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67341285 No.67341285 [Reply] [Original]

yes, i did not watch mel. but after binging some mel content and translated clips. i wish i watched her streams when she was still here, i cant believe how such a sweet girl like her got sweeped under the radar. and to leave unexpectedly like this. its always too late to realize these things.

>> No.67341608

Nah she's boring and a cunt
Remember when she got caught playing valo with homos off-stream and the retard reacted like "I'm damned so let's spam homocollabs until my termination"

>> No.67341654

Series of unfortunate events. Mels rm is equally sweet, so you'll probably have a second chance to enjoy her content

>> No.67342446

She is just another pretty girl knowing how to use her looks for money. She isn't bad, but i wouldn't call her "sweet".

>> No.67342643

I read "I can't believe how such a sweet girl like her got raped under the radar"

>> No.67342700

>i didn't watch her but i'm sad to see her leave :(

God I wish faggots like you would get raped with a branding rod.

>> No.67342796

That's what her kouhai call her, every time after a collab they can't stop talking how sweet she was

>> No.67342878

They also talked about how PekoMiko are very close and how 3rd Gen are a family. It's business talk.

>> No.67343330

haven't heard anyone talking about pekomiko or 3rd gen bond in maybe two years. even /jp/ got bored of rrats

>> No.67343530

it's because she's fucking boring dude. watching a few highlights of her snorefest of a career isn't a reliable gauge of anything.

That said, bummer she got let go the way she did.

>> No.67343581

This is why you should check out the other girls when your oshi is not streaming

>> No.67344009

whole situation sucks, feels like there is alot of blame to go around
mel's friend for not stopping her and talking sense
mel for her lapse of judgement in talking about things she should have never better
other hololive members for not being closer confidants that she could have turned to instead
management for not recognizing there was an issue and stepping in to provide support
business churning out content and raising expectations to the point for her to feel the way she did
but in the end the only one that pays the price for all of this is just her, think she chose that instead of potentially dragging a whole lot more with her on a much larger scale

>> No.67344224

Insane take, she leaked info, how the fuck is anyone else supposed to stop her from doing that

>> No.67344430

some sort of buddy system, mori and kiara talk shop and bitch and moan to each other to vent
for some reason mel did not feel like she had someone like that for her

>> No.67344654

did the red squiggly under the word “sweeped” not catch your attention or do you think it’s supposed to be like that

>> No.67344662

heard the one that reported her to cover was some niji liver though

>> No.67344684

or maybe she ended up venting to too many people. or maybe that was the person closest to her at the moment. we could speculate like this for long, facts are that nobody knows what exactly happened

>> No.67344806

What did she do specifically?
No I will not pageup, give me (you)s and spoonfeeding.

>> No.67344906

not schizos on 4chan you numbskull, the talents themselves.

>> No.67344948

It's secret.
Some speculate it's sexual abuse, but that would just mean she could sue them now. So it had to have been something inconsequential, like sharing dissatisfactions with pay gaps. Could it be as inconsequential as revealing an upcoming date on something? It's just petty contract breaking. Corporate garbage.

>> No.67345100

talents either, since schizos have nothing to latch on to

>> No.67345109

It's called NDA, guess the Mcdonald you work at doesn't have one. Even though she broke it, if her friend hadn't leaked it, this wouldn't have happened.

>> No.67345350

You are right, they haven't talked about it in 2 years. But I was referring to when PekoMiko and 3rd gen were ongoing, it was an echo chamber of other talents talking about how close they are, especially when they meet them offstream. It just sounds like they are lying or exaggerating now.

>> No.67346945

exaggerating probably, but bear in mind that other generations aren't really close either, so 3rd gen maybe really seemed like the closest one at that moment

>> No.67346966

not even retards are this Illiterate which leaves me with the sad conclusion that you are a shitskin of some kind. having to post on the same site as you really brings the mood down

>> No.67347934

learn japanese

>> No.67349914

that's it, that's all we know

>> No.67350244

She's also really fun to play in Holocure
>he lacks critical information

>> No.67351024

I'm sure that even McDonald's must have some kind of NDA, though they might not call it exactly that way.

>> No.67352193

have you tried "reading" the comment chain? followed by "understanding" it? would be a nice change of pace for your brown ass

>> No.67353653

Her morning zatsu streams are kino, really fun and full of banter with viewers

>> No.67355154

>cataloguemonkey projecting
95% of the catalogue don't watch streams and spread schizo rrats they've read here

>> No.67356044

But enough about Chloe.

