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662602 No.662602 [Reply] [Original]

Any info on how Ollie died? From the stitches, I think she was dismembered after being raped in a back alley.

>> No.662633

She has a fucking sword impaled in her head you know?

>> No.662639

What is it with you people and your obsession with rape?

>> No.662724

Why was she killed?

>> No.662739

No one would willingly sleep with them so they have to take the power back and have them be unwilling by their control

>> No.662760

is that a can opener as an earing

>> No.662783

these posters smell like vinegar

>> No.662795

she was kill for the crime of being indonesian

>> No.662819

Fair enough, though I highly doubt the emaciated (or corpulent) bodies of these faggots could overpower even the smallest of women.

>> No.662897

Reine fucking impaled Ollie!

>> No.662934

The sword is through her hair. Not skull. She has a lot of hair, look at her art from the side.

>> No.663123 [DELETED] 

its funny

>> No.663143

What I want to know is why her footware is different and why she has soda can tabs as earrings.

>> No.663161

Stabbed by Anya when she was a weapon.

>> No.663162

Spotted the femanon. It's just a taboo that gets people hard. Don't feel threatened.

>> No.663238

>Spotted the femanon
You realize rape is one of the most common fetishes for women right? Much more likely to be a man who's uncomfortable from weird guilt than a woman who doesn't get the fetish.

>> No.663281


>> No.663292

Explain why the front of her dress is torn open then anon, if that bow wasn't there we'd see her nips.

>> No.663313

im a retard, meant to click on >>662639

>> No.663362

Should she get her living version as an alt costume?

>> No.663363

It's a social construct.

>> No.663364

People want to fuck the reanimated corpse of an underage girl and rape is the odd part to you?

Anyway, I want to be the one who killed Ollie and then have her track me down and forcefully ride me until I die from exhaustion and/or dehydration.

>> No.663414

>Much more likely to be a man who's uncomfortable from weird guilt
Maybe men who are secretly faggots. Not real men.

>> No.663466

that would be cursed

>> No.663524

Fuck, I never thought about that. I thought OP was just being kind of edgy but I won't be able to get it out of my head now.
A lot of faggots get rape fetishes too. A boring straight guy who takes protecting fictional women too seriously is most likely

>> No.663632

Given that she's indonesian, probably lopped up for the organ trading market.

>> No.663657

strangely plausible

>> No.663744

I want a zombie pirate costume
I really love it when alt outfits are equally or more wacky than the original

>> No.664288

I imagine that she died in her house, which is why her family sold it (too many bad memories), and it eventually became a ramen shop. Considering how hyperactive and emotional she is, I'd assume that she committed suicide, she has bandages all over her left arm, which might imply that she slit her wrists.
Why would she be buried in a torn dress? It just degraded over time, I assume a few generations or so.

>> No.664360

What a thoughtful line of thought.
But was Ollie even thinking about her lore at all in those terms?
I'm thinking she just left it open to interpretation mostly.

>> No.664490

Does anyone else feel like Ollie's design is too inhuman for Hololive compared to the other girls? It's kind of out of place to have a fucking zombie with grey skin and stitches and all amongst JKs and animal girls.

>> No.664516
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I'm pretty sure she doesn't remember how she died, she just woke up in a coffin one day. The questions I have are
>Why did she wake up?
>Why is she stitched up like Frankenstein's monster? Is it just symbolism, or not?
>Where did her family go?
>Why doesn't she remember anything?
And then there's one more curious thing - she was not actually surprised that she was dead, but rather that she woke up from being dead.

>> No.664522
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But they already had an inhuman character. Aki ((((Rosenthal))) is a jew.

>> No.664547

That's what makes her interesting. Ollie is the most visually-distinct Holo.

>> No.664569

She does but I love her design and hope it sets a new trend of more experimental and wild designs. Anya looks different from the others too just from the art style.

>> No.664613

My headcanon is that the sword is some magic bullshit and the stitches are because she had to get frankensteined to allow that bullshit to bring her back.
Ollie's unnatural hyperness is a side effect from being basically many people in one and eventually she'll suffer a Haatochama-like breakdown with all personalities clashing with each other.

>> No.664741

That doesn't explain why she was in a coffin six feet underground. She would've woken up in a lab, not in a cemetery.

>> No.664790

Cover says Undead Rights

>> No.664840

Pretty sure it's just Marine but undead version

>> No.664856

uncalled for

>> No.665059
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>>Why doesn't she remember anything?
If my suicide headcanon is true, maybe her mind simply blocked off that memory as too painful.
>Why did she wake up?
Maybe one of her relatives was so stricken with grief that they tried the occult shit to resurrect her. It actually worked, but very slowly.
>Why is she stitched up like Frankenstein's monster?
We don't know what Ollie looked like fresh from the grave. Perhaps when she decided to become an idol, she realized that chunks of her flesh have rotted away, and that's not very pleasant to look at, so she cut pieces of skin from other corpses and stapled them to herself, to be that much more presentable. That's why she literally doesn't have breasts.
>Where did her family go?
Probably left the town ages ago.

>> No.665283


Nah that's just Yagoo having good taste. He named her after Rosenthal from LOGH because he's an LOGH nerd.
Aki is way too wholesome, kind and cute to be a Jew anyway /pol/-kun. Just don't tell Pelinal about this.

>> No.665427 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.26 MB, 1812x1812, 1613522015903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ollie was Amy when she was alive

>> No.665533

Magic bullshit.

>> No.666239

Kinda, but Ollies design is also really fucking great so I dont mind.

>> No.666915

>2/3 of women have rape fantasies
The better question is what is with women's obsession with rape?

>> No.668251

>He named her after Rosenthal from LOGH because he's an LOGH nerd.
You’re talking about the guy voiced by Wakamoto, right? That was Reuenthal.

>> No.669567
File: 893 KB, 1280x720, gjbu kirara picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware the "Moe Jew".

>> No.669612

I liked Ollie's Calliope impression, she did a great job getting her unique inflection right.

>> No.673324
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>> No.673466
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>> No.673727

Aki is from a different world, no way she can be Jewish. I don't think there are any jewish holos actually.

>> No.677314

has she done anything RPG maker related since her debut/first week

>> No.677531

i kind of really2 want it, maybe for halloween?

>> No.677580

I really hope she has a "living" outfit she uses someday

>> No.677776

>has she done anything RPG maker related since her debut/first week
Yes, she played a RPG maker game at least once.

>> No.678132

she died from holding in her farts, which is why she constantly farts on stream now

>> No.678553

car crash.

>> No.678620

Lost a fight with lawnmower

>> No.678874

Ollie was actually worried about this before her debut.

>> No.678933

why does every Vtubers' "real" deeper voice sound so hot?

>> No.687426

her being a zombie is 99% of why her design is so hot

>> No.687693
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>> No.688888

In an uncertain market, Zombcoin is the only smart investment.

>> No.689584

Based and checked.

>> No.693724
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>> No.698033

>undeath turns you indonesian
how terrible

>> No.705374
File: 709 KB, 1185x573, jasmine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ollie, I love her energy. I want to scramble her eggs

>> No.708465

she screamed too much so her village had to put her down

>> No.714851

Was Ollie an idol before death?

>> No.715045

Quints of truth?

>> No.716954

T-posing in life and undeath. What a legend.

>> No.717054

>why her footware is different
because her FEET are different
