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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 103 KB, 798x800, Shirakami_Fubuki_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67218722 No.67218722 [Reply] [Original]

She plays games well.
She sings ok.
Has good sense of humor.

Character design is bland and generic as fuck.

Cover should really change Fubuki's color image.
White isn't really a good color.

She could be at best a background character in Genshin Impact.

Original gundam was supposed to be white, but then a marking team told them to change to blue, red and yellow.

This is the same for Fubuki, she should get another color to become more attractive.

>> No.67219171

this has got to be the shittiest bait in the history of shit bait
literally had 30k+ people watching her a few hours earlier
get some help faggot

>> No.67219335

>No figma
>She is popular, believe me.


>> No.67219483

She already comes in black

>> No.67219555

Male collabs put a ceiling on her. Simple as.

>> No.67219603

Kurokami is the superior version

>> No.67219613

I know this is bait but it's not entirely wrong. However the reason why Fubuki is as popular as she is in part due to her blandness. She is the girl that Cover brings out when they need a Holo that is popular without being too sexual and offputting to normies

>> No.67219663

figma balls

>> No.67219682

I don't think anyone else is explicitly anti-GFE as she is. Male collabs aren't a problem when he isn't trying to cultivate that in the first place

>> No.67219826

>he doesn’t know about the sexy breathing member’s only asmrs and countdown she did as Kurokami

>> No.67219832

>change Fubuki's color image.
>White isn't really a good color
you wrote this bait because you knew the weebs here would try to correct you with white fox japanese shintou fax

>> No.67219851

You know I haven't checked her channel in a while but before December her numbers were shit but suddenly they doubled. Several streams even have over a million views. What the hell happened between December and January? What caused this sudden explosion in popularity?

>> No.67219890

She's my favorite JP, though?

>> No.67219957

What does Kurokami's sexual dominance have to do with Fubuki?

>> No.67220037

Didn't she do an ASMR stream where she quite literally said she's your wife. Something like "no friend, yes wife."

>> No.67220149

She did the sensual breathing asmr as Fubuki, countdown was Kuro

>> No.67220195


>> No.67220276

She's not anti GFE, she just doesn't want to make that her identity. In a way she's the truest girlfriend experience because she's only willing to be affectionate like once every two months.

>> No.67220345

Huh, she used to be the most popular holo

>> No.67220383


>> No.67220423

is this the reason she went from 80-100k views to 500k minimum between December and January? Right now she's at the most popular she's ever been.

>> No.67220451

Sounds more like she's got pneumonia than that she's aroused

>> No.67220554

Winter is the season for 吹雪

>> No.67220758

I want to drink her farts

>> No.67221261

This shit is several years old. She doesn't do ASMR anymore and when she does do a stream with an ASMR mic she just eats.

>> No.67221675

Fubuki was the front talent of Hololive for some time after Sora, and she was pretty good at that. But, by her own admission, being in this position is stressful, and she likes to take it easy nowadays.

>> No.67223057
File: 2.73 MB, 1433x2023, 1689902412448032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rival-san aka Fubuki
>the one who took down First (Sora)
>became Holo Number One before Number One (Gura) came along
>amount the few to pass two million
>kept her herself relevant after all these years
I can respect her.

>> No.67223076

wtf are you talking about? she has zero streams over 1m views in that timeframe

>> No.67224303

Anon, it's a buff game beginning, you know full well how that works, meanwhile Aqua gets that or more whatever she streams, Fubuki did indeed fell, I would be surprised if she's still in the top 10

>> No.67224737

Fubuki has been mid-2nd army for like a couple of years now
Why are these people suddently freaking out over it

>> No.67225404

People have stationary vision of things, when they discovered vtubing she was one of the biggest around, so they still think like that

>> No.67225613

Fubuki has resented being as popular as she was in 2019/2020 for years now so she's taken it easy since. She's still one of the biggest names and hor longevity seems to be still going for awhile, not really much to worry about. Also, asinine opinion of her color scheme and design, top 10 best outfits in hololive and white colored designs are great, fuck you op.

>> No.67225756

There's a reason so many savory recipes start with a white onion, so many sweet include some kind of vanilla, the year starts with white snow. A clean, simple, foundational base gives depth and structure. Contemplate these thoroughly.

>> No.67225808

That would be the true for old friend, new friend is absolutely trash when it comes to design, everything just blends in that white glow, a little more and people would think she was the fucking holy spirit
At least in 3D it got better but still way inferior to her OG

>> No.67225872

Male collabs.

>> No.67225939

Appreciate the poetic sentiment, but vanilla is black.

>> No.67225973

Kurokami accounted for.

>> No.67226240

I still don't see the problem with it, it looks fine to me. The only issue I have is that it wasn't necessary and forced her other outfits to get redone which are going to take forever because they're aren't a necessity.

>> No.67227167

Stop thinking about dicks.

>> No.67227650

You're the one bringing them up.

