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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66497490 No.66497490 [Reply] [Original]

>years later >they still think that Coco and Kson are not the same person when in fact Coco always did the same crazy shit back when she was in Hololive

>> No.66497737

Why are heimins like this?

>> No.66497764
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>> No.66498010

Whoa, girls fart? That's some crazy shit indeed

>> No.66498151



>> No.66498852
File: 182 KB, 517x488, 1628998500238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66499068

I'm convinced you are all the same person

>> No.66499221
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>> No.66499287

every single poster on /vt/ is just Gura samefagging. She doesn't stream anymore because she's too busy shitposting as hundreds of different anons. You? Gura. Me? Gura. We're all Gura here.

>> No.66500088

But she wasn't. For starters, she was an actual vtuber as Coco and not a flashtuber that also used an anime avatar (that is at this point basically just an idealized, anime version of her real self) when she didn't feel like putting makeup on.
As Coco she was also balanced out by her more conventional peers. She was basically a "bad apple" on a leash. The entertainment she provided came from the contrast between her and the rest of Hololive - remove that and she's just your average ethot.

>> No.66502222

Please keep your headcanon to yourself

>> No.66502906
File: 1.64 MB, 1111x1785, 1636555015796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if people missed her recent stream with choco-sen for new years, it was the most coco-y collab she's done in a whiles

she completely fucks up making up the mochi and gets lost reading the instructions while choco just gives up on her entirely

and kson/coco solo ark is always just not great, but very on part for both of them, seriously, even as coco she got like 4k during her gaming streams

>> No.66503472

he posted the threadreader copypasta again
good job anon

>> No.66503568

Hey friend.
Has Kson mentioned any plans to do with Mikeneko/Nazuna recently? Seems like it's been a few months since their last collab, although I imagine the Yakuza stuff was keeping Kson busy

>> No.66504094

When was the last time Coco showed her rm bare ass on stream again?

>> No.66504153

Point out one false statement in that.

>> No.66504216

all of it

>> No.66504308

Next time just start off by telling us you are delusional. Gonna save yourself and every else some time.

>> No.66504375

lol ok mahmoud

>> No.66504488

I know you heimins hate us but il always treasure the time we had fun together with our oshis doing sus and wholesome things together. Il always be thankful when you helped us during the taiwan incident and relayed info about my oshi

>> No.66504555

they always hated coco for taking Kanata from them, they are a bunch of vicious faggots no better than fandeads

>> No.66504674

Don't start a fight with two other fanbases, falseflagger-kun

>> No.66504725

prove me wrong

>> No.66504772

Is missed that guutan kumichou stream due to lack of sleep

>> No.66505544

What you are saying makes zero sense lmfao. I have never heard this shitty narrative before. The Heimin who don't like Coco that much are more likely to feel this way because Kanata got overshadowed by her and some older fans still see her as Coco's sidekick despite her clearly outgrowing this and becoming very popular on her own. Many just can't help but think of/mention Coco anytime Kanata is brought up.

>> No.66505767

I don't watch everything, the main big plan she's been talking about has been whining about dropping 1M USD on her anniversary live or w/e

>> No.66505944

Prove your point right, firstly. If you're making a claim, the burden of proof is on you.

>> No.66506057

go back to /#/ muhammed

>> No.66507575

wanna proof, well, this thread for example
