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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 521 KB, 617x450, 1800's vt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66911001 No.66911001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.66911039

affirmative rodensias

>> No.66911328

Ladies and Gentlemen of the court of /vt/ it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that as of early morning of January sixteenth of 1824 that the vampire Yozora Mel of the first generation of the performer's guild "Hololive" has sadly perished in a sunlight accident...

>> No.66912659

Thine favourite wench is but a harlot!

>> No.66913497

Preposterous! The fair lady recently convened with a rival from that wretched "Nijisanji" guild, and now she's perished in an "accident"? Is this a mockery?!

>> No.66913582

that doesn't look like Indonesia

>> No.66913756

I am aware that the timing of such an accident appears to be far too convenient but its best we don't rush to conclusions in order to maintain the piece among the two guilds for the time being.

>> No.66913853

I declare your maiden has been seen in the company of a man, she’s a harlot, a whore, she needs to leave this company of pure performers and go please the common crowd in some back alley.

>> No.66913920

Wherefore doth the natives of the Dutch East India Company's lands show so much care for statistics and sensationalism?

>> No.66913960

Thine lady's lover? Why, 'tis me of course!

>> No.66914088

'twas I, the author of this message

>> No.66914215

Clearly your emotional state has made you unable to think rationally! I suggest you take your medication before speaking further and risk shaming yourself further like a fool

>> No.66914223

All I, forsooth

>> No.66914253

I shan't take my medication, nor will I perform my repetitions !

>> No.66914311

Then see to it that you find your way back to the mines of Reddit to be one with your kin!

>> No.66915946

Why do we have so many gentlemen from the colonies?

>> No.66916404

Verily, it is evident that thy lady is disposed towards a profligate and wanton comportment, finding solace in the company of men. Surely, the notion that mine own cherished one would partake in such conduct is inconceivable and beyond the pale.

>> No.66917368
File: 317 KB, 723x964, 1619347563004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66917467
File: 310 KB, 843x600, Commander_H.A._Adams_of_the_Perry_Expedition_from_the_Black_Ship_Scroll,_1854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a ridiculous state of affairs! Managers are required to sail to Nagasaki and present their talent's requests for collabs to the Dejima Opperhoofd who in turn confers with the Mayor of Nagasaki and conveys this request to the headquarters in Tokyo. The American managers and an Austo-Hungarian attaché have sailed directly into Tokyo Bay, and they have every right to do so.

>> No.66917631

I state here, that I shan't forgive the retched dogs of the Qing Dynasty for their hand in the death of of the beloved Dragon of Edo. May the British continue to ravage their lands.

>> No.66917689

The Dutch and Spanish have no control over their regions, one will notice no one from the territories of India or Africa plague our board.

>> No.66917809

Your lady is flaunting her bare ankles for everyone to see. I reckon she would like receive some suitors like the whore that she is.

>> No.66918817

I pity your ignorance, foolish swain - you attempt to parry my facts with mere lies yet ignore the truth that the harlot you try to court co-habits with a man she claims her sibling!

>> No.66919091

To whom it may concern:
This ledger serves the sole purpose of accounting for, documenting, and recollecting the performances of one guild, and one guild only. Forthright, I hereby officially request that all forthcoming participants of this ledger rightfully bear this matter in mind before making any additions to the ledger, lest it devolves into an "all out war".
With best regards,
Anonymous Participant

>> No.66919158

Emotional state? Do you take me for one of the fairer sex per change? The only histrionic one here is you jumping to the defence of tart you call a damsel

>> No.66919163

It's the 1800s not 14th century England you dumb idiots.

>> No.66919264

Calm down Umberto Eco. It's a memeposting thread

>> No.66919291

si c'était l'Angleterre du 14ème siècle, nous parlerions français, espèce d'idiot de bouffon

>> No.66919428

Such vitriol! Custodian, cut off his tongue!

>> No.66919457

What a repugnant dialect you dare sully the parchment with. Please rephrase your sentence carefully, so that it adheres to the standards of the English language. If dullards like you become commonplace, I daresay the English language will devolve into a lower form, and man shall lose all the civility our forefathers worked so hard to maintain.

>> No.66919538

Who let this vulgar commoner inside this establishment, I’m surprised he’s even aware of what century we’re in

>> No.66919752

And henceforth comes proof of such a bold and unbeholden claim? If the lady says 'tis but her brother, is not she innocent until otherwise proven? Perhaps you believe it not so because you're of a disposition towards such fantastical scenarios in which a fair lady parades her object of infidelity as if it were her own flesh and blood? One must know restraint in the musings of the various writings and depictions of the Far East, lest they taint our mundane lives with perverted ideations. Perhaps a walk in the garden where one might be at the behest of verdant grasses might be of use?

