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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66444000 No.66444000 [Reply] [Original]

why do they get all the attention and the spotlight from all the JP members? miko, pekora, subaru, koyori, matsuri, towa, fubuki, okayu, mio, ayame and MARINE NOW?? its unfair and my cute rat girl deserves some too

>> No.66444042

I want to stick my dick on the side of Fuwawa's new year outfit

>> No.66444150

Bae has to work harder then

>> No.66444296

Jps love kayfabe, the other girls are normal streamers doing a funny voice some not even that

>> No.66444376

Rats aren't cute, anon. Simple as.
Should've picked a better animal.

>> No.66444566

they are getting better numbers

>> No.66444572

Bijou gets ton of spotlight from JP too

>> No.66444641

>why do the only japanese fluent members get all the attention from japanese members
gee, i wonder why

>> No.66444823

Your cute rat girl ruined her reputation on the JP side when she did that genital jousting stream

>> No.66444889

Somewhat off-topic, but i think the fact that she’s a rat is a bit of a turnoff for some english fans, rats in america are fucking gross. In japanc rats and mice are sort of interchangeable, but that is not the case in america. I think her being called a mouse would actually make a slight difference in how EN fans react to bae

>> No.66444964

Unironically this

>> No.66445004

isnt the rat just associated with every culture as gross and vermin? Eu literally lost to a rat and caused the black plague

>> No.66445050

Rats are thr harbingers of disease and pestilence so the aversion is deep rootes. Canids on the otherhand have a long history of existing in symbiosis with humans so doesn't trigger the same response. Doggos are also furry and fluffy with expressive eyes, those help a lot too.

>> No.66445069

They should be ashamed to associate themselves with these teletubbies looking whores.

>> No.66445071

>speak japanese
>cute girls
>get better numbers
most of the JPs like Gura too.

>> No.66445075

To give you a real answer, its because they have a unique gimmick that makes them stand out, combined with their fluent JP making them very approachable to JP senpai.

>> No.66445215

>muh rat is what is causing bae to be a runt
its literally the fag enabling. the primary viewers of vtubing and hololive in general are single men and they are always going to prefer the cute girls who don't collab with men. If they weren't specifically looking for this type of content they would be watching flesh tubers instead

>> No.66445260

yeah, but on the other hand, why so few HoloEN senpais are reaching out to them? It is always either group collab or Mori
Are they feeling uncomfortable in front of hard-working dogs?

>> No.66445410

They’re new and cute it’s not that deep.

>> No.66445436

Hey nice non sequitur there anon, why don't you also go into some numberfagging

>> No.66445557

HoloEN doesn't reach out to anyone, period, with people like Mori and Kiara being the exception rather than the rule.

>> No.66445578

>fuwamoco cute
>bae not as cute

simple as

>> No.66445587

Hi anon, you quoted me twice.
Single man here, 2 years from (semi-)wizard status. I can definitely say I could not give 2 shits about homo collabs. If she wants to collab with homos I don't care. I will not watch her because she does not have canid ears. Rats aren't cute. Simple as.

>> No.66445651

This thread is also possibly bait as Bae has done a fuckton of shit with her JP senpai while she was in Japan, including going bungee jumping with Polka.

>> No.66445707

you are literally blaming her theme of being a rat for her being unpopular, ypu south east asian

>> No.66445757

sure thing there, cocklover

>> No.66445858

>teletubbies looking whores
I thought it was the content and way they talk to viewers that was teletubbies. You're fucking up the script. Go back to discord and don't shitpost until you get it right

>> No.66445887

Sorry anon, I'm not mentally ill like you.

>> No.66445956

now you're gonna explain Ayame, La+, festival and the other JP homos, right?

>> No.66445959

Dogs > Rats
Not that hard

>> No.66445982

They don’t like to hear it. Also Bae’s voice isn’t cute no matter how much brats like it. Gura, FuwaMoco and now Bijou are getting constant gaining because well they don’t understand English and they just go by cute.

Also brats should be satisfied with their oshi collabing with JP girls the most since she is the least shy one about asking for anything

>> No.66446052

Mococo > Bae >> Fuwawa if we're talking about cuteness.

>> No.66446112

>American hate mice and rats
>that’s why she isn’t popular
Literally Mickey, Stewart little, Tom, Etc. Our cartoons always filled with mice and rat characters and no one ever thinks “omg gross”

>> No.66446119

>all the attention from all the JP members
A slight exaggeration, but they do seem to get more attention than most other ENs, likely because they know JP, have pronounced kayfabe and are quite cute.

>> No.66446180

...anon, those are literally all mice. You just proved his point.

>> No.66446379

La+ is hated by the jp fans

>> No.66446441

sure thing there, cocklover. did you jerk off to cock today?

