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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 898 KB, 1143x907, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
66169981 No.66169981 [Reply] [Original]

GlaceRenard Editione
>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, but I fear getting crabbed or not getting real feedback, should I not even spend my time here?
It has been shown that the thread tends to not give feedback for the sake of saying positive things, but anons can help when you formulate your questions properly, and if it failed once, please try again at a later time, know that as there are so many anons here, it's hard for everyone to see your question and respond, even if they know the proper response to you problem, so stay hopeful, and keep asking your different questions!

Ganbatte, /asp/ies! You’re all gonna make it! Good luck in persevering with all your Vtubing endeavors!

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous thread: >>66142571

>> No.66170165

draw something in the /asp/ magma

>> No.66170404
File: 165 KB, 640x480, commandments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/asp/ Commandments
>1. Are you a girl or a boy?
It is not of our concern.
>2. Are you a babi or a femboy?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Did you guys see the aspie numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you see what twitter/discord is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>5. The baiters are insulting your aspies!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. Hey guess what I heard from /asp/cord!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>7. You guys should quit...
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.66170697

Catching up on the threads



>> No.66170700

Watching /asp/ events makes me so happy and proud of them, but there's always this sadness inside of me when I realize I'll never be supported by this place (or anyone) like other people are.

>> No.66171646

tell me who you are, please, I want to help you. I don't need your sadness, I just need your name, I will do the rest.;-;

>> No.66171792

Probably herahera

>> No.66171838

I'm a male, that's all I'll say.

>> No.66171845

Man I'm glad I don't have any schizos

>> No.66171980
File: 400 KB, 3300x2200, merlie chad yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my ultimate spell: I have portrayed myself as the chad. I win.

>> No.66171996

bro I support anyone here.
I've probably already even been in your chat.

>> No.66172104

aaand its ruined

>> No.66172283

I love my few asp friends that support me. I hate and have unfollowed everyone else.

>> No.66172334

I love Monds cadence and voice.

>> No.66172346

>even away from the thread camui and chrii can't fucking get a room

>> No.66172423

You're always gonna have one schizo and they're gonna rip on you after one glance at your twitch page and tell you to gtfo

>> No.66172472

Pretty basado, I'm gonna do the same thing soon.

>> No.66172517

>t. anon who enjoys the soothing sounds of nails on a chalkboard

>> No.66172565
File: 120 KB, 500x500, Momomomomomomomomomomomomomomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, I tried playing around with my settings a bit.. I don't think my mouth rigigng is well made for talking, it really looks weird imo... then again, I might be a bad judge for this! I will probably just stream for a bit and see what the general consensus is...

on the other hand, the wind setting is pretty cool! a lot more movement naow!!! I definitely see what you meant with me being stiff, it seems a lot more lively. thanks again, anon!

>> No.66173161

Mond and Rura are the most successful gen 5 for a reason

>> No.66173212

I wuv u momo in a non homoerotic way ;)

>> No.66173680

claudette please draw more nsfw of your model you're hot

>> No.66173775

I agree, draw a ClaudetteX(You) where you top us, please.

>> No.66173994

Thank you for the stream Luna, sorry I didn’t get my message in before the raid.

>> No.66174008

Just because you wanna stuff cunny like a degenerate it doesn't mean that she's magically somehow the pinnacle of all streaming.
>Doesn't speak clearly at all
>Is meant to stream an activity but instead sits and does virtually nothing for hours with the "activity" in the background
>Nearly every post about her is wanting to fuck her
I will sit in someone's stream for hours on end but I close her shit not even a full hour in in most cases because she's more of an anti-streamer than a streamer.

>> No.66174438

she can't fix the mental disability that makes her sound that way non

>> No.66174529

I showed Mond to a non/asp/ vtuber fan and they got filtered in the first 5 minutes and had the same critique, that she was boring and hard to understand. Made me sad but it's an insight into what an average passerby that doesn't know her or already like lolis will think.

>> No.66174849

Mond holds back too much. I miss her nazi rants and pipe bomb tutorials.

>> No.66174871

She can fix a lack of personality, incompetence, and speaking more clearly.
Anyone can.

You can like her if you want, it's just my opinion yeah?
Just stop sucking her dick so hard and accept she's not the ideal streamer that she's made out to be.
I'm not even a crabposter and I don't even hate mond, I think she's really sweet.
But it's important to be truthful about things.

