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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67010744 No.67010744 [Reply] [Original]

Are you coming to see holofes in person this year, anon?

>> No.67010794
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no im poor

>> No.67010873


>> No.67010975

*pirates the stream and calls your oshi a whore*

>> No.67011014

never realized grey women were this rare

>> No.67011053

i cant, ill buy the stream tickets

>> No.67011077

Where's Mel?

>> No.67011254

If I manage to get stage 1 tickets, yep. Otherwise it's just gonna be a 2 week long vacation in japan

>> No.67011326
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No I literally cant fly to Japan. I'm also broke and have garbage nihongo reps.

>> No.67011356

Yes, I still need to buy my plane tickets and book a hotel. I speak very little Japanese and I'm terrified of being on my own in a foreign country, but I need to see those stupid cartoon women dance onstage.

>> No.67011504

Who's your oshi?

>> No.67011721

even if I had the money, no. I hate crowds and frankly I probably get a better view from the stream and it's more comfy.

>> No.67011962
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>> No.67012278
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Not this year, but I was at the Expo last year.

>> No.67012375

No I'm poor as shit and also terrified of the miniscule chance of being singled out in the crowd like this >>67011962

>> No.67012435

You must be fat or ugly
I would love to be on camera like that

>> No.67012765

Not a plague rat, not getting on a plane even for a masked event

>> No.67012876

I already got 1 stage ticket, trying for another.

>> No.67012991

I might, it all depends on scheduling coming through

>> No.67013000

Money wasted, not even a real concert and I can just pirate the "concert"

>> No.67013002

Both my oshis are in one stage and that’s the stage I got

>> No.67013040
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>> No.67013068


>> No.67013077

My dream of visiting Japan fades further and further away

>> No.67013108

Nope, I don't see the appeal of going to a crowded venue to stare at a screen.

>> No.67013962

Funny that you say that.

>> No.67015860
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Picrel. Also gotta get me honeyworks tickets I guess

>> No.67016099


>> No.67016555

based lad

>> No.67016825

Unfortunately I got an Expo ticket on one day, and a stage ticket on the other. I at least want to get another ticket so I don't have to just take the train back to my hotel and drink.

>> No.67016918

Yes I’m attending all the concerts, same as last year

>> No.67018684


>> No.67019049

I have a stage 1 ticket and I booked my flight yesterday. March 9th - March 18th. I don't have any plans yet, so I'm open to hanging out with any anons there during that time.

>> No.67019173

I would but I don't have the money to drop on a flight.

>> No.67019293

wow time flies, I feel like I just stayed up til 6AM to watch the last one

>> No.67020162

i went for my first time last year. never went international before that. it was easy. and thats as a neet
can you raffle again? its not letting me raffle for day 1 again. i only got day 2 so far

>> No.67021399

Same here. Booking next week i think but im down to meet up. Not sure where I'll be staying yet

>> No.67021490

There are 3 rounds of the lottery. 2 of them passed already. You can apply for the 3rd round between Jan 24th and Jan 28th. So you can try again during that time.
All that info is here by the way:

>> No.67021554

No, and I won't be able to the next one, or the next, or the next, or the next, or ever. I'm trapped and I can't escape

>> No.67021733

thats weird. i tried to get the lottery that ended on the 20th and it said i already lost the first round and too bad but to try again on another account.
wasnt sure if it was some weird rule or maybe i missed somthing. I'll try again next lotto then

>> No.67021909

Nah, and I won't pay to watch the stream either, nor will I watch the pirate stream. I'll just download the torrent and watch it the following weekend while getting drunk, like I've done with all the previous ones.

>> No.67021984

Oh, huh. I missed the 2nd lottery myself (I was pretty annoyed that I forgot about it), but I saw an anon claiming that he won another ticket.

>> No.67022038

Connect The World was mid so no thanks, also my oshi abandoned me for a year so now I'm super bitter about Hololive

>> No.67022060

>Nope, I don't see the appeal of going to a crowded venue to stare at a screen.
Isn't there a support live band as well?

