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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 38 KB, 866x600, hitler tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66865065 No.66865065[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>hurr durr Hololive is a black company!
>hurr durr Japanese corpos are heckin misogynistic!
>hurr durr Mel was raped! (no proof btw)
All the anti-Hololive shills using Mel’s graduation as an excuse to try and cause controversy are pathetic. I’m not happy about her graduation either but she broke a NDA, anyone would be fired for doing this. Firing talents for breaking contract doesn’t make Cover a black company

>> No.66865108

Don't use my oshi for your shitposting

>> No.66865320
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I know that feel brother

>> No.66865444

Not shitposting, and I’m not making light of a graduation either. Just genuinely annoyed at all the retards making spreading lies about the whole situation

>> No.66865478

Be carefull containement breaker will take you seriously. Well after thinking about it it's actually a good thing isn't it?

>> No.66865572

it is what it is. ganbatte, bro

>> No.66865847

I hate the term whataboutism but the people who use Mel's graduation as like this deserve it

>> No.66866124

baffles me how much one can bootlick a corp so much, but anyway you’re definitely just too retarded to realize ppl say this bc they’re mad and they’ve got no idea whats going on, we’re all left in the dark here

>> No.66866147

you have to let go...
the reich is gone...

>> No.66866536

People are mad, sad, scared, and confused, but they're still retarded if they say retarded shit. Control yourself. Think, dammit, think!

>> No.66866703

>Japanese corpos bad
Always has been. Nothing more pathetic than the drones who eat up their bs.

>> No.66866716

I miss him, when will he reincarnate?

>> No.66866766

>never saw the Fuhrer live and have to resort to watch archives like a secondary

>> No.66867029

>Mel agreed to her termination
>Adolf terminated himself
Makes you think

>> No.66867036


>> No.66867062

What’s truly baffling is that an anti-bootlicker thread has been made with king boot lick himself.
Is Adolf supposed to represent Hololive executives or OP feeling put out?

>> No.66867091

>baffles me how much one can bootlick a corp
Only commies say this. Rope yourself, commie

>> No.66867106

>agreed to her termination
holodrones hitting new lows i see

>> No.66867124
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>fought one war

>> No.66867138
File: 267 KB, 954x659, yagoo 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese hobby, normalfag. Don’t like it then watch something else

>> No.66867170

But Zaion obviously being impossible to work with gets swept under the rug because she's le intrepid whistleblower. /vt/ everyone

>> No.66867189
File: 96 KB, 313x236, hitler is seen chuckling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took the entire jewish world order to beat Hitler
>they still seethe about him to this day

>> No.66867239 [DELETED] 

Do you get to keep the ruling class' semen when they cum down your throat or is that not a privilege you're worthy of?

>> No.66867334 [DELETED] 

>still fucking lost
>israel can now openly commit genocide in gaza and nobody can stop them because he was such a fuckup

>> No.66867417

Fun fact. The “””jewish””” world order (money/capitalism) put him in power to counter the people’s movement of … you know, the other guys. The guys that hate capitalism. Hitler was a good little boy just doing their bidding. Or don’t you believe he was whisked away to Argentina? Bin Laden was sure whisked away to Pakistan for retirement

>> No.66867421


>> No.66867482

he fought in the first world war, ignorant

>> No.66867541
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>> No.66867635

>has to hide in tunnels like rats

>> No.66867738

Japanese corpos being shit has been a fact for several decades now.

>> No.66867754 [DELETED] 

just you wait, Trump will win and he will leave NATO, that's when fascism/nazism in europe will rise again (it's already rising anyway)

>> No.66867786

Seething holodrone

>> No.66867787

Reminder that vtubing objectively can’t exist in a communist society, tankietroon
>still fucking lost
You try taking on the three most powerful empires on earth
>>israel can now openly commit genocide in gaza and nobody can stop them because he was such a fuckup
Nobody can stop them because kikes run major western institutions
You reds are beyond delusional. Did you forget it was the capitalist world that first waged war on Hitler? Or what about lend lease? You know, the reason judeo-bolshevism survived the war? Oh but Lenin said capitalism leads to fascism so it must be true!

>> No.66867836

Don’t like it then watch something else

>> No.66867882

Not an argument

>> No.66867946
File: 203 KB, 594x521, 1682559223893447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I watch what I want, you little faggot.

>> No.66868070

Negative. Can't kill ideals, and your side's fear and obsession is proof that it's damn potent.

>> No.66868167

>fought one war
It's hard to think of major world leaders from the past century who fought in more than one war, winners and losers. Ironically, the only one that comes to mind is Churchill, but his performance in WW1 was a disaster and he was kicked out of office for the actual end of WW2. And then there is Stalin, who was humiliated by the Finnish, had to be bailed out by the mutts in WW2, and failed again in Korea.

>> No.66868253

whats that symbol on Mel's necklace?

>> No.66868431

It is a mathematical symbol that the Jews culturally appropriated

>> No.66868510

>Mel’s graduation

Holobronies actively deny reality I see.

>> No.66868524

>Did you forget it was the capitalist world that first waged war on Hitler?
Firstly they let him roll east and try to take out Russia with the largest portion of their army, right? Remember that? Remember there was a quite a delay on the western front to attack. And quite a dumb strategy to start in Africa and slowly march to central Europe. That was to give Hitler more time. Churchill’s plans to take Baku back failed, and he wanted to free the captured nazis and march on Russia.
Capitalists love war, anon.
And Marxism is just another authoritarianism.

>> No.66868665
File: 247 KB, 570x720, 1608888616603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66868694

Ok reddit

>> No.66869028

Have you read the original announcement? It's in there.

>> No.66869042

>Unironic trannytanker schizo on /vt/
Can’t you go somewhere else where schizoing out is on topic atleast?

>> No.66869144

Hitler was the OG oshi.

>> No.66869151

Am I still on /vt/, what the fuck is this thread?

>> No.66869219

Your oshi is a male, cringe

>> No.66869347

An homocollaber got shitcanned, hololive lost nothing

>> No.66869349

Anyone would be impossible to work with if they were on NijiEN management's shitlist, your false equivalency isn't gonna work

>> No.66869350

Actually revealed there that I am not sympathetic to the tankies.
I was just passing along some documented history that you might not have been aware of. I will go now. But stop trying to equate Hitler with anti-bootlickers. It’s a ridiculous fit.

>> No.66869376

You're braze for having a male oshi

>> No.66869692

Truly the braziest of them all.

>> No.66869808

stop crying Redditor, it's just a reaction image
