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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67334616 No.67334616 [Reply] [Original]

Economy is shitting itself. The gaming sector in particular is being hit hard. How will this affect the Vtuber industry?

>> No.67334701

>The gaming sector in particular is being hit hard
You mean westo money laundering industry?

>> No.67334760

>The gaming sector in particular is being hit hard
>no gaming in his graph
Schizo tried to do graph

>> No.67335565

Palworld JUST saved the gaming industry. We're about to see even more Breath of the Wild clones with Ark base building and Pokemon-esque creatures

>> No.67335630

One of them should be based on an isekai anime, really spice things up

>> No.67336021

>The gaming sector in particular is being hit hard
not relay, its just going through rollback to its normal state
>Companies always under-layoff in the first one or two waves, because they don't want things to be as bad as they are. But 2021 overhiring + unproductive remote work + the shift toward hiring people for reasons besides ability + a generational shift toward disillusionment and nihilism and a refusal to find meaning in work + "Bidenomics" + soaring pay in an attempt to compete with "tech" companies + several other factors have just been **devastating** and we are only beginning to see the results. This is likely to keep going for a while before we see a recovery, which will by necessity need to be focused on smaller teams where the people on the teams actually work.
In fact, entertainment industry is blooming with every financial crisis because poor people need to cope and escape harsh reality

>> No.67336910


>> No.67336994


I didn't know ol' joe had economic policies worth giving a name to. Or do people just do this shit for every president since reagan?

>> No.67337130

The gaming sector was hit so hard it was entirely wiped out.

>> No.67337310

Me in here waiting for this become another /v/ thread

>> No.67337347

Well I'm unemployed, so I canceled my one membership, and no more supas until I can find a job... Which is looking pretty grim desu.

>> No.67337789

don't worry Riot bro, you're better off without them, they were holding you back

>> No.67338976

Imagine believing doomposters that don't show hirings right next to the layoffs

>> No.67339052

You do realize that "gaming" isn't in ANY of the category of the graph, right?
Also it's one of the few industry breaking record after record in profit. They're laying off because they're bloated like at digital-based industries and because in times of inflation that's what they do.

>> No.67340974

I don't remember people saying "obamanomics", but now I wish they did because that's a fun word to say

>> No.67341145

Gaming is OVER.

>> No.67341900

this is why i only play genshin. free.

>> No.67341972

hopefully the next one doesn't use "hire this man" graphics for the environment

>> No.67342043

reminder that if you choose paying rent over continuing your membership to your oshi you are a fake fan
suck dicks if you have to

>> No.67343569
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>yea just suck some dick
>20 bucks is 20 bucks
Yea no, go be a faggot on reddit.

>> No.67345129

the price is your soul

>> No.67345145

Worth it.

>> No.67348882

The problem isn't gaming itself, Vtuber don't need to interact with them at all outside of perms. it's the companies that provide the streaming services and platforms for Vtubers like Twitch and Youtube which are the real determinants of how Vtubing will do. And given the fact they are cost cutting via laying off staff and cutting back on spending for people on their platforms, I would not be surprised to see lower profitability for Vtubing in 2024. A lot of non-Vtubing content creators have slowed down, paused or stopped doing content entirely at the start of this year presumably from the lower contracted rates that are implied but probably NDA'd with creators and the platforms. I expect there will be graduations in 2024 based on numbers alone.

>> No.67349037

It wont, they have 30+ years of gaming history to go play if the gaming industry deservedly crashes

>> No.67349728

Can't get laid off if I never got laid.

>> No.67350267

The really big vtuber groups aren't dependent on streaming revenue at all, the only thing that really matters is how much disposable income their fans have. Cover can book a million dollars of revenue in a day by selling a nousagi plushie, they'd be profitable even if YouTube paid them nothing.

>> No.67353244

There's two separate issues.

First, as peoples' incomes decline they will tighten their belts and reduce discretionary spending. That means less superchats, canceled memberships, less concert tickets sold, and less merch sold. People will still watch the streamers but they will be taking in less income.

And as for the second risk, this anon>>67348882 spelled it out. Platform is also a risk. Hololive/Cover is trying to partially mitigate this risk with Holoearth, but YouTube and Twitch are still the main vehicles of discovery for streamers.

>> No.67355061

Sure but then you're relying on discretionary spending as >>67353244 and depending on people who are spending money in place of spending it on doing a traditional life path with a family will only take you so far. And most people at least in the US have maxed out everything from bank accounts to credit cards, the only thing left to drive sales at this point for most consumers is buy now pay later loans or other types of non-traditional loans.
And Cover has revenue but they certainly don't have profits. They're already under pressure from investors to lessen expenses and were put on the hot seat for spending so much on talent compensation during a shareholder meeting last year. Anycolor had its stock price under pressure and had to do a buyback. Things aren't looking great. As said, I am expecting graduations in 2024 after the first several months to be driven primary by economics and if the talent is raking in enough money than they are using.

>> No.67355534

There was "obamunism" afaik.

>> No.67355917

As far as I know it came directly from a speech Biden gave last year. Why his writers thought that the current economy was a good thing to associate with the Democrat party going into an election year is a mystery for the ages.

