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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66459606 No.66459606 [Reply] [Original]

Doesn't feel like I'm supporting people anymore in hololive, just characters that sell cheap chinese shit at a premium price.

>> No.66459686

I only watch Advent now
The rest of Hololive is sovlless and a shell of the past. Homos and IPO ruined everything

>> No.66459775

This is not bizarro /vt/, Nijinigger. Everyone here knows who does that is Kurosanji

>> No.66459825

Until Homostars are fired there's nothing worthwhile watching in Hololive outside maybe Advent

>> No.66459840

Stop samefagging

>> No.66459919

>t: least obvious nijitwat

>> No.66459940

Stop denying the truth sis

>> No.66459990

who the fuck is a fan of nijisanji on /vt/?

>> No.66459996

It's true. Almost nothing in Hololive is worthwhile anymore as long as they solely exist to be accessories to the Homos and keep killing what made it kino in the past.

>> No.66460054

I always found it bizarre that some people are just willing to downplay clear cracks in the system that once made Hololive the greatest. As long as homos still exist they're going backwards I'm afraid to say.

>> No.66460092

Yagoo doesn't have the heart to pull the plug himself but when he steps down and Japsama takes control of the company, you know Holostars will be the first thing getting axed and vtubing will be saved.

>> No.66460283

It's probably happening too. Hope for the shareholders to keep gaining more and forcing Fagoo to resign. Jap should be CEO immediately.

>> No.66460561

>billboards and advertisement
That did fuck all.
>Live concerts
That struggled to fill the venues at half capacity and they've yet to get a third one which might never happen.
I'm pretty sure they all happened during the Shinove era because I can't remember any recent one.
>New gen (6 month gap)
This is not updated and it's now 12 debuts in 16 months, faster than ID and almost as fast as it took EN to get 11 debuts. Probably the egregious point of this image.
They've never been part of HoloFes. Fes is the concert, Expo is the big HoloPro (gross) convention, but it's still retarded how Cover still forces them on a space where 99% of the people are there for the girls, including most of the homo fans.
>Event/Expo appearances
Eh, I don't mind that. Outside of them being shoved together with the girls which was fucking disgusting they can get con appearances for all I care if it's only them.
Only one of them was successful.
>3D anime
That was canceled after around a year.
>Twitch takeover
Nobody gave a shit.
It died after that because literally everyone hated it including their fans. The only people who were happy about it were the beggars.
At least it convinced Cover to stop the company wide overlap ban
>national TV appearance
Same as the con part. If some TV stations wants to feature those failures it's one them.
>Debut songs
I'm mixed on this. I'm not the biggest fan of this because most of the time debuts songs are really bad but Rebellion and Shunkan Heartbeat were decent so maybe Cover is just smarter regarding that compared to Anycolor which isn't really a surprise.
Happened only once and the last one had an increase of over 70k viewers for the Hololive side while the homo side only got 3k more and it was during the part the Holos were performing.

In summary none of that shit helped them incline, a bunch only made people hate them more and some were one time things due to the backlash it got but somehow Cover still finds ways to try (and fail) to shill the male failures to the main Hololive audience.

>> No.66460654

As long as Holostars exists I've been boycotting Hololive. Last stream I watched was on November 17th. I couldn't handle that much faggotry. I thought they were learning from the gay alchemist and his vampire butt buddy but no. Speaks volumes that Cover doesn't understand the appeal of their prodcts and why they have fans at all.

>> No.66460736

Absolutely based.

>> No.66460797
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Based. Keep on fighting the good fight, unigod.

>> No.66460964

I haven’t watched Hololive since 2021

>> No.66461004

I doubt this is true but based. I have also been unwillingly boycotting hololive though it ends every time gura streams

This is an old image and the holofes part is the fact they gave the tour guide position, thats always handled by the girls, to the homos. It was bad enough they had to make last minute changes by having the cosplay host do an impromptu tour

>> No.66461064

I don't watch Hololive outside Fuwamoco

Rotten fucking company that fucks over EN every time they can in favor of homos and reclining whores

>> No.66461139

Unless you still believe she's fighting management which still may be true, she's not worth it anymore. A complete shell of her former self though you can blame Omega for that.

>> No.66461210
File: 401 KB, 600x800, 1691037316083251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry your side branch is about to get axed sister

>> No.66461269

Read the room, intern

>> No.66461408

>SEAnigs wake up
>this thread pops into existence

>> No.66461469

SEA are the bootlickers mate

>> No.66461509

HoloExpo*, and let's hope they learned their lesson for this year.

