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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1017 KB, 1076x1470, I love this tenshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
659802 No.659802 [Reply] [Original]

A continuation from the previous threads that died, even from the archives.

The sole purpose of this thread is to deliver vtuber-related pastas. They could be any type of genre or form.

As OP, I will start with the first 3.

>> No.659813
File: 3.74 MB, 3229x3000, Pekoraposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.659846
File: 260 KB, 796x946, stepa calm down, heel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.659868
File: 82 KB, 1706x315, The cat of misfortune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.659928

Nenebros, where those 2 legendary pastas?

>> No.660194

not all of us have 8k displays, anon

>> No.660223

(You)s in screencaps

>> No.660306
File: 434 KB, 1080x1106, nenechi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.660326
File: 268 KB, 1080x717, nenechi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.660365

Fuck off
>Yo anon I just entered the thread and wtf is this
This made it for me

>> No.660380
File: 592 KB, 600x906, 60c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time

>> No.660425

what is a middle-mouse image click

>> No.660459

It's up to the poster to make his screencap collage readable.

>> No.660484
File: 114 KB, 210x233, 1613018943987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just recounted, I have 9 kinds of vinegar

>> No.660497

nigga just go to a new tab and zoom in

>> No.660524

I wouldn't have to if you weren't compositionally retarded

>> No.660548

>if you study japanese in nene, you will fail

>> No.660922
File: 511 KB, 1322x821, muh figures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My name is Fumino Tamaki and this is my story

>be a cat of misfortune
>already wasted 4 out of 9 lives (dislocated jaw twice on stream, nipples almost fell off, ate a con artist's fake chocolates (which turned out to be marshmellos dipped in an unknown substance), sang the Nyan cat for 10 hours on stream)
>every day, a calamity strikes
>one day, no misfortune struck
>11pm, go to bed
>happy that the deities have finally forgiven me for whatever I did to them
>7.1 magnitude earthquake appears
>hoped for too much
>tremors continue for a bit
>at least they are just tremor-
>a 15-kg microwave falls on arm, smashing the bone
>where the fuck did this microwave come from
>keep microwave above bed
>a few days ago, moved it slightly so precious anime figures can have a place of their own
>microwave looked tilted but still usable
>*current time*
>can't move my arm but I should be fine
>it gets worse
>go to the doctor in 12:00 midnight
>"miss, your arm is broken"
>4 out of 9 lives left

>> No.660990

>"Otsumachi! See you next again, have a nice day!"
>Hoshimachi Suisei ends another stream
>"It's kind of painful to intentionally butcher my English like that, but I can't afford to let anyone knows how good my English actually is" she thinks to herself as she stretches her arms, trying to relax her muscles
>She closes her OBS and starts her browser to open a certain site
>"Still joking about Anemachi not being real, huh? Well, I was the one who started that narrative"
>"The best way to lie is telling the truth and acting like it's a joke after all"
>She giggles, happy that once again, everything goes according to her plan just like how she orchestrated the whole INNK incident
>"Now, time to continue my project. I'll grab my can of coffee first"
>She closes her browser, gets up from her chair, and begins searching for a can of coffee that she bought yesterday
>"Ah, there it is"
>She finds it lying around near her countless unorganized trophies and certificates
>"Seeing these makes me remember that I'm actually a genius" she said to herself, showing her narcissistic side
>She sits back on her chair, opens her can of coffee, and starts a certain program
>"I wonder how many people realize that "Anemachi" is just an anagram of "A machine". Most vtuber fans are simpletons so I doubt they get even a simple thing like that"
>"Let's do a little test first"
>She clicks a button with the word "Begin"
>A virtual woman with a pink hair appears
>"Hello, Sui-chan!"
>She hears a really familiar voice, none other than her own voice
>"Hello onee-chan!" she answered
>"How was your day Sui-chan?"
>"I just finished streaming, I'm happy that I got a lot of new members and superchats today!"
>"Really? I'm glad to hear that!"
>"Thanks onee-chan, see you again!"
>"See you!"
>She closes the program
>"Perfect, she can do a really basic conversation for now. But, there are still so much works to do"
>As she drinks her last drop of coffee, she begins yet another sleepless night of programming her unfinished AI
>"They say a person has two deaths, when their body dies and when somebody says their name for the last time. One day, this "Hoshimachi Suisei" will graduate, but I will make sure that my name will be remembered for eternity. This AI, "Anemachi" will be my eternal successor as the perfect Idol Vtuber"
>"Hoshimachi Suisei will live on forever"

>> No.661075
File: 379 KB, 1462x2048, 1613493892837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from okayu thread
>be returning from work at night
>don't want to cook, so you stop by lawson's for a small snack
>grab something from the cold bar and check out with the clerk
>try not to look at her because it makes spaghetti want to come out of your pockets
>it feels like she is burning a hole through your head with her gaze
>"sore wa boku no tameni?" she asks playfully
>you open your mouth to try and say something in a futile effort
>nothing comes out, only spaghetti
>she takes your onigiri back and takes a bite out of it
>sprint out of the store
>pack your belongings and take the next plane out of Japan to Brazil to absolutely make sure that you never meet her ever again
>such is life, you lament. you cherish this memory as you bleed out from being jumped and stabbed by motorcycle muggers

>> No.661186

what the hell is "air served"

>> No.661386

OP here, you're utterly autistic.

