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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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6722273 No.6722273 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna hear 'em

>> No.6722371

She's actually a pretty nice girl that just happens to do virtual camwhoring

If you are not annoyed by her...job...then there's honestly not many bad things to say about her.

>> No.6722418

before vtubing, she is well known for working on strip club

>> No.6722461

Her roomate had abortion twice

>> No.6722474

She's also really nice to talk to since she has a lot of knowledge and various interests, including anime, manga, games, eromanga, tech, etc.

>> No.6722487

She's cool and actually would be a much better entertainer than the rest of the ironic whores in vshoujo

>> No.6722510

>Don't know how to play the game

>> No.6722531

She's a really sweet and nice girl. Even while masturbating on stream she's really dorky and fun.

Also she says BagL.

>> No.6722593

shes the tragic result of a post industrial society ruled by an elite that hates the common citizen

>> No.6722619

Surprisingly wholesome. Out of the Vshojo bunch, she's the only I can stand listening for more than 10 minutes.

>> No.6722657

she's not very smart but she does her best

>> No.6722952

She's a he but without the penis

>> No.6723130

>without a penis
she's working on that

>> No.6723153

She is nice

>> No.6723167

She and Coco worked at the same strip club in Atlanta

>> No.6723260

She is a kind and generous soul, her brain moves very slowly because it is filled with piles of useless facts about a variety of meaningless subjects.
She once broke her anus on stream, and that is hilarious.

>> No.6723334

No, she said she will never have a futa cock. Unlucky...

>> No.6723936
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and you're the tragic result of your mom fucking her brother

>> No.6724353

In what way now? That could have a variety of meaning when talking about an virtual being.

>> No.6724602

Breaking your ass for real is anything but funny
I know a story about a guy who was into shoving objects up his ass, one day he decided that his ass can handle a 68mm pool ball. It didn't fit and he tried forcing it in, had to get stitches for his sphincter and now everybody in his town knows that he's a pervert
I suppose dildos are a bit safer since they're soft, they usually get stuck instead when they're too large

>> No.6724673

She's become deluded into thinking she knows more about topics than the average joe because of her fame

>> No.6724674

>Even while masturbating on stream
Not watching her, but вid she make any comments about it? I mean, why would she want to do that in the first place?

>> No.6724706


>> No.6724725

Melody first started streaming on chaturbate, it caused a lot of camwhores to seethe because she used a 3d model, come on it was a pretty big story

>> No.6724756

it is kind of poetic and sweet how /vt/ is nice and forgiving to a girl who is at the "bottom" of society, as a typical person would see it.

>> No.6724793

For the big cash anon, you think it's some kind of fetish?

>> No.6724876

Despite being a literal camwhore, she's somehow the purest member of VShojo.

>> No.6724957

Of course, I'm aware of the financial side of the issue. But I'm asking about her personal excuses for this.

>> No.6724991

It goes to show how far can a nice personality get you, that even some of the most unfriendly posters on the internet think you're a good girl in comparison to most of your company mates.

>> No.6725062

Slow as fuck and a prime example why stoners are fucking useless

>> No.6725161

She suffers from severe epilepsy.

>> No.6725726

Have you never of heard of exhibitionists?

>> No.6726447

So your average 20 year old female then?

>> No.6726472

first of all, learn to speak English retard
secondly, what >>6724725 said.

>> No.6726498

Started makes it sound like she stopped

>> No.6726767

Learn english yourself, stupid dog. And then you might get the gist of my question.

>> No.6726794

She's great and her company makes tribalfags on /vt/ seethe. Love her.

>> No.6726863

If you're ESL maybe.

>> No.6727034

It's pretty nuts that no one has anything particularly negative to say about a literal erotic camgirl, but if you mention Nyanners, Kiara, Ollie or even Mikoto hundreds would come out of the woodworks to make sure you knew every real or imagined slight they've ever made.

That said, fuck Nyanners.

>> No.6727166

>That said, fuck Nyanners.
I wish I could. She's cute.

>> No.6727187

>fuck Nyanners
With pleasure.

>> No.6727267

Stop grooming her.

>> No.6727335

What's there bad to say about Melody though? She doesn't pretend she's not a virtual camgirl. She's honest and it's fun. Only prudes would have a problem with it.

>> No.6727338

What are you, my mom?
I do what I want!