>> No.67227707


>> No.67229023
File: 521 KB, 975x975, der5tt4-21565021-2679-485f-8133-97781f852932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have added some red to her character.

>> No.67229392

I know the thread doesn't deserve a serious answer but here goes. FBK got the double whammy of getting fellow holos envious at her success lashing out at her and then being harassed by antis for years. It literally burned all her desire to stand out and perform at her best for the longest time. She limited her collabs, went out of her way to not play many flavor of the month games and generally ran away from the limelight. She outright said several times she's glad Marine and Pekora picked up the torch.

It's not that like she lost her appeal. Her average numbers are shit because of her 2 years long FF14 arc, a well-known debuff game. Worse it basically kills any momentum she could build from her other more sucessfull streams because it has become her baseline. She's had several streaks of streams hovering around 18-25k viewers with different games, but then she goes back to playing nothing but FF14 for 2 weeks straight.

Then there's her whole redesign that kept her from getting new outfits for years as well, removing yet another easy crowd pleaser.

Basically FBK is sandbagging and yet hasn't managed to self-destruct like Matsuri.

>> No.67229411
File: 2.27 MB, 2800x3500, 1648681744977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kind to everyone
>living legend
>rock solid numbers
yeah, OP you're way off on this one
her only real issue is refusing to give me sex

>> No.67229656

I love Fubuki. Why aren't I enough?

>> No.67229758

Sora is kind of the same. She also self-debuffs. If either of them ever went full power, I don't think Cover would be able to keep the fans from invading cover HQ. They're that powerful.

>> No.67229993

I think the thing is Fubuki generally just does things she likes. She doesn't seem to care about how much numbers she has because she's already made a name for herself, she's already accomplished a lot, her core fans will still watch anything she does, she's at that point where she can focus on doing things she finds fun without repercussion because of how big her image is in the industry and hololive. She simply does what she wants to do at that time, whether it's a fotm, ff14, a chatting stream, she's always able to get big numbers it's just something she's never wanted to do at the cost of her own enjoyment.

>> No.67230112
File: 59 KB, 681x439, 133337572257uyy6o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting fellow holos envious at her success

>> No.67230201


>> No.67230276

Figma is a dying brand, bro

>> No.67230549

Her goods sold better than Pekora. ccv is not the only direct implication of popularity.

>> No.67230852

She literally said way back that she spent a day crying because people around her saw her as competition when all she wanted was for Hololive to succeed and for that success to lift them all.

>> No.67230943

All that evidence you posted to back up your bullshit claim really convinced me.

>> No.67231325

Bro, that even got an english translated clip. I'm 100% sure that the oldfags even know exactly which one I'm talking about.

>> No.67231377

>B-but one of the merchs sold more

>> No.67231559

>doesn't post said clip
>"I'm sure it exists bro! Just trust me!"

>> No.67231675

Or don't.

>> No.67231731

>Character design is bland and generic as fuck.
Anon I think you might have the gae, get that checked.
Foobers is sex

>> No.67231741

She sold better in every limited data points

>> No.67232022

she's not popular because she's cover's resident bootlicker and PR machine. She's the Millie of holoJP. nobody really likes that one coworker that you know is up the bosses ass and tells them everything.

>> No.67232236

All because someone made a scatman YTPMV of her

>> No.67232252

I don't get why this place tries to rewrite history like no ones know it's bullshit. Fubuki is still one of the most respected and known vtubers, why do people act like she vanished off the face of the planet in terms of relevancy?

>> No.67232568

>getting fellow holos envious at her success lashing out at her
And I don't know what you mean by harassed by antis for years refer to Taiwan yab or "because other Holo jealous of her" the latter never happened, you can stop larping now.

>> No.67233100

>harassed by antis for years refer to
All the bots shitting up and chat and twitter's hastags for years, or trolls calling her a money-grubbing hag on 2chan.

>the latter never happened
It very much did.

>> No.67233290

At least she's still relevant, unlike Korone.

>> No.67233601

Holy retard, chuuba getting harassed for no reason is nothing uncommon at all esp back then many people hate vtuber but definitely not because of "other Holo jealous of her" headcanon

>> No.67233742

>because of "other Holo jealous of her"
I never said that. You have amazing reading comprehension for someone so quick to insult other people.

>> No.67233781

Van Gogh is one of the most relevant artists to artists but what matters is the "costumer", it doesn't matter how many directors and whatever got inspired by you if the audience don't give a shit about you

>> No.67233830

Her design is generic as fuck, and her face is ugly as shit

>> No.67234005

I did said I don't know what you mean "harassed by antis" refer to and assume it's either because of Taiwan yab or headcanon because you said "fellow Holos envious at her success lashing out at her" and said the latter never happened yet you said it very much did?

>> No.67234018

What do wardrobe departments have to do with anything?

>> No.67234265

Fame will always be a more respectable and more applauded success then concurrent customers, everyone dies at some point but legacy will carry on, money won't. Although that still doesn't matter in this case because she gets plenty of people that watch her and is still making heaps of money, so I'm not sure what your point is. She may not be making Pekora numbers but she's far from not being successful.