>> No.67356059

even by 4chin standards shitposting here is severe

>> No.67356121

so you're gonna watch her post holo indie content, right?

>> No.67356147

>They also talked about how PekoMiko are very close
>he doesn't know about recent developments
nobody tell this faggot

>> No.67356285

She was in the state she was in because her cat died. She didn't tell the kapumin, she didn't tell anyone. She kept a brave face and streamed as usual, keeping all the turmoil within. It ended up exploding outward and resulted in her breaking NDA to someone in a moment of weakness.
She was too strong for her own good up to the point where she broke at the worst possible time to the worst possible person about the worst possible thing.

>> No.67356427


>> No.67358499
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may her memory live on forever

>> No.67358904


>> No.67360053

But enough about FWMC

>> No.67360103

No Hololive just can’t help themselves from backstabbing their most loyal members at every opportunity. It’s that simple.

>> No.67360795

I wish Meru would climb through my window...

>> No.67361008
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I think that Yozora Mel is a vampire!

>> No.67362646

It's never too late to support your future oshi

>> No.67362816

Yeah pretty much

>> No.67364706


>> No.67366682

Fuck kotoka

>> No.67369613


>> No.67369739


>> No.67370892

I'm 100% sure majority of them would play with men if they knew there would be no backlash. Let's be honest they are on average 25-35 yo grown women. The "no men policy" is a fanservice for mentally ill permavirgins to squueze them of coin, nothing more.

Now I'm thankful they mostly don't collab with men because I'm really not interested in becoming a third wheel in a flirtfest aka a cuck. But I'm not as far gone to become hateful militant over it.

I watched Mel now and then because I was interested in the less popular holos like her, Aki and Anya etc. She definitely had her charm points and she grew on me, she wasn't as aggressive, loud and out there as the top holos but more delicate and socially awkward.

I'm really sad she's gone but I feel like she can be as successful on her roommate channel and engage more freely with other vtubers (or males) so it's not the end of the world.

>> No.67371523
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Bros, give it to me straight. Is there a possibility that between now and the end of February, for Hololive, her and all involved parties to come to an understanding? We've had graduations and terminations before but I can't help but feel like something is different this time. As if the zeitgeist of the moment is such that we will see unexpected leniency over foretold severity. With all the troubles at Nijisanji, wouldn't it be fitting for Hololive, its axiomatic counterpart, to take the counterposition here as well?
Is there hope that Mel will be forgiven and continue to make memories with her friends and the community?

>> No.67372081

She's very cute, good background noise, but her solo streams aren't super entertaining and she didn't stream a lot to begin with. She was best in collabs where you could get people reacting to her airheaded, innocently unhinged comments, and also on stage, where she was very bouncy and full of energy. Unfortunately, even if she reincarnates, you probably won't be seeing those things ever again.

>i wouldn't call her "sweet"
Every comment from ReGloss, Holox and EN was about how she was one of the first JPs to contact them. Nene said she's the only Holo to ever visit her house. And she collabed with Kson right after she resumed activity. People typically describe her as warm and sweet. And dumb. Are they all lying?

>> No.67372937

Cover is srs bsns now full of very adult, very mature men in suits and they'd commit seppuku before going back on their word. Especially after causing so much confusion and heartache for members and fans. If they were a Western company or like six programmers in an office, I'd say yeah, but not as they are now, not anymore.

Although I agree with you the whole thing was weird. It happened so quickly, she put up no resistance and the Holos had a pretty mild response to it. Her closest friends streamed through it happening like it didn't faze them. But we also don't know the full details and I think Cover ran damage support having all the managements tell the talents to keep streaming and keep the fans happy, because several of them made comments that sounded like something they were told to say.

>> No.67374195

>everyone feeling heartfelt sorrow over her termination
>suddenly /#/ spins the yard that she was a unicorn hating fem-bitch who leaked info to Kotoka
>Kotoka and Mel have to dispel this retardedly formed rrat in their own ways
>Mel's reputation is tarnished forever
Rangeban SEA, for the good of all people

>> No.67374661

no men policy exists because otherwise women almost always collab nonstop with male streamers and effectively let them run the show until all her viewers realize they may as well just watch the male's pov, so it's for their own good.

