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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 284 KB, 1222x1040, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67559572 No.67559572 [Reply] [Original]

/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

don't kill yourself today edition

>Is mentioning /wasp/ here off topic?
Yes it is. Discussion of or links to the /wasp/ thread are off topic and detrimental to the overall conversation of aspiring vtubers since it only starts beligerant arguments.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, but I fear getting crabbed or not getting real feedback, should I not even spend my time here?
It has been shown that the thread tends to not give feedback for the sake of saying positive things, but anons can help when you formulate your questions properly, and if it failed once, please try again at a later time, know that as there are so many anons here, it's hard for everyone to see your question and respond, even if they know the proper response to you problem, so stay hopeful, and keep asking your different questions!

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Specialite (Women Only): https://specialite.games/en/audition/

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Last thread: >>67529941

>> No.67559620

Who are the saddest /asp/

>> No.67560157

The cringe ngmi virgin males who are in their 30s with schizo thoughts that they can date a 19 year old in another country if they're a good enough anime boy on twitch as they're balls shrivel up and die from disuse.
fag cocksuckers get away from my girls

>> No.67560269

They can do that though

It happens all the time.

>> No.67560463

>schizo in the op
>the alternative got deleted

fuck this im never coming back

>> No.67560511

I'm sorry, I know this must have been traumatic for you

>> No.67560550

Why are you so affected by everything

>> No.67560666

this place has become an astroturfing den for schizos who get attention by acting deranged who also crab on anyone who isn't an schizo just to make sure they get all the attention.

>> No.67560687

Shania bake the next one with the official discord invite

>> No.67560725

Are you looking in a mirror right now

>> No.67560727

>satan trips
>tinfoil hat theories
checked and kino

>> No.67560859

>>67560666 (me)
I made this post

>> No.67560956

oh shit good thinking

here is the link to the new official aspcord. no one gets kicked this time because we don't believe in fascism and nazi stuff like certain other reptilian discord mods

>> No.67561026

>we don't believe in fascism and nazi stuff
In what do we believe, then?

>> No.67561343

schizo thread, someone rebake

>> No.67561420

(they) killed the other bake.

>> No.67561499

These threads are fine its just that you always focus on the minority of posts that upset you
Its crazy when people try to say its l bad now
They must live on a different reality

>> No.67561593

love peace and afro grease

>> No.67561597

It's always easy to complain, trying to fix something requires an amount of effort that Im NOT willing to put, even less if IM gonna be the only one trying to change this shit, see you other day, shitty schizo bake this one.

>> No.67561809

sorry u did not like my thread, anon. I know the OP is the most important part and the thing everyone spends the most time staring at while browsing the thread and I made it stressful for u. I should have been more considerate. Please forgive me


>> No.67561893


>> No.67562038

no one cares about the OP, schizo

you didn't even put an aspie in yours

>> No.67562060

Bro you're schizo as hell

>> No.67562226

thank you

>> No.67562343

I think you need real problems in your life

>> No.67562394

If this is owned by shania its his version of jignxcord and he is looking for the next aspie to try and manipulate and show her his micropenis just how jignx was looking for the next kaneko lumi.

>> No.67562439
File: 1.30 MB, 2097x5298, soul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First Time Mahjong

>> No.67562488

I don't care about your drama

>> No.67562569

yeah everyone get in here, this place is crazy, shania's got his dick out and is whipping it around like a lasso

>> No.67562705 [DELETED] 

yeah the jannies wont allow a new thread to stand until this one is dead
the only way out is to report the op for trolling

>> No.67562737

Go away schizo

>> No.67562790 [DELETED] 

this one doesn't even have a subject, glad the only time jannies do something here it's to make the thread even worse

>> No.67562793

>make a schizo thread
>get surprised when is filled with schizos

>> No.67562958

Crane you fucking fag post the gen 6 links again, I need to send them to someone

>> No.67562992


>> No.67563002

I would like to collect aspie-related art for future thread baking, please post some thanks

>> No.67563021

Gen 6 doesn't exist. /asp/ threads still being made is beating a dead horse.

>> No.67563050


>> No.67563076


>> No.67563456
File: 650 KB, 1024x1024, DigbyInRain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? Ol' Digby needs to stop obsessing over things being perfect
I launched with just a free model I got online and one hour of prep time, this constant indecision and remaking of stuff and trying to make it all perfect?

Not me.

The 3D channel update drops on january 28th.

If stuff ain't ready by then? I can just do it later!

