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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67018895 No.67018895 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.67019014
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>Bau Baus
What else do you need?

>> No.67019129

do you just jump from stream to stream nonstop like what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.67019135 [DELETED] 

Mori is on break and a fat cunt
Kronii just got out of TMJ follow up surgery
Shiori is funny and silly
Bae is still around
OP is a massive cocksucker and his mom fuck the black neighbor

>> No.67019148

Bau Bau!

>> No.67019153


>> No.67019176


>> No.67019184

Hey, that still leaves 4 st-- shit fuwamoco - 3 potential streams. Potential of course, they're offline, sry

>> No.67019245
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>ran out of excuses to criticize her with
>"s-she's boring!"

>> No.67019285

What a failure of branch. More or less advent is saving the day, but they need EN4 soon, too many dead hours the last 2 weeks.

>> No.67019294

Kronii is on break
IRyS is also semi-on break

>> No.67019348

she is a lot of things, even negative things, but she is not boring. she is like a schizo AI chatbot just spewing insanity at 100mph

>> No.67019352

>the only two EN's worth a fuck are also the only two not on break constantly
What a shocker.

>> No.67019355

Haven't you heard? Gura is back!

>> No.67019400

Sana... Rest In Phone-game

>> No.67019406

Damn, without Kiara always streaming things actually look grim for HoloEN

>> No.67019413

Nerissa is back and Mori is on a week break

>> No.67019432

Thank god for advent

>> No.67019531

deadbeat false flag

>> No.67019532

Its hilarious when phasefags expose themselves like that

>> No.67019535

which would be pretty fucking boring. the chatbot description, i've never watched shiori, no opinion.

>> No.67019551
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>biboo and fwmc
What more do you need honestly?

>> No.67020170

someone who's voice I can tolerate

>> No.67020194
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This. The rest are essentially worthless.

>> No.67020305

This. Biboo is almost as bad as Towa just in a completely different way

>> No.67020432

Stop touching the monitor Fuwawa.

>> No.67020438

well I actually love towa's voice so it must just be not liking babyvoices

>> No.67020555

Would be nice if Mori went on break as well
Her constant leeching off Biboo is really annoying

>> No.67020761

>Mori is on break and a fat cunt

>> No.67020773

EN at like 80% power. They can just collab with ID if they need more mems for a game.

>> No.67020860

IRyS is on break until the 25th

>> No.67020916

I was going to make a thread just like this but didn't bother. I should have done it, mine would have been way more accurate and biting.

>> No.67020973

ok shut up nigga!!!

>> No.67021549

Fauna uuuuu

>> No.67021704

That's generous of you

>> No.67021748

kill yourself in the most painful way possible

>> No.67021754

Hololive is an Idol company, they dance and sing twice a year and you pay them for it buy their merch et pay membership. The rest is just a bonus. parasocial retards

>> No.67021989

Do you even like vtubers?

>> No.67022006


>> No.67022134
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Shiori forced hate is gay

>> No.67022170

obviously, if their voice isn't a turn-off for me. I'm fine with some high pitch, but some are just too much to the point where it doesn't even sound pleasant to me

>> No.67022188
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My oshi is getting healthy rest because she's not feeling well. It sounds like a lot of yours are as well. It's always good for chuubas to get healthy rest!
FWMC help to fill the void.

>> No.67022328

But enough about shiori.

>> No.67022515 [DELETED] 

Include the IRyS revelation that she was getting raped by a 50-year old married producer.

>> No.67022581

How much of a fag do you need to be to say "Boring"

>> No.67022661
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>> No.67022742

Yeah, I've found the shitposting progression kinda funny. She's simply a rambling dork who doesn't want to collab outside of advent

>> No.67022803

>someone who's voice I can tolerate
Fuwawa's voice makes me want to cum every time I hear it

>> No.67022867

yeah it's not that hard to criticize her, just bring up flayon

>> No.67022898

I think shiori has the most tolerable voice out of all of them, maybe nerissa too but she's often doing the ara ara bullshit that I hate (her cover of Lilium is amazing tho I really like it). Biboo and fwmc I just couldn't watch a stream of, though they're pretty funny as entertainers

>> No.67022926
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You forgot Lilianne and Alice.

>> No.67023001

Fuck off doxxsister. I'm trying to forgot.

>> No.67023026

IRyS is also on break.

>> No.67023136

Who should I watch now that 2/3 of EN is on hiatus? Other than more advent, of course.

