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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67007365 No.67007365 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that vtubers work so hard? They always complain about their workload. Even indies say the same. Is there any who doesnt mention "how much work they have to do"?

>> No.67007446

It feels like they have a lot of their time and effort wasted by meetings and corpo drudgery, not to mention gimmick shit like concerts. Kind of makes me wish my faves would leave their corps so they can actually focus on streaming.

>> No.67007476

Yeah I agree, I don't care for all that other stuff at all. I just want to watch an anime girl play videogames.

>> No.67007532

Gura's always busy working on projects, she's the hardest worker.

>> No.67007662

Selfish take.

>> No.67007810

Sorry for expressing my preferences I guess?

>> No.67008009

According to Kiara hololive is such a toxic working environment that she needs 3 weeks of detox to stay afloat, it sounds terrible. I've heard my share of stories about Japanese work culture, pressure and demands

>> No.67008537

3 weeks are her choice, they can take a break whenever as you've probably noticed. She's talked about this for months and it's specifically her work mindset that she needs a break from.

>> No.67008582

I can agree the corporate side of Hololive is a pain especially if it is Japanese hours. But streaming for Hololive at this point is probably one of the easiest effort to reward ratio jobs out there. I dunno if I would really say they work "hard" per say, you can put as much effort as you want with the concert and idol stuff but it's clear you don't necessarily must do everything, you can probably get away with doing some covers and that's it and you can still reap a good amount of rewards. Hololive does a lot for the talents already indies have to worry about which is the already captive audience, the advertising, and the built in networks to get things like merch and etc. easily.

>> No.67008619

>Marine suddenly has time to play vidya +20 hours in 3 days
They aint doing shit

being "busy" is just to keep up the idol charade, couch potatoes aren't exactly the most inspirational people to look up to

>> No.67008761

"but due to unavoidable work I felt pressured to not take a break"

If something is unavoidable work, how can you claim they can take time off whenever they want?

>> No.67008783

I'm not saying you're definitely wrong but it's not a 9 to 5 you know? You can throw a few days into the wood chipper as long as you meet your deadlines and show up for meetings

>> No.67008866

It's a thing with streamers in general but with singing and dancing and all that it's more work than we see on screen

>> No.67008978

Because that pressure was either brainworms or something she voluntarily agreed to commit to

>> No.67009062

There’s a good chunk of additional work but it is weird when an interesting game pops up and they now find time to stream 10 hours a day 4 days straight

>> No.67009104

Subaru broke down how busy their daily schedules really are in a past strea, they're super busy all the time if they're doing the job right. But that might be just a JP thing, Marine also in a past stream said streaming is technically work but prefers it over the other stuff because she can be more relaxed and questioned if what she was doing (getting money from lonely men for playing games, karaoke, and bants) could even be counted as working. My guess would be EN is pretty lazy except Mori and Kiara. Advent works hard for now but that might just be new gen buff so we'll see after 2 years how it goes.

>> No.67009168

They don't except for the actual top ones like Pekora Koyori Subaru etc.

>> No.67009275
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yes, it's one of the hardest jobs you can have

>> No.67009296

most certainly quite flexible job.
but seriously nobody has batted an eye about midnight dance lessons? mind you these instructors are not cover employees, why would they haul their ass to studio at midnight? or recording for that matter, is Cover really paying night shift bonus to whole audio team?

no, because that would be so absurdly fucking expensive

>> No.67009350

I only watch game streams, what's this about?

>> No.67009369

>Kind of makes me wish my faves would leave their corps
Having so many limitations and guidelines is what makes them great. Creativity thrives in situation like these.

>> No.67009518

Okay I guess it makes me wish they just had the corps to tardwrangle them without making them do a bunch of superfluous shit

>> No.67009579

Kiara definitely has brainworms

>> No.67009620

This is true as well. Having managers pushing them to stream and keep schedules is a good thing. You can look at the contrast of vdere and when they were in kawaii.

