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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67265002 No.67265002 [Reply] [Original]

We desperately need more vtubers with actually interesting knowledge to share whether it's on art, culture, history, countries. I'm sick of all the weebs who know nothing other than media.

>> No.67265048

i wanna fuck an arthoe so bad bros

>> No.67265080

don't we all

>> No.67265327

most individuals with raden’s level of experience and education will not bother with vtuber space. Most girls don’t even have diplomas let alone an actual experience in the job market.

>> No.67265554

>I'm sick of all the weebs who know nothing other than media.
my brother in christ you are watching streamers using anime avatars
what the fuck kind of people do you think you're going to get

>> No.67265953

That's how you get hiv

>> No.67266098

Plenty of male vtubers know shit about history

>> No.67266220

>Hund made

>> No.67266229

wow, she just jp shiori. goth design, oreo hair, voice doesn't match with model (snake loli voice), doing educational content, has autism and etc.

>> No.67266402

If i want to watch streams about art education there is plenty of better options.

>> No.67266620

>Be forced to get a diploma in a field I don't give a shit about for the money
>Get in massive debt and what the job pays is not worth it, considering my mental dmg, my hate for the job and how pricey everything is
>Recieve financial support from my parents, who make a ton of money from renting their two old houses to wagie losers like me who can't afford their own houses
>End up working in something more chill unrelated to my degree
>Wasted the chance to study something interesting with actual horny girls on campus
>Wasted the chance to fuck an arthoe who likes smoking cannabis before sex
Should just buy the shotgun at this point

>> No.67267200
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we definitely do need more chuubas that actually know things
/o/ chuuba doko
military history chuuba doko
but also, raden definitely does watch anime
like lupin and satoshi kon movies

>> No.67267260
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>military history chuuba doko

>> No.67268013

All the turbo autists are 1view png tubers like the guy who held lectures about languages like finngolian

The biggest cute girl autist i am aware of is the japanese rocket enthusiast who got featured by JAST (japanese NASA)

>> No.67268081

Don't. Just don't. Stick to the dancehoes if you must hook up with someone with art degree.

>> No.67268089

Wait, its JAXA
Same shit

>> No.67268107

>like the guy
no one cares about male autists like 99% of men into vtubing are turbo autists

>> No.67268210

you forgot the best part, Raiden is actually interesting and fun to watch

>> No.67268247

On the other hand, the brother of a friend of the audio guy for my friend’s band “””allegedly””” had sex with DD because he went to the same art school that she did. I was able to verify that they did go to the same art school at the same time, but whether or not bro got to fuck the worst rapper of all time is uncertain. He said that it was the best sex he’s has ever had in his entire life and that she also tried to get him to fucking piss on her. Like I said it’s all alleged and I have no idea if it’s true or not

>> No.67268381


>> No.67268439

this stream is worth watching if you want to watch something about health and the medical field. she has a couple other streams about cramps and the dreaded tummy hort syndrome girls get


>> No.67268924

i don't even understand what you cringey twats are whining about
art girls are the ones most likely to hook up with older losers with no money as long as you can be remotely interesting
it's a very low bar to clear

>> No.67269010

>being remotely interesting is easy
lol anon it's easier to lift than it is to be interesting

>> No.67269026
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>> No.67269435

>as you can be remotely interesting
Yeah I have a better change at getting money than I have at that

>> No.67269501

The retards are often the loudest, that’s really all you need to know.

>> No.67269502

what you seek is found in indies and small corpos.

>> No.67269661

Arthoes are the most mentally unstable danger haired feminazi misandrists you can find.
Do NOT arthoes!

>> No.67269834

>most mentally unstable danger haired feminazi misandrists you can find

>> No.67270904

I prefer to be a illiterate homeless faggots than be like you, not that I didn't expected that from a leftist piece of shit that hides behind le art

>> No.67271435 [DELETED] 
File: 545 KB, 683x519, raden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably one of the most educated idols
>actually used to be a school teacher
>can't speak a single word of English.