>> No.67023164

Releasing tempiss was a mistake. Advent should have been EN4, EN3 should have been released in 2022. It is only natural for talents who have been streaming (or, in gura's case, pretending to stream) for 3.5 years to check out and move onto other things, roommate activities, etc. That lack of an extra 5 girls has been hampering holoen for a long time and that long period of low activity in late-2021 to mid-2023 seems to have permanently crippled the branch. Unlike Nijien which collapsed from 17k to 2k ccv purely through massive amounts of drama, HoloEN collapsed from Gura's 40k to 0 because she doesn't stream lol purely through lack of action.

>> No.67023181

Ruffians and Pebbles stay winning

>> No.67023192

Half of the people you marked have been active within the past week.

>> No.67023217
File: 52 KB, 263x251, 1696685358412987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get filtered FAGGOT

>> No.67023242

Kill yourself.
Also, Nerissa's back, retard.

>> No.67023256

lol anal boy

>> No.67023280

Listing them all as boring would be more accurate.

>> No.67023318

she streamed yesterday

>> No.67023347

Tempiss doesn’t seem to have any issues with streaming though

>> No.67023351

They went from "she'll collab with males and destroy holoEN" to "w-well she's just boring ok?!"

>> No.67023438

I'm fine with that breh, not tryna watch everybody. It's all good

>> No.67023472

you just said it too

>> No.67023506

I'm not up on a lot of EN affairs, why is Mumei on hiatus?
hope she's ok

>> No.67023585

NTA but yesterday she was doing a bit on stream, the NPC meme thing, and they instantly tried to tie it to ze bois claiming that it was ze bois bit and that she got it from them and all that retardation, ignoring the fact that it was a popular meme in 2023, it was originally Kronii who started doing it in EN and Biboo already talked about it and knows about it as well.

>> No.67023593

Tempus are in japan, off collabing, streaming and 3D debuts soon. Stay mad, cope and seethe forever til you die

>> No.67023609

She's becoming Gura 2

>> No.67023669

The discussion about voices or being boring is a bit beside the point since its all about personal preference
This is a reasonable way to put it

>> No.67023685

i miss lili so much

>> No.67023844

It's her fault for making an incredibly vague statement that implied she'd collab with males. Why she said "respect my collab choices" is a mystery. Her collabs haven't been controversial at all so there was no need to say it. The only thing it accomplished was casting suspicions on her.

>> No.67023890

>Why she said "respect my collab choices"
BVTManon...she never said that. Now go back faggot.

>> No.67023934


>> No.67024019
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she's coming back
I know she will

>> No.67024224

we're not entirely sure, but we assume it had to do with civilization duties pressures

>> No.67024354

Sorry I forget her exact wording. Was it "respect my collab partners?" Either way thanks for entertaining me with your seething kek

>> No.67024357

>Why she said "respect my collab choices" is a mystery.
She never said that though. Did you even watch the debut you retarded catalogshitter?

>> No.67024411

More seethe to make my dick even harder. Thanks friend

>> No.67024512

>Kiara goes on an official, multi-week long break for the first time since joining Hololive
>Faggots spam the catalogue non-stop about breaks
Jesus Christ, you shitters are insufferable. You were just waiting for the day she actually took some time for herself so you could scream about how ALL EN are now lazy.

>> No.67024534
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At least I have Kaela...

>> No.67024588

>I'm totally not a BVTMfaggot btw

>> No.67024706

i see, thank you

>> No.67024733

She basically said "I will collab with who I want, but don't expect many collabs because I don't make friends easily". Turns out she was just letting people know she'd barely ever do collabs outside of some advent group ones.

>> No.67024741

Mumei and Fauna have realised they can just do the Gura route of bare minimum effort and chill with their huge monthly membership incomes.

>> No.67024824

>I will collab with who I want
False, she said for chat to "please be respectful when I collab", otherwise everything else is correct.

>> No.67024906

Isn't Ame on an actual declared hiatus and Gura actually just MIA because no statement was ever given?

>> No.67024922

>"I will collab with who I want, but don't expect many collabs because I don't make friends easily".
My memory's bad but I remember that's definitely not what she said.

>> No.67024937

Not fair to Shoiri. Bijou, Nerrisa and the twins are also boring. Along with Fauna and Mumei. Oh, and Gura is back.