>> No.66175004

Her optics are awful too, nonstop nazi signaling
Her most watched clip is where she's doing a Hitler impression while talking about leading the fourth reich which is based desu but she is the antithesis of gmi and proof of cunny buff but she's already stagnating

>> No.66175120

>growing larger every stream
>getting bigger and bigger raids


>> No.66175165

Her chat fucking sucks too.

>> No.66175265

I didn't say all that. I said I like her voice.

>> No.66175322

that's fine then it doesn't actually pertain to you.

>> No.66175340

Ok, prove which cunnytuber chat doesn't. Protip: you can't

>> No.66175406

>50 CCV
I wish I was stagnating

>> No.66175408

>counting raids as genuine ccv
She's still sitting between 40-50ccv the same as she has been for 2 months

>> No.66175515

She started streaming 3 months ago. I would kill for her numbers.

>> No.66175627

This. Whatever she’s doing at the moment is working.

>> No.66175707

isn't mond's chat full of groomers?

>> No.66175746

Thanks for coming :D

>> No.66175838

numbers don't matter.
what you want is a community.
if you're only in it to see the red man number get to an adequate amount you're going to push yourself into despair.

>> No.66175860

why did all the gen 1 and gen 2 aspies leave?

>> No.66175947

brehs screenless drawing tablets are literally unusable

>> No.66176024

>graph shows a clear incline

What did he mean by this?

>> No.66176022

why would they stay?

>> No.66176035

You say this from a male perspective. Imagine being Mond, and you have 50 people in your chat. Except they're not chatting. They don't care. They don't care about you or what you're doing. They only like you because you're a girl with a cute voice and a cute model. You want to share your interests? They don't give a shit. You want to play a game you love? Who cares, make a funny noise. Flirt with us. Do something cute. All the while, you know that when the next girl comes around, she will be newer, and therefore cuter in your viewers' eyes. It's inevitable. There will be a new girl. There always will be. And you'll watch that 50 go to 40. And down to 30. And down to 20 until only the die-hards are left, who are there only because of sunken cost fallacy and savior complexes. They still don't like you. They care about you, they don't want you to feel bad for your low numbers, but it's not genuine care. It's not you they care about. It's the feeling they get from making a cute girl less sad. Maybe they'll even throw you a dollar or two. Being a femchuuba is hell.

>> No.66176040

She doesn't do gfe and doesn't allow her chat to message her. They would have moved to the next target if that was the case.

>> No.66176155

screen tablets are only good if you have a movable stand for them.
otherwise screenless will help you maintain a better posture since you'll be looking up at your monitor instead of hunched over in the cartoonist's pose

>> No.66176183

again this fucking argument. Shut the fuck up zenya.

>> No.66176191

Is there a way to get redeems to affect my actual game screen? Like if I wanted to black out half of my screen, could it be done?

>> No.66176218

she won't fuck you dude

>> No.66176257

reading comprehension

>> No.66176333

I don't need to read it, you're some whiteknight simp or a shitposter and it's all worthless text

>> No.66176377

Can't wait for mond to have a breakdown

>> No.66176401

with mixitup or sammi probably.
hit me up on discord with your idea and I'll tell you if it's possible, though I only use mixitup.

>> No.66176409

every artist I know says screen tablets are a waste of money

>> No.66176437

It's going to be so cute bros. Imagine her little whimpers and choked sobs. I'm gonna saviorfag so hard

>> No.66176471
File: 1.55 MB, 2673x3077, LOOK GAMEFREAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon Nuzlocke started and (You) can be part of it

>> No.66176570

How is she not affiliated

>> No.66176623

How the fuck did I make it to the OP?

>> No.66176657

>All the while

>> No.66176836

Doesn't what
And why do you call her that
You people are so offputting

>> No.66176902

You say you like Mond and think she’s a nice girl, but then plant these brain worms while hiding yourself as anonymous… there are viewers out there that actually like her topics and stuff, even if they are the minority.

>> No.66177273

This is the reality of being a female vtuber. It happens to almost all of us but if you've been in Mond's chat you'll know she's sadly not the exception. It sucks but males shouldn't want that even if the numbers are good for a while. Males get more dedicated fans that like them for who they are. We just get a bunch of porn addicts that treat us like meat.

