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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 759 KB, 2880x2340, Screenshot_20240125_231252_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67523366 No.67523366 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, it's not even return stream buff, the next highest is Biboo with 10k. Nene is streaming on Twitch just so she doesn't have to compete. WTF IS GOING ON?

>> No.67523540

why the fuck is nene on twitch?

>> No.67523625

Either the botter has an IQ of 99 and hates them or they have an IQ of 60 and loves them.
Either way it looks bad.

>> No.67523715

cope more, they get viewership in the 20k range all the time, add on a super buff game and 40k is pretty understandable

>> No.67523730

Youtube isn’t easy to bot nowadays, he’s gotta be paying out the ass

>> No.67523752

The power of ignoring homos.
Meanwhile calli 6k with the ultimate buff game kek.

>> No.67523754

t. botter-kun, trying the catalog out again since /#/ no longer GAF about him

>> No.67523869
File: 63 KB, 611x401, fuwamoco pants on fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liar liar pants on fire

>> No.67523889

>Back down to 11.3k now
Botter anon, remember to renew your session instead of shitposting here

>> No.67523930

I have no clue, might be worth looking into.

>> No.67523957

>i-it's the bots i swear
YouTube can't be botted, twitchtard.

>> No.67523959
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What possession are you going to sell next to fund your botting spree?

>> No.67523984

Buy an ad

>> No.67524000

t. botter-kun

>> No.67524023

Huh, didn't know shes that desperate now.

>> No.67524028

>Mori appears on their stream
>Lose 30k viewers
The mori classic.

>> No.67524036

Okay, pack it up, was obviously a bot

>> No.67524054

she wants to be like her lover, Towasama

>> No.67524065

Bots, they still get good numbers th
20-30K is very good for EN
>Nene is streaming on Twitch

>> No.67524069

All Hololive streams are botted to no end, some are traceable some less.

>> No.67524076

Where are the accompanying endless stream of superchats?

>> No.67524098

Well anon you were saying>>67523869

>> No.67524174


>> No.67524253

Should have just given them akasupas for the whole stream.

>> No.67524266

OP here, it's obviously malicious botter trying to get their channel in trouble after their silence. The Nene thing is weird though.

>> No.67524279

Nerissa said her karaoke relay was bottled. YouTube probably (definitely) detected the bots and corrected her stats/analytics post stream.

>> No.67524296

this is the greatest graph

>> No.67524420

Botted to fuck. This is not how the unicorns win, it has to be organic.

>> No.67524454

What is the deal with botted views? I don't understand why it's a bad/good/whatever thing.

>> No.67524480
File: 155 KB, 448x448, 1676086950029925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embarrassingly bots their streams, without bots barely 5.5k each despite the turbo gfe and japanese audience buff
This is the best of Advent?

>> No.67524523
File: 764 KB, 2880x2880, 1706237905613889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you op?

>> No.67524541

What silence?

>> No.67524551

This graph is why nobody likes ruffians, 70% of you aren't even real and are just one guy having daily bau bau meltdowns.

>> No.67524586

Gura is the queen of EN!

>> No.67524631

ewwwwww using undead mouse.

>> No.67524646

Goomba remains the queen until the end of Hololive EN.

>> No.67524673
File: 300 KB, 858x648, bot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67524804

It's neutral since YT supposedly does filter the bots out after processing the vid. A few HoloENs have already pointed it out. It neither helps, nor hurts.
Theoretically it *can* be bad if that damages the channel in the algorithm, but there hasn't been any indication or evidence that that might be the case. YT stated a long time ago that their system wouldn't punish channels being botted against their wills so there is that, too (no idea how they would differentiate that, though)

>> No.67524859
File: 408 KB, 884x763, bib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67525042

So it's just /#/ being autistic faggots?

>> No.67525064


>> No.67525215

>create thread about numbers
>stop your botfarm for this "gotcha"
hope it was worth however many months of your salary it all cost.

>> No.67525233

How fucking much money does that faggot have? He's been on this shit for months now. That nigger could fucking open up his own vtuber agency with all that money, but he chooses to seethe at /#/ by throwing money away

>> No.67525287

>implying Cover isn't paying for bot views

>> No.67525299

You see the difference is that one has more likes and comments but fewer views.

>> No.67525371

Of course they aren't. Last time I checked, Cover wasn't an Anycara subsidiary

>> No.67525423

its the schizo anon trying to bring down /#/ >>67524523

>> No.67525478

>(no idea how they would differentiate that, though)
Bots come from an IP but the streamer has another

>> No.67525578

So the Mori thread just got axed, that's kinda strange

>> No.67525615

>58 seething sisters
you love to see it

>> No.67525616

$54 an hour is pretty low considering how they would also need to spend time preparing and re-investing. I guess memberships offset it a little too, and then merchandising and sponsorships. If the botter really wanted to support them he should have thrown money at them directly.

>> No.67525692
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niji in comparison

>> No.67525710

I don't understand that whole thread.

>> No.67525794
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>> No.67525924

At least nijisanji doesn't bot their stream lol

>> No.67525937

Unicorns keep winning

>> No.67526043

It's hard to understand why the ARR epilogue doesn't perform as well as FOTM.

>> No.67526225
File: 695 KB, 900x1151, 1699037264665357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67526289

no point. with how low niji numbers are it would look too obvious

>> No.67526523

nice try ironmousefag

>> No.67526869

The chinese have given up on botting nijiwhores

>> No.67526945

>t. twitchtard

>> No.67527499

>at 11k now
Seem like the botfag run out of money lol

>> No.67527783
File: 353 KB, 911x564, 1705995293232939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a lot because yesterday he dint even dare contest Gura's return stream something that would have absolutely ruined the thread yet he did nothing kek

>> No.67527866

he was too busy botting gura's stream to bot fwmc's stream at the same time

>> No.67528067

I will never stop finding it hilarious how someone keeps botting FWMC just to say their numbers don't count.
Total /#/ Death when.

>> No.67528092
File: 840 KB, 1138x1066, 1706242677173626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek still seething couldn't even beat Guras ccv botting a buffed stream

>> No.67528189

>holo vs holo all of a sudden
classic nijinog

>> No.67528405

/#/ is taking fat dumps on the botter every single day, anon

>> No.67528462

Can't bot SC and they're number 1 there too

>> No.67528786

Gura and Fuwamoco are on the same team. As is Biboo. Even without bots those are top 3 and all are CGDCT. Makes you think

>> No.67529470

Gura is top, and always will be, I do not care for the Advent shitters.

>> No.67529772

this image just makes me think vtubing as a whole would be better if /#/ didn't exist.
you can argue that we wouldn't know they were being botted if it weren't for /#/, but the botter himself is a /#/ tard and only doing it to get attention from them. what a cesspool.

>> No.67529947

12k ain't bad though post botting retard.

>> No.67529987

>even with buff game
nigga they are playing the same thing

>> No.67530041


>> No.67530187

they were literally the top superchat earner in all of hololive this past month, they earned twice as much as chloe

>> No.67530192

Is anybody taking into account that a lot more people will tune into a Gura stream because it's a rare event?

>> No.67530911
File: 9 KB, 273x185, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manbabies need their infantilizing babysitters, what else?

>> No.67531131

BTFO before and directly after.
Where'd you run off to anon? :)

>> No.67532142

This. A Gura stream is almost the equivalent of a Gilzaren stream, everyone is going to tune in.