>> No.67377024


>> No.67380515


>> No.67380562
File: 2.20 MB, 498x280, mel_kapu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67380727

Management abused her weakened mental state, after her cat died, to coerce her into those collabs.

>> No.67381346

The only way I see something like that happening is if there was a collective effort by the rest of the girls demanding an alternative but unfortunately Japanese culture doesn't have that sort of mindset and even if they attempted such an effort I'm sure there would be a number of them indifferent to Mel's circumstances and whatever effort would blow up into a big drama that would severely impact Cover's financial situation and business dealings. The unfortunate reality at this stage its either Mel or Hololive's continued success, you cannot have both.

>> No.67381793
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>> No.67382004
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She was warned about it.

>> No.67388135


>> No.67389896

What the... is divination real? I thought magic was just a meme bros...

>> No.67392611

Don't be silly, it's impossible to see the future. Mio is just really good at telepathy.

>> No.67393821

Retarded woman take

>> No.67393870

It's good they have this mentality, actions have consequences.

>> No.67395659

>but her solo streams aren't super entertaining and she didn't stream a lot to begin with
all her asameru streams are very entertaining

>> No.67396408

But majority of them are already frequently playing with men

>> No.67396419


>> No.67396973

one of the more tragic things is she is the first holo to leave with an extensive music library, all those songs and the effort she put into them are permanently locked off to her. really makes you wonder what will happen in the future when suisei leaves, i'm guessing she must have some special contract that allows her to continue performing her songs wherever she goes.

>> No.67398161

she already is an exception due to being the only talent not to have to abandon her model in order to join hololive, so I wouldn't worry about her

>> No.67398646

Sora barely does, in fact her last collab with a man on her channel is from 3 years ago
Miko you already know
Aqua doesn't
Subaru doesn't
Pekora doesn't
Marine just do some voice actor interview on a radio show
Flare doesn't
Noel doesn't
Kanata doesn't
Luna doesn't
Watame doesn't
Lamy doesn't
Polka doesn't
Nene doesn't(even though she had that dumb fps arc)
Gura doesn't
Kiara doesn't
Irys doesn't
Fauna doesn't
Mumei doesn't
FuwaMoco doesn't
Shiori doesn't
Bijou doesn't

Coincidentally or not most of those are the most popular members(besides Kiara, the runt), besides the majority of the ones who do male collab do it sparsely, only some fps whores like Laplus, Kobo and Towa collab with men all the time

>> No.67398718

>He lacks critical information
Holy shit anon, I lost count of how many times I seen people explaining that Cover bought her model a long time ago

>> No.67398763

which is still an exception

>> No.67400219

22 of 63, and even among those 22 you can find those that used to do it

>> No.67400360

24, I forgot gamers, Okayu and Mio
Besides ID is irrelevant so -9 to those 63

>> No.67401575

Still less than half. Point is, unless a talent already established herself as an idol/gfe streamer, and unless collab has some flirting undertones, it's not a taboo and nobody will care.

>> No.67402213

And that less than half has at least 60-70% of the audience, maybe even more, just Miko and Pekora together is worth more than 10 holos from the homo side

>> No.67402356

i liked to fap to her boobs

>> No.67403980

well maybe Roboco also has a special deal with her model

>> No.67404986

The same way corporations do: Recurring compliance training. it happens all the time in IT.

>> No.67406517

smol indie company, please understano

>> No.67407993

Do you really believe that most of the Hololive talents that are into video games aren't regularly playing off stream with guys? Mel got "caught" but unicorns are demanding an unrealistic illusion.

>> No.67408553

>Coincidentally or not most of those are the most popular members
not really, many of those aren't "the most popular" and relatively speaking there are just as many male collabers among the top spots including Fubuki, Mori and the ones you already mentioned

>> No.67408603

Nobody says this, Ballmer.

>> No.67410670

where have you been

>> No.67412571

nips are retarded, only a retard would delete so much content

>> No.67412903

Fubuki is on the end of the top 10 and Mori is just a smaller Suisei

>> No.67414224

I believe things are only going to get harsher, especially after Yagoo retires.

>> No.67415639

If even 10% of people who are sorry to see her go tune in her future streams, she'll be fine.

>> No.67418611

>it's been one week already