>> No.66461567

>23 / 2 / 11 / 1
Yes it's a nijishit discord thread, what about it?

>> No.66461583

>learning lessons ever
They will have the homos on fucking stage this year and definitely next year.

>> No.66461761

Mate not everyone is a Cover bootlicker like you and your hugbox are.
There's a lot of things Cover should do to make Hololive the biggest power player in this dying industry but they don't. And they will become insolvent fast if they keep pumping out homos against EN, their only profitable branch at this moment.

>> No.66461877

Were they in the stage last year? As in having a live 3D section with the homos? They had a recorded 3D section on the first Expo but I'm pretty sure they didn't have anything 3D in 2023.

>> No.66461911

Yeah they did for last year including Tempiss

>> No.66462067

They don't even have 3D, ahochama. I asked specifically if the homos had a 3D section last year because I don't remember then having one, and they sure never had a live 3D section like the girls always have.

>> No.66462263

still not enough, The boys need more support ffs
Fuck you Cover

>> No.66462338

The Hololive Island event at the next HoloFes will give new outfits to all the talents including Holostars. What is really going to shock unicorns is when Tempus appears at the summer HoloEN concert.

>> No.66462392

They did, do your archive reps here

>> No.66462470

No shit. Assuming Cover will correct their mistakes is hilariously naive when they actively spite them every passing day Holostars exists.

>> No.66462536
File: 464 KB, 427x499, 1704518306218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is really going to shock unicorns is when Tempus appears at the summer HoloEN concert.
*blocks your path*

>> No.66462591

I kneel. CEO cannot come soon enough for the Jap Man Thing.

>> No.66462661

Homostars are the most spoiled people in Hololive now. The girls get shafted for them almost every day now. Being a Homo fan is living life on easy mode.

>> No.66462950

and? That's their reward for being able to join the brand

>> No.66462989

They don't belong in Hololive. Period.

>> No.66463052


>> No.66463106

how does it feel to know you're only experiencing a tiny fraction of the holo experience because your poor

>> No.66463157

Nigger I hate those fags, I'm not gonna waste my time searching for their garbage. Also only 2 of those are in 3D, one of them being obviously recorded but I don't know if the karaoke was live. In any way Cover has somewhat learned from the previous mistakes like no homos in the NY concert, hlztntl being silently dropped and the company wide overlap ban for special streams being lifted so I do expect them to not give all the show floor tours for the male failures. We unfortunately can't expect no homos at all during the Expo but as long as they give enough shit for the girls to not feel like they're trying to "force" people to watch the fags then they can keep giving crumbs to their minuscule audience, they're already on borrowed time anyway.

>> No.66463346
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>> No.66463507

>will give new outfits to all the talents including Holostars
>tempiss apeears at the summer HoloEN concert
Still trying, beggar? I remember when you subhumans kept spamming about "no EN3", "EN3 will be mixed" or "EN3 will be all homocollabers" only for none of it to be true and two of your favorite fags to end up graduated less than a month after Advent's debut. Or when you faggots were certain that the NY concert would have an even longer " muh unity" section only for the Hololive side to be completely homo free and almost reach 300k viewers while the homo side needed the girls to beat their previous concert. Maybe this time Cover will finally force the girls to perform with the homos because that's what everyone wants, amirite?

>> No.66463807

Do you guys get tired about bitching about the holosharts?

>> No.66463924

If there’s one silver lining to the ipo it’s that the shareholders aren’t happy with those waste of space. Now they get less merch, less screen time, they aren’t allowed at paid events, NY was actually separate, and it seems like their yearly concert was killed. Now they just have to kick them out of the expo. Maybe they’ll unseat that faggot yagoo as well

>> No.66464046

I don't understand why beggars think that suddenly everyone in Hololive loves the homos and that anyone who shit talks them are Nijifags. Go away beggar.

>> No.66464053

Nta but I remember someone posting homo silhouettes in the catalog. I didn’t watch the actual reveal though, don’t care about most of the members anymore, so I don’t know if it was true or shitposts

>> No.66464154

>Maybe they’ll unseat that faggot yagoo as well
homo saviorfagging aside. You don't want this. Remember one of those shareholders asking about private irl meetings with the talents, remember Yagoo giving him the japanese equivalent of
>go fuck yourself
You get some soulless suit in the position after Yagoo and runt holos are going to suffer along with the homos and who knows how they will respond to the next shareholder who wants a holotalent to play hostess for them.