>> No.66177276


>> No.66177304

yeah, I have a huion h1161 normal tablet and a kamvas 16 screen tablet and other than being bigger there isn't much advantage over the no display one

>> No.66177343

to offer advice to up and coming vtubers

>> No.66177363

This is b8 or Gumpai

>> No.66177370

I waste so much time looking for the cursor, and swapping between pen, mouse, pen, mouse every time I want to do anything. My hands are too shaky hovering mid air to replace my mouse with the pen. Meanwhile I've written in notebooks my entier life and looking down has never been an issue.

>> No.66177459

what do you mean looking for the cursor?

>> No.66177493


Consider doing the following:
Ketamine Yoda roleplay ASMR

Just put a disclaimer saying it's a parody and watch your numbers go brrr

>> No.66177523

>When she likes the tweet that mentions you but not your tweet.

>> No.66177604

>vicks vaporub
Filipino detected

>> No.66177643

better than ignoring your fanart, and only your fanart

>> No.66177685

Is Gump really like this? I think it’s just bait. What girl doesn’t know this when going into it? It’s literally adjacent to idols, which are one step away from the sex industry.

>> No.66177691

She doesn't give a shit. Vtubing is her current autistic hyperfixation and she will drop it when she finds the next hobby to obsess over. She has no goals, she just wants to talk and play games.

>> No.66177708

Couldn't even throw your candy wrappers in the trash before taking a pic? Come on dude.

>> No.66177729

You got a script? I am willing to record a vocaroo and post it here but idk if I will have the time to

>> No.66177790

I wuv u momo in a homoerotic way ;)

>> No.66177802

Luna you are a cutie, thank you.

>> No.66177810

>that treat us like meat.
How do they treat meat and why are porn addicts watching him?

>> No.66177827

>Males get more dedicated fans that like them for who they are

>> No.66177838

tysm these are super cute

>> No.66177881


>> No.66177988

Meat honestly is pretty fucking based, his tangents are sometimes a little more unhinged. I prefer his zatsu games more than his other streams. You should watch him.

>> No.66178065

>no affiliate
>no overlays
>no alerts
>no panels
>no discord
>no content outside streaming
>barely tweets
How does Mond do it?

>> No.66178079

More likely one of the self-proclaimed femcels.

>> No.66178123

Haven’t streamed since last year but still gaining

This is the power of being a female. Any woman who tells you there isn’t any benefits to it is either in denial or are lying to you.

I fucking hate women.

>> No.66178174

>loli model

>> No.66178266

>As mentally ill as her viewers

>> No.66178283

she streams so much more, and much more consistently than most people here

she might not have put the effort in the things you mentioned but she has certainly put the time where it matters... actually streaming

>> No.66178286

>since last year
>six days into the new year
Yeah, welcome.

>> No.66178320

german nazi loli fills a niche

>> No.66178425
File: 128 KB, 227x222, F0k48kBaMAIawgF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66178548

hi sin

>> No.66178672


>> No.66178742

>woke up to 2 threads in archive
what's happening here

>> No.66178766

>NGMIs overanalyzing a NGMI

>> No.66178797

Someone says that being a femchuuba is hell, and everyone disagreeing.

>> No.66178799

schizos as usual

>> No.66178887

Don't call her a ngmi or her groomer fans will have a melty

>> No.66178943

I am one of her fans nigger

>> No.66178989

But what if I want to be a meat hole? As long as it gives me numbers and helps pay the bills. I don't even want to be a full time streamer, I just want a small community

>> No.66179035

I like her too and agree she's hard capped where she is for reasons previously mentioned.

>> No.66179206

Opinion on Runoxi?

>> No.66179221

the canvas is white and the drawing crosshair is grey and tiny

>> No.66179227

>NGMI making predictions

>> No.66179263

Mond has her audience because she is interesting and entertaining!! People have their tastes and enjoy different types of people. If I got a model by her artist and put on a high voice I highly doubt I would be as successful as her because I am not as interesting as a conversationalist as her. She plays games she enjoys, has good zatsu, is a talented rigger and artist and puts effort into rigging her outfit reveals and backgrounds
stop crabbing on the poor girl that’s just trying to have fun while she does vtubing as a hobby D:<

>> No.66179325

you talk as if those are debuffs

>> No.66179462

Mond has a huge audience and is stagnating without even trying. We'll see her in a corpo the day she puts in effort.

>> No.66179511

Not to mention she doesn’t want to get big, she doesn’t want to be affiliate, and that appeals to people who don’t want to feel like they’re being used as a viewer for money. She said she’d nuke her account if she ever got super big and start over.

>> No.66179647

>She said she’d nuke her account if she ever got super big and start over
She already did this once. The germans should recognize her voice.