>> No.661483

Yes, and?

>> No.661534

The amount of dead space in that image coupled with its 3k by 3k dimensions gives me an aneurism. Am I autistic as well?

>> No.661603

Keep up the good work. If it bothers you so - edit the image. I found it as it is and I have no intentions into wasting my time into editing it. If you make it to your satisfactions (which doesn't require opening it into a new tab), I will save it and use it for future threads like this.

Does this satisfy you or do I need to larp more as HR.

>> No.661641

tfw someone made a screencap of my version.
I am only the latest in a long line. I hope anons copy pasted so they can post their own whenever they can

>> No.661963
File: 392 KB, 1133x700, Korone10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.662104
File: 23 KB, 216x263, 1611851118894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop, its a lie! Suisei drinks Ringo juices no coffee!

>> No.662210

>just your typical Tuesday with your dog-wife

>> No.662643
File: 138 KB, 1318x324, bandicam 2021-02-16 19-17-01-502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.663636
File: 245 KB, 1684x1536, death and life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Japan for a job
>meet employer
>"Meet tomorrow in front "SUPA SPICY LAMIAN. Your target is vtuber"
>book hotel room near aforementioned place
>expensive af but the job will cover it
>next day comes, go to spot
>suddenly 2-meter tall pink-haired chick appears in front of me
>"Konnichihai my guy, you gonna itadakimasu into that super spicy LAMEN? I already had like SAN bowls I'm gonna [tootle] pop!"
>have no idea wtf she just said to me
>notice employer in the distance. she gives me a nod. This is my target!
>knee-kick the pink girl in the crotch
>she falls down instantly
>"nani kore senpai, that literally killed my manko..."
>some random orange-haired girl appears. I can understand her at least
>she has a knife
>shoot her in the head. London was enough for me to wait and see what a knife does
>she collapses. Dead. That’s gonna suck cleaning up
>pink-hair girl still struggling on the ground
>knock her out with the butt of my gun and take her up the hotel, which is 2 min away
>surprisingly, nobody saw anything
>tie 2m tall bitch to chair
>there it is
>I start saying the rehearsed lines, given by my employer
>"Stop pretending you love Kiara."
>lean into her hear and whisper "I only wanted to listen to you shart on stream"
>can't even manage to interject her, she starts furiously farting
>the noises she makes while doing this are akin to a pissed off bull in heat
>it smells like 2-week old egg salad left out in the sun
>idk how her fucking panties worked but they were pink and they were torn apart by the shit she released the moment she said those words to me
>what the fuck did she eat, it's like I'm watching a new species being born
>the smell worsened. idk what boiled shit smells like but I'm pretty sure it smells like this
>notice her grunts slowly turn into moans, sounding like that "OH BILL" vid i saw years ago
>isn't this enough?
>suddenly my closet just burst open and the orange-haired girl I shot earlier appears
>"Calli... do you seriously not love me"
>idk wtf is going on but my orders are to make this bitch reject her love for a "Kiara"
>i flash my gun to the mess that looked like a woman 2 min ago
>orange girl turns around and runs out of my hotel room, wailing
>I guess that's enough
>i turn the laptop monitor towards my target
>her face went blank as she saw 90k+ viewers listening to the entire thing.
>Guess my job here's done
>get dizzy from the smell
>look at pink-haired girl, she is frozen still, possibly trying to figure out wtf she just gave birth to
>i rush out of the room and start heading down the stairs towards the exit
>suddenly get stopped by the orange-haired girl
>"Phew... Good riddance. I fucking hate that bitch since day 1 of our debut..."
>she hands me the money i was promised from the job
>hands me 2 buckets of chicken wings and nuggets
>realize this was my real employer
>"Thanks anon, you're a lifesaver."
>head to airport while enjoying my nuggers
>wtf is a "vtuber"

>> No.663658

Still OP of original one, just edited some shit cause i felt like it

>> No.663850

10/10 anon, good job

>> No.663914
File: 894 KB, 1366x1080, koro-su.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only

>> No.666406
File: 970 KB, 1079x2949, Gen 0 Cucking Aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 0 Cucking Aqua