>> No.67563747

>my girls

>> No.67563750

Digby you can spew all the polite niceties you want but nothing will take away the fact you fucked my wife

>> No.67563838

Basil getting 3 raids in 10 minutes just from playing mahjong
No one can say this game isn't a buff

>> No.67563843

full of GMI energy my otouto husband

>> No.67563874

Nice thread

>> No.67563914

Just say Camui and Chrii instead of being the virginiest pussy of this thread

>> No.67563935

Still won't play it

>> No.67563985
File: 463 KB, 1080x1480, DigbyTrader2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?

>> No.67564342

All I'm saying is this is the last time I go to a convention. Digby ruined my fucking marriage.

>> No.67564393


>> No.67564434
File: 321 KB, 1213x827, DigbyTerminator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AH well that wasn't me, never been to a con

>> No.67564497

Digby you fucked my wife i saw the note

>> No.67564542

digby is the only british vtuber i've ever seen with chad energy

>> No.67564610
File: 835 KB, 2700x2025, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aspic vtubers

>> No.67564843


>> No.67564902

Does alto only watch people who play mahjong?the only other place I have ever seen him on is on lava stream

>> No.67564927

He only wants to play mahjong.

>> No.67564947

I saw Renata at the Scholastic book fair today. Stupid bitch tried to say something in her disgusting googoogaga language. When I went to turn in my Pizza Hutt ticket she started jumping up and down like a monkey and scratching herself. Despicable creature. This is why we can't have nice things. I was able to make her leave by reciting the Krebs cycle. I finally got my hands on some cheese pizza at the book fair.

>> No.67564971

he really likes mahjong what do you want me to say

>> No.67565122

Fotm because pippa. All the leeches are getting into it.

>> No.67565189

It's more of a cultural part of the board, most have been playing for months already

>> No.67565200

But I'm pippa

>> No.67565219

Thread* not board

>> No.67565279

>not palworld
Although I guess it worked for meat since he slid into her dms.

>> No.67565398

Which meat

>> No.67565427

What's wrong with Ineda?

>> No.67565430


>> No.67565442


>> No.67565481
File: 130 KB, 396x447, uoooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I had only two viewers for the whole stream, then suddenly I raided with five? Twitch and the viewer numbers is so weird. I'll probably stream later again, maybe something else other than Tekken.

>> No.67565486
File: 313 KB, 816x379, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.twitch.tv/khubie is jonging!

>> No.67565525

pro tip, dont look at your viewer count while live, there's nothing meaningful to gleam from them because of how poorly twitch updates them and you'll just go crazy

>> No.67565533
File: 960 KB, 1024x1024, new emote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well lads its time!
Digby is drawing again, showing off his meagre skills and trying to improve
Also nattering on about stuff
So come hang out and maybe get your thing drawn too!


>> No.67565540

should have tried to help archia to learn how to jong...

>> No.67565620

the viewer count is all kinds of whacked, seems it doesn't take lurkers into account.

>> No.67565631

Well, it's not like it matters much to me, but it was definitely a surprise. I wish people would talk more in my chat though, I want to talk with you guys about all sorts of conversations. Also, it's kind of hard to not look at, I'm using my phone to look at my chat in my stream manager: the viewer count is right there and I don't think I can hide it?

>> No.67565649

she does open sessions on twitch and also jongs on discord

>> No.67565671

>I want to talk with you guys about all sorts of conversations.
time to start bringing up those topics yourself, champ. There is only so much chat can do for you

>> No.67565679

I don't want to play jong but I feel a bit left out by not playing it

>> No.67565717

Oh, I already do that. I can't shut up. I suppose my topics aren't very interesting if people don't come out from the shadows to chat?

>> No.67565794

archia just raided her

>> No.67565934

that, or they just want to listen to your thoughts.
same happens to me, but i'm just glad someone's willing to listen to my rambling.

>> No.67566025

I want renata to ruin my prostate like the banning of porn ruined tumblr

>> No.67566090
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, art stream thumbnail real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ART STREAM - A bit of detox after a long day... - Merlie Azoth Ch.


>> No.67566158


>> No.67566229

You can act as if you are part of the group even if you don't play, just go and watch some of the one playing and say random stuff about the game like "nice hand" or "bro his hands look scary" and none of them will refute you because they don know the game

>> No.67566243

Pippa has been playing for more than a year now. Calling it fotm is disingenious.

>> No.67566335

literally just timing. meat got a runoxi raid and he was playing tekken

>> No.67566457

Two of his raid were from mahjong streamers who had no idea who he was though, runoxi knows who meat is because he is an aspie even if she never watched him

>> No.67566462

It really isn't. I was streaming it two days ago and what I got was one viewer, Vita. :(

>> No.67566483

List of people I should ban from my chat before I debut?