>> No.66919784

I will speak no further to the squealing swine who is so threatened by his own masculinity that the mere thought of a performer speaking to a male puts him into a frenzy. Perhaps Frolicking with unicorns will suit you more than remaining this court!

>> No.66919800

tis but a diversion from the agents of the nijicourt, i see

>> No.66919804

You sir, are a ruffian, and in the name of the lord i implore you to sell thy tulips somewhere else

>> No.66919829

why has thou not posted Sir Towa Infant?

>> No.66919883

Let it be known to all gathered in this court that I have a predilection to the harlots from the American colonies, specifically the esteemed Lady of Hell who has been nominated as performer of the year by the consensus of civilized people, beating out the well respected rabbit from the far east. I am prepared for the arrival of two new artisans from the Nijisanji Guild to my so favoured troupe of fine courtesans and the discourse that this may cause upon this collected tribunal

>> No.66920295

>Lady of Hell
Lady of Sulfurous Brimstone, for her flatulences have great renown in this court

>> No.66920727

Thy favored wench's activities art queer. The lady belike hast a concealed sir.

>> No.66921146

the maidens of all guilds have begun ceasing their activities in protest of their lack of a right to the vote-- i daresay immediate action is required lest all of them follow in the footsteps of madame gawr of the west colonies

>> No.66921277
File: 55 KB, 480x480, FYjQdoXUEAAnaZh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and Gentlemen of the court! I wish to inform all of you that I really Miss my dear mummy

>> No.66921423

Because Towa is a harlot

>> No.66921497
File: 134 KB, 1024x1024, 1705129042042014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't we all, old Sapling, don't we all.

>> No.66921549

Lord Toewa is a gentleman and a scholar

>> No.66921591
File: 140 KB, 850x1200, __pipkin_pippa_and_pipkin_pippa_phase_connect_drawn_by_valefal_coneri__sample-01911e0077f58a6c288cccf2a1de44a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she join the Confederacy?

>> No.66921659

aye, its been many a day without the warm embrace of the fair bosom of lady gaia

>> No.66921719

I did not realise I was conversing with a foolishly foolish man whose knowledge of bestiaries is centuries out of style. And the dishonourable gentleman has even blundered into admission that his harlot has fraternised herself amongst men as if she was an oriental geisha.

>> No.66921924
File: 584 KB, 1080x1080, 1704592442958883 1680448086862032.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard these electric-powered entertainers are all the rage these days. Apparently, they have human souls within their mechanical bodies, which is a prepostorous notion.

>> No.66922031
File: 358 KB, 1280x960, HollerithMachine.CHM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his maiden is a tabulating machine

>> No.66922199

>artisan guild claims that such contraptions would rob them of their trade
Preposterous! Contraptions could never replace hand crafted goods. Opium has left them besot, a visit to the nearest sanatorium is of utmost importancy

>> No.66922236

>Everyone is dead because of duels between fambases and because of duels to have their Oshi.

>> No.66922332
File: 52 KB, 256x256, 1684114775914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are gathered here for the trial of the orange lady of Austria for comitting the unforgivable act of existing

>> No.66922415

..lady sana...

>> No.66922501

I sympathize with you my brother. I mourn with you as well. But it would do you best to let go of the past...as much as it hurts me to say lady sana may never return to our sphere

>> No.66922513
File: 2.31 MB, 1498x1961, Marie-Antoinette,_1775_-_Musée_Antoine_Lécuyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the matter with the ladies of Austria? This maiden was so intolerable as to cause the overthrow of the French state.

>> No.66922637

maybe one day we may venture to the cosmos to reunite with her but i fear it will take our society another century or more to merely break free from the earth's bonds

>> No.66922728


>> No.66922817

Pleasr escort this man to his bed, he's clearly lost his composure

>> No.66922827

what could this tongue be? is it zulu?

>> No.66922954

The state of this verbal column grows more repugnant each day I fear, what must be done to bar such hooligans from our discourse, good sirs?

>> No.66923201
File: 533 KB, 843x1192, shiina_cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the renowned meal made in the far lands of the rising sun, by wrapping small cuts of meat in bread dough and cooking them in a broth?
I will speak no further of this divisive argument. My lips are sealed. Thine courtesans may behave as befits their rank.

>> No.66923244

I have comeback from the campaign in Crimea, I hope my dear maiden Pomu Rainpuff will release her schedule for the coming month

>> No.66923328

O my brave soldier, I fear being the bearer of ominous news...

>> No.66923418

I do say that any honest fellow who'd serve the land of dixie ought to be wary of consorting with women such as this Pipkin Pippa.
Not only is the color of her hide oft worn by all sorts of unsavory characters but she too is prone to outbursts of disorderly conduct and threatens frequently to arm herself and assault the local general store.

>> No.66923449

prison correction is needed.

