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67199369 No.67199369 [Reply] [Original]

Whoever took her away from me, I will never forgive you.

>> No.67199440

Okay, but I didn’t do that.

>> No.67199528

I like how even the JP niki now know you never trust the NijiEN clique.

>> No.67199559

don't talk about Kotoka like that

>> No.67199572

You already know who to blame.

>> No.67199667

Yeah. Her.

>> No.67199669

(We) will never have this again. Ever.

>> No.67199763

You will anon, sort of. And Kson will probably be there too.

>> No.67199802

This. Mel's not gone. She'll come back in a fresher, sluttier form.

>> No.67199891

It wasn't kotoka btw

>> No.67200019

You will never forgive Mel?

>> No.67200037
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I have no problem with Mel.

>> No.67200141

Blame that Niji gyaru whore.

>> No.67200198

No, fuck off. She and Mel are equally at fault. Mel's too fucking stupid to know when she's been played. Anyone else would have caught on, but Mel has the mental development of an eight year old.

>> No.67200661

Stop being a fake fan. Literally no one talked about her or Aki Rose before now. Personality of a piece of wood and streamed once a month

>> No.67200902

Nice try, fag.

>> No.67200911

it was kotoka btw

>> No.67201049
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I have been out of the loop, how do you guys are sure that it was Kotoka?

>> No.67201153
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>No I was not a part of the suspected incident at all
Said suspected incident being Mel's termination and that she was the one who snitched. It's pretty much only been talked about /here/ so she's here reading threads and basically Streisand effected it.

>> No.67201302

you realize 15 year old 3rd world phasefags will spam random vtubers with rrats ie bvtm

>> No.67201341

It was me, please forgive me

>> No.67201413

It was me, she's in my basement now getting pregnant with my children

>> No.67201425

There's been a handful of posts about it, and some with no more than 4 likes, so the chances of her seeing those are minimal. The vast majority of the discussion about this has taken place /here/.

>> No.67201737

Hopefully she'll be back in Niconico at least.

>> No.67201819

Kotoka has a target on her back now and she knows it, just look at her standoffishness here. Guilty and she knows it.

>> No.67201860

Cover needs to wake up and start treating this as the "all-out war" that Niji thinks it is. Nijisanji is no ally of theirs and never will be.

>> No.67201994

Mel wasn't malicious with what she did. Kotoko was

>> No.67202040

Hmm, I wonder who's more at fault. A girl venting to her friend while mentally/emotionally vulnerable because she TRUSTS her friend, or that friend, who betrayed her trust and ended her entire half-decade long career for clout?

>> No.67202779

She said she was
>not APART from the incident
you fucking retard, she literally confessed right on Twitter.

>> No.67202882

She clearly meant a part you fucking retard.

>> No.67202952

>what is misspelling
holy fucking retardo

>> No.67202983

You're right, weens have never personally contacted ecelebs to julay at them.

>> No.67203859

So you think her Nendroid will be released?

>> No.67204086

they better fucking release it

>> No.67204695

I don’t think Kotoka had anything to do with the Mel incident but holy crap Nijisanji needs to do a trainer on basic PR and internet safety (logging the fuck off)

>> No.67204705
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I don't follow Mel or Niji: Did Mel and Kotoka collab or something? I remember how quick Kotoka was to throw Zaion under the bus...

>> No.67204723
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Yup, it was her last collab too

>> No.67204725

>usually when things like this happen they tend to hide in FANBOX until they can make their comeback (Michael, Triangle)
>Mel is going completely offline

>> No.67204783
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it brings me sadness every time... Why did kotoka do this to Mel.

>> No.67205392

different situations

>> No.67205830

What the fuck happened? Who posted what? What did Kotoka do?

>> No.67206456

this bitch is fucking dead
cope, this whore freudian slipped her guilt

>> No.67206832

Why do you retards think she got betrayed? Maybe that friend tried to stand up for her and that's how Cover found out. Or maybe she just used her work Discord to talk to her friend and her manager saw it.

>> No.67207013

Because Mel directly mentions that she should not have trusted the friend.

>> No.67207119

But she doesn't.

>> No.67207173

Has she talked about it much on her RM? I iamgine she can't as that may fuck up some NDA shit. How is she actually taking her termination or haas she not spoke of it?

>> No.67207184

She didn't say that she should not have trusted them. She just said that she regrets talking to them. My theory is that she was bullied/harassed by some higher executive and that friend tried to stand up for her.

>> No.67207424

She's on hiatus, nothing else has been said

>> No.67208383

>My theory is that she was bullied/harassed by some higher executive
Minato Aqua strikes again

>> No.67209060

She took herself away by breaking NDA

>> No.67210126
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>I will never forgive you
sure buddy

>> No.67210211

Just watch rica shes far more active and daring on that account

>> No.67210490

Her cat died and she just got fired from her job that she's been at for nearly 6 years. Give her time.