>> No.67009654

For Mumeis 3D live it was mentioned that her manager asked who she wanted a year in advance. For Hololive people underestimate how much planning they have to do. Plus 1 AM meetiongs

>> No.67009691

in general about cancelling streams with most ridiculous excuses of "being busy"

>> No.67009732

im not sure i believe anyone on youtube who says they work hard actually does because i used to watch gamegrumps a lot and they used to say it a lot to the point someone made a compliation about it which one day i couldnt find anymore, they obviously asked them to delete it and the only reason i can think of is because they dont actually work that hard at least compared to some salaryman or bricklayer etc they just play fucking video games

>> No.67009891

I mean do the gamegrumps sing and practice choreo though

>> No.67009898

Just so we're clear this is a Chumbud seethe thread. The idea that a talent gives enough of a shit about her audience that she wanted to be transparent about her mental state and need for
time off that it breaks their little brains. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

>> No.67009939

I was gonna say. Any physical labor job outstrips any influencer/tuber job in difficulty of work load.

>> No.67009960

There's supposedly a lot of off-stream stuff that takes tons of work and energy.
In particular though I've noticed a pattern that whenever a holo mentions she has to "record stuff" it inevitably leads to massive burn-out/depression spergouts. This is especially noticeable since it affects even the Holos that aren't really known for being lazy such as Kiara, Bae, Fauna. It always seems to be some humongous backlog of stuff they suddenly have to do, which cuts into their time for everything include (including rest AND streaming).

So I think the job can be cozy usually but does have periods of intense stress. The real redpill is that this is completely normal for tons of jobs in all kinds of fields, and is just the reality of wage slavery.

>> No.67009990


>> No.67010012

I remember in the times before hiring "editors" was the standard for youtubers, they'd constantly try to pretend video editing is so hard and takes up most of their day.

>> No.67010066

Just ask some random twitch flesh streamer to get a vtuber avatar instead. Why go through the hoops?

>> No.67010100

oldschool tubers did actually a fair amount of video editing, which is time consuming work. livestreamers do none of that

>> No.67010151

No one who has an office job, especially one that pays as much as Hololive streamers (assuming they aren't retarded and insult their paypigs until they leave lmao kronii). It's like you went to school with a guy who became a doctor or an accountant at a big 4 firm or a google swe complaining he only makes 300k and living on the beach in California in a gated community where homeless people are beaten up before being hauled off by police costs him 100k a year so he only has 100k after taxes to go on vacation and buy a new car. It's like nigga how the fuck u think errywun else lives.

>> No.67010269

Amerlia hates videogames and wishes she could just do streams of her poisonous reptiles instead. Shion hates streaming in general. Gura wishes she could just watch youtube videos, then react to them, because she hates games and hates zatsudans.

>> No.67010305

Then you get vshojo tier streamers who want to show and promote their influencer boyfriend(s) off. Idol culture isn't bad in the sense that it encourages vtubers to separate their private lives from their persona. That is one thing vtubers have over flesh streamers.

>> No.67010353

What? I watch vtubers because corps curate the talent so I don't have to dig through 2views like I used to. That's removing hoops.

>> No.67010390

it actually does take time, from cutting down, asset and art inserts, animations, audio
then in the end adobe premier says "fuck you render again" and whoops it's midnight already

>> No.67010420

Being a project/product manager is a full-time job if there's enough to manage. It's laughable that a corporate vtuber has to PM all of their own stuff, wrestling with their employer over it, and their manager is just an HR beatstick that keeps them in line and calls them when they sleep through a scheduled stream. If I had to stream 30 hours a week AND be my own project manager for literally everything I could see that being exhausting, but if you're going to take days off to "record" and handle your corporate stuff, and that makes you 'burn out,' you're just being a fucking baby.

>> No.67010495

Most of what happens is off-stream. Indies have to do their own networking instead of being in corpo meetings. Planning out streams and preparing assets takes a lot of time, then you get the ones who actually rehearse various "bits" etc.

>> No.67010511

>Social Media Digital Detox
Yeah I doubt she'll actually follow.

>> No.67010541

>I just want to watch an anime girl play videogames.
You should get the fuck out of my hobby and go watch twitch whores instead, then.