>> No.67566537

you guys are weak, I talk to myself all the time, you should try having schizophrenia that could help with talking even with no viewers

>> No.67566541


>> No.67566718

Path to Affiliate
Reach 50 followers


30-day Performance (12/28/23 - 1/26/24)

View 30-day stats
Stream for 8 hours


Stream on 7 different days


Average of 3 viewers

in 47.63 hours streamed


Is this you?

>> No.67566730

I guess it also depends on the timezone, you stream at very early hours because you are european nikola

>> No.67566731

I should make an effort to be less groomable.

>> No.67566784

I should make an effort to be more entertaining.

>> No.67566790

Who are you so I know who I will try to not groom

>> No.67566820

not aspie

>> No.67566830

STOP using this abhorrent word its a disgrace to my name

>> No.67566853

I can't seem to get my avg up, barely one or two seem to view at any given time

>> No.67566923

This look like schizo babbling on phone so I guess it looks better on desktop

>> No.67566942

Y'know I kind of get what cannibalism anon was saying. I want to be so close to my oshi that I do think eating them would be a nice thing

>> No.67566953

It's as equally shitty, full on schizo.

>> No.67566975

thanks for reminding me to take my meds

>> No.67566977

Cheen, I am coming to Canada. I need to smell your dick.

>> No.67567032

Id do it to be honest

>> No.67567034

does she even come here anymore?

>> No.67567046

I was going to say
But even she wouldn't be this nasty, this has to be a homo

>> No.67567055

she is an adjacent though

>> No.67567095

stop fucking posting her you shithead.

>> No.67567125
File: 240 KB, 601x503, happybunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate living here. Someone give me enough money to move to AU or Canada.

>> No.67567169

No one posts toto's link for the same reason, an adjacent doesn't deserve to get shit on by people she doesn't know in a place she doesn't post because someone decided to post her link here

>> No.67567209

No more twitter for a few days. It's been bumming me out, and I have artwork to make and my redebut game to brush up on instead!

>> No.67567322

Totora already gets enough shit by her clearly self-centered behaviour, mate

>> No.67567361

Oh so when it's directed at a male its nasty but not when it's to a woman?

>> No.67567399

I hope she made lotsa CHEENIS!

>> No.67567419

I'd just want her to cut a piece of her thigh or her calf out for me

>> No.67567570

Yeah I'd probably do this too.

>> No.67567679

Hello Iriya.

>> No.67567711

Ganbare anon-chan!

>> No.67567747

It's easy, just be an asshole

>> No.67567751
File: 3.43 MB, 1700x2211, VAVVictorianSetting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm live with Victorian Age Vampire!
This time I'll be giving you more specifics on London in the Victorian Age, and on how to best represent the time period! If you liked the GM pitches from before, I'll be doing that once again!


>> No.67567804

How was today?
Castle crashers was fun but i feel like i shouldnt upload the vod, did i do well?

>> No.67567876

I made you a funny video.

>> No.67568226

I'll do my best!! For you too now, anon!!

>> No.67568360

I wonder will there ever be a vtuber who will auction off a chunk of her own meat.

>> No.67568421

Kind of a tangent, but I've always maintained that if I have to have part of me amputated, I'd bring it home, have it butchered professionally, and then serve it to my partner and our closest friends. I like the thought of turning something unfortunate like that into a bonding experience - very literally, as my fats dissolve and bond into theirs. Together forever!

>> No.67568605

It's nasty no matter who it is doing it, sniffing stinky private parts is disgusting even if the one doing it is a woman

>> No.67568609

What is wrong with you all?

>> No.67568671

Streaming taught me I have small anger issues. I want to show you the best I can be, but something prevents me from doing it when I'm on air?

>> No.67568684

You are projecting

>> No.67568886

How is stating that an objectively nasty action is nasty no matter who is performing it?

