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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67231295 No.67231295 [Reply] [Original]

Is $420 a month for an AI vtuber girlfriend too much?

>> No.67231387

I wouldn't pay that much for Filian. Still cheaper than a real one though.

>> No.67231580

Filian is a white supremacist, a homophobic, a transphobic, and a trump supporter. Please, stop giving her any attention.

>> No.67231771

She makes fun of white people and trump though.

>> No.67231816

hold up she is?! Maybe I was wrong about her, might have to start watching

>> No.67231872

She's also an unironic Phasefag to boot.

>> No.67231882

I wouldn't pay that much for the real, actual Filian.

>> No.67231955

Dumb as fuck

>> No.67231969

Literally who?

>> No.67231974

just pay for a gpt key and make a character card of her

>> No.67232054

Sounds based to me I'm buying now thanks for the advertisement anon.

>> No.67232100

420 a month is effectively 100 / week. I wouldn't spend that much on a casual flesh gf. With a real gf you're at least getting some level of exclusivity / intimacy if you're actually dating, but this is just access to mass-deployed content.

Recruit a couple hundred morons to all give you five a month for the content and make money off her back, no big deal.

>> No.67232262

Post proof.

>> No.67232382

I mean GPT won't do lewd roleplay so that's worse

>> No.67232653

because of this awful golem, children got consoles and tablets instead of gaming PCs for christmas

i pray for a bios update that bricks every build with more than 2 GPUs

>> No.67232964

>won't do lewd roleplay
That's entirely an issue of skill.

>> No.67233054

based if true
cringe if true

>> No.67233149

Imagine having a girlfriend who constantly cucks you with other men? Couldn’t be me

>> No.67233215

Holy liberal, get off of 4chan tranny, this site isn’t for you

>> No.67233268

Is this just some guy who stole some AI chat/image generators and fillian's name to mash it all together? I think you could do that yourself and save $420/month.

>> No.67233326

even rolfgator had to banish her from of his circle

>> No.67233380

I will pretend to be your AI gf for half of that.

>> No.67233387

She can be edgy but most of the allegations came from the man baby roflgator.

>> No.67233396

NTA but fuck off /pol/tard, go back to your containment board

>> No.67233406

He's obviously promoting her with that blatant larp, it's hardly subtle.

>> No.67233439

lmao. yeah, 4chan, the website made to promote and discuss Japanese degeneracy. People here were wanking off to yaoi and shotacon when trans wasn't a talking subject yet.

>> No.67233497

0 chances of it backfire horribly ... Right silvervale?

>> No.67233507

>want to make money off simps but don't actually want to provide the GFE yourself
What a nasty woman.

>> No.67233568
File: 488 KB, 553x712, LINKO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate filians model thats why i hate 'er

simple as

>> No.67233607

That's interesting way to promote her

>> No.67233691

who? did she collab with a male streamer and act surprised when he started shit to get her canceled? literally all male streamers do this.

>> No.67233793

>did she collab with a male streamer

she is part of the mizkif streaming family. literally stayed overnight at his house and all.

>> No.67233884

then she shouldn't be surprised when they start the grooming, blackmailing, and harassment.

>> No.67233962

>taking that post at face value, cant understand a troll
are you retarded and/or autistic? get yourself tested, you might be retarded

>> No.67234034

btw I googled this guy and the first thing that came up is that OTK suspended him for covering up a sexual assault.

>> No.67234036

Hey! I am not trolling. I had all the clips but twitch deleted the vods since then.

>> No.67234051
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>> No.67234097

The key element of boku no pico is that people fap to it because he still has a dick. Trannies and their promoters have ruined decades of honest hard work to normalize cute boys crossdressing as traps.

>> No.67234148

I really wish that'd be true.

>> No.67234289

here one i still had

>> No.67234457
File: 757 KB, 1567x1105, 1000002450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a good GPU there's open-source models like Mixtral you can use locally on your computer for free, which are as good as ChatGPT 3.5 while also being uncensored. Considering filian's 3D model isn't even custom, you could easily put it into something like this and use another AI to clone her voice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HSWMHzQ7TE
Go to /lmg/ on /g/ if you want to learn more.

>> No.67234545

Does this bitch even have her own model yet?

>> No.67234551


>> No.67234592

roflgator is a big VRChat streamer who has connections to the Austin streamer group who Invited her into his group in VRChat when she was still very small. She blew up shortly after because she is likable and quickly made connections with other bigger streamers. She apparently made edgy jokes and stuff which made roflgator’s liberal crew uncomfortable and they slowly started talking shit behind her back and avoid her. Eventually she became even bigger than him and got invited to an event and roflgator didn’t which made him throw a tantrum and dedicate a whole stream to try to cancel her because he believed she got him blacklisted. Everyone pretty much brushed it off a Rob looked pretty pathetic after the whole thing.

>> No.67234604

>white supremacist, a homophobic, a transphobic, and a trump supporter

>> No.67234607

but those were femanons, right?

