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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66696101 No.66696101[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did she betray her fans??

>> No.66696144
File: 272 KB, 220x89, 7314689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see that's the joke. All she has to do is Rys to any random word and it considered pure comedic gold.

>> No.66696162

QRD? Schizophrenic ramblings don't count by the way.

>> No.66696196

A better question would be why the crooked cops in your third world shithole haven’t accidentally caused your demise somehow, OP.

>> No.66696209 [DELETED] 

This retarded pajeet made up some fake dox shit and he's being laughed
That's about it

>> No.66696250

So schizophrenic ramblings, then don't pajeet have anything else to do with their time.

>> No.66696252

A gentle reminder that this is what an avg IRyS anti is from >>66654244

>> No.66696272

Here. He is from Pakistan and zpends 16 hours a day seething about IRyS>>66696252

>> No.66696291

Even better they used some AI generated pics, the woman got 6 fingers lmao

>> No.66696339 [DELETED] 

>pajeet force comes in and starts defending their pajeet whore
Like clock work. This won't unfuck your whore you dirty fucks

>> No.66696394

I bet your whore mother got publicly stoned to death you shit eating paki lmao

>> No.66696399 [DELETED] 

People found out her RM where she has been roaming around with popular Japanese influencers

>> No.66696437 [DELETED] 

>shit eating paki
That's what you uncivilized pajeets do though.
We eat tasty beef everyday. Meaning I eat your mother out

>> No.66696444

Oh no lmao

>> No.66696445
File: 81 KB, 1103x621, 1648077680740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.66696463 [DELETED] 

Ah schizo ramblings then

>> No.66696464

The day my country finally unleashes an aerial bombardment on your blight-riddled hovel of a territory will be glorious, indeed.

>> No.66696472

(You) are a Muslim from the 3d world shithole of Pakistan, kys miserable scizo.

>> No.66696478

Anyone who thought IRyS isn't social irl was a delusional faggot. Girls like her are popular among men

>> No.66696506 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 1169x1169, 1705216917333027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she also has 6 fingers, and she looks different in every other photo. the "people" who found the supposed dox resides at nyfco and >>>/vt/Nijisanji

>> No.66696511 [DELETED] 

>made up shit went from she's fucking a 50 yo jap music producer to roaming around with popular jap influencers (plural) in the span of a day
pajeet, paki, same subhuman faggots

>> No.66696512

Kronii will save her

>> No.66696528 [DELETED] 

Nothing. Just a person found out she was going out on dates off stream. That's it. It's a nothing burger

>> No.66696600

How mad are you sisters that your fake ass doxshit is being made fun of relentlessly

>> No.66696608 [DELETED] 

>pajeet, paki, same subhuman faggots
Eww no.
Also Pathans and Afgans mogg all white people

>> No.66696618 [DELETED] 

People found out that her rm actually has 6 fingers and were two timing two different 50 years old men, with possibly of a third being a music producer in JP (also 50+ yo). With pics!
In all seriousness, schizo made up some AI pics and claimed that those were proofs that she was dating a 50 years old music producer and brought him to her sister’s wedding. Got laughed out of everywhere he tried

>> No.66696622

can't beat the cock

>> No.66696649 [DELETED] 

According to the rrats, she got herself a 50 Y/O sugar daddy and according to rumors, she has been going out with musicians and influencers

>> No.66696666

The voices in my walls are screaming at me again, and this is IRyS' fault because I had a hallucination about her.

>> No.66696686

Wow over that? Who's mad at this lol. Is her personal life.

>> No.66696714

Heh sisters still trying so hard to push this rrat

>> No.66696716

Lol schizos are trying way too hard and still fucking fail.

>> No.66696775 [DELETED] 

I don't care what her RM does as long as it stays off stream. If it were true though, surely there would be evidence to share, right?

>> No.66696785


>> No.66696803

>Shifting the narrative
Isn't your country in shambles? Do you have the leverage to be mentally ill here? Your family will starve ho and work abdul.

>> No.66696860


>> No.66696883

Maybe six fingers are common where your inbred people come from, but that’s pretty rare outside of Durkistan.

>> No.66696942

Why does she have 6 fingers...