>> No.67568955

yearly placenta auction streams when

>> No.67568968
File: 411 KB, 1026x1200, tatsuki-fujimotos-author-comment-from-his-second-oneshot-v0-fkzpsr0u3pua1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based eating as a sign of affection posting, keep it up

>> No.67569226

People I have art/animation ideas for:
>Sterling in the golemworks, complete with turning cogs and rivers of molten metal
>Goth Haru in the forest at night, you came to the wrong woods awoomfie
>Andy standing on the edge of a spaceport looking up to the bussling space transport above
>3rdPT in military uniform resting on a bench in the rain, his comrade resting his head on his lap
>Zenya on a battleship commanding the turrets
>Kopa and Klondike as WH40K dreadnoughts
>Lava sitting alone in the dark at a table hugging a bozu, a single cupcake with a candle illuminates her and the banner above her "Happy Birthday"

Now to just get good at art

>> No.67569339

I think maybe the anon who was watching a bunch of aspies and called them talented

>> No.67569799

Realistically, about how many subs/followers/CCV should a femanon have before submitting applications to corpos like Kawaii or Phase? Or do they scout you when you're big enough?

>> No.67569898

Fuwamoco were 2 view shitters. Kobo literally had no internet presence. Start applying from whenever you want.

>> No.67569977

Kobo was a miracle ngl. Her natural musical talent is impressive.

>> No.67570021

Also a reminder that Fuwamoco applied 5 times before being accepted

>> No.67570132

>living on his own
I want to kill myself

>> No.67570181

If you want in a corpo just fuck one of the niji managers

>> No.67570391

I at least have 2 years until then and I'm saving money, just need to find a gf...

>> No.67570438

I don't live on my own simply because my parents have a big home and I pay no rent

>> No.67570523

I slept for 14 hours due to being sleep deprived. I have roughly 8 hours until I have to get ready to go work again. What should I do with my free time

>> No.67570572

Cheen I know you're an incel little bitch but even for you this is pathetic.

>> No.67570592

I'm 30 and virgin and have none of that Im ngmi

>> No.67570633

play mahjong

>> No.67570793


>> No.67570875

Day 3 of no porn

>> No.67570916

Day 3 of the 10 hour goonsesh marathon

>> No.67570961

my go live notif didn't send on here >:(. ty for everyone who came tho :)

>> No.67571078


>> No.67571101

>finally get to know how I want my chuuba desing to look like
>think how to get cash or where to get/steal a free model without legal consecuences
>find chuuba with exactly the same design as you, the same niche as you and the same traits as you

Okay anons, is it over?

>> No.67571109

I still can't get over the fact that Renata is a STEM major.

>> No.67571149

I got to have esex with the girl I love so I made it

>> No.67571157

My private parts aren't stinky fuck off

>> No.67571159

Depends on the genders

>> No.67571200
File: 3.01 MB, 1200x1200, 3x3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going live on my friend's channel now, discussing anime 3x3s.


>> No.67571238

Girl chuuba

>> No.67571279

Then you know it's over, you only asked to vent.

>> No.67571287

How many people did Layla do this with...

>> No.67571414


How the fuck do I avoid getting sued if a chuuba I had never seen before had the exact design I had in my mind?

>> No.67571674

How the fuck is she going to sue you you fucking retard, half the chuubas out there plagiarize each other

>> No.67571688

I'm a born cuck and more than just with women

>> No.67572103

holy shit a real wizard

>> No.67572121 [DELETED] 

Just mean

>> No.67572157


>> No.67572327

>I have a question, but I fear getting crabbed or not getting real feedback, should I not even spend my time here?
>It has been shown that the thread tends to not give feedback for the sake of saying positive things, but anons can help when you formulate your questions properly, and if it failed once, please try again at a later time, know that as there are so many anons here, it's hard for everyone to see your question and respond, even if they know the proper response to you problem, so stay hopeful, and keep asking your different questions!
This paragraph has been growing more and more. It's bloated and should be slimmed down for next thread. No one is reading all that.

>> No.67572368

It needs to be longer.

>> No.67572470

and removing it is pointless because we end up having to repeat every single fucking time "ask, the thread cant read your mind" you fucking retarded shitty head, unless you can provide a minimally good condensed version of it you cosk sucker bitch who likes to just crab and shit up the thread.

>> No.67572479

the secret big chuuba doesnt want you to know is that getting a girlfriend doesnt fix the desires to kill yourself and sometimes it makes them worse

find peace as you are now or you never will

>> No.67572678

>getting a girlfriend doesnt fix the desires to kill yourself
After getting a gf for a short while, I now know everyone who says this is swimming in cope.

>> No.67572680

This is just dumb but if I respond with anything less than affirmative you'll say something smug and condescending. This is just something I'd like to try at least once. I'm not sure why everything else is okay but if you start to fantasize about having a girlfriend people say thats horrible and tell you to be a monk.

>> No.67572823

I give you 6 months

>> No.67572833

There is no such thing as male chuubas getting groomed. Go ahead name 5.