>> No.67234461

double whammy of getting fellow holos envious at her success lashing out at her
>Being harassed by antis for years.

What don't you understand?

>> No.67234787

Ok sure you're talking about unrelated events, still not sure why you made up shit that other Holos jealous lashing out at her tho, what now ? You're just exaggerating it a bit or what ?

>> No.67235325

Fame means nothing after death if your life was hell, having a legacy is cool but it's just a bonus, the most important thing is living a good life

>> No.67235465

Why do >we hate Fubuki now?
90% of you faggots discovered hololive through her singing scatman and Miko saying nigger

>> No.67235594

90% of this board probably joined literal years after scatman has been privated. Their opinion means nothing.

>> No.67235679

Sister, men are more than just their penis you ravenous whore.

>> No.67236171

I watch hololive before that and I hate that shit brought in le meme faggots

>> No.67236278

Good thing Fubuki has a good life then, it'd by more accurate if she was a 2 view that somehow made a wave after she graduated. Plus, I'd rather be remember in general then go out and mean nothing while also having made no success, at least I made an impact at some point.

>> No.67236350

But the 100 other memes that came from hololive, any big Korone clip back then, or coco's entire existence didn't bring those people in.

>> No.67236427

AAA ano hi no yume
Ima demo mada
wasurete nain desho

>> No.67236942

proof next thread?

>> No.67239018

I despise Coco and Korone memes were natural, people made it a meme, not she forced it to be a meme, completely different things

>> No.67241280


>> No.67244477


>> No.67244920
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, funny you say that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post is a mile more accurate than OP.

>old asian quote:
"white is beautiful"

>> No.67249051


>> No.67249128

She is sold out

>> No.67249634 [SPOILER] 

What do you mean "more popular"? Is having 2,000,000 subscribers and 10,000 regular viewers not enough?

>> No.67250810

If you compare with randoms yeah but compared with others holos she fell off, she was the undisputed number 1 alongside Aqua, now compare both of them, Aqua has like 3 times the viewers, you can say it's the rarity buff like Marine but even if she did streams consistently she would get at least the double of Fubuki

>> No.67251046

kys samefaggot

>> No.67251244

If you don't do gfe you won't be popular
simple as

>> No.67251339
File: 10 KB, 320x320, 1690568680496635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67251630

Even if Fubuki magically surpassed every vtuber in every metric, she would have to compete with her past self or else you'd again be saying she fell off. What a stressful way to live. Just stop giving a fuck about dumb shit like that. Anything more than 0 is enough.

>> No.67251683

I mean, Aqua overtook Fubuki back in January 2019, not really a fair comparison.
You might make that argument for Matsuri and Haato, now they seriously fell off; Fubuki (and Korone) just didn't grow up as much as the top holos did but she still is among the top ten.

>> No.67251807

>>67251683 (me)
Don't know why I typed "grow up"...

>> No.67252021

The expressiveness was improved, but the lack of contrast due to the increase of the "glow" makes all her features stand out less in exchange for a higher focus on her eyes, which haven't been modified almost at all
Look at how much more her braids or ears stood out, compared to now, hell her braids have as much of an outline as any of the edges of the bangs instead of actually being a standout feature, the ears even had the fur rounded and the edges were reduced in quantity, from the top half of the visible hair above her shoulders there used to be many strands going down separately but they were also all removed and now they only separate near the bottom, I don't understand how a japanese of all people could think removing good characteristics to make something "clean" would be a good idea, it is extremely sad how unremarkable she looks now

>> No.67252185

That's literally meaning of fell off, do you have a hole on your brain?

>> No.67253739

It's almost always used when the creator's content drops in quality, not everyone decides whether or not someone is successful based on the peak of their career compared to an average period

>> No.67253846

>I don't think anyone else is explicitly anti-GFE as she is.
thats suisei

>> No.67254143

it doesn't matter, everything goes to the toilet when she cucks you with male collabs

>> No.67254215
File: 3.75 MB, 800x450, 【PanPiano】白上吹雪fubuki_视频.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67254363

I remember that one. Here I thought you lot were referencing ASMR streams I somehow hadn't seen.

How anyone could see that as erotic is beyond me. That is dreadful.

>> No.67254408

>Creator content invented the word fell off
It exists since forever, if a sequel of a game sells half of it's predecessor people will say it fell off, if a football player scores 50 goals a season and on the next one scores 20 they say he fell off, etc.

>> No.67255732


>> No.67256205

Fubuki is super popular, what the fuck are you talking about? Everyone recognizes her, everyone thinks she's hilarious and everyone acknowledges her as one of the pillars of hololive. You can't even use the CCV argument against her because for one she isn't a numberfag but also she's been doing this for so long she only really cares about vibing nowadays, and despite that if she really wants to she can pull a super popular arc out of nowhere like she did during the golden magikarp era. You numbermonkeys have severe brainrot.