>> No.66446509

I'm sure a big part is they also get clipped a lot and the girls usually don't watch each others streams, but generally do watch clips. Bae had such a hard time getting clipped she had to hire sana's clipper and also started putting out shorts

>> No.66446557

fuwamoco is not significantly more popular than Bae just based on the fact they are dogs and she is a rat alone

>> No.66446572

you know they are still rookies from a new gen. newcomers get attention from people at least for a year like holox.
bae isnt a rookie anymore but shes now appeared more than ever on the official channel with jp holomems.

>> No.66446613

Bae's voice is fine. she dropped the rat shit a while ago.

>> No.66446846

Holy projection. Keep it in your pants, fag.

>> No.66446935

Just post both your cocks and pretend to not get turned on while jerking together.

>> No.66447001

Australian accent is a debuff

>> No.66447024

You go first

>> No.66447398

I'm not the one here who is talking about how much he loves male collabs. you are, you fucking faggot

>> No.66447460

explain haachama?
if Bae didn't collab with males she would be getting the same views as mumei

>> No.66447477

Oh look hes ban evading again and trying to force a nonexistant holo v holo fanbase war while Bae is on break
Mods you missed a thread

>> No.66447810

>holo vs holo deflecting dokibird APEX gaming

>> No.66447839

Hello? Retard-kun? Anyone home in that empty skull of yours?
You are literally the only, and first, person who brought up males. The only one who can't keep cock out of his mind is you. Just go suck a dick or something already, it'll probably help solve the sexual frustration your posts are dripping with.

>> No.66447906

Dont engage with the cock obsessed monkey and let him talk to himself
This is his new spam since Kiara doesnt work anymore

>> No.66447953

Because they are absolute kayfabe pros.

>> No.66447968

Are you retarded, pekora literally collabed with bae less than a month ago, they even released a fucking song together

>> No.66448032

Haachama is so far removed from the aussie accent now anon. She might as well speak her own language.

>> No.66448044

JP pays attention to all their kouhai you need to make sure to maintain their attention

>> No.66448151

This board needs falseflag education
If it looks like it was written by a fucking retard who uses the title bar of all things, its a third world ban evading retard

>> No.66448195 [DELETED] 

you literally said you love male collabs. keep jerking that dick to cuckporn, faggot

>> No.66448198

Nah I appreciate anons who use the subject field, since that's where 99% of my filters are focused

>> No.66448314

You have super autism and are illiterate.
>I can definitely say I could not give 2 shits about homo collabs.
There I posted it for you to read again. Let me know if you need help with the English, crayon-eater-kun.

>> No.66448397

Stop giving the subhuman a reason to respond

>> No.66448488

Fair enough, it's derailing the thread anyway.

Since I assume that anon will reply below this at some point, just go suck a dick anon. It's okay to be gay, I'm sure you and your future boyfriend will be happy one day. I wish you two the best of luck.

>> No.66448583

yeah, you fucking love male vtubers because you jerk off to them, you fucking faggot

>> No.66448874
File: 283 KB, 1280x2048, twitter_rinyahn ✨COMMISSION closed ✨(@ri_nyahn)_20240110-174140_1745138852476395777_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dogs make my pp hard
rats don't
simple as

>> No.66449016

I think two main reasons
JP girls appreciate hard work, at leats most girls, they can see Fuwamoco are here for the long run, they can be trusted, somehow you know you know they won't stop streaming only because they're tired or depressed, you can see their motivatiom and JP girls recognize that
The second and most obvious reason is; they speak japanese and are huge fans of the jp branch, it's easier to collab with them because there's no language barrier

>> No.66449043

I'm confused, Bae does get attention from JP like Roberu and maybe even more JP stars in the future it seems.

>> No.66449128

Marine already did a good collab with bae th, most JP girls already gave bae a chance and I think so far she's doing fine

>> No.66449175
File: 3 KB, 360x334, 1673839394266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys Im totally a Bae fan, trust me.

>> No.66449313

Anon meant holoJP not STARS JP.
But, you knew that, and are just falseflagging.

>> No.66449326

Retarded thread for retards whove never used 4chan

>> No.66450999

only actual homosexuals watch stars
is that why it is full of south east asians who like homo collabs?

>> No.66451351

Smallest goes first

>> No.66451650

>is that why it is full of south east asians who like homo collabs?
Nah it's mostly unicorns who don't know how to read here

>> No.66454110

>muh rat is what is causing bae to be a runt
Fauna is the runt though.

>> No.66454221

fauna gets way more ccv than bae. bae has a bunch of dead subs like mori.

>> No.66455372

nothing bae does will ever have the cuteness appeal to the jps like bau bau does, and fuwamoco also have a more traditionally cute voice to the japanese

>> No.66457315

They are true idols, not homocollabers.

>> No.66460662

They speak Japanese

Same reason the JPs pay more attention to Kiara, Bae and IRyS

>> No.66460811

extremely organic page 10 gaps between posts

>> No.66465149