>> No.67572868 [DELETED] 


>> No.67572958

I want to groom iriya into a big tittied muscular himbo slut that wears a leopard print thong everywhere

>> No.67573013

Cheen for art, fuza for numbers, Iriya for money, Elliot for a place to live in, Merlie for sexual relief, Kai for self-pleasure about being a good person, All the mods for a moderator on their chat, all the GFE viewers for the money.

>> No.67573231

>fuza for numbers
>Merlie for sexual relief
>Kai for self-pleasure about being a good person

>> No.67573508

I'm gonna add an e-date redeem.

>> No.67573536

Hey, I'm the anon that scammed a model from an artist a few months back. If I were in your shoes I would commission a design from an artist that works quickly and then chargeback once the draft is issued. Use this draft as a foundation for additional design work (hire another artist using it as a reference if you'd like, then chargeback again). You can combine design elements you like from the multiple drafts and commission an artist for your final design, preferably without scamming them if you want to avoid risk. Hope it goes well for you. Make sure chargeback is available for your payment method and if they reside in another country that's even better.

>> No.67573621


>> No.67573711

cut the shit, add a paizuri redeem

>> No.67573729

Which aspie is closest in personality to Rushia?

>> No.67573743

Holy shit actually remove yourself off the planet please

>> No.67573759

I don't even know who they are, so I can't have a similar personality

>> No.67573859

Forgot to add, I'm a male.

>> No.67573893

get big pecs and offer the paizuri redeem anyway

>> No.67573894


>> No.67573929
File: 23 KB, 202x206, RuadhHanabi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live now! Raising my perfect & amazing daughter in Princess Volcano!
>mfw my daughter is amazing & happy (I'm happy :) )

>> No.67573951

I wonder who this is

>> No.67574139
File: 4 KB, 624x58, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67574165
File: 2.74 MB, 3300x2200, palutena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my art from today's stream! It's good to be back!

>> No.67574211

You fucking bitch why so pricey

>> No.67574256
File: 591 KB, 640x959, 1703887038800114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fantasize about having a girlfriend people
oh fantasizing about having a girlfriend is ok but once you get it you will still want to kill yourself most of the time
People will always want more no matter how much they have

>> No.67574286

I haven't decided the true price yet.

>> No.67574320

That aside, who the fuck is adding this, I need to farm my points for this date.

>> No.67574337

Brother I'm not a virgin I payed to complete that quest long time ago

>> No.67574440

good shit

>> No.67574441

That's for me to know and for (You) to find out.

>> No.67574477

I can ramble to myself but I'm always waiting for a response when someone is chatting.

>> No.67574541

Honestly I'm having a hard time understanding the original meaning, but here's my attempt at a concise version.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

>> No.67574547
File: 806 KB, 498x438, nerd-emoji.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67574658

Hmmm is Crane a cool guy to collab with?
What does he usually play?

>> No.67574662

i approve any objectors?

>> No.67574680

Yes it's normal here, half of my friends got their father to pay a nice lady but I heard that it's more uncommon in other countries

>> No.67574718

I will bake faster than your shitty change

>> No.67574745

He's awesome. He's up for most anything, just DM him.

>> No.67574793

can you explain why you disagree with this change?

>> No.67574840

that's weird as fuck actually I haven't heard of my friends doing that, they just get gfs or fuck the fat girl of the class

>> No.67575023

I never had a gf while in school and neither did my friends so maybe it's related to that
Also just noticed he called me a nerd over a spelling mistake and not for paying

>> No.67575241

I used the nerd emoji for myself... I never asked about the prostitution bit...

>> No.67575323

Fuwamoco offered a gimmick that nobody else had.
You can apply whenever you want but the bar is super high, you are competing against the best of the best.

>> No.67575328

NTA But I'm calling you a fucking nerd for incorrectly assuming he was calling you a nerd in the first place.

>> No.67575958

im gonna overdose on benzos and ambien and stream after i kill the hat man

>> No.67576148

Ignore the hat man he is just another crab

>> No.67576337
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>> No.67576361
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i mixed this half asleep but can i have feedback pls

>> No.67576519

I have a few people I'll drop by regardless of what they're doing and tend to gravitate towards art streams, I don't really have the time to watch everyone, sorry

>> No.67576530

Mary ffs activate VoDs, make highlights, or something PLEASE. I cant keep living if Im going to miss your streams because you the new "schedule" perfectly matches my wagie hours...

>> No.67576590

It's not great. If you need a good mixer, DM Crane and he'll hook you up.