>> No.666571
File: 1.14 MB, 1080x1699, Screenshot_20210215-232758_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got the link to the Google doc of this guy's story? He was writing it on an Ame thread but it's gone now. I have more screenshots of the rest except the last part

>> No.667010

I second this. I genuinely got invested and I need to know what happens next or I’ll shit myself super hard and then there will be shit everywhere and I’ll start crying and my mom will beat me and kick me out for doing it again. Please

>> No.667089


>> No.667111

damn, i saw it earlier but i didn't save the link

>> No.667130

Thank you anon, you saved me from shitting myself

>> No.667155
File: 324 KB, 427x511, korone :).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the top one is new for me
i have coom, thank you 4eva

>> No.667175

all in a day's work

>> No.667281

Not bad but I can tell the writer is a gachikoi for Ina.

>> No.667366


>> No.671712

i need that nene pic

>> No.672252

What I would do to be able to slap Aqua hard across the face and knock her to the ground, call her a stupid fake bitch, watch her cry like a baby and then break all her stupid toys in front of her. Imagine smashing her water cooler and she's just grabbing at your heels, begging you not to kill Kirito. Imagine destroying her Switch and Gaming PC and watching her absolutely lose it as probably thousands of dollars and hours of investment go up in smoke. She seems like the type to be particularly sentimental over objects (autistic). I'd love to tear a hole in all of her stuffed animals then rape them in front of her to taint them in a way that simply destroying them could never do. I want to cum all over her otaku merchandise, every figure and shitty LN in her collection, so that she will only feel disgust when she thinks about any of her beloved garbage franchises. I wish I could spoof her friends' phones and send her hateful texts from all of them telling her exactly how much they hate her and demanding she never speaks to them again. I want to see her despair.

>> No.672728

>saved with my filename

>> No.672841

wait is mori actually 6'5

>> No.673321

No, she's 5'6.

>> No.673522

I want a bitchy, demanding, 6'5 Mori

>> No.673820

And that's a good thing

>> No.673895

I want this as well, but also she weighs over 400lbs

>> No.673970

No, she's 6'5 and doesn't take no for an answer, fatfag. Go eat some cheetos

>> No.673982
File: 95 KB, 284x290, ?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.674019

Bro, you can be 6'5" 400lbs and jacked as fuck

>> No.674051

I'm skinny personally, I like women fat though

>> No.674070

Yeah, but even at 6'5, she'd be barabait with 400lbs

>> No.674291

Did anyone save the YAGOO revelations rrat?
I need it

>> No.674402
File: 456 KB, 1808x2680, YAGOOrevelations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never mind I'm retarded

>> No.674597
File: 714 KB, 1714x2048, 1613189872876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will be 6'5 and she WILL be 400lbs.

>> No.674833


>> No.675006
File: 31 KB, 400x605, architectposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A world... without whales...

>> No.675284

some STIV shit going on in here

>> No.675555

Thanks anon.

>> No.675796

anyone got a clip or potato chips and tomato juice?

>> No.676496
File: 88 KB, 720x450, 3bmxqf1g3ow51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the low resolution

>> No.676818
File: 464 KB, 2042x892, blockGame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.676961

Whast the fuck is this shit? I actually got invested in this gay fanfiction and want more.

>> No.677241

means she has such little understanding of her fucking native language that when she tries to teach her viewers she fails miserably

>> No.677288
File: 59 KB, 598x544, olly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OLLIE...... OLLIE :mayat: :mayat: :mayat: WANGY WANGY WANGY WANGY WANGY WANGY (formalin) HU HA HU HA HU HA, aaaah baunya OLLIE wangi aku mau nyiumin aroma wanginya OLLIE AAAAAAAAH ~~ Rambutnya.... warna warni aaah rambutnya juga pengen aku elus-elus ~ AAAAAH OLLIE :mayat: :mayat: :mayat: manis banget AAAAAAAAH


apa ? OLLIE itu gak nyata ? Cuma mayat 2 dimensi katamu ? nggak, ngak ngak ngak ngak NGAAAAAAAAK GUA GAK PERCAYA ITU DIA NYATA !! GUA GAK PEDULI SAMA KENYATAAN POKOKNYA GAK PEDULI. OLLIE ngeliat gw ... OLLIE NGELIATIN GW! OLLIE... kamu percaya sama aku ? aaaaaaaaaaah syukur OLLIE gak malu memiliki aku aaaaaah :mayat: :mayat: :mayat: YEAAAAAAAAAAAH GUA MASIH PUNYA OLLIE, OLLIE AKU SAYANG OLLIE AKU CINTA OLLIE AKU AKU INGIN OLLIE MENJADI BIDADARIKUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>> No.677555

>The mighty angel of seven thunders
Holy fuck my sides