>> No.67272253

Any type of knowledge has a curve, in the beginning you're ignorant, in the middle you're based and on the end you're an annoying piece of crap

>> No.67272316

One of the NijiIDs did history lesson streams, however I can't find it, so I assume they got delted and the vtuber graduated.

>> No.67272669

that chuuba is actually p knowledgeable
that cramp stream was pretty interesting

>> No.67272868

Now I'm reminded of some weird art chick I knew. She was cheerful and cute, kind of eccentric. I remember one time she looked for a certain kind of chin to touch for an art reference and I fit the bill. God dammit I regret being an edgy loner back then, why'd I have to remember this?

>> No.67273699

Did janny seriously delete this because he thought it was doxx and he didn't know that Raden has talked about being a school teacher?

>> No.67274191

>has one of the best designs in all of hololive
>has one of the best intellects of all of hololive
Raden is too high spec for regloss

>> No.67274424

the best part of her is trying hard to come across as "weirdo" and permanently failing it.
Even Ao saying "Raden chan is just doing her best to look edgy!!" is a nice example of what teamwork is supposed to be.

>> No.67274641

Anon, all that she has explained so far you were taught in school. You just didn't retain any of it because it wasn't a cute anime girl telling you.

>> No.67274700

Jannies are getting too trigger happy lately. I have seen Kson threads and posts getting deleted because they mentioned stuff like the yakuza appearance. Shit is wild.

>> No.67275091

I was not taught about how the Japanese divide crafts into 4 categories based on pre-1900, post 1900, made for art and made for mass production though

>> No.67275109

>one of the best designs
for me it;s her hair, reminds me a Japanese doll and generally makes very 'refined'impression for a lack of better words

>> No.67275335

Shiori barely talks about books and writing, tho

>> No.67275781

For me it's her black strands in her white hair and the white strands in her black hair, makes her hair look like real colored hair as opposed to perfectly cruella de villa separated. Also her raccoon eyes underneath those bangs.

>> No.67276091

The only rule that actually applies is "don't piss a janny off" unfortunately

>> No.67276486
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Mie was my first thought too. She has a series of "gamer physiology" streams, and just did a stream about skincare that was pretty interesting:

>> No.67277098

Sorry you went to a hood school

>> No.67277859

you do not want to do that

>> No.67278090

the fact that she hasn't done any rakugo yet is the one thing preventing her from being the ultimate chuuba

>> No.67278276


>> No.67281039

Is she a doctor?

>> No.67282134

I liked the moment when Kiara intimidated her into submission.
I hope someday she gave a lecture on western art tin front of Kiara in a trembling voice.

>> No.67282190

I had one offer me heroin after hanging out with her.

>> No.67282207

Ao used to be a real professional mangaka though.

>> No.67282363

I hope one day kiara will fuck her in the Maldives till raden admits Japanese art is inferior to European art

>> No.67282455

Being a ex professional mangaka on Japan is like being an amateur football player in Brazil, everyone already tried and failed miserably

>> No.67282506


>> No.67282762

lol you should have played your cards right. I got so much fucking money from going to university it was insane. I didn't even work, but my account balance kept going up. GI bill and scholarships out the ass. Sometimes I had to take random extra filler classes to get even more money. In one case, taking a single extra class got me 2500 dollars directly into my bank account.
t. amerimutt

>> No.67283005

She is really interesting but even though I am doing my JP reps she is filtering me hard. I also don't have as much free time as I used to and I need to watch my oshi. But she really has caught my eye more than any new member in a while, I would love to watch more of her, but clips will have to do for now.
Its great until their inevitable mental illness reveals itself and ruins everything. Also like anons said you have to be ready for them to be extreme leftists and probably bisexual as well.
But still worth it and my life goal is score a Japanese one...