>> No.67576819

My mixer hasn't actually gotten back to me about the last one, so don't DM me expecting me to put you in contact with him.

Otherwise, I can still help with the bare basics (Loudness Normalization, Compression, EQ)

>> No.67576908
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Hey ay ess pee! I'm going to be going live in a little bit but I was hoping I could have some honest criticism about the way I speak/handle commentary! Lately, I feel I try to talk about too many things at once and it kind of disrupts the flow sometimes, I am not too sure though. If anyone wants to drop by today to tell me if I need to improve anywhere or not, I'd appreciate it. I want to make my stuff more enjoyable to listen to and I think I can improve my yapping but it's important to get some peer reviewing alongside my self critique!
Thanks for dropping in if you do, I'll check back and read stuff after the stream and my dinner!

>> No.67577025

Nobody here watches you so we don’t have any advice.
Go ask your 3view friend for advice.

>> No.67577349

What separates the GMIs from the NGMIs?

>> No.67577426
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>> No.67577468

Willpower and charisma.

>> No.67577518

If you don't know if you are stretching a topic for too long ask your viewers, don't be afraid because most will answer honestly, same with disrupting what you are doing you shouldn't be afraid of asking your audience input because they are the one that knows what they want the best.
As for me I only watched like 10 or so streams so I can't say for sure but I don't think it's a problem, at least you don't have any dead air and you are entertaining enough

>> No.67577528

Mandate of Heaven.

>> No.67577600

Literally the only person I have ever heard use that term is Digby

>> No.67577770

Where do you live?

>> No.67577789

I would desu

>> No.67577865


>> No.67578114


>> No.67578117

None, last was Miia and she was so obnoxious that it made camui look like a good poster

>> No.67578175

people who do it to get a girlfriend vs people who do it because there is an idea no one else had and they want it done by someone, even if it not themselves
Example Uwu

>> No.67578193
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>> No.67578194

We have like 3. Kuku I guess, idk haven't watched. Haru. And another I forgot.

If you want tranny vtubers try looking through the Retro tag on twitch. Lots of transexual vtubers play retro games for some reason. Here's some big names in this category: dot lvl, beareatsalmon, voxandra.

>> No.67578227

$CASH MONEY$ and ezploiting subs for money yes money money yess yess

>> No.67578320

I once mispronounced Virginia as Vagina and was ridiculed for it.

>> No.67578398

Oregon and Oregano

>> No.67578408

I've noticed that the retro category has a disproportionate number of alphabet people

>> No.67578447

Watch it now being ridiculized for telling us something that nobody asked about and no one cares about :3c

>> No.67578599
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>there are ojis in this thread right now

>> No.67578644


>> No.67578720
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Haru's playing...! I don't know. Tabletop games?

>> No.67578770

How do i be funny?
I don't feel funny?
Everyone else is funny and smart insightful wise
What am i doing wrong?

>> No.67578793

What are the cutest animals apart from cats, bunnies and dogs?

I need a pet for my menhera chuuba

>> No.67578864

Stop thinking when you talk and just say the first thing that comes to your head without processing it at all. It usually helps.

>> No.67578872


>> No.67578969

Make jokes or call out things that you personally find funny. Laugh at your own jokes, literally. The more you laugh and try to be funny, the more you will build the wit to be funny.
Don't try to be funny for other people, just focus on what you think is actually funny.

>> No.67578992

uwu is creative but he is not a vtuber it doesnt matter how many times he zooms in on the two frame jpg

>> No.67579053

why are you using flay for this

>> No.67579172

he is an analog vtuber

>> No.67579227
File: 61 KB, 748x795, IMG_7552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i lost all my good reaction pics and i like flay

>> No.67579328

sorry I associate ojiposters with vesper

>> No.67579361


>> No.67579421

Of course you would

>> No.67579433
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Got you covered, Skunkpounce.

>> No.67579504

what about No.67579361

>> No.67579515

Nothing i play has been giving me material that isnt just whining about the vtuber community or the same talking points, and i dont like how i sound on mic
What am i doing wrong?
I feel like i have nothing to add to anything i talk about its things everyone has said already

>> No.67579544
File: 803 KB, 1083x982, IMG_0991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was my kamioshi :(i dont have any vesper react pics anymore...and flay seems like the type of person to see the appeal in ojis ToT ojis in this thread......ToT

>> No.67579574

If you have a theme, base it off a mythological figure that shares a similar aesthetic. It doesnt have to be exactly the same.
Or just any word / name that was a "feel" or aesthetic similar to what youre going for.