>> No.66697067
File: 68 KB, 675x672, 1693392289770051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething on here that your terrible AIslop got laughed at won't make you white, pajeet

>> No.66697109 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 1012x800, 1685467972514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66697112


>> No.66697139 [DELETED] 

so no proof?

>> No.66697215

The biggest YAB is that she has six fingers.
I refuse to have a mutant oshi.

>> No.66697218 [DELETED] 

post proof or it didnt happen lol

>> No.66697323 [DELETED] 

I've seen the pics and the dox site it's at and I won't spoon feed you for more shitpost material do your own research faggot.

>> No.66697341

Funny how the ratts posted present no proof whatsoever, so I'm guessing it's discord again

>> No.66697356 [DELETED] 

>Pajeet monkey calling other people pajeet.
Kys you cow shit eating faggot

>> No.66697368 [DELETED] 

I went to check this out because it keeps getting spammed everywhere, I didn't see the six fingers but I did see some odd elongated shirt that looked suspicious. But also a bunch of different photos from different angles with the same people in them wearing the same outfits down to the little details like jewellery. Is AI really capable of doing that and keeping the faces and clothing coherent?

narratives about it meaning she is dating this random old guy aside, they do just look like wedding photos to me. Seems like a doxfag is just spinning narratives from some old pics he dug up but I don't buy them all being AI generated that seems like a stretch.

>> No.66697375

She betrayed her fans by having a bf (me)

>> No.66697474 [DELETED] 

>pajeet this pajeet that
Why is this allahukekbarscizo samefagging and calling everyone a pajeet? There are like 4 of them on this board and we know IRySscizo hates her because he thinks she is half pajeet.

>> No.66697541 [DELETED] 

He looks in the mirror, sees that he’s the dung eater he keeps obsessing over, then proceeds to cast this reality unto anyone unfortunate enough to be on the same planet as him.

>> No.66697567 [DELETED] 

It can, but it tends to fuck up with too many faces. That’s why the paki censored them

>> No.66697625

Is the IRyS anti an Indian or Pakistani?

>> No.66697634 [DELETED] 

he's definitely a pajeet, his simple mind can't fathom anything worse than himself as an insult, so he just projects his hatred onto everyone else
genuine schizo - see here:

>> No.66697640

She can make amends by bringing back her superior original model

>> No.66697650

its also funny how all the pictures never actually show her face. the ai had nothing to work with because her rm has never shown her face

>> No.66697659

lets not get redundant, theyre the same thing

>> No.66697666 [DELETED] 

He leaked his IP in /#/ he is from Pakistan and has a burning hatered for pajeets as displayed here >>66697634

>> No.66697683 [DELETED] 

Aren't Pakistan pajeet too.

>> No.66697728 [DELETED] 

Not really pajeet generally refers to indians more specifically Hindus, Pakistan is a Muslim nation.

>> No.66697734 [DELETED] 

You do know he is actually been going at it for months. No sane person will himself that much. Some of IRyS fans were confirmed to be Indians and this actually bothered him

>> No.66697748 [DELETED] 

same thing my dude, im not wasting mental headspace categorising different types of roaches, they're just roaches you know?

>> No.66697768 [DELETED] 

I don't think they're AI generated either but there's definitely at least one that was probably modified and then upscaled with AI, so you really can't trust any of them.

>> No.66697806 [DELETED] 

Except pajeets aren't anting IRyS, her thread has pajeets that are regulars their.
Giving into the scizos psycosis makes you just another scizo.

>> No.66697859 [DELETED] 

Oh gotcha. Thanks

>> No.66697926 [DELETED] 

Imagine defending a lying whore and her fans who are known subhuman and cowpiss enjoyers

>> No.66697934 [DELETED] 

schizos found photos from someone's (her sister?) wedding and out of the 200 or so pics there are like 3 of them where she is standing next to some old bald guy, in one of which she has 6 fingers on her left hand. Also note that IRyS was dressed as a bride's maid and the guy was one of the groom'smen meaning any posed photos of them together were like that because that's just what fucking weddings do and not that they are dating. Like I am pretty sure there are pics of me from my cousin's wedding where I am posed the same way as the old guy with irys with this one fat roastie who has a husband and a tranny kid and I literally don't even know her name and never met her other than the rehearsal dinner

>> No.66697975 [DELETED] 

>avatarfagging with a dysgenic schizophrenic to own pakis
Whatever works for you I guess

>> No.66698023

I stopped browsing /vt/ like 2 years ago and the same schizo retard seething about Irys is still here

>> No.66698033

Anon, besides the cow piss, that’s every VTuber fan. Even you anon, even I

>> No.66698053

Wait till you hear about Kiaraschizo still going after almost 4...