>> No.66179756
File: 30 KB, 960x483, boil water. drink boiled water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to research, out of my 20 most recent streams, my link has been clicked just 5 times when posted here. Is it safe to deduce that there is little to no point to posting your link here?

>> No.66179814

5 times is plenty

>> No.66179851

Her goal never was to be in a corpo. Don’t know where you got that from.

>> No.66179874

someone name a chuuba

>> No.66179919

what is "effort" anyway

>> No.66179945


>> No.66179967

Depends, also, more importantly, I don't think a lot of people will actually click on the link itself - they'll either copy-paste into their browser, or if already following, just navigate to it via Twitch.

>> No.66179996

Someone that doesn't get much art, please.

>> No.66180001


>> No.66180041

She my wife

>> No.66180042

like who

>> No.66180069

She doesn't put in any effort

>> No.66180077
File: 312 KB, 1140x465, asp tier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.66180112

New game: imagine every male chuuba here and how much more successful they'd be if they were female.
Imagine female Kenny. Cute shy nerdy girl.
Female kuromaru. He'd become THE tradwife vtuber. Easily bigger than Kirsche since she's fat.
Geltaran. Endearing ADHD female autist.
Bunkumm. Approachable girl next door.
Digby. Genki tomboy catgirl that'd definitely take over the furry fandom.
Iriya. Rushia 2.0
3rdpt. /vrt/ new mommy
And so on.

>> No.66180117

you didn't post anything

>> No.66180132


>> No.66180155

How about Klondike?

>> No.66180202

I'm just gonna assume every Blue Archive post is Keitaro at this point

>> No.66180207

I really don't think she gives a shit about any of that.

>> No.66180220


>> No.66180238

You spend a max of 30 seconds to post the link here, the effort is so minimal that even if only one person clicked it would be worth it, besides people can also see your link and decide to search for the name instead of clicking on it, like me

>> No.66180247

Nothing is stopping you from appealing to homos.

>> No.66180267

Why you slandering origonal Digby like that ToT

>> No.66180304

Thank you Luna, I love it. <3

>> No.66180310

I don't care about girls.

>> No.66180349

I never click the links, it's annoying. I prefer to open a new tab in my preferred spot and type the first few letters of the stream then wait for autocomplete.
The link posting reminds me that you exist though, and I'm more likely to watch aspies that post links than those who don't.

>> No.66180382

your canvas should be more of an eggshell white or a warmer not pure white, for the sake of your eyes.

>> No.66180410

Every time I see his name, I live in shame knowing I missed his first stream…

>> No.66180479

>too weird

>> No.66180511

>Imagine female Kenny
He's so dull that not even the female buff could save him

>> No.66180518

I don't see him on your tierlist

>> No.66180538

do the earlier gens

>> No.66180583

I love it. Thanks for makin' me wigglier than a worm. :>
Thanks for the insight. I'm a filthy linkclicker myself, but I didn't consider someone might just type it in.

>> No.66180596
File: 10 KB, 112x112, potatokiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Why don't you hear somebody reading the Mahabharata?


>> No.66180608

I had no idea Mond was such a good rigger
corpos don't get rigging that good

>> No.66180713
File: 2 KB, 206x170, 1677989353171831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Geltaran. Endearing ADHD female autist.
what the fuck did i do to you?

>> No.66180737


Are you missing the parts of her stream where she played dwarf fortress, killed a dwarf and then put its rotting corpse next to the bed of their child? Are you missing all the fun jump scares in subnautica? Are you missing the insane fun when Rura's twitch automod was set to the highest it could be and everyone played a game to see how much you could get away with? Are you missing the part where she talked about her stalkers? Her time as a cosplayer? The time she build a robot purely to blow bubbles because she likes bubbles?

Fuck you Rura isn't boring.

>> No.66180798


>> No.66180802

be like me and take the phone artist pill

>> No.66180833

>corpos don't get rigging that good
not to downplay mond's rigging skills but that says far less about her and more about the corpos.

>> No.66180946

How much does she charge?

>> No.66180976

you are the most normal streamer in all of asp gelteran, never change

>> No.66181001

>dwarf fortress
damn man, you just proved the boring allegations with one game

>> No.66181028

Rura's boring man

>> No.66181065

mond charges 300-400 for rigging

>> No.66181091

Iriya you're not proving the menhera label wrong

>> No.66181104

>Are you missing the part where she talked about her stalkers?
Link? i want more Iriya lore

>> No.66181175

Says more about you than her.