I resonated with mine because it felt natural like my real name too.

>> No.67579622
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New SSD fitted, blue screening occurring still and FINALLY pin pointed to the RAM.

So I have new sticks arriving next week. Again, not going to stream until this is fully resolved.

Sorry for delay, but will still do sessions and the community games in Discord until it's fixed.

Scissors is just very angry....

I have spent so much to try and get rid of the blue screens....and in the end it was the memory?

At least I can make good use of the new SSD. And the CPU & GPU will be great for streaming once I can do it properly again.

Sorry if I let you down.

>> No.67579684

Are you the mythical scissor chuuba they spoke about some weeks ago?

>> No.67579717
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Should I play Recettear later?
I'm on the fence between that, trying out Palworld, or Hollow Knight.

>> No.67579805

Make it a poll

>> No.67579821
File: 1.56 MB, 1340x752, brave_2024-01-27_01-25-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you to everyone who showed up! Hopefully I managed to give a proper view of how to handle the different locales in Victorian Age London so you can all fully enjoy the upcoming game!

Next week I'll finally be announcing who the players are, so stay tuned!

>> No.67579884
File: 1.62 MB, 3000x4000, 1706238645551701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes...just having some PC issues that have been stopping me from streaming because high intensity stuff makes it shit itself and blue screen.

Once the new RAM is fitted, I can put this new M2 SSD in too, and we can start properly.

Do you like this fanart? People seem to have come up with the idea that I would be held by a yandere, but the scissors would talk.

>> No.67579906

Play Signalis

>> No.67580013

Awwww... I think the drawing is very cute

>> No.67580096
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Thank you, credit to whoever drew it!

>> No.67580122

Play Signalis

>> No.67580140

How do i network better?
I cant be in alot of chuubas streams cuz my life is literally work and college and stream and sleep
I make art
Is occasionally chatting on discord and making fanart enough?
Do i sneak in their dms if they follow me?

>> No.67580272

What are you trying to get out of networking?
Best way to network is raid chuubas that are in your tier or a little higher, who are also in your time zone/stream time.

Raid then Follow on Twitter to reply to their posts and stuff. Eventually there should be a connection.

>> No.67580307

>Is occasionally chatting on discord and making fanart enough?
>Do i sneak in their dms if they follow me?
yes to all of this, vtubers are weird and some might consider you friends for the smallest things while others might just think of you as an acquaintance after talking regularly for years, so thread with caution and don't get too personal

>> No.67580378

Hollow Knight but finish it

>> No.67580397

Kankuro please finish a game or two before picking a new game up...

>> No.67580503

Scissor chuuba with Ame-chan?
10/10 Loved that game

>> No.67580578

You should play Signalis, heard the anons, they are cooking
>>67579906 >>67580122

>> No.67580706

If it's on paper is most likely vita.

>> No.67580775

Ok I'll go Hollow Knight!

>> No.67580964

More followers and notoriety and spreading my name

>> No.67581889

Bonnieeeeeeeeeeee when are you streaming???? I need more retro aspies to watch

>> No.67581993
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>> No.67582021

Was gonna watch an aspie but decided to masturbate

>> No.67582243

>not being able to do both at the same time
skill issue

>> No.67582794

>can't do 2 things at the same time
cishet male found

>> No.67583357

Is it wrong to ban people who are just annoying and autistic? I feel like I enjoy streams a lot more when certain chatters aren't there but I don't feel good about telling them to fuck off when they haven't really done anything wrong.

>> No.67583427

ban them anon, it's okay. they'll surely understand, and if not, they'll kill themselves and be out of everyone's hair.

>> No.67583444

Tell us who you want to want sis!

>> No.67583457

Love you too

>> No.67583560

Banning autistic viewers is ableist

>> No.67583602

um Im shy and autistic so don't take this the wrong way but I want to cut open lava with a rusty chainsaw and pull her apart and eat her >.<

>> No.67583644

ban the incels

>> No.67583646

Are vtubers actually friends or is it all just transactional?

>> No.67583708

I am your chuuba friend :3

>> No.67583711
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>> No.67584006

Name asp

>> No.67584032

No youre not

>> No.67584037


>> No.67584072

That's right because I am your chuuba gf c;
Now come here so I leglock you into getting me pregnant uwu

>> No.67584091
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And we are LIVE with pokemon smash or pass.
Now, as a resident /d/ browser I like to think of myself as open minded. so come in and join the discussion, or marvel at the horror!