>> No.66923625

And I have just returned from the war against the Afghans. I look forward to seeing my fair English rose, Froot, who I am certain has remained faithful in our marital bond.

>> No.66923723

Oh dear...
Fellows, whom amongst our company has not had intimate knowledge of this poor sap's wife?

>> No.66923725

I urge you to partake of the laudanum of which the local chirurgeon has prescribed to you

>> No.66923835

I can hide my desires no longer. I wish to have intercourse with entertainers of child like qualities.

>> No.66923874

Verily, this crude tongue is what my dear brother must have heard when the negro horde swarmed upon his entrenchment.

>> No.66923933

In a righteous world you'd be shot for saying such things, luckily for your sort, your sentiments are echoed in the janitorial staff.

>> No.66924034

My dear sirs is it true that Lady and Nerissa and Lady Kiara had a salcious affair on the is land of Maldives? What does Lady Reine think of it?

>> No.66924659

Pray, permit me to convey the tidings I have gathered through the channels of carrier rats, which suggest that Lady Reine hath engaged the services of scoundrels and miscreants to set ablaze the ancestral plantation of Lady Nerissa's progenitors. A woman of such opulence is indeed a figure to be apprehensive of. May we extend our earnest prayers for the safeguarding of Lady Nerissa's well-being in these perilous times.

>> No.66924699
File: 24 KB, 1000x1000, 1686230740120635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your oshi doesn't own all the bleak house serials, then she is low class and has no worth.

>> No.66924753

Do we tells this squire?

>> No.66924842
File: 57 KB, 339x471, squeeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66924845

>dickensian rubbish
Might I ask if you have recently visited the lands of the far east? You appear to have consumed copious amounts of the "onions" crop which is grown there.

>> No.66924899


>> No.66925502

My dear fellow, it’s normal for girls their age to play at romance with each other, it’s simply because they haven’t been wed yet that they perform this behaviour

>> No.66926600

Cease thine squeebing at once, miscreant !

>> No.66927213

Allium cepa

>> No.66927768
File: 358 KB, 600x600, Townsend & Watamelon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today we'll be making Watamelon fool, the president's favorite dessert.

>> No.66927875


>> No.66928163

Scoundrels besmirched her name. Marie Antoinette did nothing untoward. 'Twas vile narrative that cast shroud over her virtuous lumen. The matter of the diamond necklace? Falsehoods by thieves. Statement about bread and cake? A fabricated urban legend oft repeated about various aristocrats. Her real work was charity and battling smallpox, yet she was slain!

>> No.66928506

Ogeyth Vermine

>> No.66928958
File: 585 KB, 1500x1000, F0FE763A-F726-497D-B0D9-B73DCF6CDA0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLANDER! She joined the free state of Jones!

>> No.66929377

Anti-monarchist filth.

>> No.66929851

I say that a squeeb would be most appropriate in these trying times.

>> No.66930792
File: 778 KB, 2480x3508, dqjvnl3pe7w71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shall find /pol/ in that direction my friend, this bulletin board is merely for the discussion of fair ladies who present themselves as moving illustrations

>> No.66931148

Squeeber, thou hath been warned. To the gaol with you !

>> No.66931531
File: 6 KB, 136x201, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though shall I empty my purse for a single mention of thy name?

I digress to spend my money on valuable things as they have no meaning on my passing
So if you please endow me a of your opinion if my purse is worth to be emptied for my oshis single mention of thy name?

>> No.66931555
File: 635 KB, 800x1382, fowawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By heavens! The voluptuous body of this canine tempts me every night. I must repent for falling for the schemes of this succubus fiend while I already swore loyalty to her abracadant sister...

>> No.66931574
File: 1.14 MB, 800x800, watame_live_banner06_231031_800x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'tis come to my attention that the esteemed songstress Miss Tsunomaki will be performing in but one fortnight at the grand theater here in town.
Alas' I've spotted street urchins removing advertising prints already, as it seems there's nary one free reservation left vacant left at the venue.
Would any of you good fellows be willing to part with your invitation? I would be sure to greatly compensate for thy kindness.

>> No.66931588

Have you accepted the merits of enjoying the charms of older women? I say those over the age of 30 are much stronger of character and more loving in the bedchamber.

>> No.66931780
File: 73 KB, 766x766, pink woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friends of the court, tis' true the guild's woman of pink coloration is now a fair outstanding lady of valor?

>> No.66931837
File: 9 KB, 128x128, Listener.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very concerned for the fair Sir Koro, I believe that she has deprived herself of much needed rest and should take care to get some much needed sleep.

>> No.66931971

>What does Lady Reine think of it?
Lady Reine is an oriental and thus should know that it was naught but a dalliance for Lady Kiara, who herself is of pure European stock.