>> No.67210770

you meant gura >>67207184

>> No.67212635

when she comes back

>> No.67212700

It probably wasn't Kotoka, but I can't say I feel sorry for her. Karma is a bitch.

>> No.67212871

I don't think so.

>> No.67213021

>far more active

>> No.67214169

Rushia’s was still released

>> No.67215183

that's good to hear

>> No.67217029

meru love

>> No.67218219

tribalism and fake drama ruined this board

>> No.67218421
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I definitely wasn't this person

>> No.67218563

even nips say that kaigais who blame kotoka just because she was the last person who collabed with her are retarded. they weren't even that close.

>> No.67218691

Did i stutter bitch

>> No.67218937

Sorry I did not work my swedish rep more. I could have protected mels smile.

>> No.67218973

nah, you're just retarded. mel streamed in the last month or two more than rica streamed in a year.

>> No.67220576

correct but nips themselves didn't miss the chance to create drama, so fuck them too

>> No.67220632

Lmao check the member streams retard

>> No.67221132

two asmr streams a month on nnd and a few fanbox and twitcast streams. that's still far less than mel.

>> No.67221570

this so much.

>> No.67223527

that's still a lot for a rm account, merumeru a hard worker.

>> No.67224894

Shame about the cat though, she really loved it

>> No.67225526

Mel has a friend who wanted to do an event, so Mel introduced him/her to a supplier used by Hololive. But she also give the friend Hololive’s contract pricing. Said friend went to the supplier and leaked that info. So the supplier went to Cover demanding response

>> No.67226236

You can thank her backstabbing "friend" for that.

>> No.67226307
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It was this man, officer

>> No.67226487

False. It's her so-called friend.

>> No.67226619

Anyone who believes her is a retard.

>> No.67227571

I truly believe situation would've been dealt with differently if it happened before Hololive went public.

>> No.67227700

no. you ruined thus board by existing here.

>> No.67227813

NijiEN really is a blighted curse on the industry. Wow..

>> No.67227865

god I can't wait...

>> No.67227918

Based Yagoo, protecting his company even if it means throwing dedicated employees under the bus.

>> No.67228287

>how do you guys are sure that it was Kotoka?
They aren't since no one has a clue who Mel was talking with that caused the NDA break. Cover didn't release details after they fired her so people are throwing out random guesses. That happens to be the most recent non-Hololive collab partner but that doesn't mean anything.

>> No.67228417


>> No.67228453

You'll be fine, suck it up bro. Move onto the next generic looking anime girl with a sex model.

>> No.67228504

Throwing under the bus... yeah, that's TOTALLY what happened.

>> No.67228531

>what is freudian slip

>> No.67228591

You do realize fags containment break all the time so she's probably gotten enough harassment to where she had to say something.

>> No.67229208

banned vtuber memes page couldn't wait to jump on the drama

>> No.67231265

somebody should teach her not to feed the trolls

>> No.67232919

Too late now.

>> No.67234043

You learn through fucking up, like Cali did

>> No.67234384
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Don't worry about it baby.

>> No.67234855

>without evidence
That sounds like an invitation to schizos to make even more rrats about her so sue them for defamation.

>> No.67235260

From my understand, defamation only actually works if you can prove the person knows that they're lying. And since people don't know what discussions the two had, there's no way for us to know if we're lying or not.

>> No.67236931

god, imagine how peaceful this place would be if they started doing that

>> No.67237230
File: 353 KB, 1001x2000, 2b4eaf9909d8f03ffb6ccf2566b20d39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no proof she did it, and schizos still pull rrats out of their asses. You shouldn't believe them until Kotoka has been proven to be guilty. That's all.

>> No.67237317

Wasn’t it that Niji gyaru whore who tricked her into breaking contract?

>> No.67237381

Tribalism and fake drama ruined the whole goddamn internet man. We didn't start the fire

>> No.67237386

Just another reason reason to hate Niggersanji scum.

>> No.67237905

How did bvtm manage to buckbreak this place so badly?

>> No.67237966

Fucking Nijis i swear to god

>> No.67238261

Not in japan esl chama

>> No.67238370

Death to NijiEN

>> No.67239876

in minecraft

>> No.67241607

unity chads rise up

>> No.67243625
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>> No.67243935

Same. Honestly. Same.

>> No.67244921

Strange how you claim she has the development of an 8-year old and yet claim she needs to take full responsibility.

>> No.67249297

Yes, that is totally what happened.

>> No.67249537

it was some dude from gta vcr

>> No.67249782

It were the lizard people
