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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67147525 No.67147525 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to believe the unicorn part of the fanbase isn't as big as many claimed

You would think that, with that reputation, the fans would make a big fuss over ReGloss collabing with Pizza guy or Pekora collabing with male Youtubers or Aki dominating the Ark server

Almost as if the unicorns are only prevalent in Holomems fanbase that actively pander to them and others simply didn't give a fuck as long as males don't touch those members specifically

>> No.67147570

they're going extinct

>> No.67147635

Small but powerful. They're vocal and willing to spend.

>> No.67147648

Retarded incels were crying since 2020 when they found this shit because of Coco and the nigger moment.

>> No.67147671

Weird thing there are more in holoen than holojp community

>> No.67147673

So...what happen to HORIZONTAL ??

>> No.67147818

nice spacing faggot
reminder that EN's director unironically use terms like CGDCT and that homo collab in EN are fucking extinct as it should be
so dilate on sister

>> No.67147877

Its called paragraphs, read a fucking book

>> No.67147883

To be honest they are only expressing their power when males interracted with their oshi and not others

Remember that Kanata Minecraft collab moment ? They are powerful enough to make her afraid and always walk on eggshells during that stream. But I have never seen a Kanata fan attacking other members in the name of "unicorn ideology" (if that even exists)

They probably don't give a fuck if males interract with Hololive. Just don't put them with Kanata in the same space

>> No.67147905

almost as if they're all EOPs

>> No.67148034

Aki is the same as Korone during SF6 streams who constantly got over 30k CCV, EOP nigger. Shes now just have tourist viewers and they leave after the party stream.

>> No.67148080

They're all thirdies I think

>> No.67148087

>reddit spacing
>believe no male vtubers/e-celebs mean no males at all
>probably a femcel and greyfag
k homobeggar.

>> No.67148098

The JP fans are cucked beyond repair and don't voice their opinions openly
The trick is to keep an eye on the Vtuber's core fanbase and check to see if people still continue donating at the same rate afterward
>t. stalks my oshi's fanbase

>> No.67148136

The last REAL unicorn died with Rushia. There's a big difference between CGDCT and unicorns.

>> No.67148194
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Look at all that money she's making. Oh shit, wait

>> No.67148267

>willing to spend.
they never post their shrines though?
wheres all the merch that they supposedly buy

>> No.67148310

VCR is shit, anyone participating in it to “cleanse” their audience was probably already thinking of doing collabs with fags and it was an opportunity to do so. In the case of those that don’t care, that’s fine, but I don’t have to watch as the fickle e-celeb audience looks elsewhere three months down the line.

>> No.67148343

Ya know. It's funny to see that numberfags suddenly care about Aki numbers. Aki having low numbers is not breaking news. She has been having low numbers for a long time, that's why the "Clipper saved Aki" clip was so powerful, and VCR Ark and GTA are basically her fame boosters

Those streams did not make Aki lose fans in the first place. It was basically her peak moment until going back to normal. Those numberfags wouldn't even care to track her stats until she started collabing with males

>> No.67148349

I use VCR as background noise because I can't understand a word anyway

>> No.67148378

Nobody needs to post any shrines. You can just look at the SC revenue the girls earn. If someone is making a lot of SC dough then they're moving a lot of merch. And if someone is barely making any SC though then they're barely moving merch.

>> No.67148403

No one watches reflop, your argument is immediately wrong.

>> No.67148409

Why do you care how much money they make?

>> No.67148514

It's tiny and laughed out of the conversation everywhere but here

>> No.67148544

Because money is the measure of success. Retarded homobeggars are trying to use Aki as an example of "a successful vtuber who collabs with males" but they gloss over the part where she makes virtually no money kek

>> No.67148612

>Because money is the measure of success.
You are a sad, sad individual my man
Just watch girls acting silly and playing videogames and performing on stage, there is nothing more to it

>> No.67148639

Pretty much. This is one of the only places they can screech into the void without being laughed at or banned, so they're constantly trying to mark their territory.