>> No.67234663

Lol, I just came from gura riding her cunt on my face so hard she peed using open ai GPT4
Git gud

>> No.67234680

Yeah I think that's what it is, he's just profiting off her name with AI slop. I guess he doesn't dare do it for Holo or Niji because they'd go after him.

>> No.67234730
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>> No.67234826

anon please. I can only get so erect

>> No.67234956

Classic male streamer. All the bigger streamers she made connections with will turn on her as well if she ever breaks free of their grooming.

>> No.67235037

I checked and it seems Filian approved it? Is this a lie or is she GFE now?

>> No.67235208

There is a homostars general on this board, there are definitely some woketards here

>> No.67235270

I’ve literally never used /pol/ in my life, you’re just a retard for complaining about this on 4chan

>> No.67236060
File: 3.25 MB, 720x1280, Shiorin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a local setup with Mixtral figured out yesterday. I haven't bothered to learn all the nuances and settings I can tweak, but so far it's excellent. Might help wean me off porn for a while.

>> No.67236068

gonna need a source on that

>> No.67236204

The pinned post on the fansly says it's a collaboration with Filian.

>> No.67236359

For that money I better get an IRL Filian blowjob.

>> No.67236520

I thought Filian was a huge prude, what is this?

>> No.67236554

Yeah and I'm the pope. I want to see filian say that it's a collab

>> No.67236823

>im a wholesome vtuber
>also filian
>for 420 usd you can sex chat my AI, still wholesome because is not actually me
What a weird timeline, interesting tho

>> No.67236987

So this is the next evolution of GFE...

>> No.67237048

Its rrally weird seeing edgy 4chan style girls starting to be a thing.

>> No.67237080

Wait, what is this? Is Filian running this thing or is someone else monetizing her name and character?

>> No.67237091

Pinned comment is from Filian's youtube account and says it's real with a link to her fansly.
If you go to the filian fansly, it says "talk to my AI!" with a link to the fanslyAI account.
So it seems to be official.

>> No.67237170

Huh, that's surprising. Thanks

>> No.67237406
File: 28 KB, 640x585, 1669957114889210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out of all the genres a variation of cyberpunk is the one that's becoming more realistic
Im ready bros, i want my asian gf and we will drive around Miami in an electric car while listening to japanese lofi

>> No.67237554

It's showing as $199 for me, she must really love me if she gives me a discount.

>> No.67237653

What!? she made this?

>> No.67237695

I wish she was all that but instead she majored in some liberal arts and thinks LOUD = FUNNY

>> No.67237758

Anon you have to understand he's jewish.

>> No.67238798

nah, more like the grifter offered to split his profit with her and she accepted since free money is free money

>> No.67239247

Oh hey, that's kinda cu... $420 .... No.

>> No.67239526

>men are really this retarded and gullible and believe anything
God no wonder you fags keep getting used and hurt by real women

>> No.67239550

i remember him only from the 2018 vrchat stuff with stealthRG. WTF is he up to these days?

>> No.67239683

Fuck you! I need 2 gpus because NVIDIA are dickwads who can't bother supporting more than 4 monitors on one gpu!

>> No.67239686

This shit do be funny as fuck desu

>> No.67239864

>more than 4 monitors
Seek therapy

>> No.67239901

You have a 4090? Two 3090s?

>> No.67239937

she also hates Israel.
All together, sounds pretty based.

>> No.67240015

I use 1 pc for my entire home, it's called a server.

>> No.67240360

That's kinda of autistic, why do you need a server?

>> No.67242133

You could pay that much a month for a escort. Hell, you could become a sugar daddy for that amount and if everything goes right she'll eventually be doing it for free.

>> No.67242148

why do you need multiple devices in your house? do you really need a set top box to run a TV?

>> No.67242425

cyberpunk was already real by the time authors got around to talking about it. There was just the barest veneer of upward mobility still left, right up until this century when all the bullshit finally fell away.

>> No.67242489

so you are autistic, got it.

>> No.67242554

having multiple devices is far more autistic, now u gotta manage them all individually instead of just the 1.

>> No.67242630

posting on the chans makes you an autist, newfag.

>> No.67242769

Tweaking a PC enough to be able to use it as a substitute for a multitude of devices is infinitely more autistic unless your time is worthless.

>> No.67242834

>$420 per month for fucking chatbot and aislop pics
LMAO, her viewers must be an ultra cuck for slurping this shit up. I hope this shit gonna blow up in her face soon.

>> No.67243046

>spend hundreds a month on an AI that can't even give you a handjob
If I'm going to be a sad sack spending hundreds a month on a woman I'd at least want to get sex out of it.

>> No.67247512


>> No.67247735

>getting used and hurt by women
Someone's never read a bible...
That's why I prefer chuubas of faith. Like Marine.

>> No.67247992

>filian AI
>not filAIn
missed opportunity

>> No.67249340

if only