>> No.67025021 [DELETED] 

>makes her twice a year member post

>> No.67025027

All 4 of them are boring. Gura is all you need. Even if she doesn't stream there is no point in watching anyone else because none of them come close to Gura. She has the perfect female speaking voice and it's not even close. She's the perfect female specimen

>> No.67025038

This is why I'm doing my Bahasa Indonesia reps.

>> No.67025091

Towa perpetually sounds like she’s gurgling.

>> No.67025096

>Regarding Collaborations.
>I will be collaborating with friends and potential friends.
>Now this is going to be rare simply because I have to study people.
>I have to study characters to understand them.
>The more likely-
>The more often you see them the more likely they have reached friend status
>But you will not really know unless I mention so, so please respect those around me, ok?
>You wish to be a good boy for me don't you?
I don't make friends easily and I won't be collabing often, but please be nice to those who I do collab with and enjoy the company of. That's it.

>> No.67025292

she has the voice of a chain smoker.

>> No.67025309

kronii is in recovery mode

>> No.67025431

Being weird doesn't make you entertaining. You can be a mental case and still be boring to watch.

>> No.67025463

I know a lot of people seem to not like it but for me it's charming, and when she sings it's great

>> No.67025557

Unironically why are Ina and Gura even still around? God I fucking hate Cover and their refusal to terminate these lazy pieces of shit.

>> No.67025605
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You do know there are other Corps with EN Vtubers and Independents. Pop the bubble and expand your horizon Holokek

>> No.67025721

Like what? Nijisanji?
Are you gonna tell me to watch Finana or Enna? so I can hear about the shit they took that morning or the period clots they frequently get?
Kill yourself my man

>> No.67025745

That and they realized try all they can advent is going to sap their audience so why bother competing. If you can't minmax time working to income then might as well minmax time spent not working to income instead.

>> No.67025763

Don’t know if I’d immediately go as far as termination, but don’t Holo’s actually have a weekly stream quota, like a certain amount of hours per week or something?

>> No.67025870

i don't think you people know what chain smokers sound like and just want to make the smoking joke

>> No.67026202

>Like what? Nijisanji?
It's an option and using Finana/ENNA as examples to down NijiEN is low effort

>> No.67026258

I doubt they actually do as long as their memberships are stable and their sc revenue is enough when they do stream. But I don't know if any of that stuff even matters so

>> No.67026334

Only for the first year, apparently.

>> No.67026436

Towa could star in an anti smoking PSA alongside those people with the holes in their throats

>> No.67026437

please, anon, tell me why Ina hasn't streamed in the last 10 days

>> No.67026458

I wonder if Mococo will talk in a more normal voice in her solo streams...

>> No.67026652

I know a lot of other vtuber contracts have an expectation of a certain amount of streams per week(except in specific circumstances like illness), so I was wondering if Holo had something similar but it just wasn’t really being enforced.

>> No.67026709

Millie, Scarle, Elira, Meloco and Aia are the same. Petra and Reimu are fucking BORING

>> No.67026887

it might be case by case really

>> No.67026940

why are you such a hater dude

>> No.67027315

>extra hole for easy deepthroat action
Would this be a PSA or an ad?

>> No.67027385 [DELETED] 

>Hear a chuuba say anything about collabs

>> No.67027439

hey fuck you I like Shiori

>> No.67027459

Has mori reached friend status yet?

>> No.67028558

>Be Kronii
>State multiple times that you are going to have jaw surgery
>Announce when you finally go on X
Meanwhile people who make these memes be like Kronii status unknown

>> No.67028836

>makes a statement that she'll collab with whoever she wants and to not make a fuzz about it
>in the context of Hololive
Don't be a disingenuous retard.

>> No.67029008

Of course they didn't know. Niji fan doesn't watch holo streams. Also lists Mori as active. And I guess Nerissa is coming home via a ship as she'll be traveling long enough for it to matter.

>> No.67029409
File: 436 KB, 2090x3318, 8a2a039a575c1b14f63b1101d4e4fb5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, love my Mori

>> No.67029472

Basically this, girls only collabs is pretty much expected of the majority of Holo’s so I don’t know why she would feel the need to make a statement mentioning it. The only group that would be considered controversial to collab with in Holo are the males, everything else is pretty standard.

>> No.67029648

How did FuwaMoco get a worse fanbase than Gura?

>> No.67029982

Gura has been active on Twitter, appeared on Kiara's chat and even made a members post, I guess we can say she's officially back (for now)

>> No.67030152

Why are saplings like this?