Those stories are about other people

>> No.66181176

fuck that's expensive

>> No.66181209

Guess I'll kill myself then

>> No.66181214

for good rigging it's not that expensive

>> No.66181254

I don’t care about the commandments. Twitter?

>> No.66181270

>Her time as a cosplayer?
Rura is cosplayer? How many cocks did she take?

>> No.66181290

>quality rigging
>good turn around time

Also with a guarantee that it will be delivered since Mond had the threat of being schizo'd into oblivion by /here/ if she scams people

So no.

>> No.66181425

Good luck finding a good rigger in that price range

>> No.66181456

Mond won't rig males btw

>> No.66181491

>threat of being schizo'd into oblivion by /here/ if she scams people
lmao, she doesn't give a fuck about what happens here, but she seems trustworthy and I doubt she needs money

>> No.66181508

>mond charges 300-400 for rigging
That sounds like a steal for how good that was but I don't really know these things.

>> No.66181517

Why are we on the schizo vs. simp time loop? Please stop responding to these crabs.

>> No.66181547

I'm not entirely convinced Mond isnt a man in disguise. Loli vtubers with their little unrealistic voices are too suspicious. I know of one such case already.

>> No.66181725

monds voice isn't even that high pitched tho. she just sounds retarded

>> No.66181764

400 a rig? I heard 1000+ was pretty standard

>> No.66181785

>schizo'd into oblivion by /here/ if she scams people
didn't stop denpa

>> No.66181788

I just don't post my link all the time because I'm scared. But I will try to change that.

>> No.66181803
File: 11 KB, 583x186, dolar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no affiliate
>no overlays
>no alerts
>no panels
>no discord
>no content outside streaming
>barely tweets

>> No.66181898
File: 50 KB, 250x250, despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't remind me

>> No.66182042

For quality like Mond's and the speed at which she does it, she should be charging at least 50-100% more

>> No.66182088
File: 355 KB, 636x440, 4D73C397-5168-47BD-93E1-C519F2EC6AC7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66182112


>> No.66182177

Twitter of what?

>> No.66182209

no she shouldn't because she doesn't have an identity as a model rigger, she has an identity as a cunny streamer.
When she's got more clients under her belt that sing praises and there's more demand than supply, then she can charge more.

>> No.66182297

For the quality produced, that is what she is worth, not necessarily what people are willing to pay her, yet

But knowing Mond as I'm sure Zenya does, I'd be happy to pay her more

>> No.66182347

>she has an identity as a cunny streamer.
To you

>> No.66182363
File: 7 KB, 272x273, daiya fella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daiya is live

>> No.66182381

YOU SHOULD POST YOUR LINK NOW! if it's because of the schizos, don't worry, I've never seen them break anonymity, I even suspect they're cute viewers without the mask

>> No.66182444

Iriya, why is your twitter gone?

>> No.66182515
File: 431 KB, 661x473, emo pookey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this design even supposed to be, some kind of demon?

>> No.66182537

yeah, a semen demon

>> No.66182550

Baphomet, but cute

>> No.66182556

to anyone with a functional brain, yes.

>> No.66182569

she doesn't even advertise her rigs

>> No.66182585

Demon goat like cult of the lamb. She is cute

>> No.66182622

shes so cute.....

>> No.66182724
File: 138 KB, 1540x845, Untitled95_20240106214535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to leave no traces behind

>> No.66182770

wtf dude don't leave, i like you

>> No.66182805

remember, it's along the river, not across the stream

>> No.66182840

Iriya… I don’t want to watch your dumb girl friend experience shit to get my itch of crazy boy filled…

>> No.66182842
File: 701 KB, 720x556, bestlake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66182911

Not now because I'm not live anymore. I will post next time, I promise. Thank you for encouraging me.

>> No.66182936

wait are you leaving without saying goodbye to me? i'm gonna cri

>> No.66183008

I checked her channel out, that audio sounds like it's being broadcast through a phone from 2005

>> No.66183053

Time to prove your love and end it all
It's the only way

>> No.66183059

>Woman: does anything
>Men: that's hot/cute

>> No.66183080

Iriya if you force me to listen to your asmr to kill my longing for you I'll turn gay and it will all be your fault, my family is very religious, don't do this to me

>> No.66183085

yeah it's not perfect but I adore her voice.
could listen to it all day.