>> No.6727352

shes fat!

>> No.6727368

She doesn't pay the person who originally made her model

>> No.6727369

But her fur is all matted

>> No.6727383

but that's not a rrat

>> No.6727437

Because she didn't commission it, the dude just made it for her then came back later after she got popular asking for a continuous cut of her revenue.

>> No.6727551

She witnessed a suicide.

>> No.6727994

The artists who do that shit are the dumbest motherfuckers

>> No.6728064 [DELETED] 

>spawnkilling a rrat
This is just creuel, anon...

>> No.6728106

>spawnkilling a rrat
This is just cruel, anon...

>> No.6728133

I don't even watch Melody but I hate that guy that made her model with a passion. Indian givers are scum.

>> No.6728308


>> No.6728722

Guess that's why she rarely plays games then.

>> No.6729024

>stop grooming the 30-year old women
I mean, I know women are fucking dumb, but at what point is it not considered grooming?

>> No.6729601

She's a virgin who uses her virtual avatar to live out the fantasies she'd never dare trying in reality.

>> No.6729720

I dunno, she sounds experienced, but who knows, maybe she does the majoritory of the stuff she's done in VRchat. I can only assume thats how mousie gets laid too.

>> No.6730038

Pomf pomf kimochii

>> No.6730093

She became political

>> No.6730999
File: 618 KB, 680x1024, 1626191007291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get the appeal. She is terribly boring. I can't imagine the porno streams are any better. What does she even do? Stand there with a 3d dildo clipping into herself while moaning?

>> No.6731065

Aren’t we all brother

>> No.6731071


>> No.6731114

Same shit that all vtubers does, but while moaning with a vibrator inside her.

Yeah it's not really sexy but it is kinda funny and melody makes it work. Honestly there's a reason she's so successful on CB too, other camwhores can't into good talks like she can.

>> No.6731116

she oddly seems pretty intelligent. figured she'd be a retard considering the pornography.

>> No.6731193

Why is this literal porn star so adorable and dorky?

>> No.6731261

Ditzy, airhead, failed pornstar. Yet still a pretty likeable person without a turn of baggage/bullshit behind her like some of the others.

>> No.6731317

(this is a rrat thread anon)

>> No.6731544

Oh shit you right

>> No.6731644


>> No.6731645

She openly does things that would be a good rrat for others. How do you approach this?! No good rrats yet

>> No.6731759


>> No.6731841

>says her opinion on a topic once
>omg guys she's a leftist militant now out to kill all of us innocent white males!
i do genuinely hope one day /pol/fags get the oven.

>> No.6731893

she paid him what he originally asked. it wasnt until she got big that he tried to extort and then play lawyerball with her.

>> No.6731898

She just turned 21 a few weeks ago

>> No.6731935

either witnessed it or some one close to her did it. possible she might have attempted it

>> No.6731981

She was like 18 in 1898 in internet years.

>> No.6731982

yep. she even said thats why she doesnt play ffxiv during the "wedding" stream.

>> No.6732047

shes quite intelligent. but some pop culture references till allude her. which got a lot of people wondering where in canada she came from.

>> No.6732107


Quite the opposite, try again

>> No.6732338

from what ive gleamed from listening to her and inferring. she had a hard life growing up possible lifetime movie of the week level quite intelligent, though the lack of getting pop culture references makes you wonder where in canada she came from. "an hero" is a very sensitive subject for her. to the fact they had to stop the DDLC playthrough after that first wham moment subject to panic attacks due to past trama and highly photosensitive. was possibly in the adult industry before her "debut" due to her saying she would be a "fluffer" if not for vtubing though that other mel being the same was disproven when she got a better mic. pissed a lot of people at cb off due to her having an actual personality, even though she is a camgirl is an adorkable cinnamon bun and is enjoyable to listen to. and like most of the other girls in her circle, has a horrible case of impostor syndrome, and her brain goblins are lying ass mother fuckers that should fuck right off.

>> No.6733698
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There's this thing she has that's called "PERSONALITY" and a majority of holofag shitposters seemingly like to project that since she's a pornstar, she only thinks about dicks and doesn't have other hobbies. It's kind of funny that she's the only literal whore of Vshojo while the other girls just make sex jokes. Melody, despite her job and sexual attire, is far from a sex craving cunt who only wants dick and money.