>> No.67010546

I'm convinced EN's individual talent managers do absolutely nothing at all

>> No.67010553

t. never tried it

>> No.67010601

there are billions of adults on earth, most of those billions do not love their job. they don't do it out of love, but out of responsibility.
there is no qualifier you can attach to it that changes the fact that playing a video game (of your choice) for one hour a day, is just about the easiest job you could ever have, past or present.

>> No.67010624

>gimmick shit like concerts
the concerts are the main attraction, not a gimmick
go back to twitch, faggot, hololive is an idol company

>> No.67010627

thats not what twitch whores do though, they want to sleep on stream and do react content

>> No.67010633

I believe it when Kiara says it, but im alomost 100% certain that every other vtuber who streams 3-4 days a week for 3 hours is talking bullshit.
Woman just dont know what work is.

>> No.67010668

according to matsuri like 90% of holowork is up to the individual member. Like cover does do this the most absolutely fucking retarded way ever, because japanese, but like 90% of the work the holo girls are bitching about falls into the category of concert/dance stuff, song/singing stuff and doing novel streams like any of the weird ame things. If you don't want to do any new work you can just play minecraft or any of the games on the perm list. (also one of the reasons why minecraft, rust and the GTA fag server were so big is because if you do those you don't even need to coordinate collabs).
The reason so many of the EN girls constantly bitch about muh work is because girls like Kiara and Gura prefer doing the concerts, songs and idol stuff to doing streams. I would expect fuwamoco, nerissa and biboo to all slow down at some point because they are all going to want to ramp up the idol stuff.

>> No.67010691

>Is it true that vtubers work so hard?
Only JPs and only those who do idol stuff.

>> No.67010740

>my hobby
Watching streamers isn't a hobby and it certainly isn't "yours". Go back to anime.

>> No.67010752
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>hololive is an idol company
should we tell him?

>> No.67010784

>Watching streamers
who said I watch them play vidya
i'm here for the concerts and 3D lives

>> No.67010850

So you watch, what, 1/100 as much vtuber content as I do? Get out of my "hobby".

>> No.67010858

tell me what?
also, you posted a holo who does idol shit

>> No.67010916

two things on that.
I'd assume the playing the game for 10 hours straight cuts into their time not working for the day. Like normally someone would work 9-5 and then relax 5-12, one days where they are streaming 10 hours they are "working" 9-9. Also, since cover makes money off them streaming and likely makes more money off then streaming a popular game that gets more views I wouldn't be shocked if cover moves shit around when they get perms for stuff that is making them a lot of money

>> No.67010928

you don't watch vtubers, you watch e-girls with live2D webcams

>> No.67010959

hololive is barely an idol company

>> No.67010965

You've already revealed you don't watch vtubers at all, leave the board

>> No.67010997

well to be exact, most of them are peer-pressured into the whole music business and JP worker drone will never say "no"
but lets just ponder for a moment what could you do if you earn 3 peoples worth of wage in a month from streaming income?

as mentioned in the thread, Youtubers hired editors to do the dirty work so perhaps Holos should hire personal assistants?

>> No.67011011

its like 3 am for Gura. Also those retarded middle of the night meetings are made even fucking funnier when you consider they are in japanese and half the girls do not speak japanese. Gura has mentioned having to sit though meetings in the middle of the night where she didn't understand what the fuck was going on because japanese

>> No.67011085

Yup, there's a huge difference between streamers that used to work real jobs vs the ones straight out of school. Saw one quote from Rui about how hololive was like heaven compared to her old job.

>> No.67011137

>can't escape from meetings even in internet idoru industry

>> No.67011148

Towa is exceptionally talented singer, but she is no idol.

and for funzies before you reply, open incognito browser and google "Japanese idol", what does it look and sound like? what is idols primary objective?

