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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 103 KB, 290x290, Yozora_Mel_-_Portrait_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66930775 No.66930775 [Reply] [Original]

Rrat : She leaked her income and expenses
>Told her "friend" about her income, merch revenue, revenue splits, etc, in details
>Told her "friend" about her expenses, taxes, cost of doing this and that
>In the process of doing so, revealed some people who she has been working with
This "friend" is some aspiring chuuba trying to make it through to Holo the Jurard T-Rexford way but dialed to 12.
Ended up spilling it all in her application forms, cover HR went "How the heck did she know these?", launched investigation, triangled Mel. The rest is history.

>> No.66930878

My rrat was better. Yours makes no sense.

>> No.66931060

Sharing salary is not cause for termination.

>> No.66931188

How so?
It's not just salary, contacts, acquaintances, "backdoors", remember : She believed her.

>> No.66931203

Their compensation is more than just salary. Things like revenue splits definitely count as confidential info. That's the kind of stuff you can get sued for for insider trading.

>> No.66931204

Tell that to american offices lmao

>> No.66931281

Also sharing infos like whose merch sells the most so said aspiring chuuba can formulate the top seller's behaviours and gimmicks, those are NDA.

>> No.66931711

i dont honestly know if mel would be able to know and tell all that
sharing values of any sponsors deals is

>> No.66932099


Rushia was fired for saying her manager is mean and that she's getting bullied + name of manager. So the bar is pretty low in terms of confidenciality level (hardly classifies as internal even)
Don't think you have to spin weird theories. She probably did something a lot of holos do (talk about their job to friends) but revealed a little too much and was found out.

>> No.66932345

Do you want a better rat?
> Cat dies, goes a bit menhera
> At the same time someting goes wrong in the company, example: Problem with a sponsor
> Talks to a friend
> "Friend" is a POS and leaks it in a bigger group
> Since it's financially related, and Cover has had a public IPO (+ Jap companies being autistic) they can't ignore it

>> No.66935404

I doubt it.

>> No.66935621

I know this. Whoever it is that snitched on Mel will get theirs someday. Whatever success they think they'll get, someday they'll slip up, and when it comes I hope they fall and fall hard.

>> No.66935872

Rushia also took screenshots of Discord conversations with other holomems and managers/staff which she later sent to that Japanese dramatuber. Mel probably did something similar

>> No.66936184

>Discord conversations with other holomems and managers/staff
The only thing she sent was the correspondence with her own manager where her manager told her he was on vacation and wouldn't help her out.
She didn't share any Holomem conversations

>> No.66937525

I didn't explained myself properly, she didn't share the content of her conversations with other members but she did took screenshots of the conversation lists in the same account where she speaks with them. This is still a betrayal of trust

>> No.66937620

I think you're taking that way too seriously, my man.
You know that's the equivalent of when a Vtuber opens up Discord on stream, right? Nobody would care about that

>> No.66937777

You assume a talent that has been in for many many years had the same application form as present year?

>> No.66938290

I will never forgive kotoka

>> No.66938408
File: 1.69 MB, 640x640, 1698301800616718.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost got fucking fired for telling one of my co-workers my salary. And I live in the fucking US. You fucking bet your goddamn ass that the Japanese would fire you on the spot for that shit.

>> No.66938481

Here's what most likely happened in reality:
>Mel gets ahold of confidential business information in some way
>probably overheard some executives speaking
>tells her friend in passing about it, not expecting anything to come of it
>the information suggests that there may be a significant rise or fall in Cover stock price in the future
>her friend leaks it to other people and the insider trading begins
>regulators find out and come down hard
>Cover's board and major shareholders get spooked
>they fire Mel on short notice and damage control
>Cover releases their statement about increased training for talents to ensure this wont happen again
>Mel aknowleges her wrongdoing and apologizes
>Hololive sends her off expressing their regret for this turn of events

>> No.66938587

>I almost got fucking fired for telling one of my co-workers my salary.
No you didn't. They just gave you empty threats. In the USA firing people for talking about wages is highly illegal and they would have been crushed by the DoL.

>> No.66938938

I don't think she's smart enough to understand any of those words

>> No.66939033

They might not fire you for discussing salary, but they'll just find some other reason to do it, like conduct or "not being a team player". Employee protections in the US are very weak.

>> No.66939161

>Rushia was fired for saying her manager is mean and that she's getting bullied + name of manager
I have no idea how fandead believe she shit with how crazy she is all of lying she has been caught doing. Woman burns bridges like it's her power source.

>> No.66939198

just record your boss telling you that he would fire you for discussing wages and bring it to a lawyer. Employers get hit with these sorts of wrongful termination lawsuits and are pretty eager to settle out of court. You could have made some good coin if you played your cards right instead of immediately capitulating

>> No.66939234
File: 1.92 MB, 427x381, 1695895774275319.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful anons, you're being too logical here.

>> No.66939500

golden parachute ?

>> No.66939584

Depends on the state, secret recordings are illegal in some.

>> No.66939990

Probably. It's clear that they parted on amiable terms given Yagoo's statements. We'll never know what exactly she disclosed, but we know for a fact that she leaked information because that was in Cover's termination statement. Common sense also dictates that it's in Cover's best interest to not fire talents unless absolutely necessary. People here think Cover will terminate talents at the drop of a hat, but this really makes no sense from any logical standpoint. When Mel was fired, we can infer with near certainly that they exhausted all measures to avoid having to do this. Thus we can also infer that this was a serious infraction despite amiable parting. So, this is likely something that they didn't want to do but had to. The leakage of financial data is the easiest way to explain this because Cover is a public company with a significant market cap and Japan's regulators are especially strict.

