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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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6637383 No.6637383 [Reply] [Original]

I'm relatively new to watching vtubers. I often hear how much Cover is restrictive towards their talents. (Part of why Coco left). What exactly are they blocking them from doing?

>> No.6637441

All you will get is hearsay and bs.

>> No.6637446

Going international. They're getting sponsorships here and there and they had let go of their chinese branch due to unruly antis and Bili propaganda against them that ran for months. They're making the most out of it at the cost of rejecting (allegedly) a lot of their talents' personal ideas, shows, and projects.

>> No.6637454

Having sex

>> No.6637545


>> No.6637552

What cover does the most is to keep the holos and homos from being vulgar. And ensure they don't use unlicensed copyrighted material in their streams
>Source I used my eyes to look my ass

>> No.6637613

Just watch streams, or even clips.
At least a third of them have mentioned having stream, merch, or other ideas shot down by management for the sake of "image"

>> No.6637648


>> No.6637666

New to vtubers and speaking against Cover? Choose your name :
Twitch whore enjoyer

>> No.6637715

Nothing, Coco was bullied out by Chinese executives in Cover. Cover is the greatest vtuber agency and gives their talents unlimited agency in pursuing the route the be the idol that they want to be. COVER LOVE, COCO LOVE, CHINA HATE

>> No.6637956
File: 75 KB, 1067x145, SmartSelect_20210716-101033_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blocking them from becoming retarded faceposting blue-hairs like Coco is now

>> No.6637994


>> No.6638026

Bringing the combined autism of every Chinese nationalist down on Hololive’s heads.

>> No.6638096

Bugs are annoying but its JP schizos who is more dangerous.

>> No.6638206

Nigga, you do know she's been a cosplayer while vtubing right? She's literally on TV in Japan all the while she was doing her other thing. Cover lets you keep your previous roles, hence why we still have 2 of them being ASMR whores and selling Lewds.

>> No.6638405

Coco, Matsuri, Choco, Mel, Azki, Nene, Shion and Noel are active in their alts. Which means they earn money there too. Towa, Polka and Kanata have released content in their alts but not regularly. Just spur of the moment thing.

>> No.6638488

There was a content apocalypse on youtube that wiped out many of the girls vods some time ago, since then they ask for permission for EVERYTHING so it doesn't happen again, to this day they still fight to recover some lost vods.

Collabs: If you hear the usual Cover is such cowards for not collabing with Melody from Vshojo I can give you two answers.

1- Only Coco was friends with Melody at the time so non of the JP girls knew or cared who she was.

2- Melody was in the center of a movement on chaturbate that wanted her out of the site for ''stealing'' their simps, they even called anyone who watched Melody a mysoginist... even tho they are literally objectifying themselves to men in the first place.

Mori Calliope couldn't collab with her indie friends or Moistcritikal, the reasons are mostly unknown since the usual ''Cover doesn't want to ruin the seiso image of hologirls'' is thrown out of the window since they collab with Nijisanji, those girls make Vshojo look like virgins. They are opening up to collabs now that we had a collab with Ironmouse and Nyanners.

Kyriu Coco: While legendary she walked just on the edge of the rules, which made her one of the pillars of Hololive, but after theTaiwan incident, in which China lost their mind just because Coco said Taiwan, she was given sort of a soft ban (not confirmed, but highly speculated) on collabs and Holo no graffiti, her Asacoco show was banned and she was mostly alone for a while. Management was the issue on this stuff, Coco stated, after saying she was gonna leave hololive, that they were on her case way too much, if she had an idea the management instantly went: ''you doing this? that will lead to this? if so then don't, that's banned'' She finally had enough and left even if all the hologirls told her to stay.

Males: The vocal minority don't want them playing with males for some reason, calling the fans of any hologirl who collab with men a cuck as if the fans were dating the talent. Many of the high superchatters are from this minority so the talents mostly comply when they cry when they collab with a male.

Yagoo: CEO of cover, even Coco herself admitted that problem was management, not Yagoo, he is so liked that even the girls invited him to a Hololive office party in which he declined because he was too famous and people recognized him too much so he didn't want to expose the girls's safety.

>> No.6638575


>> No.6638865

>stabbed 60 times

Stfu cuck piece of shit.
Go watch some blacked. I bet you love it.

>> No.6639041

>What exactly are they blocking them from doing?
Using XXL dildos. Cover only lets them go up to XL.

>> No.6639085

Playing the funny penis/pussy dice game.

>> No.6639318
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Cover corp is run like a Japanese tech company, and the Hololive Project (Hololive, Holostars, HoloID, and HoloEN) is run like an Idol Group talent agency.
They're keyed into those cultures more so than they are streaming talent agencies or small business groups. They're trying to keep an illusion of professionalism and not have the talent step too far outside of what Japanese idol fans will tolerate.