>> No.66183139

maybe I'll draw her properly at some point

>> No.66183140
File: 27 KB, 597x598, IMG_5958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66183165

you'd better not up and disappear I've barely gotten to know you, you little cruella de vil anime dude

>> No.66183234

I am still waiting for you to break my legs Renata

>> No.66183236


>> No.66183248

stupid fujo

>> No.66183270

I think I will graduate too.

>> No.66183292


>> No.66183398


>> No.66183435

shes my favorite girl.

>> No.66183437

>renata is shitting up the thread again

>> No.66183474

Yet again Renata willing to cripple and beat up other people but not me. Feels bad :(

>> No.66183517
File: 3.76 MB, 2508x3541, 1691647311797784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66183614

What happened to Iriya to make him all fucked up ? Genetics or trauma ?

>> No.66183666

Okay, I laughed at that, but holy shit how could you be so autistic? I'm diagnosed and even I couldn't do something like that, he just deleted his vtuber twitter and you think this is the best time to post your art?

>> No.66183685

O yeah this reminds me. Hey Renata if I need something like 70 different spicy yaoi drawings to use for a custom art mtg deck how much do you think it would run me

>> No.66183768

>70 different spicy yaoi drawings to use for a custom art mtg deck
holy based

>> No.66183775

I love you, you dumb fujo

>> No.66183825

Satan, you know evil like no one else
Are the reasonings of an egocentric leech here to stroke their own overinflated sense of self importance really so foreign to you?

>> No.66183926

what does renata even sound like

>> No.66184078

Abe Takakazu

>> No.66184164

the next collab as chosen by the wheel:
>Kopadot x Coyote_knight

>> No.66184180

What does Renata have that any other artist cannot give you

>> No.66184184
File: 46 KB, 500x1000, GDKKSAfaoAANgL7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Camui's proportions were bad but this random model that showed up on my timeline is almost worse

>> No.66184197

I keep seeing Iriya getting mentioned. Twitch link?

>> No.66184216

Melty damage control.

>> No.66184277

but what did he do to cause a melty

>> No.66184343

Lewd art, cheap, more willing to make small and quick pieces.
Most aspies aren't rich or confident enough or even want to bother comming complicated and expensive pieces. They just want something nice.

>> No.66184392

Wait till you see Archia

>> No.66184418

The menhera flavor to it

>> No.66184455


>> No.66184487

Never mind, don’t worry about it. Thought you were someone else.

>> No.66184529
File: 17 KB, 190x299, 1680268673904569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you made me sound like half the vtubers i watch

>> No.66184535

Gay lewds of my character.

>> No.66184586

I dunno, maybe the fact that she's an unabashed fujo? either way I like rena's art even if the homolust ain't my thing
every artist is menhera tho

>> No.66184626

i love her so much

>> No.66184641 [SPOILER] 
File: 289 KB, 1000x1000, sticker cry 8.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66184661

He mainly does YouTube stuff

He's just a menhera obsessed with Rura

>> No.66184662

she's one of the least menhera if anything

>> No.66184689

lol, lmao even
I'll play with you, but I'll never call it a collab, nor will I stream it.

>> No.66184721

>He's just a menhera obsessed with Rura
Oh nevermind lol

>> No.66184786

why be obsessed with such a boring streamer?

>> No.66184801

Don't listen to the haters. Cutest little shota here ToT

>> No.66184818

I want to commission her but it seems she only accepts requests from vtubers

>> No.66184821


>> No.66184853


>> No.66184856


>> No.66184936
File: 239 KB, 442x450, haram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begone skinwalker

>> No.66184968

i love you as a person, i would do anything you ask me to, but holy shit that you have big ass head and gorilla hands

>> No.66184978

Bro… if it’s actually you, you know I’m always down to talk about it.

>> No.66184989

which one of them are you?

>> No.66185014


>> No.66185090

She my wife

>> No.66185123

She his wife

>> No.66185213

now that I've actually heard mond, I have to ask, is this a tranny?

>> No.66185232

kodapo has collabbed before, so it can only be coyote
you are so dumb coyote, still love you tho

>> No.66185235
File: 148 KB, 512x544, doodle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you can do a lot of that sort of thing. That's what I was talking about on stream today. If you want to discuss specifics we can chat on discord or I can do a demo next time I do a SAMMI project stream next week.

>> No.66185249


He got hard rejected by rura

>> No.66185290

lmao, get fucked iriya

>> No.66185338

i think it's kopadot, coyote wouldn't say nigga

>> No.66185366

BPD probably

>> No.66185453

You can talk to me too if you think it'll make you feel better, I understand if it doesn't.