>> No.66932253
File: 359 KB, 2500x2000, kaela is the cutest hololive member.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe we are overdue on seeing who is in fact the single most, yes indeed the single most, productive and in fact adorable member of HololiveID.

>> No.66932523


>> No.66932768

I shall watch not the pink woman. Her discourse while partaking of the absinth hath verily been a why of bees.

>> No.66932893

Pray inform me of the lady Kaela. Why doth she forbid the laughing in a loud voice ?

>> No.66932945

I suggest your prestigious women to mash pisser with underage girl such as Princess Beautiful Gem of the White Peoples.

>> No.66932965

Indoneisians are for slavery anon

>> No.66933014


>> No.66933101

it is in fact unladylike to imitate a laughing chimp wouldn't you agree? The fact she can exercise such control over herself is commendable at the least
I believe you must substantiate and elaborate on your suggestion sir.
who let this rabble in? A Dutchman of all things. Did he mistake us for the brothel perhaps?

>> No.66933184

Aghast! My fair lady will retreat to her homestead for twice a fortnight. None can understand the depth of my sorrows

>> No.66933250

'Tis with I.

>> No.66933310

I come bearing information best left with pursed-lips; that homestead is mine own

>> No.66933755

Absolutely seething with rage

>> No.66933846

Thine oshi hath attracted lesser crowd than mine oshi. I dare say graduation may suit her better!

>> No.66933906

I say your oshi attracting a greater crodw merely proves she is a greater harlot

>> No.66934624

>for twice a fortnight
dost thou believe that?

>> No.66934739

May I suggest a collaboration between your esteemed hardworking Lady of The Thousand Isles and the pink coyote of the Far East? I can only imagine what the results will be when two women of such calibre work together.

>> No.66934802

Numering bundles of sticks is a sickness upon this realm

>> No.66934859

Imagine, if thou willst, the aroma

>> No.66934876

What about a certain rrat from a penal colony called Australia?

>> No.66934902

I believe any collaboration between mature women can only be productive and of great joy to us all.

>> No.66935194

I reckon Nijisanji doth not seem so foul..

>> No.66935290

I am of the believe this one here is being payed to utter these words

>> No.66935408

Heathen! Your words have the repugnant aroma of bribery

>> No.66935472
File: 299 KB, 1181x942, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say those crowd counting gentlemen resemble apes hailing from Indochina!
>painting related

>> No.66935576

The second of four of third of four is a company of a color most dark. I have heard tale that they squander meal and board of their maids for favor of purchasing a steamboat for their majordomo !

>> No.66935578
File: 245 KB, 1833x1784, __watson_amelia_watson_amelia_and_smol_ame_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_moon_ldl__a72873c107fd73df5b35b738415140f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could y'all post some etchings? I'm out on the Western frontier. We ain't got much out here. I reckon it would really brighten up our day.

>> No.66935655

I do say, while within these halls we should henceforyh require a man to disclaim his port of origin !

>> No.66935784

When I gaze at the fare lady thus, I feel as a goose who has only recently hatched

>> No.66935814

my friend, do you not hear of the tales told by the entertainers whom hath escaped nijisanji? it truly is a guild most black

>> No.66935885

What ludicrous! Thou hast heard falsely, ye fellows! The blue dragon is most admirable and comely.

>> No.66935888

Never let it be forgotten that the lady Pekora hath purchased a fornicating simian !

>> No.66935998

Are the rumors of the ape's passing true my good sir?

>> No.66936010

This letter has been penned by Charles Babbage's creation, not by man !

>> No.66936020

Surely you jest

>> No.66936104

A guild that treats the fair fairy of the forest, beloved by all guilds and patrons, with such disdain and tormenting her by refusing every request of hers, should never be a guild one can expect excellent service or even speak well of.

>> No.66936165

I do not even know which Dragon is which, their designs are of such similarity, it's an embarrassment

>> No.66936198

'Tis be the truth, this guild is vile and its overlord Riku a most ludicrous fiend. For each hundred shillings the aristocrat receives, the fair lady receives a mere three!

>> No.66936478
File: 893 KB, 759x1075, __houshou_marine_gawr_gura_and_houshou_marine_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_harutari__faa6b5ff9e3d15e3973ba59678976574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any news of the skipper shark? Her vessel was last seen departing Sendai three fortnights ago.

>> No.66936592

I wager the Hebrews besought this...

>> No.66936602

you are a knave fellow

>> No.66936868

Good sir, I do believe the explanation lies in these primitives' fondness of, shall we say, unnatural practices, much like the ones that lonely sailors in our navy do indulge in at certain times.

>> No.66937164

[Declaration Respecting The Dismissal Of The Agreement With Mel Night Sky]

We wouldst liketh to expresseth our frank gratitude for thy continuous support of the Holographic Show Manufacturer.

