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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67493386 No.67493386 [Reply] [Original]

That was a risky move, they're on the verge of getting blacklisted by Cover. See, Hololive really wants to push the homos, and if the girls don't fall in line, they won't be included in similar events going forward. They won't be given the chance to host events involving guys because they're afraid the girls might express dissent (and that would make them look pretty bad, they want to pretend this is a big happy family), leading to them being kept away from the official channel.
They're definitely making some powerful enemies inside Hololive, Yagoo included... very dumb if you ask me

>> No.67493506

both of them are fluent in japanese. they will get invited back to shit considering they are big draws and less than half of EN can speak jap well enough to shill shit. Its one of the 2 reasons why Bae and Ollie get invited to everything. Even ignoring the fact Bae and Ollie love doing the fag shit, they get invited to MC nonfag related things like Advent's debut because they both speak japanese

>> No.67493528

stop posting fanfiction

>> No.67493561
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>> No.67493674

>do less cover work
>more time for ruffians
i see that as a win.

>> No.67493678 [DELETED] 

I hope they get fired just like they got fired from their last job for being the worthless 2view shitters they were. At one point they only streamers for an audience 50 people. And I didn't see any of these faggots there supporting them. They didn't care about the the twins until they were branded by the blue dotito

>> No.67493769

lmk when you're done writing and finally upload this to AO3

>> No.67494078

at least hide your seethe homobeggars and come up with better fanfictions.

>> No.67494217

They won't get invited if they make the homos look bad, simple as

>> No.67494245 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 270x400, travesl[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdfu3mn.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they only streamers for an audience 50

>> No.67494314

brown hands typed this post

>> No.67494391

Brown feet follow those brown hands.

>> No.67494420

literally who will they invite instead?

>> No.67494473

fanfiction board, get over it

>> No.67494776

It's common sense
You don't go against upper management

>> No.67494895

If there's a conflict of interest you 100% go against them and if you get fired then get a better job or else they leave you alone. What are you a pussy?

>> No.67495006
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>> No.67495070

Holostars fans are hololive antis

>> No.67495582

all collabbeggars should be killed.

>> No.67495784 [DELETED] 

I dropped them when I realized theyre just another case of someone grifting people to their “3d activities” elsewhere. It made them feel disingenuous

>> No.67495912

>they're on the verge of getting blacklisted by Cover
Kek stopped reading right there.

>> No.67495989

They're covers new golden goose, so yes they will. Stay mad homosister.

>> No.67496066

you don't like their 3d activities? would be hard pressed to find something more wholesome and cute. says a lot about you.

>> No.67496111

I think he means off hololive anon like rm shit

>> No.67496154

Thank you. We really needed another thread talking about this.

>> No.67496171

If all these collabbeggar threads are genuine then fucking lol seethe more, if all these collabbeggar threads are false flags then fucking lol based unicorns making tranny collabbeggars drink their own tears.
Bau fuckin Bau.

>> No.67496250

>they won’t be given the opportunity to host events involving the guys
Oh nooo, i’m sure they’re really torn up about that

>> No.67496270

yeah is what i meant too. Kinda funny imagining these antis trying to dig up dirt on these girls and their PLs, and finding a never ending rabbit hole of wholesome cute shit and zero fucking ammo for the faggoty anti bullshit. Lol.

>> No.67496437

>Meanwhile, Gura still hasn't mention Tempus once since their debut

>> No.67496471

I think he's talking about holostars anon not the girls?

>> No.67496558

stop making threads you deranged freak

>> No.67496681

May have been risky but it sure was funny as shit. As soon as a dude shows up they just go silent kek. I do gotta wonder if they even knew it was coming up or not, since I would assume if they didn't want to associate with the stars they would just tell their managers and not join the stream. I bet the discord group chat over in each group must be something else right now

>> No.67497095

Not tempus but she did mention the homos.

>> No.67497103

What other insights do you have from the retard universe?

>> No.67497312

Vagoo loves money, and he has enough other girls to shill his fagolas without Fuwamoco.
They're in the clear and if they're aren't, they member stream us about it.

>> No.67497566

I'd be surprised if some of the female talents don't shittalk the homostars amongst each other. No way you can have a company with a bunch of runts like them and the actually successful talents not making fun of them.

>> No.67499140

whoa that's a bit too extreme don't you think

>> No.67499194
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oh no not the dead official channel oh no

>> No.67501451


>> No.67501702
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>they're on the verge of getting blacklisted by Cover.

>> No.67501743

Honestly they shouldn't have joined an NTR company if they wanted to be pure seiso idols

>> No.67501827

Nah he didn't say he would or even wanted to kill them, just that they should be killed.

>> No.67501834

What did I miss? I need context to this schizo babble.

>> No.67501913

Risky move? They showed the world they can't be trusted. If they didn't want to do it, they shouldn't have agreed to do the stream. It was a dumb move.

>> No.67501963

Watch streams

>> No.67501998

I only watch my oshi, so you will have to elaborate.

>> No.67502024

They showed the world they’re based

>> No.67502074

>Holoexpo shill stream
>Girls on screen
>Fuwamoco excited noises
>Homos on screen
Now homobeggars seethe for 20 hours already

>> No.67502075


>> No.67502105


>> No.67502169

That's fucking hilarious. Biboo did something similar when Kobo had her 3D stream, guess FWMC just attract more shitposters.

>> No.67502312

Nice fanfic retardbro

>> No.67503011
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Cheers to that.

>> No.67503283

I'm just worried that on the next FWMC morning they will call this a misunderstanding and that they actually didn't mean to snub the homos, but that they were just shy or not used to it etc. Then the homobeggars will have won because of management forcing their hand. They'll protect Ruffians smiles. I have faith. There will be no misunderstanding about homobeggars needing to be castrated or having their eggs sterilized. Trust.

>> No.67503722

I fucking almost mentioned this, cause I wrote Holostars at first, but then changed it to Tempus to make sure my point stands, and you linked this anyway as to disprove me. Kill yourself, nigger faggot

>> No.67504007

But…but… you need to halve it because there is 2, blah blah blah, more homobegger cope here. Money is money is FUWAMOCO are the closest cover will get to a Gura successor, and Gura does as she pleases

>> No.67505166

>noooo its not EN so it doesnt count!
Your point doesn't stand at all because FWMC ignored the existence of ALL stars, JP or not, whereas gura has acknowledged them.
Cope and seethe chumshit.

>> No.67505312

fuwamoco will never be as successful as Gura. fuwamoco filters hard the normies

>> No.67505476

thank goodness for that

>> No.67505543

didn't gura also filter normalfags because

>> No.67505793
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>> No.67505825

>They showed the world they can't be trusted.
They were surprised when management put up the Holostars visuals so I doubt they were told ahead of time. Bae reacted quickly but Ina took a few seconds to react. Hololive doesn't have any problem letting Fuwamoco pander to unicorns so Cover is at fault when they cause these situations.

>> No.67506141

No that's a cope you fell for from chumbuds who have to delude themselves into thinking gura is simultaneously the most successful with the biggest numbers but also totally not for normalfags.
