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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67364513 No.67364513 [Reply] [Original]

>57 days since last shill stream
>159 days since last regular stream
>181 days since last member stream

>> No.67364614


>> No.67364647

Quality over quantity.

>> No.67364680

Let it go chumbud, the accident wasn't your fault.

>> No.67364808

what's more frightening to me is that Cover can afford to let her do that.
That's how profitable she is to the company.

>> No.67365037

I don't really mind either way. It's not like there are a lack of quality streamers. If Gura streams, great, I'll probably check them out if I feel like it. If not, I'll watch other streamers.

Not my oshi, not my problem.

>> No.67365178

I'm convinced she would straight up graduate if they pressured her to actually stream even somewhat normally (like once a week or two, which is approximately Shion or Ayame tier) and because they don't really sell merch for talents after they officially leave, they'll do anything to just let her soft graduate instead.

I would say "if you care to ever see her actually do anything ever again, stop enabling her by stopping buying merch, stop paying for memberships" but it seems that is an insanely high hill of a battle from what we can tell. The problem isn't even just here or the lay Youtube audience but Japan, the nips just love her design and buy all her shit even if she does absolutely nothing and we need to tell them they are making her comfortable never delivering content.

>> No.67365555

>181 days since last member stream
Would be kino if her next stream was a full year later and it was Empire Strikes Back.

>> No.67365577

HoloEN seems to be getting ready for a huge announcement so give it a month or two and Gura will return. Cover lets their contract renewals turn into a crisis before they work out a deal.

>> No.67365614

Cover's plan to fade Gura and push bewildered fans to watch Advent is succeeding

>> No.67365810

>HoloEN seems to be getting ready for a huge announcement

>> No.67365848

They're gonna fire gura (out of a cannon)

>> No.67365882

it's another HUUUUGE announcement from Mori... so, she's making a new cover or something.

>> No.67365965

I feel like if you go half a year without any member content it should be disabled.

>> No.67366015

Cover controls this.

This is holoEN's biggest channel. There is no way Cover allows memberships to be disabled.

>> No.67366095

I really wonder how far she can push this. Could this go on for another year with chumbuds still giving her money?

>> No.67366187

same, she's not my oshi so I don't mind that she's not streaming. What makes me laugh however are the chumbuds who say with a straight face : ''This is fine''

>> No.67366226

Zero high quality streams is still zero streams

>> No.67366296

>still more successful than kiara
wow... how does she do it?

>> No.67366304

100% She has quit already. She's running down the contract's duration now. HoloFes contributions have been sent in already, after HoloFes it is over. It is the only timing that makes sense given Gura's behavior.

>> No.67366347
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>Gura went from best vtuber to the quintessential vtuber mascot
Gura is literally Jordan

>> No.67366375

Yes. It's not even just the hardcore fans, go on any normalfag video where gura not streaming is mentioned anywhere and the top comments are always gonna be defending the lack of streams. If even the normalfags didn't stop supporting her that means she can continue not doing anything for a long while.

>> No.67366620

Fucking dire. I'm glad my oshi still seems to give a shit. Here's hoping it stays that way a long time and that she has the decency to graduate when it's no longer the case. Much preferable to stringing fans along for money for a year.

>> No.67367015
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End my suffering.

>> No.67367477
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I had no idea it was this bad

>> No.67368634

Ame told fans that she is waiting for something that is taking forever but there will be awesome things in 2024. Kiara was relieved and optimistic after that management meeting in late December. Mori saying there will soon be a life changing announcement. Gura making a membership post after more than 5 months of hiatus. Ina using flowers in her birthday live that had a theme of death and rebirth. The EN project was even saying that changes are slowly being made.

>> No.67369849 [DELETED] 
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>what's more frightening to me is that Cover can afford to let her do that.
A split goes to Cover.

>> No.67369986

Acting like Gura is the only EN worth watching.
This is Advent's time to shine.

>> No.67370192

There were people here getting excited over a Gura membership post claiming she's back. Is that true or not?

>> No.67370485

What are you asking is true? There was a 5 word member post that contained no real information and some people were excited for. But that doesn't contradict the numbers in the OP.

>> No.67370729

The happiness was simply for the proof of life message. Let's just say she doesn't post for members that often.

>> No.67370768

An EN 3D studio in America?

>> No.67370814

I remember when her absolutely retarded fanbase kept making this argument for her laziness, TWO YEARS AGO.

>> No.67370821

Don't worry. Valentine's Day is soon so she'll be back for your draining.

>> No.67370843

She makes money but I think shes setting bad a precedent for everyone else, other members are already getting lazy. If she can just sit there afk and farm memberships forever then theres zero incentive to produce content, so they should probably add an actual stream quota like some other corpos have, or at least a required number of hours per week.

>> No.67370906

Cover will NEVER invest that much outside Japan. I'd be stun-locked for an hour if I read such an official announcement

>> No.67370916

She'll be back after he baby gets born

>> No.67370921

>he's still making these threads

>> No.67370940

How many days since a regular stream without an ulterior motive?

>> No.67371014 [DELETED] 
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She still retains her members.
Nice passive income.

>> No.67371093

>nooo you can't criticize a streamer for not streaming that's le cringe
is this the only defense chumbuds have now? at least accuse him of being a deflecting niji fan or something.

>> No.67371148


>> No.67371164

She is never going to quit, retards. This is her permanent situation now. Be a mascot character, rake in the royalties on merch and sponsorships, then just show up once every two months just to retain the connection between herself and her mascot character.
As long as her staying remains profitable to herself and her company, she is never going to quit, forced or willingly.

>> No.67371199

EN is simply too far spread out for this to even be considered an option in any capacity. Don't get your hopes up for this

>> No.67371215

What are you talking about she had many times that number prior to going awol.