>> No.67011174

that is what the fucking managers are supposed to do, but cover is both cheep and retarded with managers. We saw an ad they put out for them. They pay the mangers pretty shitty wages and we know the managers often have to do multiple people because jenma was managing I think Kiara, Gura and Ame all at once. Plus in general a lot of the managers range from not doing any work like kronii's or Irys's managers or trying to rape the girls like mel's manager

>> No.67011230

Doesn't ame have one, like that "bubba" from her vr chat streams

>> No.67011249

>a type of entertainer marketed for image, attractiveness, and personality in Japanese pop culture. Idols are primarily singers with training in other performance skills such as acting, dancing, and modeling. dols are commercialized through merchandise and endorsements by talent agencies, while maintaining a parasocial relationship with a financially loyal consumer fan base.
yeah, still checks out

>> No.67011269

I just always assumed bubba or the equivalent that bae has was jenma or one of the other managers

>> No.67011314

Holo EN is keeping the dream alive

>> No.67011328

shit bait, try harder

>> No.67011345

Never done it myself, but I believe it. If it's anything like adjusting pixels on a website, it's a huge pain.

>> No.67011372

It isn't bait though. EN has become the idol branch.

>> No.67011406

She checks every mark of what wikipedia's definition of a Japanese idol is, dumbass
Beat me to it

>> No.67011462

Like 3 of them are good singers and 2 of them are good dancers lmfao, what world do you live in?

>> No.67011489

as someone mentioned, HR beatsticks.

Time is money, holos seem to have too much money and too little time, hire someone to save you time
Be it even something so simple as maid to do the dishes and cleaning, that's +2 hour to your weekly schedule right there

>> No.67011496

This. It's evident who works the most. Talents who're regularly on the main holo channel, those who organizes events, personal projects, etc.

>> No.67011531

Those people usually go through all the hard work up front though. Doctors go through a decade of schooling after high school. That's not true for a lot of streamers.

>> No.67011577

no no, what separates idol from other stage performers?
you don't find that from wikipedia

>> No.67011615

My nigga idol is just stage performer comma Japan

>> No.67011687

I believe Kiara works pretty hard, her and Mori stand out as the hardest workers but it's not manual labor. Even unloading trucks at home depot is harder than anything a streamer ever does. Obviously being a streamer/entertainer is mentally taxing so I'm not totally putting it down but they get a charge out of it, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.

>> No.67011782

Yeah. Nah, mate. Most of this girls, especially en, barely streams 10 hours a week. That's 10 out of a 168 hours in a week. 1 work day to a regular working adult.

>> No.67011814

I feel like mentally taxing work is harder in the short term, though manual labor is worse in the long run.

>> No.67011820

anon it's perfectly ok to say "I don't know"

>> No.67011848

Enlighten me then

>> No.67011852

I've unloaded tire trucks before. Now I'm white collar.
The menial work was more fulfilling and I got a big biceps out of it. If there was a way to stay healthy doing it as well as keeping my status and my salary, I'd do it again. 50% menial and 50% mentally taxing sounds like a dream.

>> No.67011855

>playing a video game (of your choice) for one hour a day, is just about the easiest job you could ever have, past or present.
Would be, if anyone actually had that job. Vtubers certainly do not.

>> No.67011870

I just gave you a single example, Imagine the magic a full time personal assistant could do

>> No.67011911

a. his joke is that towa is a man
b. the thing that separates idols is that idols are supposed to be >regular girl next door you can fall in love with who is trying to be a mega star.
basically people having a crush on them and them being single, sexually available virgins, is a big part of it. there isn't really an equivalent in the US since jewish feminists prevent us from having nice things, the closest would be boy bands, but that is for teen girls.