>> No.67030285

Shiori is the only one in advent thats not boring, actually

>> No.67030341

At the time people were panicking because they assumed that anyone who planned on doing homo collabs was going to announce it up front (like Bae and ID3 did), but re-reading this it was pretty clear that she meant she just wasn't going to collab with people she wasn't already close with.

>> No.67030420

Ruffian, we know you shit on the floor, you won’t even look us in the eye right now, don’t try to put the blame on saplings.

>> No.67030623

>At the time people were panicking because they assumed that anyone who planned on doing homo collabs was going to announce it up front
And also because she already had a long history of male collabs and people were afraid she'd carry that over into Hololive. "She's referring to men" was the obvious assumption to make.

>> No.67030650

Shiori just worded it in the way easiest to misunderstand. Now it's clear she just meant "I'm antisocial af and will almost never collab outside my gen" lol.

>> No.67030825

Fuwamoco are so much better than anyone else in EN vtubing that their fans have adopted an elitist attitude towards their inferiors. It's kind of rude but can you blame them?

>> No.67031013

Fuwamoco is the only one HoloEN worth watching anyway.

>> No.67031074

Shut your pisshole, ruffuckian. You and bvtm have been competing to see who can shit up this board the hardest for months now

>> No.67032042

Maybe if the EN alternatives weren’t fucking garbage you wouldn’t have to be trying to shill them in here

>> No.67032829

And then they were wrong but everyone keeps trying to use it as a shitpost.

>> No.67033984

seems to be the closest person to it outside of advent

>> No.67034261

>Shiori boring

>> No.67034633

those are all her manager posting

>> No.67038423
File: 1.10 MB, 806x454, Shiori My Christian Eyes[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Febzgre.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67038923

tell us you're a massive faggot without telling us you're a massive faggot, anon

>> No.67039056

no, the jannies just get pissed when you list her crimes. gets deleted and a ban every time. definitely a few novelcucks in the house

>> No.67039324

Proud ex-traveler here, you’re welcome, holofags

>> No.67039638

All these outside fags crying "Holo Killer" and it ended up only HoloEN can kill HoloEN.

>> No.67039761

Just say Nijifag, much easier.

>> No.67040479

>list her crimes
you're just a PL doxxer seething that she made some off-color jokes 7 years ago. move on already.

>> No.67041178

there are no second chances in life, your actions have consequences Shiori, fuck you

>> No.67041507

back to twitter with you woke boy

>> No.67041764

>On X
What does Elon's cum taste like?

>> No.67041897


>> No.67042091

guy watched the Twins when they were in GGN not niji. please take your meds

>> No.67042093

ha, the complete opposite. woke people let anyone do anything, never hold them accountable. unless they're a republican of course

>> No.67042165

she's used 'jaw surgery' as an excuse for like 2 years for everything, nobody believes it.

>> No.67042208

She doesn't have winged ears and isn't lusting after Shulk.

>> No.67043337

Krongo doesn't need an excuse because her fanbase has shrunk by 90% since debut and is by far The Biggest Loser (TM) in terms of that, even more than retards like Bae. No one who cares is still watching her, it's the retards who will suck her dick forever and eer.

>> No.67046025

That guy that responded previously to you is a faggot and doesn't watch streams. Mumei has stated her break was not due to academic reasons. She was actually quite vague about it, did not specify, and said it was embarrassing.
So yes, she is pregnart and I am the father.

>> No.67047276

Ame streamed 2 days ago with Haachama.
She might be scarce, but she's not "missing".

>> No.67047713

>SEAmonkey vtweeterfag that doesn't watch streams
Mori is in America to let her RM sing

>> No.67047878

Tempus is immune to tummy hort

>> No.67048189
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>Siliconera news writer seeing this

>> No.67048203

Ina was literally streaming Mario Kart after having eye surgery. She's taking a small break so her eyes can fully heal.

>> No.67048303
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Fauna... please stream...

>> No.67048336

For all we know that could very well be Ame, Ina, or Kiara herself sockpuppeting Gura's accounts.

>> No.67048352

How long are you going to keep anting Shiori? Surely you can't keep this up forever since she isn't giving you any real yabs to work off of.

>> No.67048364

You forgot to pyh8vrut "BORING" under IRyS

>> No.67048570
File: 69 KB, 250x250, 1705633894661753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let any of this distract you from the fact that nijisanji didn't allow Selen to call into pomu's graduation totsu

>> No.67049817

then just leave her off. this just makes the bait weaker.

>> No.67049954

they most likely recording fes 5 and other shit
