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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66024236 No.66024236 [Reply] [Original]

>little announcement at the end?
Definitely merch of some kind, that’s the only way they convinced Gura to join.

>> No.66024253


>> No.66024279

How are they playing LC with 5 people? did they get the mod for more players?

>> No.66024303

Gura is only there to advertise merch

>> No.66024310

Bold of you for assuming Ina won't cancel at the last minute.

>> No.66024326

Ame will play as the announcer.

>> No.66024331


>> No.66024340
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And before you ask, no they don't have permissions for the mod.

>> No.66024342

Yep, suggests a mandated stream.

>> No.66024389

it's incredible how the perms guy has only one job and still can't do it

>> No.66024400

I knew it, it's was a Takamori duo collab all along.

>> No.66024413

>five members of Myth
>four player game
Who’s going to have a melty? I’m askimg about the fanbases, that is.

>> No.66024531

idk about chumbuds, but gura antis are gonna have a field day whenever she's rotated out, that's for sure
>first stream in who knows how long
>not even playing the game lol

>> No.66024687

Why not play a different game then?

>> No.66024833

Because it's flavor of the month and the Myth whores are too lazy to think of something better.

>> No.66024852

>Gura rotated out for 90% of the stream
>Barely speaks, mainly to shill the merch
Happy new year chumbuds!

>> No.66024889

They were probably expecting to only be 4

>> No.66024891

Calliope saving holomyth again.

>> No.66024905

Anybody wants to bet gura won't have her pov up.

>> No.66024933

I dont care Im happy Gura's finally gonna play Lethal and im gonna watch the heck out of it, it might be months before we get another

>> No.66024963


Well they like playing the game, for starters. Also FOTM, so they're gonna suck its dick for numbers. Last but not least, closest to a horror game Gura can play with friends she can troll around in.

>> No.66025019

The best part is that just like Outlast trials it'll be clear that Gura played it a lot and has just refused to hit start stream

>> No.66025087

gura is probably grinding the games off stream. (or at least that was true last time for outlast trials)

>> No.66025089

This game is absolutely fucking trash though why the fuck are they shilling it so bad. And shill it what 2 or 3 months later after it came out? Why the fuck japanese business people are so autistic. Just wait until they get perm for something like elite dangerous odyssey and they also shill that as well.

>> No.66025125

>stream once in January

>> No.66025153

damn that is a possibility, would not ever surprise me

>> No.66025160

If it's actually merch I'm gonna fucking laugh

>> No.66025247

100% this will be the case

>> No.66025271

I guess they are finally releasing the myth orisong since it’s been a few months since it was announced. Don’t mind that neither Gura nor Kronii songs from CtW have yet to be released. Also, since merch is in involved, of course Gura is showing up, she is like that uncle who only shows up to family events when food is involved then fucks off.

>> No.66025273

>This game is absolutely fucking trash though why the fuck are they shilling it so bad
Jesus Christ dude, they're not shilling it, they're just following the shitty streamer trend. Do you think they got paid to play Suika Game too?

>> No.66025288

that would be hilarious and most likely the case

>> No.66025302

Gura will finally announce her collab album with Bladee, after working on it for months. The burnout was just because she had become a drainer, making her depressed by the same occasion. Seems like the most realistic explanation of everything.

>> No.66025304

or maybe they just like the game?

>> No.66025307

it's pretty good

>> No.66025347 [DELETED] 

she played it a lot with her boyfriend (me)

>> No.66025367

Stop replying to antis anon, they would shit on Myth even if they announced the second coming of Christ and streamed it live.

>> No.66025381

ChumGODs winning

>> No.66025404

Saying a game sucks doesn't means shitting on the girls you stupid bootlicking schizo

>> No.66025440

Winning at having to turn to Mori or Kiara if they want to see le precious reddit meme shark since gura obviously won't have her pov lol

>> No.66025445

Boycott, let them know who's in charge.

>> No.66025451

If you look at it from a technical perspective, it’s not revolutionary. But the appeal is in emergent gameplay and dramatic irony, especially if you’re watching as someone who vaguely knows what’s going on. It leads to fun interactions where the girls can fuck up and blow everyone up, prank each other, pull off feats of skill or luck, and experience moments of actual in-game tension. The game is built in a way that these things happen, so it’s great for streaming.

Instead of bitching about how bad it is, broaden your perspective a little bit and try to understand what’s happening on-screen. You’ll like it more if you try.

>> No.66025473

fuck off, its a genuinely good game to play with friends.

>> No.66025476

Great, did you watch any of the collabs on the game to be able to say that? Like the collab between Ina, Kronii, IRyS and Ame per example? They play it because they like it, now calm your tits and watch the collab.

>> No.66025541

>Learn to eat shit and like it just like I did.
I rather just skip the stream like a normal person would when they don't like something. The game just isn't my cup of tea that's all there's to it lol is not that deep.