>> No.66698132

Non-schizo answer is that almost 2 years ago during golden week she was complaining about being depressed. After that point her stream times fell off while her visits to the doctor increased tremendously. You will never know the truth and her diehard paypigs will suck her nephinuts until they die. But that's how she went from being "IRyS, the one keeping EN alive when the other whores are refusing to stream" to "IRyS, that chick who claimed she couldn't stream due to a bad model and vsinger duties and then that turned out to be a lie".

>> No.66698139

May both of the aforementioned (and all schizos/sisters) meet their end.

>> No.66698147

>shit doxxrrat threat evolves into pajeets and abduls seething at eachother
tale as old as time

>> No.66698158 [DELETED] 

Afghans are not pakistani though, pakistanians are ugly and retarded.

>> No.66698188

>non-schizo answer
>posts schizoshit

>> No.66698198
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>> No.66698220

Who cares what someone decides to do in their personal life. Nobody is giving you faggots shit for all the loli hentai in your phones and PC. Leave the poor girl alone you fag are nothing but creeps no wonder most of you are in the prime of your lives in your 20s and still a virgin and single.

>> No.66698234

Stream doko

>> No.66698283 [DELETED] 

>Non-schizo answer
You posted the schizo Brazlian's story word-for-word
I would say you are him but you used punctation in your post

>> No.66698293 [DELETED] 

The reason why pajeets like irys so much is that her shit skin reminds them of their own pathetic life

>> No.66698317

Shut up woman. This is funny. YOU leave my schizos alone

>> No.66698379 [DELETED] 

“Shitskins!”, cries the brown Down’s Syndrome afflicted product of first cousins, on his way to the HIV check and the Bacha Bazi buttfuck orgy right after

>> No.66698398 [DELETED] 

I took pics with and even walked down the aisle with my sister in law but if I was a vtuber sisters would say we were dating.

>> No.66698399

>IRyS Anti thread
>Turns into Indians vs Pakistani
>Indians are known to be IRyS fans
>Inorder to own the Pajeets, Pakistanis become the fan of her arch nemesis (Enna)
>The Pajeets and Abdul start a WW3
This is peak NGL

>> No.66698414

It's beautiful how they're so proud of that AI fake they're still pushing it while being constantly laughed at. They even had better rrats before lmao, the cognitive dissonance is insane, no wonder they're either "women" or monkeys.

>> No.66698428 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself and take all the schizophrenic faggots with you I heard you people in the middle east make good suicide bombers.

>> No.66698493
File: 153 KB, 1171x1171, 1705027651137496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yawn. Nijisissy so desperate for Holo dramas, the only "yab" they could nitpick is Holo having the privilege to take as many breaks as they want and return whenever they want to and still be showered with money? aaannddddd AI generated doxx i guess?

Yawwwn Nijisissys so boring, IRySSoCute makes nijisissy have violent epileptic seizure reaction at the sight of her

>> No.66698515

BR salad tosser stalking her pl stuff decided to go full schizo

>> No.66698522

Marrying your cousin isn't the same as marrying your sister retard

>> No.66698543

Can't we report this to cover to get the guy jailed?

>> No.66698605
File: 3.02 MB, 1955x1195, 1705218553424707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what they're deflecting from today

>> No.66698617

I think brazilian also have shitskin especially in the favelas

>> No.66698618

living in monkeyland is almost as bad as being in jail, equal odds of being randomly shanked but at least they have beds

>> No.66698634
File: 88 KB, 800x533, ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call that an insult ? Pathetic, do it again

>> No.66698645

Holy shit is that real lmao

>> No.66698653

no fucking way, seriously what did selen do to deserve all this

>> No.66698669

they clearly used the original assets to remake it, why wouldn't they just move the two at the top closer together lol

>> No.66698684

He unironically is jailed already, I'm not kidding.