>> No.66464369

No financial person would be happy with the Vtuber space from a financials point of view especially with the companies in the public market and with stocks. It's not a viable business to invest in and it's unstable as fuck and it seems like COVID was just a short term boost that didn't last. If they had not been more careful, Cover and Anycolor would've been sued like Nvidia when they weren't honest about crypto being a large part of their GPU sales and saying their increased sales were the new normal.

>> No.66464459

I haven't heard anything about new outfits and afaik those silhouettes were only for the promo art. Unfortunately it does feature the homos but I severely doubt Cover will pay for 87 new models.

Yagoo should remain but they need to severely reduce all the shilling for the homos. The hololive audience doesn't want to watch them, the non-Hololive audience doesn't want to watch them and even if they get the attention of tourists it's always temporary and they eventually go back to their shitty numbers after the tourists get tired of them. They can keep existing for all I care I just want Cover to stop giving so much unearned support for those fags.

>> No.66464525
File: 73 KB, 883x180, IMG_1872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 3/4 the image is holostars
> replies to poster ratio
OP really just so butthurt about dudes he created a thread to samefag over and over in

>> No.66464667

Sorry sis, but I’m tired of seeing the homos.

>> No.66464823

is this an AI made bait thread? whats even the relation between the picture and the absolute dogshit take?

>> No.66465070

It’s because it’s those faggot dramatubers

>> No.66465835

It's going to happen in April dude. Fagoo knows his time is running out due to Jap's strides. Maybe oust A-chan too and replace him with Jenma

>> No.66465879

Hololive and Nijisanji have made more money year over year so I wouldn’t call it unstable. Though I do agree it’s not a safe investment because both sides are fucking dumb. They were both given advice on how to help their company ironically it was be more like your competitor and they both chose to only half listen. If vtubing were to blow up and die it would be because of the attitude of holos, caused by yagoo as well as en, and Riku’s half luck half meritocratic system. Idk what caused the switch, I’m lying it was rushia termination, but fans have gone from put on pedestal to second class citizens with some of them taking pride in it.

>> No.66465914

Homos don't fucking belong in Hololive.
Simple as.

>> No.66466156

In what way Hololive can grow from being "more like Nijisanji" that isn't shoving male failure down the throat of an audience who is apathetic towards them at best? Is there anything else that they can learn from their main competitor?

>> No.66466701

You laugh but Nijisanji is actually the most valuable agency in the world right now. Hololive can easily unseat them if they actually fire Holostars and ditch the Japanese market for the global one after Fagoo gets ousted by Jap.

>> No.66466875

There was the rumor in the JP numbers thread a day or so ago that Cover wants back in China with a new gen and they are slowly edging their way back in because of this need for growth, and they'll be tightening up their policies and etc. worldwide to avoid another Coco issue. The money is too good to pass up in China especially with Bilibili having good infrastructure and features for livestreaming that makes it in some ways better to Youtube.

>> No.66466934

Just when my opinion of Cover can't get any fucking lower. EN needs to fucking break off Hololive already and succeed on its own.

>> No.66467120

Good luck convincing any English corporation to take them or for them to be successful on their own. Even regular old streaming talent companies like Mythic are running into issues and this is on VC funding which is supposed to support your growth. None of these companies are also on the stock market. Good luck convincing anyone that just HoloEN alone has the means to support themselves on their own.

>> No.66467132

Speak english

>> No.66467290

What ever Niji does, do the opposite.

>> No.66467316

What happened, OP? Scared that the rumors of Petra graduating are true?

>> No.66467320

If HoloEN and Phase Connect merged they would be the strongest agency in the world.

>> No.66467419

>fire the homos
That I agree with but the actual Anycolor approach would be downsizing their branch to the point the members themselves graduate which is sorta what Cover is doing right now.
>ditch the Japanese market
That's retarded. What Cover should do is increase their presence in other markets, not abandon the current ones. They had everything to completely dominate the EN side years ago but they decided to waste an entire fiscal year on the fucking homos and let nijiEN and Vshjojo have their moment in the spotlight. Thankfully it seems that with Jap taking helm of HoloEN (and HoloEN only) the branch won't go another near 2 year period without new debuts or barely anything special happening.