>> No.6639438

>In 2017, animation director Yutaka Yamamoto condemned Iwazaki on his blog, but he also believed Tomita was at fault for rejecting his gifts and should have been prepared to fight back.[26] After receiving backlash for his comments, Yamamoto responded to the criticism by mentioning there was a double standard in the public, where they would care more about a "cute idol" than a "dirty middle-aged man."[27]
Wait, Yamakan is actually that based?

>> No.6639639

oh right, we are dealing people who actually THINK that they can marry their favorite streamer.

>> No.6639926

Fuck you and fuck this lazy faggot. He deserved to get fired

>> No.6640207

Victim blaming at one of its finest.
"Double standard'? This guy needs meds of the highest concentration for that statement.

>> No.6640709

>Cover is restrictive towards their talents
What we know no rrats
>Pekora had a project it was axed pekora threw a trantum and didnt stream for a week
>Marine complained she had a project axed too
>Haachama went to hiatus after the new rules, she couldnt finish her schizo arc ay the time
>Calli complained about outside hololive collab restrictions same as Kiara
>Coco was forbidden to do asacoco

>> No.6640802

I wonder if any of them have treatened to leave.

>> No.6640938 [DELETED] 

From pissing off idol fans...you don't want to piss off idol fans. Of course this is strictly on the jp side. As of late then EN been way more relaxed since coco. E celebs collabs, men collabs, Chess tournaments and card game tournaments

>> No.6641045

Kanata project was axed after one episode

>> No.6641068

His statement is fucking retarded. Only the double standard mention has any worth.

>> No.6641568


korone talk about retirement because something sad happend (she didnt say what)

>> No.6641586

The timing made it clear as fucking day it had to do with when she broke her wrist.

>> No.6642791

>is thrown out of the window since they collab with Nijisanji, those girls make Vshojo look like virgins
You literally could have made a point without being a fucking retarded child and state this. No, none of the Nijisanji girls are anywhere near as bad as a group BUILT ON BEING DEGENERATES. Your post was so good until you decided to be a retard.

>> No.6643018

why would they leave
they're almost all (particularly in hololive) failed idols/nnd whores/other type of streamers that couldn't actually make it and got a lucky break through corona

>> No.6643092

>they're almost all (particularly in hololive) failed idols/nnd whores/other type of streamers that couldn't actually make it and got a lucky break through corona
All of them were (and still are) extremely successful in what they did before and during hololive. Stop being a clip watching faggot.

>> No.6643102

I'll add to this decent summary by saying we don't know how many of these cases are "Hololive" rejecting stuff and how many are due to the lower level managers that work with talents directly having their own influence (but not necessarily it being a policy across the company). You get the impression from a lot of what they say on stream that the managers have a lot of input into the talent's "image control" and it's possible some of the restrictiveness isn't global to the company, though they remain responsible.

>> No.6643142

That was clearly real life stuff, and it was a throwaway "maybe I can't go on..." not serious "talking about retirement"

>> No.6643275

anon, you don't have to defend their imaginary honor. most of them were in fact, not "extremely succesful".
in fact quite a few of the later gens members only got in through nepotism.

>> No.6643545

Add to this that Cover didn't let Coco appoint her own mods after they made Zhangs mod so she had to fix it all herself.

>> No.6643846
File: 1.86 MB, 1144x1042, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't let Coco do Asacoco and collabs with EN.


>> No.6646705

It true. I got banned by Zhang. I sent my info to Cover . They did not anything. Coco must fix by herself.

>> No.6647847


what's that, her news thing?

>> No.6648216

holy fucking shit how did she survive that

>> No.6648236 [DELETED] 

collabing with their boyfriends on stream

>> No.6648629

I'm pretty sure it's more than just a vocal minority

>> No.6648949

>Swimsuit streams banned
>NKODICE banned
>Majority of ASMR now limited to mengen only
>Matsuri scolded by management for hitting her desk
>Asacoco banned
>Coco banned from collabing with EN for months
>Dark jokes banned
>Vshojo collabs banned
>Gura terrified to swear
>Mentions of loli or shota becoming increasingly less over the past year, Choco fretting about the kaigainiki audience after she mentions shota on stream
>Coco graduating because of having felt dejected by management rejecting her ideas
A lot of these things have since been revised or removed entirely but this is what we know for a fact has taken place. The truth is Cover has a lot of arbitrary rules and restrictions that they add and remove at any time for some odd reason that companies like Nijisanji don't. That'll make me sound like a Nijinigger but it's the truth.