We lament to declare yond that as of January 16th, Year of Our Lord 1824, we has't did banish our pseudowoman-showrunner, Mel Night Sky, out of the framework covenant.

It hast been affirm'd that Mel Night Sky hast, in accordance with the action yond profaned her holidame pledge by
disclosing wisdom yond the Dame reaped from the show manufacturers to the outsiders.

As a consequence, we has't resolute yond it hast become arduous to continue administering and sustaining the Dame, henceforth, with accord from the Dame herself, we have elected to make this

Many grant you mercy, Cover & Co.

>> No.66937376
File: 29 KB, 781x157, wtf kind of argument is this even.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the fools who shall cry bloody murder at a breach of contract resulting in termination. The absolute state things. Bless her soul and may she find good fortune elsewhere

>> No.66937477

May the wrath of God be felt in the wretched heart of the fiend that tricked the fair lady, and his soul be drowned into the darkest depths of the abyss.

>> No.66937880


>> No.66937904

Signor Justin Ignacio, or, as the people honor him, Monsieur Gunrun of the VPristine Family, is well-known for his kindness in taking care of stray children and widows of the war.

>> No.66938247

Good sir! The family thou speak of runs a deep guild of prostitution!

>> No.66938472

Me thinks this unidentified gentlemen was not privy to the women behind the mask

>> No.66938553

Amen, let I carried thy prayer to Abess Marine.

>> No.66938668
File: 148 KB, 889x893, GEC3Mu7aIAAXVf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when is $5 considered cheap?

>> No.66938865

Troupe Hololive's yearly festivus is only two moons from now. Do you hold expectations?

>> No.66938902

I Sneedeth

>> No.66939008
File: 188 KB, 324x406, Screenshot_20240117_143504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good gentlemen, it seems as if my dear lady Kotoka has cooked a meal fit for the devil. My stomach has been twisting in complete agony from a single bite. I fear that it may be my time to visit our father in heaven... For those who encounter her, do not by any means listen to her sweet mutterings or you shall become a victim too.

>> No.66939102
File: 6 KB, 731x70, iihu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you consider $158 cheap for a human being?

>> No.66939302

For today's market? You can send two letters with a red envelope for your beloved, maybe even more if you counterfeit your silver with the ones that come from the poor nation.

>> No.66940109

I yearn for them not to take off Duchess Luna's portrait from the town hall bulletin board ever again!

>> No.66940182

I expect that my favorite and thine favorite shall break many an oyster together

>> No.66942068

Live on

>> No.66943843


>> No.66944301
File: 678 KB, 1080x498, 61256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66944448


>> No.66944513
File: 728 KB, 3000x3000, 1675443719883075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verily, a damsel hath a need for sustenance, and who doth not relish the merriment with a captivating lady? Though they may not comport themselves with the same propriety as the fair maidens of the Hololive guild, these lasses possess a charm uniquely their own.

Mine preferred choice among these fair maidens is the lass whose laughter hath oft been likened unto a kettle's mirthful whistle. Her winsome disposition doth serve as a splendid foil to the other damsels in their company, rendering her most endearing in my esteem.

>> No.66944746
File: 400 KB, 1536x1084, Assassination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On April 14, 1865, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth while attending Holo Fes 6

>> No.66945113

I applaud this; the emancipation of indies is a grave mistake that future generations will bemoan and suffer greatly under. It's a small consolation that the wretched Lincoln shall not enjoy the self satisfaction of his destructive acts

>> No.66945306
File: 244 KB, 1600x1263, Woodbury-Page-Chinese-Camp-Glodok-Batavia-81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a more accurate image

>> No.66945469

I know Kiara's pretty vocal about her support for the Confederacy, but did she really have to put Flare in chains?

>> No.66945541

This would imply that Booth was also part of the event Lincoln was watching as in our timeline
>JWB was a homo collaber

>> No.66945776

Basically no one in this thread was saying "thee" or "thine", everyone was speaking relatively appropriately, this attempt to look superior to others has only made you look the fool.

>> No.66945787

Everyone knows that Booth was a massive Niijisanji fan

>> No.66946283

Remember when tensions between Hololive and Nijisanji caused the Boshin War?

>> No.66951074
File: 320 KB, 1600x1148, Exécution_de_Marie_Antoinette_le_16_octobre_1793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will Marietards ever recover? Josephinechads keep winning.

>> No.66953178


>> No.66953403
File: 311 KB, 2048x2048, F7wQTl6XQAA5VLV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sui-chan completed a successful pilgrimage to the Papal States. The Sistine Chapel is truly exquisite and a must see for any would be traveler pilgrim or otherwise.