>rumor in the JP numbers thread
Anon that place is full or nijiniggers and beggars. They wouldn't think twice about trading HoloEN specifically (and keep homoEN) for a new CN branch. Also in the past year or so they've been doing multiple events in Taiwan so I don't know why the retards from that cesspool think Cover is going back to China.

>> No.66467436

The Chinese branch was the only branch that wasn't profitable (yes they were worse than the homos). There really isn't any money in mainland China.

>> No.66467560

There's zero profitability in the Japanese market, mate. They're undergoing a recession with no end and their current core is now finding more value in EN than JP due to JP making terrible business decisions and inviting homos more a lot more.

>> No.66467616

You’re telling me chinks actually prefer faggots than cute girls? Doubt it.

>> No.66467648

But they are mate. You just don't want to talk about it because they just recently put 4th Fes on Bilibili and got a lot of money from it.
The Chinese can give the JP the growth they lost last year but with the homos in tow even that may be hard.

>> No.66467798

Nigger just fucking stop with the JP vs EN faggotry that the JPfags started. The only thing Cover should get rid of are the fucking homos.

>they just recently put 4th Fes on Bilibili
You know that Taiwan also uses bilibli, right? And that the announcement specifically mentions Taipei, Taiwan's capital, right? Still mad that your shitty circle jerk got archived multiple times without reaching the bump limit?

>> No.66467947

JP shot themselves in the foot with HLZNTL and ReFLOP and their numbers on all fronts are reclining hard. Conversely EN is the one that's making profits due to staying true to CGDCT and GFE and it's because they don't have the homo problem anymore.

>> No.66468066

The niji talents I liked either graduated or are graduating.

That said I find it hilarious that holobrony tribalfagging has reached such a fever pitch that it's impossible to discuss Hololive in the catalog.

>> No.66468171

NTA but Taiwan doesn't use B2 they use KKTIX

>> No.66468238

At least ENChads know Hololive is run by people who treat their fans like second class citizens. Phase Connect is better regardless and I want HoloEN to merge already.

>> No.66468255

Bilibili is owned by a mainland company, so that doesn't really matter. The website also serves SEA too. And mentioning Taiwan and Taipei alone isn't enough to rile people, you need to mention them as a separate entity or imply that is the case to actually have an issue. If you don't do that, you can rake in the money and have no problems which is what happened with 4th Fes. Why would it still be online on the website if they had broken any rules or gotten in trouble with the CCP?

>> No.66469266

>EN, their only profitable branch at this moment.

>> No.66472912


>> No.66476086

They wanted hololive to do more paid content (done), more cheap merch where they get the bigger share (done), focus on the expensive members (done), and I forgot the last one but it was out of pocket (currently no). They wanted niji to be more personable, do more events, and have more variety in what they do (done).

>> No.66478309

Stop listening to schizos. You either watch both or one. Nobody is stalking the other company to anti them those are regular antis

>> No.66479458

kiara will save hololive, right kfp bro?

>> No.66484041

more merch opportunities is one of the reasons to become a vtuber.

>> No.66485670

>in hololive
>posts fags

>> No.66486219

advent made it all feel soulless by pandering the tiktok crowd

>> No.66490070

>EN makes more money than JP
what bizarro thread did I walk into

>> No.66490543

Any time I see a take that's the equivalent of "why do the guys get so much shit compared to the girls" I feel like I'm trapped in bizzaro land. Last year was absolute hell for them, in what universe do the boys get anything that the girls don't already have and 4x better?

>> No.66490814

i swear tempus's two debuts mindbroke some folks. the advertising campaign for both gens was the most half-baked slop that kept pissing actual Stars fans off, but because there were at least "attempts" that a Hololive fan could be exposed to, like a RT on twitter, people acted like Stars is actively taking money out of the girls' wallets and singlehandely delayed EN3 themselves.

>> No.66490917

Fuwamoco literally only pay attention to their paypigs

>> No.66491064

>sisters larping as unicorns to shit on hololive
not now, sis

>> No.66491238

>and singlehandely delayed EN3 themselves
The homos didn't do shit but it's stupidly obvious that Cover delayed EN3 in favor of the male failures because they were scared that Anycolor and NijiEN would take over the western side with Luxiem. Not only that didn't happen at all nijiEN's own male members are now barely more popular than the homos and Advent proved that the absolute majority of people were more interested in new girls than 8 faggots in 6 months which should've been obvious but for some reason this is a fact that continues to elude Cover.