>> No.67148670

>Why do you care about something that directly benefits Holos?
Inb4 >muh invisible gun is more harmful

>> No.67148726

>>Why do you care about something that directly benefits Holos?
Yes, this but unironically
You're not their manager, you're a customer

>> No.67148739

> Bro thinks money is everything

That's why Niji flopped so hard. They only think about money and money-banking members. If Aki joined Niji she would have graduated a year or two ago

>> No.67148861

anon fears the formatted post, it reminds him of...???

>> No.67148928

If you make content that gets a lot of unicorns, you probably won’t do male collabs. If your content doesn’t attract unicorns, you’re more likely to do male collabs. Not everyone in Hololive attracts unicorns.
Watching streams is to threadreading what touching grass is to watching streams. Please do that instead of shitting up the catalog

>> No.67148990

You're a sad, retarded child who doesn't understand how real life works. Cover is a commercial business and Hololive is a job. J-O-B. Cover needs money in order to exist and the girls need money in order to survive. They aren't running a charity. The girls acting silly, playing video games, and performing on stage need to make money doing it or else they have to stop being vtubers and go do something else. Aki makes so little money for herself that I assume she's living off a family fortune or has a side job doing something or other. The point is if you want an example of a successful homocollaber then Aki is the wrong choice.

>> No.67149148

Go apply for a job at Cover then? What exactly are you trying to achieve by bitching on an array of mac minis in a new york basement forum?

>> No.67149260

If all Nijisanji cared about was money then they wouldn't mistreat moneymakers like Pomu to the point where she quits and stops making money for them. It's true Niji management is extremely greedy but they're also extremely stupid and vindictive. Just saying they're moneygrubbers doesn't cover it.

>> No.67149305

That's the thing. Not all Holos must be "unicorn-friendly". If the members choose to be unicorn-friendly then that's on them. But some retards would dedicate their energy into hating Stars and wishing them gone just for existing and "being anti-unicorn" (to the point they gaslight indies into thinking Holo is some anti-male agency), and I pity them honestly

>> No.67149314

How does that work? The most ardent homobeggars are flips and indos.

>> No.67149412

Pondering to homobeggers and female members becoming the accessary of the male was also why Niji declined too
Holo should never let go their uniquness that is their CGDCT and idol aspects.
I'm ok with someone with shit numbers like Akirose pondering to homos to get easy numbers but it shouldn't be the standard

>> No.67149473

"3D" idols collab with males all the time, anon

>> No.67149643

>>then that's on them
How I wish that were true. Beggars never let up with their opinions on those that do choose not to collab with homos.

>> No.67149688

hence the CGDCT too. are you illiterate or what

>> No.67149699

I used to be a full blown unicorn until I ended up nostalgiafagging by watching old Kizuna skits and I realized that back then I didn't give two shits about these kinds of collabs. Hell I even enjoyed that one anime man interview she did. More power to unicorns though, homobeggars are a lot more insufferable

>> No.67149754

Even Rushia's top 10-15 gachis were only 4-5% of her entire superchats.
At least, Hololive grew big enough that the small donations from each non unicorn add up to way more than the few rabid fans are giving.

>> No.67149762

>What exactly are you trying to achieve by bitching on an array of mac minis in a new york basement forum?
I'm just making fun of you for acting like money doesn't really matter on a hungarian basket weaving forum dedicated to a type of commercial entertainment that requires money in order to exist kek

>> No.67149801

a lot of people seething at unicorns in the catalogue recently. did you guys all come here from depressed doxxagis video?

