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66823281 No.66823281 [Reply] [Original]

How can a Live2D clip with itself?

>> No.66826194

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.66826479
File: 331 KB, 575x427, clipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at Fuwawa's breasts, the hair is clipping in front of her despite the layer being in the back

>> No.66826919

make a short webm you lazy fuck

>> No.66826976

Fine, let me open up handbrake

>> No.66826993

Are you talking about her fur collar? If that's the case, it's more than one layer. Things that look like one piece are often many separate layers cut apart.

>> No.66827293

maybe because there are layers

>> No.66827928

Short answer: minor rigging error
Long answer: It looks like her back hair is supposed to be masked to the body but the rigger forgot to mask the far side of the hair. Should be a quick fix though. Honestly I don't get why they masked the hair instead of putting hair layers behind the body.
t. live2d rigger

>> No.66828133

Do you actually make money from that?

>> No.66828228
File: 739 KB, 592x466, Fwmc.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me longer than I thought because I forgot video cutting is an ffmpeg feature and not a handbrake feature
No, the hair
I know there are layers, but I find it weird how the hair that feels like it should be in the back shows up in the front when other layers should cover it up
Thank you anon for the real answer

>> No.66828310

it's actually clipping to the right edge, which is Mococo's screen space

mystery solved

>> No.66828431

For me, it doesn't look like her hair layer cropping through her, but rather when the hair goes too far to the right and out of the border, it wraps around. It is a problem with capturing, not rigging.

>> No.66828506

Actually this anon here may have the real answer >>66828310 because it's just silly for the rigger to make this obvious error

Yea I made a modest amount from this gig.

>> No.66828573

>because I forgot video cutting is an ffmpeg feature and not a handbrake feature
do yourself a favor and switch to avidemux.

>> No.66828625


>> No.66828701

the japanese aren't very good at software

>> No.66828948

Come to think of it, yeah, it's easier to realize with the "zoom" that it's the right side of the hair, thanks guys
Nah, I already use Vegas Pro for my actual editing needs, I just felt "It's not worth it to open it up to just crop a few seconds, I'll just type the start and end in Handbrake" (Had to open up Vegas Pro anyway and then use Handbrake for converting to WEBM"

>> No.66829454

>Had to open up Vegas Pro anyway and then use Handbrake for converting to WEBM
exactly, you could've done it all with just avidemux.

>> No.66829595

I meant like consistently. Do you get gigs often?

>> No.66830408

Yeah, I could, but I don't see the reason to quadruple-tier. My current system is
>ffmpeg for when I need autistically finetuned encodes
>Handbrake for when I just want a quick encode
>Vegas Pro for actual editing
Avidemux would enter as a tool for the rare ocassion I need a quick edit to export as a WEBM, the fact I forgot cutting is not a Handbrake feature should tell you is fairly rare

>> No.66831555

>yeah i could do this a lot easier but that would involve me having to actually learn something
the fact that you're still using vegas in 2024 says it all

>> No.66832250

>Yeah bro, just abandon all your custom presets for that one moment you can use one program instead of two
Also what's the issue with Vegas? Pretty much any YouTuber worth watching uses it

>> No.66832778

The window she has her model in is doing wraparound of the hair on her right side swinging out, probably registers it as a separate overlay or something

>> No.66834251

no, it's just this >>66828310
it happens all the time in collabs

>> No.66835558
File: 1.08 MB, 900x900, 1684720032521305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at Fuwawa's breasts

>> No.66837498
File: 122 KB, 261x359, 1705399493817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not saving your ffmpeg oneliners for later use or shell scripts

>> No.66838237

CLI are for nerds, shutter encoder where its at

>> No.66838300

I don't see it, can you post more webm's of Fuwawa's breasts?

>> No.66838712

what video editor would (you) suggest for anon then? avidemux is perfect for this kind of crop/clip/webm shit (that's why I suggested it) but it's not a fully featured editor.

>> No.66840264
File: 117 KB, 1080x1188, 1705403526041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66841072
File: 294 KB, 1920x1637, 1694742449160228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not, that's her fucking up the capture, probably from something they deleted from live 2d to the right of her model onto her but kept the zone on OBS and it's close enough for a bit of hair to peak through or they are retarded and they both share the same window but a mile apart, there's nothing clipping, they are just tech illiterate

>> No.66841242

>t. live2d rigger
jesus christ

>> No.66841287

Yes this is the correct answer, just the L2D overlay cropping.
Have you ever seen, usually when there are collabs, that a small portion of the VTuber's or the collab partner's L2D (usually hair) starts appearing somewhere else on the screen? Well this is something like that

>> No.66841757
File: 1.69 MB, 1904x1894, Fuwawawawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Mococo expands her crop area to the blue zone, there will be another Fuwawa

>> No.66841808

>Look at Fuwawa's breasts