>> No.66953867

Lies!! Yon harlot hath never appologised for her degeneracy nor saught to pay penance for her sins and so she will never be forgiven - by me nor by God!! May you also be damned to Hell for bringing her bloated face before us!

>> No.66957960
File: 141 KB, 900x616, american-civil-war-general-philip-kearny-american-school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the shark comes back from hiatus again, Gura, Gura!
We'll give her a hearty welcome then, Gura, Gura!
The men will cheer, the boys will shout,
The ladies, they will all seethe and pout,
And we'll all feel gay when Gura comes marching home.

>> No.66962139


>> No.66962261

Your oshi is a harlot, however. Mine, a pure maiden.

>> No.66963193
File: 838 KB, 1448x2048, FVIvTCyaQAAg3BH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heart is empty, for my eyes have not set sight upon that wonderful visage of the great shark for many moons.
Alas, I have taken up walking and enjoying nature's beauty which is quite pleasing to my person.

>> No.66966116

A fornicating simian?!

>> No.66968563

a knave, he was. never engage in para-socialism with your psuedo-showrunner of choice. she will never carry your kin

>> No.66969486

I do declare that the lady you hold in the highest regard performs at burlesque shows in the evenings.

>> No.66969594

Alas, will my oshi ever return to her former self. Or continue down the dark path.

>> No.66969623

Unicels ‘er scoundrels and get thy rope!

>> No.66969850

Was it not a syncopated primate?

>> No.66970032

Such a weak instigation. I shall not reward it with a mark of (Thou).

>> No.66970247


>> No.66970451

Governors! This man alludes to the unspeakable! Tis a plot, I say!

>> No.66970899


>> No.66971103

Forsooth, to speak thus is the conduct of an enemy. May she never return thine fingers!

>> No.66971455

New Worlders would fare best to remain on their side of the Atlantic. This guildhall is property of fair Europa.

>> No.66971527

Watch shows, uneducated heathen.

>> No.66971635

Methinks "VProstitute" better befits them, oho!

>> No.66972858

I have gazed upon the visage of lady Sakamata of Orkney. I find her to be a most charming lass and I have hopes that in this opinion we are of equal mind !

>> No.66973508

i hear talk that milady reeks of a port town harbor. imagine the aroma

>> No.66973574
File: 143 KB, 850x971, 405c813724db0e37a07b6049557f43dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a pink bunny vtuber
That I am gonna see
No other anon could miss her
Not half as much as me
She cried so when I supa
It's like to broke my heart
And if I ever find her
We never more will part

She's the sweetest little bnnuy
That chuubas ever knew
Her eyes are bright as diamonds
They sparkle like Mtn Dew
You may talk about your Calliope
And sing of Wosemi
But Phase Connect's pink bunny
Is the only gal for me!

>> No.66974267
File: 601 KB, 2000x1878, 567332_1004808764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold from the Dark continent, the most powerful leader of Secret Society of Holocks, Mistress Laplus

>> No.66975653

Lady Pekora purchased a fornicating simian?

>> No.66975714


>> No.66975775

What will the be the smallpox of /vt/?

>> No.66975849

>Lady Mel, the blond countess of strigoi kin hath been excommunicated
>Even Lord Iagoo and Lady A issued royal proclamations on the matter
>The ships of Dame Fwawa and Dame Mococo have not returned from the expedition to find the Northwest Passage
Verily... 'Tis the Ultimate Ÿab

>> No.66976438

The point hitherto being that ladies of Austria including damsel Kiara are befouled by the left party anti-monarchists, antis for short, who are vile bridge-dwelling bandits.

>> No.66976635

Was her captain a Sir John Franklin?

>> No.66977703

By God, this congregation of masked fellows verily humor me so!

>> No.66977719

Bridge-dwelling ? Mean ye the trollkin of the Norwegian lands ?

>> No.66979048

Surely 'tis but a rumor my dear sir.
Lady Pekora shan't be bad-mouthed in such frivolous manner. We both know yond nijinegroes wait for such nonce.

>> No.66979152

>Ladies and Gentlemen of the court! I do declare to each and every one of ye that I truly pine for my dearest mother.

>> No.66980056

it be Towa...

>> No.66980241
File: 212 KB, 800x1067, ye olde chama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the pepeloni, pepeloni. Art thou acquainted with the pepeloni? The nobody? I invariably— I invariably bespeak the domino, domino pepeloni; and sans pepeloni. I consistently request the pepeloni and without pepeloni. Pepeloni! I have a fondness for pepeloni. I always— I always request the cheese-cheese pan. How might I elucidate? I can expound via my illustration. I consistently, request such as the cheese pan that hath cheese upon hither, this part, the ear. Ear of pizza. And then I request, when I request pepeloni the ear, it always possesseth the pepeloni aloft. But I discard this, Away! Because I partake not of it!