>> No.66025557
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>> No.66025573

It's a cheap, awful game that makes for funny streams so it's the current FOTM. Many such cases.

>> No.66025593

I won't watch something I don't like. I'll watch advent instead first off Mori and Kiara already filter me enough as if. Watching a stream with two people involve I find insufferable doesn't really do much for me.

>> No.66025805

but he doesn't have friends

>> No.66026005

No one asked, not even Kiara who brought up the fact no one asked.

>> No.66026032

Inb4 Gura is a complete pro at the game and knows everything about it.

>> No.66026077

it's really fucking funny how self-harmingly retarded the japanese are with their permission autism

>> No.66026573

I've watched every lethal company collab. Fun game to watch

>> No.66026605

I don't like LC too but I usually keep my comments to myself
You on the other hand, you seem like a schizo to be honest

>> No.66026636

Do they need perms for mods to be able to play with more than 4?

>> No.66026676
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Unfortunately for you I wipe my ass with what you think.

>> No.66026677

Mori is a spiteful cunt, she remembers the Uno collab

>> No.66026701

Holo management demands permission for talents to even look at a game's store page

>> No.66026740

>gura please, we can't shill the merch without you!

>> No.66026765

>needing permissions to use a mod
Lmao I shit on gura for being a lazy whore a lot but damn hololive makes you want to agree with her fuck japanese middle managers they are the most useless africans on the planet.

>> No.66026794

Mind you perms isn't even the issue. The issue is them using fax machines to get said perms instead of using email and a fuckin printer.

>> No.66027071
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>they don't have permissions for the mod.

>> No.66027672

The only time Myth get together anymore is to shill something. It's fucking scummy

>> No.66027787
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>Catalogfags outing themselves by talking about merch.
Even clipwatchers know what they're going to announce, since it was mentioned again and again for the past 6 months.

>> No.66027854

Every board on 4chan is about the catalog, the generals are only tolerated- you can be swept away with a simple change in policy, you reddit tourist.

>> No.66027908

Why is catalog trying so hard to convince people Gura who has next to no channel streams, has no superchats, lets her channel fall off from the YT formula is a money grubber? Have only one sponsor stream which is laughable to most youtubers doesn't negate everything else. You want to make money, you don't let your brand fall apart. Sisters trying too hard to make a hiatus some big drama. Want to be believable? Start talking about Mumei or Fauna being gone. You won't though, too much effort.

>> No.66028107
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She still making money from VOD and MV. Why are you lying?

>> No.66028146

You better spend your time supporting your 3view instead trying to trample Hololive.

>> No.66028325

so they're going to restart the game after each round? that sounds boring. they'll never earn a pay planet. i've enjoyed the last two holo collabs that played it because they took it seriously. this will just be them fucking around until the announcement time.

>> No.66029363

Do you guys think they'll mention the Advent outfit relay happening right after and/or raid into it with this probably huge viewership collab (rare Gura buff)? Or not at all? Or everyone will, except Gura (who will have all the viewers if she's streaming her PoV) lol?

>> No.66030136

>you don't let your brand fall apart
but it isnt falling apart she is essentially a mascot character and the japs will buy merch of her just because they think she is cute, it is the end game for many vtubers

>> No.66034099

i don't want to shit on gura but it just feels awkward when she's there now and pretending like it's the most natural thing in the world, because obviously none of them will say a single thing about her absence. as much as i like her i'd rather she just fucked off at this point

>> No.66034326 [DELETED] 

>Kiara: I don't know if it will be 5 members

>Mori: All 5 members and an announcement

See, this is why they have Mori. Shit gets done.

>> No.66035012

>The Trinityfag reveals himself
I thought your sperg out over Lethal Company was weird, but thanks for revealing that you are a delusional anti

>> No.66035058

Retardchama, Kiara also said there would be an announcement.
And the difference is that, if Kiara confirmed all members and Gura decided to not participate, she would get shit on, just like with the Xmas calendar thingie.
Mori just made the tweet/stream reservation AFTER Gura confirmed to be there.

>> No.66035156

>I won't watch something I don't like
You dont even watch something you DO like.
>I'll watch advent instead
No, you wont.
>Holo x Holo
Keep trying, its working wonders.

>> No.66035209

Well there is a reason for that, which he revealed here >>66025593

It was never about Lethal Company, you are talking to delusional anti

>> No.66035591 [DELETED] 

>Kiara does not have confirmation that all five will join, so she cannot promise
>Mori later confirms that all five will join
>Somehow this can be used to shit on Kiara, because I am a seething retard
RUMAO Phasecucks never change

>> No.66036457

this just makes gura look worse
lethal is a 4 player game and they outright confirmed there is an announcement at the end
why the fuck else would gura be there if it didn't involve money

>> No.66036515

gura doesn't owe you anything; she streams when she want to.