>> No.67356163

Because Trump did it and up until COVID-19 it gave him a great boost outside of his supporters given how well the market was performing even with all the stuff going around him. The Democrats thought they could do this post-COVID and have the strategy work again but with Biden.

>> No.67356220

You shouldn't put too much weight on complaints from individual investors. The only reason Cover didn't book a huge profit is they're reinvesting almost everything, and most of their shares are held by their management team and large banks who want long-term security (which reinvestment provides). They even noted that if it came to it they could recoup the cost of their 3D studio by renting it out, since it's now the largest and best equipped one in Japan.

>> No.67356277

What's the point of making this graph in the middle of January? At least adjust the bars so they show the same amount of time.

>> No.67356357

Country is essentially at full employment and the stock market keeps climbing (pay no attention to the AI bubble)

>> No.67356375

Shareholders have voting power, and they will bail and vote or pressure out the board and the C-suite members if they don't believe your narrative and intentions are serving them, that's just how capitalism works nowadays. I don't doubt that Cover is placating them for now, but this coming financial earnings and the next could determine if that continues to hold or not.

>> No.67356398

Americans always blame the current president for everything bad that happens, especially if they voted for the other guy. It's tradition.

>> No.67356774

Like I said, a plurality of their shares are held by the management team and ultra-conservative national banks, with the rest being VC. They're obviously a very healthy business and are prioritising growth by reinvestment, which is what those types of shareholders want. Things would have to change very drastically for that to become a problem.

>> No.67356844

God I hope the gaming sector collapses and everything gamer disappears. Make videogames great again.
If you as much as use LED backlighting on your keyboard don't reply to me, kid.

>> No.67357067

High interest rates and declining profitability is already affecting Cover, yes, they are a tech company but no, they aren't doing AI so VCs aren't going to be lenient on them when they can invest in something hotter. The only thing saving them is Holoearth and Japanese government support for that at this point which makes them more like a tech company to escape the serious scrutiny already happening in other financial sectors and companies there. The main problem in my eyes though is I believe anything VR/AR related is going to be tested rightfully or wrongly by how well the Apple Vision Pro headset does. There is a good chance of it not selling well for a variety of technical reasons I don't want to go off-topic on and that can have major consequences for Cover's current situation.

>> No.67357277

>Make videogames great again.
Not goona happen as long as every company is trying to make games that appeal to "everyone" instead of making games for gamers like they used to in the past.

>> No.67357735

Read, anon. Most of their shares are owned by the management team and banks. They don't need to appeal to their remaining VCs and they don't need to appeal to random cranks in their shareholder meetings. Cover has a very safe business plan for the industry they're in, and they should do great financially next year since they won't be spending 15 million dollars on a motion capture studio again.

>> No.67357857
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ignore concernposting retard. layoff number is meanmingless on its own if its not paired with number of hires.

despite the large layoffs, IT sector in US came out with slightly more employed than vs 2022.

>> No.67360915

You can keep insinuating that it isn't the case, but you do know that major moves in earnings vote has been done by minority shareholders with 1-10% stake? That's not to mention the fact that at least 50% of the shares are free floating in these companies. Cover has 61.12m shares outstanding combined and 32.48m is available to buy on the stock market and not restricted via agreements and etc. This isn't scaremongering, it is an actual possibility. Just because Cover and Anycolor have been safe so far doesn't mean they are insulated from it no matter if the ownership is stacked against individual investors given the facts on the ground.

>> No.67360963

How is Twitch going to pay streamers if they're struggling too?

>> No.67361087

how were there even that many crypto "jobs"? I thought there were just like 500 Haskell programmers pretending they were doing something to impress gullible Californians

>> No.67361114
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>> No.67361225

This is just a /v/ thread that would get pruned if you posted it there. Adding
to the end doesn't change that.

>> No.67361534

Consolidation isn't saving, it's just delaying the inevitable. They need people to have more expendable income and current trends suggest it's going to get way worse.

>> No.67361581

And you keep arguing their shareholders will suddenly do a 180 on the company's direction, but most of them either are the people who run the company right now, or they're banks closely affiliated with the government, which have a semi-formal policy of holding shares in companies with cultural influence long-term for political reasons. They're in a broadly similar position to Nintendo, activist investors simply can't do anything to the direction of a company like that.

>> No.67362145

It has been happening more and more as you see activist investor seek more returns overseas and not in China because of geopolitics so a lot of focus is being placed on Japan right now. There was a publicly traded small elevator maker last year in Japan that had their shit pushed in by activists shareholders.
And even big companies aren't safe. Toyota's CEO was in danger of being ousted for being too slow to transition to EVs even though the notion was voted down last June.
Assuming institutional ownership will protect you in an increasingly hostile environment while being a publicly traded company is a serious lapse in judgement.

>> No.67362359

>A small team using AI generated content and stealing assets saving anything.
If anything it's going to get more people fired.

>> No.67363292

COVID buff is off
WFH is being revoked
It's over

>> No.67364077

tendie this is /vt/ not /v/

>> No.67366224

opinion ignored

>> No.67366549

>economy going to shit
good. A C C E L E R A T E