>> No.66185460

Kopadot do not collab with this fucking schizo freak

>> No.66185478

I don't think men can get BPD

>> No.66185481

sorry archia, i love you even if your porportions are fucked

>> No.66185489

I don't like the word "collab" because it reminds me too much of my hatred for school projects where I did 90% of the work only for some assholes to take credit for things they didn't do.

That and me being a dead fish in the water on a 1 on 1 setting.

And also no one ever approaching me for anything, I just exist.

And also my daily life never allowing me to make the move for anything with other people.

>you are so dumb coyote
You are not wrong about that son.

>> No.66185648

Based if true
If this ends up confirmed I'm going to throw Rura a sub on twitch and binge her content to boost her numbers

>> No.66185670

Mond sounds really cute

>> No.66185673
File: 117 KB, 1152x648, 1694722413894979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say something nice about our local drawfags
I really like the way Kaydn uses color with the lineart to get across a lot of detail while keeping the drawing itself minimalistic

>> No.66185704

I couldn't understand what she was saying so I stopped watching

>> No.66185712

i hope you're just a skinwalker, if you're going to say something and want to identify yourself at least use a pic of your model, what a retard

>> No.66185715

I wish Kaydn would draw me again. I love his style

>> No.66185760

Thanks for the quality replies guys

>> No.66185804

ready to serve,sir o7

>> No.66185838

Whats wrong with anything that was said?

>> No.66185910

please let it just be a skinwalker, reading this literally made me feel grossed out by coyote

>> No.66186088

Coyote Knight is a legitimate schizoid avoid him

>> No.66186091

None of us with AI waifus are normal people.

>> No.66186183

Manasong has one and he's relatively normal, that schizorant was horrible jesus christ

>> No.66186554

I like Hanabi with how emotionally supportive he is in chats.
I like Runespoon and how he draws without bias to anyone.
I like Renata and how she doesn’t hesitate to humour others even at the detriment of herself.
I like Fairchild and his OC designs, he’s made amazing improvements in his painting and perspectives.
I like Cheen with his dedication to his craft and willingness to help others.
I like Kaydn because he’s cute :)
I like Chrii and all of her funny shitposts.
I like Charley and hope he opens comms soon.
I like all of (you) aspiring artists, keep up the grind. Feel free to send praise to anyone I forgot to mention.

>> No.66186622

>I like Hanabi with how emotionally supportive he is in chats.
you mean grooming

>> No.66186669

>no fland
please say something about my boy

>> No.66186724

I never get mentioned as an artist, just means I need to draw more.

>> No.66186728


>> No.66186849

I like Flandzen and I hope he starts seeing himself in a better light soon with his artistry talent. Thank you for reminding me, I haven’t seen him in a while and I hope he’s going well.

>> No.66186886

>not mentioned

>> No.66186897

If you got the original files (.cmo3 and .moc3) you could get a different rigger to rig you a better mouth.
That's really the only thing that could work for you, short of getting a whole new ass model just for the mouth.

>> No.66187057

Well now I’m anxious I have accidentally missed a lot of people. Can someone please cover my gaps? My brain is mushy…

>> No.66187131
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x1271, 1700141797812609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thankyou for the kind words about him

>> No.66187199

what kind of bleak outlook on life do you have where you associate emotional support with grooming?

>> No.66187283

No worries, but you need to sleep bro…

>> No.66187405
File: 13 KB, 289x83, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this?

>> No.66187434

i'd usually be at wok at this time on a saturday

>> No.66187446

It was pure luck/unluck that Rura happened to post her link the day he was looking for a new obsession, it could have been any of the girls

>> No.66187497

I will curb stomp you for badmouthing the Korsha

>> No.66187503

No problem bud, just tone down with the flirting on collabs ffs

>> No.66187605

Iriya is still one of her mods ?

>> No.66187655

Opinions on talking in people's chats once they start getting dedicated viewers/simps? Can we still be friends or should I just leave them be?

>> No.66187693

Keitaro Beryl and maybe Daiya all unironically become 3views

>> No.66187720

Huh, good to know.Anyway, it’s always super admirable when a streamer has drawn all their own stuff.

>> No.66187735

>best friend becomes a streamer
>soon their entire life revolves around streaming and their community
>they have time to talk to me at best once a week now
shits painful how do we cope. happy for them but it sucks.