>> No.66036802

It's not merch. It's the fucking Myth collab song, you retard. Amazing how few people in this thread have mentioned that.

>> No.66036903

yeah, and i don't owe her anything either, chumcuck.

>> No.66037115

nta. In return no one owe her anything back, and certainly not loyalty or goodwill.

>> No.66037127

Why are japs so retarded at business?
Why do they have so much permission bullshit holding the talents back all the time?
When there's a popular new game you strike while the iron is hot and you KNOW the talents know this and they WANT to do stuff quickly and early but management pussyfarts around with nonsense and red tape and can't even get permissions for a mod? This is one of the biggest chuuba companies in the world and they can't get expedient permissions?
How fucking annoying must it be to KNOW there's an easy fix but now the girls have to do this annoying person switching in and out after 3 months of the games release?

>> No.66037360

Nobody said anything so the catalogfags would just keep looking stupid. Now they'll adapt their shitposting. Congrats.

>> No.66040564

The Myth reunion collab song was announced so long ago that most people actually forgot that it was going to be released.

>> No.66040606

i love you

>> No.66040850

My oshi has not streamed for the past 6 months

>> No.66041196

Gura has been ghosting off and on for over a year. Why the fuck would people talk about Fauna or Mumei taking a few weeks off during the holidays with communication and in Fauna's case, daily prerecorded let's play videos over that? Gura gets called a combination of lazy and a moneygrubber, which is an important distinction. Because if she was just a moneygrubber, she would work harder as you say. If she was just lazy, she would graduate. The only reason to stick around doing a stream every two months, 90% of which involves a sponsorship or a merch release, is money.

>> No.66041496

I've completely written off Myth as a group, gura is fucking dead most of the year, ina and calli have their side gigs, Kiara is the only one working for the team but not even her ubermensch powers can keep things from falling apart.

>> No.66041562

>Gura finally streams again
>it's a M*ri collab
this is some monkey paw bullshit

>> No.66041646

Gura obviously wants to graduate or at least doesnt want to stream.
Holo likely said they'll pay her a ton to do a few merch shilling streams a year and to not graduate.
Basically she doesn't have to do anything while making bank.

>> No.66041710

You know all of myth and council and most JP were raped by sub 80 iq niggers after Japan lost the sex side of the simulation to niggers right? Initially it was supposed to help raise Japanese birthrates but now hololive is coming up with new ways to tell you by including black and white in their color designs.

>> No.66041778

>least schizo /vt/ poster

>> No.66041983
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>Gura doesn't stream
>Gura streams

>> No.66042035

I really love myself too.

>> No.66042283


>> No.66043015

Yeah it sucks that Mori has to deal with Gura’s lazy ass.

>> No.66043193

>gura will stream
do u really belieb it?

>> No.66043515

As long as she doesn't have to interact with shrimps Gura will be there.

>> No.66043642
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I didn't think she'd be this upset about Gura joining the collab

>> No.66043688

I keep noticing people get really mad about this game in different threads. Why get so angry over a game they’re playing? Imagine getting this heated over something like Overheated or whatever lol

>> No.66043743

Imagine being Calliope or Kiara, streaming nearly every day without fail, and having to pretend Gura is a “member of the team” the once or twice a fiscal quarter she shows up to do her job.
I don’t know how Hololive tolerates it. Japanese companies are notoriously big on “teamwork” as part of corporate culture. It’s better to fit in than to be an outstanding performer.

>> No.66044044

>this just makes gura look worse

>> No.66044078

I don't think that they don't have permissions to use the mod, I just think that they're too PC retarded to figure out how to set it up.

>> No.66044156

And why do we care about jap companies retarded work culture again?

>> No.66044198

Nah, at least Ame would.

>> No.66044369

>another niji graduation
>Gura/Myth seethe deflection about nothing
I see how it is...

>> No.66045040

>I've completely written off Myth as a group
The contract fights have caused a lot of drama but they couldn't afford to get into huge fights for another winter. They were already burning out fans with breaks after the Advent debuts so it was literally now or never.

>> No.66046166

>that uncle who only shows up to family events when food is involved then fucks off.
Based. That will be me once my normie siblings get married.

>> No.66046557

who's channel is it being hosted on?

>> No.66046601


>> No.66046789

Be real for two seconds. No one actually expected Gura to show up lmfao

>> No.66046941

If Gura's there you know what time it is.
It's merch shilling time.

>> No.66047174

How much time did Gura use shilling merch on her latest outfit reveal?

>> No.66047508

>Projecting this fucking hard.
Another catalogfaggot.

>> No.66047743

>le contract fights
Believing in this meme is an automatic IQ check fail.