>> No.6733772

lmao tourist

>> No.6733822

Anon, I love Melody but you're being a bit of an overreacting fag. Look at this whole thread, there's been pretty much nothing but positivity.

>> No.6733825

>while the other girls just make sex jokes
That was never true outside of rratposting. Yeah, they makemore sex jokes than holos, but it's not the focus of any of their streams.

>> No.6733890

Nah nah nah I've seen that shit in /hlg/ threads when Melody is brought up because she's friends with Coco. Seemingly, they don't want her near Hololive because they fear talk of sex or something.

>> No.6733960
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There's your issue

>> No.6733968

Some people in /hlg/ have a really weird image of melody and her friends and the rrat threads on this board don't help. It doesn't matter though. If the girls want to collab then they will.

>> No.6733973
File: 225 KB, 1315x687, E5B80BF9-6175-4C32-80D1-80A08AC80BCB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6734034

>fails at life
>decides to actually fix herself up
>decide to take up a degree
>wtf, it costs tens of thousands
>decides to make money first, take up education later
>normal jobs too underpaying
>decide to be a hooker, since her friend told her the money is insane
>gets with an agency, does a porn shoot but she is literally too autistic and bad at sex
>her face is actually not that appealing either
>agency rejects her
>she is forced to be an escort
>before trying out being an escort, she sees a trend about virtual anime girls
>decide to make a hentai model with the money she made by being a hooker
>go to chaturbate
>literal overnight success
>continue to do so and earn thousands
>get scouted for slut talents called "Vshojo"
>become the face of it
>make great money with it
>realize you are too fucked in the head and decide that normal streaming isn't better than chaturbating
>can't quit cause money is good
>why not both?
And here we are

>> No.6734066

/hlg/ seem to have weird images of everyone in general.

>> No.6734109

>gets with an agency, does a porn shoot but she is literally too autistic and bad at sex
Why am I not remotely surprised?

>> No.6734170
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Yeah, like this one

>> No.6734207
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Pretty much. God those faggots are whiny as fuck. I try to tolerate those niggers but they're slowly become just as bad as antis. Won't let Ollie or Mori make any fucking friends with the Vshojo girls because they fear manipulation or something retarded idk.
They even fucking said shit about Mouse that "she's faking her sickness" and "the sooner she dies the better" and making jokes and Mori being her friend because haha grim reaper coming for her soon. Shits fucked. Fuck /hlg/ and fuck idolfags.

>> No.6734383
File: 63 KB, 820x882, 9E056FC8-98C0-4089-AB08-AE57849ACC15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Won't let Ollie or Mori make any fucking friends with the Vshojo girls because they fear manipulation or something retarded idk.
>Fuck /hlg/ and fuck idolfags.
Keep telling that to yourself

>> No.6734558

Literally every time Ollie brings up Vshojo or Connor you niggers in /hlg/ throw a fucking tantrum like an autistic child. Grow up.

>> No.6734721

Shit even as a prude, I have more respect for Melody who just calls a spade a spade and lets me know right up front that I'm not the intended audience for her content than I do for most other western Vtubers.

>> No.6735507
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 684E55B8-0631-45EC-A29E-9B601BABE0A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like you?

>> No.6735913

Btw please explain why this behavior is acceptable.

>> No.6735933

KEK, she was literally sucking some guys cock on her birthday stream on chaturbate and had to spew some cum out, that before going to twitch.
also, she is smart as fuck and getting rich by making cucks give money to her by being a fake dork, i envy her so much, and her boyfriend

>> No.6736130

She's the only vtuber that has ever responded to anything I said in chat. Granted, this was before Vshojo was a thing and Mel streamed exclusively on CB (whereas now she almost never does)..

>> No.6736233

she steams there 2 times a week

>> No.6736265

Must be times I've not on then.

>> No.6736356

She’s live

>> No.6736422

I am curious on how her and Coco met.

>> No.6736966

Don’t act like some of you in your thread got tired of Connor collabing with Mouse
It isn’t idolfaggotry, people want to watch Ollie not to hear about him

>> No.6737868

this is the most boring rrat I've ever read

>> No.6738389

I can't even fap to her porn streams anymore because she's just too cute in her normal streams. It'd be like jerking to my little sister. Not my thing.

