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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67492764 No.67492764 [Reply] [Original]

If your group is remotely idol-like, do not collab with the opposite sex
Do this and you will avoid 99% of drama

>> No.67494022

Kinda funny Nijifags said Nijisanji don't have any idol culture stuff like Hololive but then Luxiem pissed off a bunch of female unicorns and went into decline.

>> No.67494218


>> No.67494462

why bring them up? i thought they only had cucks.

>> No.67494505

They lost like 90% of their viewers when they revealed their bfs

>> No.67495318

LOL, I mean, yea, no self-respecting man is going to simp for a girl that is already taken.
To watch someone only for personality and being funny, vtubers would not be the first choice either.

>> No.67495424

i imagine it was even worse when they had wannabe thots like reimu and millie collbing with their boys. It's one thing to lose out to someone with charisma, but when reimu boils herself down to "i'm hispanic and lonely." that's gotta sting.

>> No.67497166

99% of that 99% only exists on this board and in its posters' heads.

>> No.67497376

To be fair I guess this was expected with nijisanji since they had mixed shit from the beginning. I'm just glad they don't collab anymore. Hoping new boy groups won't go down the same route but I'm not going to get my hopes up. Men just can't seem to keep it in their pants.

Also, OP, nice meme but please don't bring any attention from this board to them. Please....

>> No.67497572

the bfs are better entertainers/streamers

>> No.67500778


>> No.67501047

Please stop before you attract beggars and trolls to them. It's bad enough people are already comparing Roscoe to the zombie whore.

>> No.67501197

No one is doubting men are better than women we’re just not gay enough to waste an hour on an anime boy

>> No.67501217

the deflection is a reflex at this point

>> No.67501235

Nina was shat on religiously early on solely because she was seen as leeching off of Luxiem. The off collabs especially made sisters mad.

>> No.67501423

no idea why male vtubers think their fans enjoy female collabs. luxiem would literally lose 1k-2k viewers whenever a girl showed up in their streams during their peak, and now that‘s their average viewership

>> No.67501446

To this day I still don't know what she was thinking doing those off-collabs. But she's part of ethyria so that's the entire purpose of their wave is to be retarded whores.

>> No.67501500

And now she is in a better place, owning her own IP, and will get 3D before Niji EN

>> No.67501552

Female unicorns are far more tolerant than males from what I have seen. It took luxiem a lot of effort to piss off their fanbase. It wasn't just "collab with reimu once, fanbase gone". Vox actually put more effort into self sabotage than he did into growing.

>> No.67501631
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Any real female here? Do you really hate it when your male chuuba collabs with girls?

>> No.67501992

They look at their retarded white knighting chat that agrees with everything and it drowns out the people that don't want that kind of garbage. And if you do speak up you're labelled controlling, parasocial, etc. so the fans with the money who are tired of putting up with it just silently leave. The boys pretend they don't notice the decline but they do. Hell I remember when Vox pointed it out in a Minecraft stream right before he went on I think his second month-long break. He said his viewership would drop significantly during certain points of a stream and he wouldn't know why. I guess they're too retarded for basic pattern recognition.

I still think more women should actually speak up though. Men need to be told something very bluntly for them to get it, they don't like figuring things out. You hear them say this when it comes to crushes. So I hope with these new boys the fans will be encouraged to say what they want (in a nice way, of course).

>> No.67502063

woman here, personally nah, don't care with who he collabs, as long as it's entertaining, if I'm not interested, I just skip it

>> No.67502096

Yeah because at first they were just hoping to get into the harem.

>> No.67502167

The time Reimu crashed his ASMR and cucked his fans was the funniest shit. You just know she knew what she was doing and was knowingly marking him as "hers", too.

>> No.67502462

Yes. Don't you hate it when your female oshi collabs with men?

>> No.67502543

See this is why it's a bad idea to make a catalog thread about this. You're just going to attract trolls and shitposters pretending to be women.