I'm a member, I didn't even like or comment on it because it was a bad post. My impression is that others reacted in a similar way. Had she written a paragraph for us or just a sentence, but she didn't even after so long. Weird behavior from Gura. I stll like her streams, so I'll support hoping for more until it is no longer a possibility.

>> No.67371224
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>181 days since last member stream

>> No.67371265

Ironically the solution to get her to stream would be to unsubscribe and unmember, but cumbuds are too stupid.

>> No.67371326

These old women are so overt, they must be laughing their asses to the bank after having drilled "BUSINESS AS USUAL" into their fans, their favorite slogan, because this is all it is to them

>> No.67371400

They have nothing to defend their grifting whore. I'm an ex-chumbud that moved onto biboo now and my life has been way better

>> No.67371569

>Selen doesn't stream for 30 days
>Everyone thinks she fucking died or got fired
>Gura doesn't stream for 180 days
>garlic bread
It's kinda funny if you don't take it seriously. I feel bad for the chumbuds but as an outside observer it's pretty good karmic retribution for them ruining the vtuber industry.

>> No.67371812

Shocking but, they are all employees working for a VTuber company in Japan. Their job is to get your money. There. Now you know the truth.

>> No.67372095

Chumbuds celebrate a short, silly membership post as much as Joshu-kuns celebrate a 24 hour stream.

>> No.67372146

You don't need to feel bad for them. They're in a happy place. They've accepted that they don't need Gura to stream for them to be happy. They can be happy simply by giving Gura money and buying Gura merch.

>> No.67372188

Legitimate question.
Would she still be here if chumbuds just said yes to her wanting to do react content? Or would she have run out of things to react to?

>> No.67372215

Next you'll tell me that restaurants are more interested in my money than making me happy through good food

>> No.67372246

I am not watching out of spite

>> No.67373850

I only watch Nerissa because her singing voice is great, hits me right in the heart. I like Shiori's voice as well. I don't watch many holo streams these days. The endless mario kart put me off.

>> No.67374333

Who cares? She's old news. BAU BAU >:3

>> No.67379060

Most of HoloEN barely tolerates the idol stuff even for mandatory 3D concerts. I doubt they would be getting into a contract dispute over a North American studio. There have been several talents that have wanted model redesigns in both Hololive and Holostars.

>> No.67379103

It's such a bad cope that it's satire at this point lol, they're not getting quality or quantity anymore

>> No.67379258

just watch biboo
same pedobait shit

>> No.67380313

>>181 days since last member stream
Oof cumbuds, imagine paying this for literally nothing, kekw

>> No.67383483

she hates her fans

>> No.67383951

She'll return this week to sing with Mumei.

>> No.67387342

Post fuwawas massive tits

>> No.67388064

She is effectively retired. A-chan has more screentime than she has at this point. Whether you like her or not, the character of Gura is gone, or at least reduced to a mere passive robot for passive income.
I believe that the company and her came to a mutual understanding that both are better off not separating. Economically im sure she is considered the face of EN to a lot of nips in the company.

You can hate the concept, the idea that a 'streamer' can milk paypigs without actually streaming and still retain some form of popularity -- but its impossible to hate her personally. Because the person behind Gura is already long gone, there is simply nothing to hate but the concept at this point.
Its a corporate entity. And just like people are hyped up into a frenzy about various consoomer products, you will have a few people that will stay in a frenzy for Gura.... as a product. Now if they will ever admit that themselves - thats another story.

She is a company mascotte for the EN branch. Everyone knows it and it would be healthy for the people that think 'Gura' is anything more than that, to reflect on what they like about her.

>schizo theory; biboo is gura because she herself wanted a fresh start as well - free from the loons.

>> No.67388122

It doesn’t matter if chumbuds want that or not she literally can’t do that because she’s in a corpo and perms exist.
Unless it’s public domain stuff, and other holos have reacted to public domain so she can do that too

>> No.67388421

>schizo theory; biboo is gura because she herself wanted a fresh start as well - free from the loons.
I literally said this in another gura nonstream thread. I said bibo is going to get lighter outfits untik she turns blue and shell replace gura. When someone says she sounds different shell just go "i have a cold chumbies UwU" glad im not the only one who sees the obvious truth.

>> No.67388436
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Here’s what I predict
>1 week/tomorrow or a few days goes by
>Gura will unironically stream, it’ll be palworld and maybe lethal company and she might even do a members stream, and a few other streams (since she undoubtedly has been more active recently)
>Chumbuds will celebrate and say she’s finally back and such (like all the other times)
>Selen is gonna get Magni/Vesper’d. Black and white document and everyone is just supposed to move on
>More tribalwar nonsense especially from chumbuds
>1-2 weeks will pass
>Gura will “burn out” again
>6 months pass
>[Regarding the talent Gawr Gura] from Hololive’s official twitter.

The only reason I would say Gura won’t graduate is because Kiara has said that they’ve worked towards a full Myth anniversary 3D and it’s looking good. If that’s the case she isn’t leaving, at least not this year.
But all other signs point to leaving, or at least another year of
>2 weeks of streams
>4 month break

>> No.67391074

Do chumbuds really?

>> No.67392752

I don't think she is leaving anytime soon. She might not stream, but she is always available for concerts and other idoly stuff (unless you believe someone is skin walking her.) I'm sure Cover cares because they make more money when she streams, but they are still making money off of her if she does nothing. Cover has so many talents I don't think they care who streams at this point as long as they are available for merch and concerts and stuff. They would rather keep the ip and make money off it then have gura graduate/terminated and both parties lose that revenue.

>> No.67392791

Now it's endless palworld