>> No.6738756

She likes Dad's Jokes

>> No.6738821

No that's Pikamee "Fatamee" Amano from Voms

>> No.6738885
File: 176 KB, 368x360, 1625144436089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dug too deep

>> No.6739558

Being a whore is a job. Being a cunt is an intractable personality trait. That's basically the big difference between Melody and some of the other, more hated members of VShojo.

>> No.6739696

Extended use of an anal vibrator made it too sensitive to sit down. That's close enough and its hilarious.

>> No.6739796

It's amazing how that sounds cute.

>> No.6739860

As if we aren't the bottom. I appreciate any sort of person that is honest about itself.

>> No.6739962

NTA but fellow vshojofag and yes, I absolutely fucking hate Connor's guts and I don't watch any stream he shows up in

>> No.6740173

>she's the only literal whore of Vshojo
Do your Silver reps. The only reason why she quit her old job is Covid and will go back to it. $5,000 for a weekend of "work" during con season is too much to pass up.

>> No.6740280

coco is her pimp

>> No.6740284

Guess thats why she's always standing up in streams.

>> No.6740331

>incel hates chad.

>> No.6740434

You just sold me on her anon.
Time to watch her normal streams and binge her porn ones immediately after

>> No.6740583
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>she's actually a bit of a control freak. source: profile language style
>she is paranoid about having her online identity stolen. source: same
>she is jealous of ironmouse. source: ironmouse has had to have her numbers corrected before when she joined Vshojo. Melody asked for this.
>though there are no hard rules about how you collect a fan base, many of her simps are chaturbate fans who passed over to the legit side, so her numbers had a boost very few girls could match: actual sex-addicted fans. some saw this as cheating, as she can just pull horny men off the porn sites to puff her numbers. source: a few other western girls in discord.

>> No.6741560

okay in my defense for not knowing that, she's the only one I don't watch. I heard people wanna fuck her mom though.

>> No.6743659
File: 59 KB, 224x224, 1624488261759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you sauce me? I always felt something was off with that one. Her addition kinda makes sense if that's true. The rest of the group is some variant of degenerate.

>> No.6743777

That's not that bad, all things considered. I've heard of porn actresses ending up with anal prolapses and fissures.

>> No.6744272

i've heard this rrat before, and absolutely nothing to give it any credibility other than 'trust me'.

>> No.6744985

Because she's completely upfront about it. You can't really call someone out for something they wear on their sleeve

>> No.6745038

Stop being a rapist anon

>> No.6745049

most accurate rrat on here.

>> No.6745145


>> No.6745218

>I can't even fap to her porn streams anymore because she's just too cute in her normal streams. It'd be like jerking to my little sister.
h-haha right...

>> No.6745233

I would rather Ollie do a weekly show with nyanners than continue enabling connor's trend chasing

>> No.6745383

Stop giving me dreams anon, that's not ogey.

>> No.6745460

>Give me your best rrats about her
she pays the riggers with her body instead of money

>> No.6745498


>> No.6745552

>It's pretty nuts that no one has anything particularly negative to say about a literal erotic camgirl, but if you mention Nyanners, Kiara, Ollie or even Mikoto hundreds would come out of the woodworks to make sure you knew every real or imagined slight they've ever made.
>She's actually a pretty nice girl that just happens to do virtual camwhoring
what allows her to avoid the wrath of the internet is the fact that on top of being nice she doesn't pretend to be anything she isn't and doesn't hide her nature

which makes her cute in a weird way as opposed to being obnoxious like the pink whore

>> No.6745955

My fucking degenerate ass, so you have recorded stream?

>> No.6746150

has massively satisfying double bag
oil change
here and there.

>> No.6746377
File: 215 KB, 966x718, J O G G E R by Anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Increase her living food supply immediately.

>> No.6746456

I believe this rrat based on her shape playing ring fit adventure

>> No.6746484

She says bagell.

>> No.6747965

We all know Nyanners is a back stabber so she automatically gets black listed.
Kiara has an ego issue, don't know enough about Ollie and Mikoto.

As for Melody, she just has a good model and is generally cute and pleasant.
You do not possess a soul if you don't find this adorable.

>> No.6748049

She is boring talking about anything. Mouse can converse circles around her.

>> No.6748250

This, what sort of sociopath is against any of the positions she stated?

>> No.6748521

But instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the beasts