Nigger that announcement happened almost 6 hours after this thread was made. Stop acting like the only people shitting on the homos are nijiniggers trying to deflect, the homos and their fans also deserve the same fate.

>> No.66491492

Holostars EN doesn't share direct management with Hololive EN, aside from the staff above StarsEN's branch director and LiveEN's branch director. The people pitching, interviewing, selecting, training, and managing the girls are not the same as the boys. Kiara has gone on record to say that Hololive EN team needed to expand/restructure its staffing before they were comfortable expanding to a third gen. That's literally it.

>> No.66492451

troon thread.

>> No.66492512

>Holostars EN doesn't share direct management with Hololive EN
That's only true now, they definitely shared the same branch heard back during the Omega era otherwise it doesn't make any sense why he was part of tempiss' pre-debut comic. And before you bring up what the purple faggot said about him not being their manager Omega was never a manager but the project director of HoloEN and more than likely HoloProEN (gross) as a whole.
Oh, you're one of those.
>Kiara has gone on record to say that the team needed to expand and restructure
Cover put up job listings for English speakers that had experience with products aimed at women in early 2022. They spend the first 3 quarters of FY 2023 focusing exclusive on homoEN and that only changed when Jap took control of HoloEN at the end of the third quarter of that fiscal year. The time they wasted trying to promote that failure of a branch could've been put in doing said expansion and restructuring on what should've been their main and only focus in the west but instead they gambled on the idea that western audience would be more receptive of male vtuber under the Holo brand after looking at Luxiem's "success" that was almost exclusively made up of support from Chinese fans that threw them away after a few months. So no, that's literally not it and don't try to justify the near 2 years waiting time for EN3 with bullshit especially after homoEN got 12 debuts in 16 months, almost at the same pace that HoloEN got during it's first two years and way faster than HoloID which is a much older branch and has been waiting for their 4th gen for almost an entire year by now.

>> No.66493682

Minus the "cheap chinese shit" I get the feeling
It felt a lot more personal back in 2020

>> No.66493973

I agree but I don’t think it’s anything to do with merch. It still felt pretty personal in 2022 the difference I found was the talents themselves. Like 60% or so act different than they used to. I used to not understand how people could only support one talent but now I get it

>> No.66494047

Jap “took over” in December 2022 he was still on board with their bs because Yagoo was. The ones that started the change was the investors complaining

>> No.66494099

>99 posts
>35 posters
yup, it's one nijigger trooning out

>> No.66494221

Investors started complaining in early 2023, a few months after Jap took over and when they were already looking for EN3 and I sure hope you're not retarded enough to think Advent was finalized in a few months before their debut. Who knows when they separated the branches properly but I doubt he was in control of homoEN when the two retards got the boot or left or whatever.

I'm tired of saying this but no one is interested in your shitty brand of tribalism, you subhuman. The homos are just as bad as niji and the fanbases pretty much overlap each other, especially regarding how utterly retarded both are.

>> No.66494288

>but no one is interested in your shitty brand of tribalism, you subhuman. The homos are just as bad as niji and the fanbases pretty much overlap each other
the complete and utter unironic lack of self-awareness in this post, kek

>> No.66494504

>You’re telling me chinks actually prefer faggots than cute girls? Doubt it.
Yes, just look at the top gacha games in china, full of homo slop characters.

>> No.66495574

>Doesn't feel like I'm supporting people anymore in hololive, just characters that sell cheap chinese shit at a premium price.
That's been the case since day 1. As long as Hololive owns the IP of the characters, they exist just to sell merch to gullible neets. It's like simping to the guy walking around with a Mickey Mouse outfit at Disneyland.

>> No.66495683

So why not just make an anti-Stars general at this point?

>> No.66495824

Seethe and moan all you want faggots, hololive is still popular and hololive will continue to be popular. Unicorns, nijifags, and holo-antis will not matter and will never matter in the grand scheme of things.

Cope and seethe. This is a holoboard.

>> No.66497176

>Why don't you say I'm a mighty unicorn, but my oshi dgaf about my kind with no stream.
Simple as that, if your oshi care about you, you will never have that feelings.

>> No.66497837

you can’t even speak english. what makes you think anyone would be interested in your opinion on an english discussion about english-speaking vtubers? go back to your facebook group you retarded piece of shit flip

>> No.66498552

>And they will become insolvent fast if they keep pumping out homos against EN, their only profitable branch at this moment.
Nijinig/phasecuck forgetting to update their script, again huh.