>> No.67149861

This is 100% an assumption with absolutely zero evidence to support it
Pretending to know things that you have literally no way of knowing is completely retarded

>> No.67149935


>> No.67150882
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It's not so much about numberfags caring about Aki's numbers, as it is about sisters and beggars making her their anti-'corn poster girl. Earlier, there was a thread by some subhuman moron with a screencap of an Aki VCRGTA stream reaching over 14k CCV. He used it to shit on unicorns and gachis, and multiple anons ripped him a new one. Or it could be fasleflagging by an Aki schizo. You can't easily tell /here/, sometimes.

>> No.67151025
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It's a fucking business, dude. Sure, Cover do things in a much better way than their evil main rival, but in the end, they're in the industry for profit, especially since they're a listed company now. Why WOULDN'T money be an important metric?

>> No.67151094


>> No.67151103

>Why WOULDN'T money be an important metric?
Because you're a customer and not an employee so it is none of your fucking business?

>> No.67151178

Why dont male collab enjoyers spend more then

>> No.67151280
File: 136 KB, 400x400, unimpressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the same shit mentality that MCU fans had post Endgame. "Why do you care that they're changing things up?" And now we have shit like the marvels, she-hulk and echo. I'd rather people be vocal about their unhappiness while they still care, rather than just quietly giving up. There's no going back when the latter happens.

>> No.67151440

Because they're twittards and redditfags. They think that upvotes and likes are enough, and that they'd rather spend 10 dollars on some overpriced cup of coffee than send some money to their (alleged) oshi to show their support. But if you don't like that, then you're a misogynistic incel virgin.

>> No.67151544

If I'm a customer then money is quite literally my business.

>> No.67151903

Unicorns are only a fraction of the fan base but they make a large amount of money for Hololive. That is why Yagoo still won't release a mixed gen, why talents have idol style contracts that require them to act like they are single, and it's why management is still cautious on allowing Holostars to perform at major Hololive concerts. Most of the fanbase does prefer CGDCT which makes things even more blurred since Yagoo wants to move forward with more HoloPro unity but will sometimes backtrack if there is a large drop in viewers.

>> No.67152464

just like xitter trannies

>> No.67152514

Starting to feel like these threads are being posted by Clover employees and probably half of the comments are them trying to shift the general viewpoint on /vt/. It's a good idea honestly, but 8-10 similar threads a day is a bit too much.

>> No.67152776
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And yet this is the absolute worst stream Botan has done going all the way back to the beginning of 2023. Want to guess why?

>> No.67152834

Honestly, it was a mistake to release male gens to begin with. Like seriously, what's the point? They should've put the same amount of effort into 1-2 more female gens and those girls would've been more money in a year than all Holostars will by the end of their career. I guess they wanted some Kuzuhas first, but that clearly didn't happen, so why continue? Sure, they're probably still profitable, but if a single girl can pull more viewers in one stream than all Holostars at once, then their existence is practically just hurting the company.

>> No.67152860
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>twitter trannies
>powerful and willing to spend

>> No.67153010
File: 139 KB, 321x333, 1643053384194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reality is most people don't care, and the ones that do are mostly reasonable enough to not watch the stuff with males. The vocal unicorns are an extreme minority, but on the flip side so are rabid homobeggars.

>> No.67153317


>> No.67153582

You act like dramafags care either way, going after unikeks or homobeggers gets them (you)s and thats all they care about

>> No.67153614

Like, actual unicorns are a loud minirity
But I assure you if they ever start doing collabs with homos the same way nisijanji does, hololive would lose the appeal and most people would stop watching after a while, Hololive would lose status
You wouldn't understand and I know you don't want to accept it, but it's the truth

>> No.67156700

Go back

>> No.67156769

Don't fuck with the formula you goddamn retard. It's never worked.

>> No.67156834

Fighting game debuff.

>> No.67156998

You have 3 sides in the fandom, the unicorns, npcs, and homobeggars. Unicorns are the core of the fanbase, used to be a lot of saviorfags until they were all slaughtered by traitorous whores. The npcs will follow whatever is considered popular because their identity is being with the majority. Homobeggars want chaos because they feed on unicorn flesh.