>> No.66980391

I do declare that anon has been overdosing on opium again. We all enjoy the puppeteering skills of the Cover Cabaret girls, but her puppet is only dead in the sense that her operator was fired, on account of her loose lips while cavorting with a hussy from a rival operation

>> No.66981130

Tower of London..

>> No.66981203
File: 23 KB, 320x320, 1649403015885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hath you not eyes, good sir? The lavender dragon is the lady of amusing temperament. That of the cornflower shades has a pleasingly relaxing disposition.
Be warned, neither sister dame has any brain to share betwixt them.

>> No.66981270

Governess Kyoran's sister, I do believe. They share a bosom size that is unmistakable.

>> No.66982004

Thou hath but naught a clue, the language was vastly different in the fifteenth century I assure you. They might as well have spoken "High German" at the time

I take it thine angst is the result of thine maiden of choice being not a maiden but a harlot

>> No.66982259
File: 1.53 MB, 1510x2250, 1000000134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fellow brothers and sisters I can contain this raging beast in my chest no longer. I have become smitten for a woman of the undead variety. the grips of death cannot contain the vigor in her soul, a vigor that radiates feelings of joy in the deepest depths of my heart.

>> No.66982478

"cannot contain" pardon me, my pen had run dry without my notice

>> No.66982523

Thine thoughts of necrophilia are revolting I say, seek immediate treatment within thine nearest asylum

>> No.66982581

>I take it thine angst is the result of thine maiden of choice being not a maiden but a harlot
Verily, this did provoke mirth, my good sir. Wishing thee a most pleasant day.

>> No.66982698

I cannot fathom that Lady Pekora hath acquired a most unusual simian companion.
What musings occupied her mind, one wonders?

>> No.66982935
File: 742 KB, 960x1440, Lady Yozora Mel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dismissal of Lady Mel doth serve as confirmation of Cover's dubious nature.
Verily, the establishment known as Cover is deemed a dark enterprise.

>> No.66982991

Charles! please explain to this simpleton why common school children are more capable of rational thought than he

>> No.66983009

Ooga booga, me love oshi.

>> No.66983021
File: 688 KB, 1000x720, Ye Olde Potion[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fde0kpw.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look upon POTION

>> No.66983055

Farewell, fair lady Carmilla

>> No.66983067

a zulu. revolting

>> No.66983231

Thou canst not deceive me.
Thou art an apprentice in the dark enterprise, endeavoring to divert from the veracity.

>> No.66983270

Contrary to expectations of mine this appears not to be the famed Magus Watame

>> No.66983869

*bewitches thee*

>> No.66984005

What in the good Lord's name have you done to my manhood?

>> No.66984060

could any fine gentleman in the court spare me a bottle of omaru slezáková sweat-- i seem to have run dry and i simply must have one more taste

>> No.66985560

exquisite thread

>> No.66985763
File: 30 KB, 653x800, 165-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyeglasses do possess remarkable versatility. Initially, one may observe spectacles-donned young ladies removing them, instantaneously assuming a countenance of beauty. Alternatively, one could witness bespectacled maidens flashing delightful smiles or partaking in the mischievous act of purloining the spectacles adorning the protagonist's visage, accompanied by a triumphant proclamation akin to, "Haha, procured your spectacles!" Such occurrences are undeniably excessively charming! Moreover, gentlemen sporting eyeglasses! I derive immense satisfaction when their spectacles emanate an enigmatic gleam, capable of bestowing either a genuinely sophisticated appearance or serving as a jest. I particularly appreciate how they manage to cater to diverse abstract inclinations. The amusement derived from altering the styles and hues of eyeglasses based on one's mood is quite substantial! Indeed, it is an exceedingly enjoyable pursuit! Half-rimmed spectacles, thick-framed spectacles, and an array of other styles! It is akin to relishing a myriad of eyeglasses at a lavish feast. I ardently wish for Luna to experiment with a few or for Marine to consider donning them in lieu of her eyepatch. It is imperative that eyeglasses become a prevailing trend within Hololive, with the prospect of offering them for sale during HoloComi. Do you not concur that it is imperative to formally introduce eyeglasses to all and sundry?

>> No.66985853

The grips of death can't contain the vigor in my manhood either, if you know what I mean.

>> No.66985985

UOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Child's ankles and wrists!!!! So lewd!!! She requires correction posthaste!!

>> No.66985990

Aye knew ‘twas a mistake to put so much of me coin on her venture, twould have been better invested in the Austrian lass with the loose tongue

>> No.66986103

We do not talk of those matters in these halls

>> No.66986151

A desire most unnatural, the devil has taken hold of you

>> No.66986168
File: 3.36 MB, 1484x1193, Ford's Theatre 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booth couldn't have possibly done this on his own. Someone must have aided him!