>> No.67012124

>a. his joke is that towa is a man
he needs to go kill himself then
genuinely the most forced and least funny meme in the fandom

>> No.67012175

mori says streaming is extremely emotionally taxing for her and she is exhausted after, but that is also likely mostly self inflicted. There is a physical aspect to hololive, which is the dancing and to a lesser extent the singing. retarded holo managers managed to blow out suisei's, irys's and gura's throats and bae got her legs sore dancing. mori doesn't do jack shit in terms of dancing though, that is why her dances are only the super easy full unit dances that don't move much because only Kiara and Gura from myth dance and even then gura's health problems are the reason why her 3D live wasn't live because she probably couldn't physically do the dances and stuff live for an hour

>> No.67012194
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Idols role models
people look up to them
Idols give people hope(this is the entry point for the unicorn shitterhole talk)
Music and dancing is just easiest way to appeal to people

to put it short; Japan literally monetized depression

>> No.67012196

It's not a vtuber thing, normal streamers have a lot of work to do as well. Even if it's just a dude playing games, he needs to figure out how the fuck to be consistent and plan ahead what games to play, new releases, sponsorships, answer business emails, stay alert of any policy changes on twitch/youtube, etc. It's still easier than a hardcore construction job, sure, but still difficult and it does take a physical toll on people too since they all sit on their asses and don't do much physical activity at all, plus shit sleep schedules.

This is also why a lot of them do lazy content like reacting or literally just eating while watching youtube. The people that have someone else working for them don't have it much easier either because they're counting on the person to not fuck up or fuck them over.

>> No.67012235

Even for someone like Gura that never streams, an assistant would be useful, because it lowers the barrier to streaming.

>> No.67012262

>the thing that separates idols is that idols are supposed to be >regular girl next door you can fall in love with who is trying to be a mega star
this still applies to plenty of holos
Sora, Iroha and Kanata off the top of my head

>> No.67012358

There are plenty of girls in hololive who you can look up to or feel inspired by

>> No.67012390


>> No.67012497

>b. the thing that separates idols is that idols are supposed to be >regular girl next door you can fall in love with who is trying to be a mega star.
if this is his argument then towa still applies, there's gachikoi for every single talent
towa is arguably one of the bigger role models in hololive that you can look up to for inspiration/hope in

>> No.67012531

he wasn't sayin towa didn't count because of that. obviously all the holo girls "count" because we aren't supposed to know if they have boyfriend or are hags, we are just supposed to know the lore so any holo girl who appears in the concerts is an idol. the whole reply chain was the one dude calling towa a man and the newfag not getting the joke
the fucking joke the guy was implying is that Towa has a cock

>> No.67012604

As a lazy piece of shit I am unironically inspired by Gura's bare minimum approach. Workaholics creep me out

>> No.67012720

NTA, but I don't get the Towa is a dude joke, besides, male idols exist.

>> No.67012721

the joke wasn’t funny and incredibly forced if i didn’t even connect the dots

>> No.67012820

There are, not going to dispute that
but my original reply was towards claiming that Towa in particular is an idol, to which I say she's a respectable musical talent.

>> No.67012871

that is because you are a newfag
the towa is a man jokes are because towa smokes or some shit and has a deep voice

>> No.67012926

when did you start using this website?
>or some shit
do you not even watch her?
she doesn’t smoke

>> No.67013142

I mean.. I'd suck Towa's dick if she has one.

>> No.67013336

>when did you start using this website?
august 2008 because attack of the show mentioned 4chan

>> No.67013440
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omg yas sisters

>> No.67013502

They count but Cover is never going to give you the same guarantees as a real life JP idol. But given that industry has gotten a ton of scandals over the years over this so called standard, it's understandable why Cover can and are financially incentivized to try and copy it to the best of their abilities and are able to get people on board with the concept.

>> No.67013747
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holy hell chumbuds are something else. add another one to the list.

>> No.67013983

Depends if you are a corpo-slave or not.
Indie vtubers there are those who work very hard and those that are just "let's go stream whatever, idc"

Source: I didn't care at all and just hitted the stream button when I used to do stream and did whatever and I had viewers

>> No.67014026

The full answer to this is far too long to expect anyone to read it. In short, the motivations and workloads completely vary between different companies and indies. I can give an indie's perspective.

Most indie chuubas do nearly nothing, because to them it's just a novel way to play video games and chat. They're not entertainers; they're the ones being entertained. They got a vtuber model like you can get a wood chipper and throw random stuff into it for shits and giggles.