>> No.66698696 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 484x645, 33yqm6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66698714

That Pomu hat tho top kek

>> No.66698788

People will actually pay to see SEVEN males? Who the fuck is going to that?

>> No.66698825

Nijifags of course.

>> No.66698852

cock > fans

>> No.66698864

wtf I thought it was the golden 20, did they fire like half of them already?

>> No.66698908

Dude in the pomu hat is the highlight of this pic.

>> No.66698913

i've heard if you blink you could genuinely miss a niji graduation

>> No.66698941

Yea well then every single nijifag in that picture better be a woman or there is something seriously wrong with nijifags.

>> No.66698967

The Nijigraveyard claims all, anon, and rather quickly, too.

>> No.66699000
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>> No.66699062

but she filed for divorceRys so everything is okayRys

>> No.66699074 [DELETED] 

>proud to shower a lazy whore with money
At this point I can’t even look down on Promise whores, you’re all sad and pathetic and they’re doing the world a favor from stopping your slavish urge to be an unthinking fanatic in a terror org

>> No.66699208

isreal lol
>I can’t even look down
you're seething at some anon on a taiwanese basket weaving forum. You need some self awareness sis

>> No.66699339

You’re defending the rights of bitches with cartoon porn avatars to go on vacations no one offering some kind of tangible value through their labor would be allowed to take, for the amount of work said bitches put out on a regular day. Don’t get sassy, simp

>> No.66699388 [DELETED] 

can you say that without shitting your pants, brown?
its hard to understand when youre this upset

>> No.66699404 [DELETED] 
File: 481 KB, 1767x2500, 1704672280522966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your OSHIt works at a chinese sweatshop and are very replaceable once their chink overlords notice a sign of slow production from the organ liver intestine employees. Nijisissy, i understand the bitterness that you lash out towards Hololive. i suggest you buy a rope and neck yourself. it's a great cure for your ilk.

>> No.66699430

Wonder why the most unicorn friendly girls always get the most unhinged and insane schizos. You'd think it would be the other way around but no, even with negative chance of off or on-screen betrayal IRyS still gets the worst ones

>> No.66699552

i feel bad for this girl because her fans are always one bad day away from stalking and stabbing her
that's why they're the most hated fanbase in vt

>> No.66699562 [DELETED] 

>this thread

We were not prepared for the Internet to turn brown.

>> No.66699612

at least try to change your writing style
>most hated fanbase
that's nijifans, you even hate yourselves

>> No.66699636
File: 70 KB, 250x250, Selen Cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66699639 [DELETED] 

yeah looks like SEA is being out-shizo'd by pakistanis

>> No.66699677

>doxxes himself
>his AI slop gets dismantled
>entire thread is laughing at him
>'i know, i'll shit on the fanbase again'
you're actually beyond a joke, this has been a real bad day for you hasnt it schizo?

>> No.66699687

I don't get it. Idc about the rrat but why feed it?
Rrat is out and makes "me so busy so no streams" tweet. Then proceeds to stream full rig to flare except without her POV. Literally makes no sense unless you want to dodge the chat, not so busy now.

Is this some turbo jp manager move?

>> No.66699692

Says this when nijikeks send death threats to each other

>> No.66699783

who are you quoting you lunatic?
just stop stalking the poor woman

>> No.66699985

this amount of seethe reeks of 1view who didn't make it

>> No.66700092

All of these tactics remind me of the things orcschizo outlined in her reentry
>schizo makes up fake rrats and tries insanely hard to push it
>samefagging for hours
>discord groups
things just get worse and worse, and now we have multiple schizos that do the same thing

>> No.66700166

Were orcschizo rrats as flimsy as this one?

>> No.66700246

>think rrat on this board matter in any capacity
She has been saying she'll be busy in the latter half of Jan since the beginning of the month and it's been planned since November. Her tweet from the other day is just to communicate with fan and reconfirm that this week would be mostly collab since she rarely goes more than 3 days straight without streaming/tweeting
>proceeds to stream full rig to flare except without her POV
they've been doing this for every Splatfes since last year, they've only missed it once because Flare went back home, even then they still played off-stream and tweeted out for their viewers to know and join them

>> No.66700338

i don't even watch niji i just want to save irys from brown freaks like you

>> No.66700390

too obvious Paki

>> No.66700401

mask off moment, you're not too clever at falseflagging are you paki?