>> No.66941219

I wish it had been even more graceful. Mel deserves at least a grafuation stream for her long commitment and participation

>> No.66941776

>Mel's manager is harassing her; she complains (Oct 2019).
>At the very best, the response was very delayed. At worst, nothing was done until it blew up.
>Either way, the situation is kept quiet until it blew up.
>It gets leaked (probably by Mel) to Narukami, who then goes public with the information (May 2020).
>Cover releases apology a week later https://twitter.com/cover_corp/status/1264753908603219970
>Upper management probably seething at her bringing shame upon grorious company.
>They spend the next few years waiting for the heat to die down + for some minor fuckup on her end.
>fast forward to 2024
>Mel accidentally sends a friend a DM about the new outfit she's getting in 2 weeks or something like that on her company account
>management does routine check of account
Hell, the NDA breach could be about her sending that info to Narukami in the first place, especially if they were only able to prove it recently, but I doubt they'd be that blatant about it.

>> No.66942302

The ultimate rrat

>mel wanted to graduate anyways
>to make a big marketing hubbub she told them to fire her
>even more eyes on cover now
>severance package on how much news was garnered

>> No.66942590

it's actually illegal to fire someone for sharing information about their compensation in many states

>> No.66942772

No it's not. That's just propaganda of corporations and big companies to not have employees come and complain about unjust compensation. Don't want greg to know that kenny is making 2 dollars an hour more for the same job.

>> No.66942916

>Nobody would care about that
and yet a certain 'all out war' image is one of the most reposted thing on this board

>> No.66943084

pretty much this.
you can't get away for being pon when it comes to insider trading

>> No.66943152

making money isn't a trade secret.

>> No.66943675
File: 666 KB, 1074x878, yuji naka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, is this yu?

>> No.66943839

A woman got fired from Meta for sharing her salary on tik tok, that falls under just cause.

>> No.66943871

huh it comes together now.

>> No.66943990

Aren't there usually press releases if the regulators get involved? Or at the least some formal document to investors.

>> No.66944426

>provides that an employer cannot prohibit workers from disclosing their wages, discussing the wages of others, or inquiring about others’ wages;
she is owed a lot of money if what you said is true

>> No.66944484

they can't fire you for talking about your salary but they can invent a reason to fire you after you talked about your salary and have their legal team cut the throat of whatever employment lawyer your unemployed ass can afford. This is SOP throughout the US and the only exceptions are cases where management get so cocky they actually put "because you talked about your salary" in writing. They only get that cocky because they get away with it 99 times out of 100.

>> No.66945140

Didn't Mel say that she already made up with that friend which means that they didn't leak stuff out of malice?

>> No.66945378

>Mel became "friends" with one of the e-celebs on VCR
>She gets comfortable enough to talk about contract breaching subjects, like she would with actual friends.
> E-celeb "friend" immediately turns around and snitches on her
Penis is always a Holo girl's undoing.

>> No.66946658

What's your source

>> No.66946750

The statement her rm posted.

>> No.66947508

no, she said everyone involved the situation came to an agreeable solution

>> No.66948497

she ate the cat

>> No.66950070

>>They spend the next few years waiting for the heat to die down
that and waiting for the statute of limitations to expire

>> No.66950495

Doesn't make sense. Not all of the talents will make the same amount of money.

>> No.66952304 [DELETED] 


>> No.66955052

Could be the case yet still one massive "Why the hell would you do that??" though
Whoever it was is also a VTuber

>> No.66955086

poor Meru-chan..

>> No.66958348 [DELETED] 

buy an ad

>> No.66958468

It's protected by federal law. If you've been fired for discussing your income with a coworker go ahead and thank your employer. They're about to give you a lot of money.

>> No.66959924
File: 15 KB, 290x241, 1629932865820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These rrats are so autistic holy shit. Muh insider trading, muh salary, muh paycut. As if no one ever discusses work with their friends when they're in a publicly traded company. Fucking Nancy Pelosi gets away with leaking info to her husband, but Mel fucking agent 007 IQ somehow dropped such an infobomb that jap's IRS is on her tail. Or imagine actually being afraid of disclosing your salary because some pencil pusher middle manager is gonna get upset. Are you actually retarded or what?
Here's a rrat that's isn't a complete sperg wank. Some VCR dickhead fucked her and then went on to check her PC for god knows how much dirty shit, while she was sleeping. Maybe even started DMing other holos from her account.

>> No.66960376

That only shows how much you hated the VCR.
Oh and btw it's not gonna go away, Vaultroom and COVER relationship is already waist deep.

>> No.66960876

Scratch VCR, the point remains the same.
Not hating Mel, but c'mon, she's not exactly a GFEtuber. And she sure as shit isn't some /biz/ guru leaking stock game changers.

>> No.66963897 [DELETED] 


>> No.66966292

This is my issue with all the bitching and speculation: it cannot have been an easy choice to terminate her. I'm actually a Kapumin, in the process of archiving all my oshi's 800+ vids and songs and anything else I can get my hands on. Nearly 6 years of work, collaborative work as remember there's all the artists and choreographers and composers and others too. Who knows what Cover had already scheduled her for? Sponsored streams, new outfits, new model tech upgrades, fucking 5th Fes. All of that work, all of that money already spent, now for naught. This is not an easy snap of the fingers decision that some children here might wish to think it to have been.
I'm worn out. It hurts.

>> No.66966385

I'm so glad I'm in a union.