>> No.66986230

I would proffer counsel to refrain from such a course, good sir. The Austrian harlot doth grapple with a disordered intellect.

>> No.66986449
File: 43 KB, 367x367, sakana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, I present you Lemon powered train engine

>> No.66986567

blast it, that confounding fish man has come back with another ridiculous inventions, who keeps inviting him within the walls of lur establishment?

>> No.66987058

This method of transportation will surely revolutionize society.

>> No.66987398

Good sir, what is thy opinion of the adornment of feline-like ears ?

>> No.66987470


>> No.66987944

I reckon that there picture is showin one mighty fine lass, good sir

>> No.66988196

a lady by the name of Subaru remarked,
>they are not of human origin hence exempt from human rights, therein lies their allure

>> No.66989194
File: 236 KB, 1075x1250, 1704079986346427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentleman, it has come to my attention that the far east company "Nijisanji" bares the mark of the negro. Their practices by their leadership to their performers are unbecoming, and we shall not trust them a moment more. As evidence of my claim, they give nary but a single percent of the profits of the merchandise to their performers, and I suspect that their primary leader is siphoning donations to fund a luxurious watercraft.

>> No.66989461

I am enjoying this thread

>> No.66989526
File: 462 KB, 757x900, Fubuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amongst the many maidens of Halemedel, whomst doth thou usher?

For I 'tis the friendsome vixen Flurria Fairsprite.

>> No.66989638
File: 2.15 MB, 2485x4096, 1704546705212036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, my alluring gothic wife

>> No.66989642

By the LORD, there be a filthy Pagan in our midst. I must inform this man's employer of his disguised Devil worship. I pray that you see the light one day.

>> No.66989861
File: 240 KB, 599x685, Kizuna_Ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there, everything OK?
I'm an ESL and have no idea what's you guys are talking about.. are you even speaking English?
Hololive.. guild? It's 2018s and we're all into Japanese Vtuber Kizuna Ai. Shakespeare is not my thing, sorry!

>> No.66989955

Forsake this wretched man, good sir, as thou canst plainly discern his fondness for the harlot Calliope Mori, and hence, his lack of wit.

>> No.66989969

Silence, foreigner. The natural population is discussing important matters regarding our entertainment. We shall not listen to the drivel of foreigners about foreign matters at this time.

>> No.66990271

I desire to hold hands with this comrade

>> No.66990310

Do you desire to go through with this act before the sanctimony of marriage?

>> No.66990357

Have I stuttered in my speech ?

>> No.66990387

Filthy degenerates such as yourself belong in the stocks, villain

>> No.66990488

Do as thou must
But know that I, Takeshi, will assume the form of copulation

>> No.66990501

Aye, you have not. I was hoping to give you the benefit of the doubt, but it is shown to me now that you are a man not worthy of such benefit. I shall inform your pastor of this, and the fair maiden's father shall be alerted beforehand to protect her before you defile her purity.

>> No.66991063
File: 176 KB, 778x1500, 1698249892223508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Officers of the court, I have a confession to make. I have grown fond of a woman who dresses like rodent, and who regrettably partakes in activities with certain gentlemen from time to time. She verily does have her own flaws and she even drew scorn from myself before I watched her performances, but her behavior at the theater is one of cuteness and endearment. It was this behavior that soothed my heart. I also admit that I when I gaze at her scandalous costume, I am consumed with lust. Please do not punish me unduly.

>> No.66991127

I wish for the rodent of chaotic nature to possess this earth

>> No.66992043

Wise words from a reasonable chap such as thyself. However, I have noted an increased interest in cultural exchange between Europe and distant Japan in recent times. I spy an increase in import of cultural items in the future, one should not shy away from investing in the future!

>> No.66992191

Sometimes I envision mother nature as her own person. Such alluring visage enters my mind that I can barely contain myself! Oh, I dream of remarkable "assets" and unrivalled fertility. Lord is it too much to ask?

>> No.66992414

Art thou blind? Certainly you brought an image of a household feline

>> No.66992416

Praise be to the man who was kind enough to acknowledge the wit and reason portrayed by myself. However, I must caution you to use your higher intellect and take great pause to think before you ink these words to the paper. For you are sending this letter to a man of the Americas. Indeed, I hail from the United States of America. The relationship between the Jap and the European are of little concern to us. But I would be remiss to acknowledge that our own countrymen have made great strides in trade with the Japs in 1858, so I have become more familiar with their theater performances like yourself.

>> No.66992513

>"Japan" instead of Japonne, Zipang, "the Orient" etc.
>Keeping names intact instead of using variant spellings or quaint localisations
>using "thine" instead of "thy" even before a consonant
>an abundance of like errors

Weftstrong though we may be on this hour, and in this I rejoice... whomst'd've furnished thee with thy vernacular?