>> No.66047805

Hush, chumcuck. We’re making fun of your oshi.

>> No.66047873

Proximity voice chat. Literally the only reason this game is entertaining.

>> No.66048041

Don't deflect now, last samurai.

>> No.66049040
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>you will never be japane-
Yes I will.

>> No.66049163

The game really triggers anons who don't have any friends to play with. They'll never get to try it so they juts get mad and say its shit.

>> No.66050850

This board only exists because meidos got assmad that /hlgg/ was too popular

>> No.66051231

They're not japanese, just retarded

>> No.66051323

They have been accepted as honorary japanese, and are also retarded. The two are not related.

>> No.66051666
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>> No.66051683

The mod manager for lethal company allowed my Boomer dad to install mods for lethal company to play with me without me being there to help and sime simple instructions, its really not hard.

>> No.66056498

Could your boomer mom do the same though? We're dealing with women here.

>> No.66056635

nah it doesn't work like they, they have to rejoin but it keeps track of the day to day.

>> No.66056701

little announcement vs

>> No.66057392

Perhpas not but vtubers are probably more tech literate than my mom.

>> No.66059376

Sigh, I will never understand these weird ass angles to try to get me not to watch my wife. Who gives a shit why exactly she's streaming, except for the fact that she is live? Shut the fuck up nerd, Gura is on the telly, this is the best part of the day, i am more than willing to chuck half a grand off a cliff for a 30 second live stream of gura, and if you wouldn't do the same for your oshi, all I feel for you is pity, because you either don't care about your oshi enough to support her or because you are too poor to do so

>> No.66059578
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>Who gives a shit why exactly she's streaming, except for the fact that she is live? Shut the fuck up nerd, Gura is on the telly, this is the best part of the day
I'm sorry to inform you chumbud, but your oshi is in fact not streaming today.

>> No.66060323


>> No.66060770

>Why not play a different game then?
Like what? Minecraft? LOL

>> No.66061115

Sadly, she does not care about you. She can't even be bothered to have a stream up for you

>> No.66061296

Not really the MV but definitely the vods yea more than most the company

>> No.66061386

Then why are you obsessed

>> No.66061488

There was gura seethe before the announcement

>> No.66062474

maybe you watched ppl with poor chemistry. the advent LC collabs have been kino so far

>> No.66065410

My god, good thing you're forever stuck in your basement because you'd be the paypig for every single woman, out there.

so yea, inb4 Gura joined the collab because there's merch to shill.

>> No.66065740

Weird, i see and hear gura on my end, are you sure you're watching the correct stream? I'll drop it here if you can't find it pajeet

>> No.66066433

>see that ina stream? actually thats guras stream, not inas

>> No.66066855
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Look everyone, its famous vtuber Gawr Gura.

>> No.66066961

I'm not entirely sure you aren't gaslighting me about a myth song. I only vaguely remember it

>> No.66067682

what a blast from the past, the 5 of them guys!!

>> No.66069377

>perms shit for a simple mod
They have infinite money, why don't they just hire a programmer to make their own mod (which is literally just a config edit)

>> No.66070187

Only good lethal company playthrough I've seen was with the boys, and mainly because Bettel was happy to play the comic relief. Vibes are always off whenever the girls play, like they're forced to be there with nobody trying to be entertaining.

>> No.66070419

Did you not watch the Advent ones? Did that really seem like they didn't want to be there?

>> No.66070737

while they have improved management only went from actively hindering en to just being bad at their jobs

>> No.66071144

>actively hindering en
Only schizos believe this, management has been giving EN the preferential treatment and shoving them down JP throats for years

>> No.66071546

Bro assumed Gura wasn't showing up so the mod wasn't gonna be needed

>> No.66071696

I feel bad for Mori and Kiara too, don't worry. Luckily I know they'll be professional and not let Gura know their true feelings about her.

>> No.66071897

The dev is a retard who hates mods for saying they break the spirit of the game so there is no chance they ever get to use the More Company

>> No.66072203

Oh boy I can't wait to spend some Gura merch!

>> No.66072525

>Took "see you next year" to another level.
I feel bad for the brainwashed chumbies...

>> No.66076218


>> No.66080854


>> No.66081123

That announcement...
For everyone to listen for free. as soon as it releases

>> No.66082312

Wait, don't run now schizos. Collab was fun, it did great numbers, the announcement was a song... Let's talk.

>> No.66083652

You can't blame him for that.

>> No.66084210

women like the game dude, same thing with minecraft, mario kart/party, dead by daylight, baldur's gate 3, animal crossing, zelda, the sims, powerwash simulator, house flipper, stardew valley, genshin impact, pokemon etc

women like these games bro, as long as you watch female streamers they will keep playing these games

>> No.66089720

Did you like the announcement?

>> No.66091529

He was right.