>> No.67584114

im glad it all got sorted out

>> No.67584119

I'm so glad what viewers I have are chill. I love my chat

>> No.67584153

Play Signalis

>> No.67584224

It depends on how you define friends

>> No.67584244
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I can only hope it gets fixed once the new sticks arrive.

>> No.67584253

They are friends, anyone who tells you "everything is transactional" is just self-reporting

>> No.67584334

failing the vibe check is a valid ban, if you wanna be kind say "can you not say that kind of stuff, its harshing my vibes"

>> No.67584347

Fucking loser

>> No.67584355

vtubers are only friends if you are a vtuber as well

>> No.67584663

There are different levels of friendships. I'm "friendly" with most aspies, friends with a few, and good friends with one or two.

>> No.67584666

The ones that know eachother's real names are friends. The rest are simply business acquaintances

>> No.67584667
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>> No.67584735

some of my viewers privately message me for banning autists, so its definitely rewarded.
viewers please do the same too, let's make our chuubas assured

>> No.67584925

don't be mean...

>> No.67585276

With other vtubers? Maybe.
With viewers? No, they live in different worlds.
Don't make the same mistakes I did.

>> No.67585367

Also some VTubers are obviously viewers just trying to get close to VTubers, they don't count.

>> No.67585396

Name them!

>> No.67585445


>> No.67585462

I just cant imagine anyone viewing people as equals here or friends
They all look down or up
From my view, all look and talk down
View me as such

>> No.67585558

If you are a vtuber and your viewers try to befriend you please stop them and set boundaries, you are going to hurt them more than you will be hurt, you have dozens if not hundreds of people interested in befriending you but to your viewer you might be his/her only friend and they will be hurt when you get bored of them.

>> No.67585736

Don't listen to him.
If you are a vtuber and your viewers try to befriend you, you should let it happen and make everyone (that pays) be your friend.

That way you will unlock the unlimited money glitch.

>> No.67585801

You have a mental issue, get some help.

>> No.67585844

The game is loud compared to your voice. Look up a tutorial on auto ducking audio in obs if you get the time so the game gets quieter when you speak so we can hear you over it. You have a nice voice and energy though.

>> No.67585930


>> No.67585961

Play Signalis

>> No.67586379
File: 4 KB, 502x509, F9juUs_WoAAKRF4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna play some old ass racing games
come to watch

>> No.67586484

do you never tire yourself out from posting this? You do this every time, I understand you wanted friends from here and failed but you should let the matter rest

>> No.67586588

Same anon as below
Listening more it seems it's more like you're moving away from the mic sometimes. Or maybe speaking too quietly and the compression isn't hard(?) enough to raise its volume. (I don't actually know audio terms I'm just trying to explain how I understand it.) Look up tutorials on obs mic settings if you can.

>> No.67587049

It's your audience. If you don't want someone in it, it's your choice if they get to participate in chat. Nothing is stopping them from watching even if you do decide to exclude their access to chat.

On YouTube, this is a lot better because you can only shadow ban people. They can still make comments in your chat but no one will see them.

>> No.67587193

30 dollars divided into 73 hours is about 42 cents per hour. I thought that was interesting.

>> No.67587240
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Should I play mahjong or war thunder tonight?

>> No.67587250

No i don't
I'd be successful if i did

>> No.67587292

You ever just

>> No.67587324


>> No.67587467

I'd say mahjong, but you mentioned about wanting to play war thunder more so go for that one instead uu

>> No.67587515

Only if you're female.

>> No.67587542

Play Signalis

>> No.67587613

play Signalis

>> No.67587711

If im male?
Last thing i want is some chuuba with a saviorcomplex asspatting and humblebragging to me
Talking down

>> No.67587800

Name ALL of them.

>> No.67587981
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>> No.67588442

Do I need a capture card to safely stream ps4/5 or is the native streaming stuff good enough

>> No.67588624

How do you plan to add your model over it if you stream from the console

>> No.67588628

she would make fun of you if you said this in her chat

>> No.67588646

The baseline stuff if servicable, but I'm pretty sure that you won't be doing any chuubing unless you invest in a capture card. On that note, don't cheap out on your capture card.

>> No.67588678

if you perceive yourself in that way then you probably are pathetic and should be talked down too. what lie do you want me to tell you to make you feel better about your shitty self?

>> No.67588892


>> No.67588973

Oh...I'm pon
Then I guess I'm going to cheap out on a capture card

>> No.67589074

This, too, is fine, but be ready for the problems that arise from cheaping out on your capture card

>> No.67589199
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>overlap hours
>have to ignore 2-3 streams I like