>> No.66700444

>bald producer ojii-san chinchin so good
Everytime IRyS wakes up

>> No.66700525

based irys based!

>> No.66700604
File: 31 KB, 632x626, 1679458777902564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think he'll ever live this down?

>> No.66700701

very organic bumping OP

>> No.66700757
File: 93 KB, 601x508, 2ft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know this perfectly illustrates the monkey after his rrat failed spectacularly

>> No.66700923


>> No.66700948

IRyS is a real genuine otaku
Shes just like me fr so dont be doing this to a sweet girlnerd

>> No.66701214

Makes sense then, I don't watch her that much. Just know about some e-people keeping tabs on rumor sites and manoeuvering the rrats. So probably unlucky timing for schizos to build the rrat over the break.
Thanks amon

>> No.66701398

Holy fucking kek, this thread is actually a battlefield for Southern Asians, the whole squad is there. The polluted air is already getting to their brains.
Also, I do hope that she has 6 fingers, because I'm a big fan of Gravity Falls.

>> No.66701523
File: 59 KB, 640x434, 1656172213981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dramasisters making shit up because there aren't enough yabs

>> No.66701535 [DELETED] 

God I hate brown mongoloid monkey so much, I mean no offense to IRyS and her fans but they contribute most of the shitposting in this board.

>> No.66701555

can we just nuke the indian sub-continent?

>> No.66701581

alot of it (OP for example) are from her antis though

>> No.66701667

why do you hate irys' fans?

>> No.66701714 [DELETED] 

A retarded schizo making AI dox images, then started asking for money to get the images "uncensored", then faking more images with AI to the point of posting "her face" made with AI. That retard literally spent more than 2 days trying and even the most schizo doxxfags made fun of him

>> No.66701738 [DELETED] 

Every male with brown skin should be shot in the head

>> No.66701776 [DELETED] 

did he actually try to gen her face after people laughed at him lmao, I didn't see those ones

>> No.66701855 [DELETED] 

It's a wedding (not hers) that she attended over 4 years ago.

>> No.66701983

Brownies are the bane of 4chan, all boards

>> No.66702030

Sisters are the most insane antis.

>> No.66702481

Some fans she has after all that unicorn pandering, they turn around and shit on her over dumb rrats

unicorns are the worst fanbase, kys.

>> No.66702567

you need to try harder to spin this angle, doxxsister

>> No.66702756

Paki Scizo, I genuinely despise you

>> No.66702837

You wanna know what pakis and the pajeet here have in common? Both are retarded unicorns you faggots are no different than each other. Kys please.

>> No.66702876

it's hurting itself in its' confusion now

>> No.66702932


>> No.66703170 [DELETED] 

i don't know shit about ai but there is obvious fuckery going on and the story is such horse shit it's just the same schizos as always trying to peddle their cuck fantasy.

>> No.66703253

paki boy, I think anting IRyS has made you retarded

>> No.66703366 [DELETED] 
File: 432 KB, 1069x1905, fatwhore_114053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread is still up

>> No.66703410


>> No.66703669

I love how IRyStocucks are going to ai cope because they have no other way to defend it
At least the family friend cope was believable

>> No.66703738

Pakistan's economy is in the bin Paki. I think you should focus on working for yourself and family instead of spending 16 hours in a day here

>> No.66703790 [DELETED] 

>The doxx post gets removed but the doxx thread doesn't

>> No.66703797

I can't be a pajeet or a paki I'm born and raised in the good old USA. But that don't change all of you fags are going at each other throats when both of you faggots share the same goal in mind and that is to treat vtubers like they're professional escorts that are supposed to please you and only you 24/7 seek help please call your local mental health hotline before one you faggot does something horrible you're going to end up regretting.

>> No.66703897

Please get therapy. I am already in a bad mood today so stfu and get some help.
The Paki Schizo is defaming her

>> No.66703905

little do you know he lives like a king off those giftcards

>> No.66703998

Fuck off beggar.