>> No.67283110

Oh sure like all of us are so mentally healthy
Fine by me, I legit couldn’t care less about a girl’s political opinions as long as she’s hot

>> No.67283431

oh, you're just a retarded troon.

>> No.67285028

What manga did she write?

>> No.67287034
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i want raden to watch angel's egg

>> No.67287219

I want Raden to perform a prostate exam on me

>> No.67288298


>> No.67288796

No. She was a medical researcher of some kind though. Also has severe eczema IRL, so she knows a thing or two about skin.

>> No.67288966

anon, art doesn't (always) pay the bills

>> No.67290099

why not both

>> No.67290176

>Also has severe eczema IRL
Based. I want to rub her eczema with a cheese grater

>> No.67293164

If shes so smart, why does she drink and smoke

>> No.67293247

you say this now but when she starts bugging you on why you don't want an open relationship and why you haven't been interested in the local trans rights rally, the tone changes very quickly

>> No.67293412

It was Layla and she's still around.

>> No.67295159

Am I just the lucky one for being in a relationship with a leftist that doesn't bother me about all that shit?
The most she's told me is that me joking about troons wasn't cool so I just don't do it in front of her anymore.

>> No.67295444

It doesn't matter the side, the annoying ones are the people who make that their identity

>> No.67295569

>The more you know more pain you feel
Maybe she's one of those retards

>> No.67295586

Joke about them anyway, then apologize and say it's because they're just such freaks that it's hilarious.

>> No.67295698

Not anymore catalog reading

>> No.67295760

also the skincare stream came about after the end of her male fashion stream when she realized almost none of her viewers knew about proper skin care let alone fashion

>> No.67297072

Imagine letting your gf tell you what you're allowed to joke about

>> No.67297227

I've always thought of being a vtuber to teach advanced math while also having fun with games and talking about anime and all that normal stuff
....but I'm a guy, I dont think vtubing would work out

>> No.67298990

You have a very archetypal kind of worldview huh

>> No.67301188

Smart people love doing drugs anon. The smartest chemists and doctors, and the most genius taletned musicians I personally know all do a shit ton of drugs.
Of course dumb people do as well. I think it is a bell curve thing where stupid people enjoy thing, midwits don't, and then super smart people once again do enjoy the thing.

>> No.67301345

Or perhaps they use those things to dull the pain.
Ignorance is bliss after all, knowing to much is not a good thing.
The abyss stares back quote can be applied to human knowledge, its hard to put that genie back in the box if you know to much.

>> No.67303703

bau bau!

>> No.67304018

You're thinking too much. They're just lucky that they stay functional.

>> No.67304174

if you "need" to learn something just open a book nigger

>> No.67304242
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I dont want to think...

>> No.67304480

it'd be a lot cooler if a cute girl explained it to me though

>> No.67308140


>> No.67308192

I appreciate Raden so much you wouldn't believe. So glad Cover hired her.

>> No.67309711

rare example of a good clipper, good translation of complex topics, uses full context for reasonable length clips, allows me to enjoy Raden. Wish more clippers were like this.

>> No.67314318

Anon is Miosha for predicting that one

>> No.67314737
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>> No.67315874


>> No.67315991

Warhammer 3 is complete is shit and EU4 sucks compared to EU3.

>> No.67316021

Too real

>> No.67316106

and actually good unlike shiori

>> No.67319934

I doubt very much that she good at seggs. though most chicks with tattoos like being pissed on. I'm not interested in pissing on. I want to piss in. Wonder if raden is down.

>> No.67324207

They'll just be flesh streamers instead

>> No.67324345

spend your early 20s banging endless dancers and actresses and art hoes. it's fucking GREAT. you just use this one simple trick: have coke.

>> No.67324481

I'm pretty far from being the artistic type, but art history is actually very fascinating. It's just another facet of history like economic history or military history, and they're all closely intertwined. Unfortunately Raden's Japanese is way too advanced for me. Most of hololive is easy to understand because of their low IQ.