But many who have an innate creative drive, or have aims of being a professional entertainer, really do spend insane amounts of time, effort, and money on it, and actually can't stop, because it's a genuine psychological need. It's a hilarious Catch 22 where the suffering is technically self-inflicted, but can't be stopped without inflicting even greater suffering.

So when I stay up to 5 am making all of my own assets, and producing and singing my own songs, and editing my own videos, yes it sucks, but that's on me and my brain. There's no good in complaining about it, but I think a lot of indies do because it's a ton of work that can't be seen, so it feels extremely fruitless and unappreciated at times, especially when you put in that much work, yet see no quantifiable forward momentum in metrics. But we both know that I'm going to do it again next week, because as I said, I can't stop.

All that said, this problem is fundamentally different from the fuckload of paperwork and meetings that apparently exist at Japanese corpos, which is a very different and maybe worse set of problems on top of the other one.

>> No.67014161

baffling post. definitely made by someone who watches tower

>> No.67014447
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>watching tower

>> No.67014459

coco was fun because she was a whore doing whore things in an idol company

>> No.67014578

Fuck off newfag, the cutoff is at 2007.

>> No.67014821

You have chosen like the worst company to ever watch then, Hololive's appeal is both the streaming side and the idol-like side. I'll admit that I'd also want more streams, but we'd lose a good portion of the company's quality without a good balance between these aspects.
You know that Hololive's music is published under the name of "hololive IDOL PROJECT", right?

>> No.67015268

Yup, and I still wonder why did they pressure everyone into it

>> No.67015998

>pressure everyone into it
Yeah, the girls must hate performing on a big stage and have the possibility to make high-budget songs. They probably didn't expect it when they joined a company advertised as an idol one, poor them.

>> No.67016048

profoundly retarded post

>> No.67016157
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>> No.67016519

3 weeks vacation after working there for what over 3 years now? The majority of EU countries mandate more vaction time than that for workers YEARLY. Most people here get 5-8 weeks holiday time PER year. Hololive must be heaven to work for so long without taking 3 weeks off lmao.

>> No.67016608

>The majority of EU countries mandate more vaction time than that for workers YEARLY
That's the theorical part. In reality, no one gets that much ammount of vacations

I know it because I see it around here

>> No.67016828

>virtue signal vacations
What's even the point?

>> No.67016921


>> No.67016928

Even streaming is extremely mentally taxing. You have to be "on" all the time, for hours and hours, you have to talk. interact and be interesting to 1000's of people for that time. Singing etc. just adds even more on top of that. It's just like working at an office job can be extremely taxing mentally.

>> No.67016969

>mfw a retard underaged faggot tries to say he was here in 2003

>> No.67017321

Wat? I live in the EU and i take my full holiday entitlement every year(usually 6 weeks) and have done for almost 15 years. Every person I know takes all or almost all of their holiday entitlement every year, and if you don't take it you either get paid for the leftover or they let you roll the remainder over to the following year. This has been the case in 2 EU countries I've lived in (UK and Germany). I've actually never heared of anyone not taking the vast majority of their holiday entitlment.

>> No.67017404

Do you live in America? because in UK/EU it's very common for everyone to get that amount of vacation, It's government mandated usually.

>> No.67018188

Your company would be reamed out the ass if a lot of their workers didnt take 20 vacations days at the minimum in Sweden. It is okay for a few workers in special circumstances but if it becomes a pattern or many does it then you will get fined out the ass.
And speaking of vacation you have a right to 4 continuous weeks of vacation during the summer

>> No.67018194
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>hate performing on a big stage
unless you haven't noticed, some faces are only seen on stage during their own birthday lives and annual concert
>have the possibility to make high-budget songs
yet not even third of them have put out an album, why is that?
>joined a company advertised as an idol one
[insert 10 clips here of holomembers talking about "apparently we are idol company now"]

>> No.67018389

go watch twitch whores or indies if you don’t like it

>> No.67018393

I live in Spain where the average company hires you without a contract or straight up forces you to lie about vacation time and the hours you do so you end up with a 4-hours contract and work 12 hours a day.

So here at least, the paid vacation thing almost never happens.