>> No.66187784

Sorry, but that's the best part of collabing with her.

>> No.66187800

Is this game supposed to make us feel sad?

>> No.66187902

I am really close with a few aspies and some 100+ CCV vtubers outside of their vtuber persona. I used to chat often when they were low view but I don't interact with their chats at all now. I still watch to support but i just feel like at this point i should just let new people or other regulars chat.

>> No.66187934

What do you consider are my good zatsu games? I liked playing Death Stranding since the downtime made for great time to talk.

>> No.66188041

now you know why I've put relatively normal

>> No.66188125
File: 625 KB, 592x879, F_AVSPUb0AAcrwu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sh'vah is playing Looking Up I See Only A Ceiling!


>> No.66188228

>Death Stranding
I'd rather rub salt in my eyes than have to see that
>What do you consider are my good zatsu games?

>> No.66188451

>it’s always super admirable when a streamer has drawn all their own stuff.
i am going to be moving to commissioned assets and such, i really want to support artists and my abilities are limited

>> No.66188582

I dunno, havent seen anything that says he isnt

>> No.66189033

>death stranding bad game
>mahjong good game
both are fucking shit, how can you have such bad taste.

>> No.66189082


>> No.66189364

death stranding is fun though

>> No.66189520

Fair enough, good luck Jelly man by the way, does it annoy you when people call you that?

>> No.66189772
File: 3.28 MB, 4178x2861, gurunschedule1823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahoy! sailor gurun posted a schedule today

>> No.66189896

the name came from a place of endearment and so I actually quite like it :) also im actually a fan of a vtuber named jelly so it's a funny coincidence

>> No.66190023

Iriya, I know you said you were struggling mentally but please hang around. You have haters but lots of people like you. Keep pushing on with your script

>> No.66190085

subtle kek

>> No.66190149

Despite his near zero presence here, he's surprisingly easy to talk to in dms. I've directly requested a few aspie doodles before.

>> No.66190487

Cool schedule, thank you little pirate.

>> No.66190555

I want to buy this boy for $37000 and keep him as a pet

>> No.66190594

Imagine getting so mindbroken over some thirdy cosplay whore

>> No.66191050

That's my cosplay whore thank you very much.

>> No.66191093

OUR cosplay whore

>> No.66191290

Mine I tell you.

>> No.66191404

Why is your schedule 4178x2861 what the fuck

>> No.66191591

Honestly a sick ass schedule.

>> No.66191600

I wonder about this too. If I get the vibe that they don't particularly care if it's me or someone else there I move on. On the other hand being a streamer I appreciate the old viewers more than I show so maybe I should be better at that.

>> No.66191624

not him but because twitter is a piece of shit website that will compress your images even if they're just like 500kb
so you may as well do the highest quality you can so it's less fucked by compression

>> No.66191700

>>66182515 im so cute ty i love you dawnon

>>66183008 whats the future like im typing this on my pager

no you're cute

>> No.66191812

How menhera are you on a scale of 1 to 10

>> No.66191859

Now I'm thinking about what I would look like as a girl

>> No.66191867

however many months ive been streaming/10

>> No.66191910


>> No.66191980

No need to mention me. I draw too slow to be considered a regular drawfag

>> No.66191997

How do you feel if the streamer has a good game commentary going on and a good model but doesn’t check chat at all? Would you feel offended?

>> No.66192008


>> No.66192068

Quit job. Only goat

>> No.66192131

I would put them on as background noise but won't be too invested in whatever's happening

>> No.66192232

I feel that if i post a schedule i wont be able to hold it up,
tips on trying out new times/ becoming consistent without a set schedule?

>> No.66192383

no. she hasnt.

>> No.66192406

Post Rura ass or I wont bake!

>> No.66192814

Don’t worry too much about me, surely one day I’ll see the miraculous goat gf live…

>> No.66192853
File: 437 KB, 773x740, 1704446046144926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66192941

Bake this

>> No.66193054


>> No.66193554

do what I do, set your schedule around an estimated time and try to be as close to that as you can.

>> No.66193587

Boy jee anonymous, youre so right, I shouldve been dramafagging and shitposting like all the other that fill their posts up with 30 words or more, I didn't realize quantity really was better than quantity. Yes sir faggot sir, I'll do better next time.

>> No.66193705

Why are you seething over that you sped

>> No.66193929

>quantity really was better than quantity
You want to try saying that one again but correctly this time