>> No.6649621

>A loss for everyone, but it was confirmed Youtube gave them the ban hammer for that
>Youtube again, Cover made so much profit for the ASMR they didn't care.
>I don't know about that one, is it more recent thant this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey5imr88v9c

>Anti chink measurement, sad it was gone yeah.
>That would be Youtube again
>Source? your ass? pretty much. Read >>6638488 that guy summarized most of the stuff.
>There would be a 50/50 management and herself, remember she wants to leave her past behind, that includes the excessive alcohol and swearing
>Twitter faggots thinks is real pedophilia, one idiot even tried to cancel Matsuri over this.
>This is 100% truth, she even said that in her members stream.

>> No.6649748

>Gura terrified to swear

Not to burst your bubble but this is BS. HoloEN girls like Kiara and Calli swear often, and Gura also swears but in usually in falsetto when she panics. It's more of a recommendation and personal decision, on how classy and respectable they should be in public. When Gura roleplays Scout for instance she has no trouble swearing like a sailor.

>> No.6649932

The loli moral panic has gotten so bad that you're basically fucked if you like any tits smaller than, like, a C-cup. All the DFC threads on /e/ are 25% pictures and 75% hand wringing over the characters' ages/eye sizes/height/personality/some other arbitrary thing that wouldn't matter if her tits were huge.

>> No.6650171

>Source? your ass? pretty much
It was well known that the ENs were encouraged against so much as speaking about Coco, let alone collabing with her. Why do you think they only collabed in her last month? The whole "YouTube is to blame" thing also doesn't hold so much water when Nijisanji is making 3D loli swimsuit whipping streams.

>> No.6650614

My bad anon, forgot my reading reps, the answers are not aligned with the other greentext I blame my ass for that, the EN collab ban indeed was Cover stuff. That response was for the Vshojo ban collab. And the why Nijisanji seems to do whatever teh fuckthey want and not Holo, still amazes me, the girls stated that Youtube didn't like the swimsuit streams, subaru said herself she misses them, same with the ASMR choco's outfit, etc. So I really have a hard time believing Cover cut something that gave them so much profit in the first place willingly, but then again, Coco stuff happened.

>> No.6651090

Oh, if you're wondering about the Vshojo collab ban that was confirmed when Coco said that she shouldn't collab with Melody due to her activities outside vtubing. I can't find a clip of this specifically but you can find Coco talking about being friends with Melody if you look, and if you do your archive reps you should find confirmation of the ban. The Vshojo collab permissions are a very recent thing that Kiara had to beg to get seeing as Veibae was her friend.
>I got permission to collab with two girls
>Even though before I thought it was impossible...

>> No.6651152


>> No.6655895

managers don't really make decisions but are the ones held responsible when something goes wrong so they would rather have talents play it safe

My rrat is that this holo EN Producer was jealous of Coco because people credited her with creating Holo EN branch more or less, something that she denied but still his ego might have suffered and he was alluding to graduation in that interview.

>> No.6656007

>including calling fans of anime "[mentally] disabled"

>> No.6656048

weak jap males, anyway I don't see why people obsess over this one incident, reminds me of George Floyd mealtdown honestly 4chan should know better.

>> No.6656107

There are only two main restrictions cover places on their talents.
One is they need permission to play anything and that seriously ruins the potential for random games. But overall once they go through the process to clear a game they can play it as much as they want.

The other is a restriction on who they can collab, this applies to new members and their collab ban period as well as collabs with members outside hololive who need to be cleared too.

Neither of those limitations is a big deal and clearly cover is doing great with them.

>> No.6656123

So true

>> No.6656151

>>Victim blaming
Back to discord with you, tranny

>> No.6656207

Victims are always partly responsible for what happens.

>> No.6656356

You need to go back

>> No.6656406

Anon "Vshojo" wasn't even a thing back when Coco wanted that Melody collab so it's kind of irrelevant and I suspect her ongoing drama with Digitrev might also play a role behind the scenes, Cover would not risk angering riggers, 3D/2D artists etc. especially back when they weren't really that famous.

>> No.6656494

>There are only two main restrictions cover places on their talents.
One is they need permission to play anything and that seriously ruins the potential for random games. But overall once they go through the process to clear a game they can play it as much as they want.

That's not a Cover thing, any Japanese company have to ask for permissions, Hololive played with fire by ignoring it until last summer, Holocaust is the result.

>> No.6656585
File: 276 KB, 426x325, 1528767200780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone's Spider-Man playthrough will forever be locked away

>> No.6656761

Can you provide mel's alt account?
Couldn't find it on my own.

>> No.6656809

japs did not riot and loot like you niggers do

>> No.6656905

trade with Shion, Nene and Choco?

>> No.6659479

didn't know so many have alts