>> No.67022121

You don't need them in the metro areas. Everything is conbini or the bars and family restaurants either have English menus, English speakers, or tablet menus. Hell, I used to take pictures on my phone of the food displays and just show the waiters what I want. Even 711 food is probably better than any restaurant in your city

>> No.67022136

heres to hoping we both get in this last lottery. I'd be fine going for even 1 day if nothing as an excuse to go to Japan. but the more the better

>> No.67022154

Sweet, I'm not sure where I'm staying yet, but it'll probably be some place in the middle of Tokyo with good train access (ie. Shinjuku, Shibuya, Akihabara).
I was briefly wondering if I should try taking a day trip to a nice ryokan, but that will probably complicate things too much.

>> No.67022238

i was genuinly surprised. i heard the konbini were good but i pretty much lived on their bento and was in heaven. also most konbini workers are indian/SEA and default to english if you arent asian looking. only time i felt like i really needed my jp was in the mountain villeges

>> No.67022247

Gonna be watching on spwn/whatever platform they use this year and sperg out with whichever of HoloEN is doing a watch-along.

>> No.67022291
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not anymore

>> No.67022425

I was in Akiba last time and I'll probably go there again if possible. Besides the otaku meme, being right on the yamanote is the best. I might look at Shibuya etc but not sure how much higher the prices will be.
Day trips are pretty cozy desu. If youre in Shinjuku you can usually get an express from there to a ryokan. I took a decent amount of daytrips last time and it was worth it

>> No.67022427

You can get into japan without the vax now, right?

>> No.67022479

I didnt need it last year. They only did basic passport

>> No.67022836

nani sore

>> No.67023046

a distant memory

>> No.67023120

Thanks! I'm hoping to get an expo ticket, at least. I didn't bother applying the first time around.
My friends was suggesting that I find a place near the Yamanote line, too, so that's around where I'll be looking.

>> No.67023531

waiting for box anon

>> No.67023589

I didnt get any concert tickets so im the opposite. Hopefully I can see Aqua but If nothing else i wanna see good cosplay
And yeah its really nice if you wanna hit up the main areas of Tokyo. Not the end of the world otherwise since you can get cheap APAs on local lines. But not having to transfer lines really simplified things if i wanted to just hit up Shibuya or Ginza real quick

>> No.67025150

Oh man, I saw so many anons getting concert tickets. Hope you can get yours.
I'm considering a day trip to Hakone, but not sure if I should try staying overnight.

>> No.67025343

Just get a hotel right next to the expo hall

>> No.67025957

I guess that's an option? I just figure since I'm there for a whole week, I might as well stay in Tokyo.

>> No.67026125

Thanks man. Hopefully theres some left
I didnt stay overnight at Hakone but I went for a day. You cant go wrong either way. I think if you want the onsen experience I'd go overnight. But I was happy just walking in the mountains a bit and enjoying the nature. That one i know for sure you can get to straight from Shinjuku station

Yeah id rather just take a train there for 2 days and then be in a hotel in a central location for the rest of the time. All the fun night life is in central Tokyo

>> No.67026784

>But I was happy just walking in the mountains a bit and enjoying the nature.
Yeah, that sounds good. I think I will fit that into my trip either way.

>> No.67027029

Chiba is a part of Tokyo

>> No.67027030

The trains are cozy too. It wasnt like anything I was used to. So even the hour and a half train was honestly nice. Just get an ekiben and look out the window and relax since the seats are comfy and its nice and quiet unless you have a lot of tourists.
If you have any other questions just lemme know. I did a solo trip last year and it was thanks to all the anons here and the ones I met that made it such a memorable time

>> No.67027150

Or you can always take the keisei skyliner to the city centre and come back to sleep and repeat

>> No.67027273
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Yeah but also this
Over an hour just to get to Shinjuku. Unless you just get a hotel at the venue for that weekend. But for me I just like being close to the night life and last train is always too early

Also true. I only took it for Narita but it was nice

>> No.67028459

Thanks! I am a bit familiar because I've been to Japan once before, but it was with a group of friends. So this is the first time I'm travelling and planning by myself. I'll be sure to ask if any questions come up.
I took the shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka and it was super comfy.

>> No.67031879

Can't fly to Japan this year, but I already bought the tickets

>> No.67031923

Streaming tickets I mean

>> No.67038476

Sorry I've been put on the no fly list ever since 1999

>> No.67039321

The fuck did you do, old man?

>> No.67039391

Yeah, i will work in the backstage

>> No.67039588


>> No.67039821

My lawyers have advised me not to answer questions of that nature

>> No.67044674

Give me ID4
