with content. I’m torn between playing retro, drawing, or doing hand cam streams. I know they’re fun, but I don’t know how to engage with chat anymore. It feels like I forgot how to interact with them. Despite that, streaming is still fun but I still feel alienated whenever my chat has activity.

>> No.67860586

just treat then like a friend, but not to a parasocial extent. make small talk is the advice id give, always input

good luck with content style. don't know that myself

>> No.67860618

probably rinna or pafu the others are kinda normal looking

>> No.67860783

You got the advantage with being able to talk freely where chat can only write, so you have to lead/steer the conversation. We're not here to talk about ourselves we're here to watch you play/do stuff and talk about your day and interests.

>> No.67860873

Hi /wasp/, just a blogpost but I wanted to share something exciting anyways! I’m planning on submitting applications to a couple of unnamed small corpos soon. Based on my portfolio, I’m decently confident I have a chance of at least scoring the first interview. Please wish me luck anons, I’m nervous ;w;

>> No.67861114

good luck don't sign anything without having a lawyer go over it first

>> No.67861255

good luck also this >>67861114, pretend you were never here once you make it and also play fightan and gaslight your gen into playing fightan

>> No.67861317

Thank you anons!

>> No.67861319

Feel free to ask if you're nervous, or have trouble understanding something, but I'm sure you got this.
Good luck, anon, break a leg. Please take care of yourself before the corpo and don't give vital info to just anyone saying they got a corpo.

>> No.67862592
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Remember that your genmates or managers might be doxxers so dont trust anyone even in your work

Dont quit to go inde, quit to go to a bigger corpo. Never leave your boyfriend until you have a replacement. Be like the wose.

>> No.67862718

>but I still feel alienated whenever my chat has activity.
Oof that's like the worst. That means you're so boring chat would rather put the effort to entertain themselves than just silently watch you ignore them

>> No.67862730


>> No.67862746

If someone donates or subscribes offline, should you thank them the next time you're live?

>> No.67862800

i would for dono but not sub. if someone subs while youre offline they probably didnt want the attention

>> No.67862866

There's a reason why they did it offline. Just say "thanks for the people who donated offline btw"

>> No.67862883

Remember one of the talents in idol was just a 1 view to low 2 view in a semi scam + failed corpo before she joined and became a 3view.

>> No.67862948

If I subscribe/donate offline it means I don't want the attention.

>> No.67863514

god no
I do it on purpose not to be noticed

>> No.67864422

pls dont

>> No.67864699
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reminder to be a professional whore

>> No.67865323

he is not wrong, GFE is indeed the most dangerous game
You will need some heavy tard wrangling skills, just as if you become a coomer tuber

>> No.67865428

Doesn't matter some creeps will try and make you gfe in one way, or another and then anti when you don't fulfill their ideal, so best to prepare for that mentally, but hope it doesn't happen and if it does just block/ignore.
