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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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6592938 No.6592938 [Reply] [Original]

>1 week
>still not 1 million views
What went wrong? Why did Sparks fail?

>> No.6592983
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>> No.6593102

She has a loyal fanbase.

Sadly it's just no where near as big as she wishes.

>> No.6593152

I don't hate this orange woman as much as you guys but honestly her voice isn't made for singing.

>> No.6593380

>not in japanese
>didn't watch
sorry but i'm a weeb looking for weeb music

>> No.6593461

Cope: If she had waited 9 months to release her first original, it would have done better.

>> No.6593489

I'm not but the people who care about music are the weebs, the non-weebs are here for games and zatsudan and don't really care for the idol stuff

>> No.6593515

It's because she insists on using her silly in-character speaking voice for her songs too

>> No.6593571

shut up for one week you fucking eggs, we have a new chuuba to develop delusions of romantic attachment for

>> No.6593601

I listened to Reflect over 20 times trying to get emotion out of it but failed. Sparks made me feel on the first listen.

>> No.6593650

You fags don't know what true pain is

>> No.6593692

Poor marketing. Did you ever once hear Kiara tell people to listen to it? I sure didn’t.

>> No.6593731


Sparks is high school musical tier trash.

>> No.6593732


>> No.6593773

I didn't say I liked it, anon.

>> No.6593915

This is the true tragedy:

>> No.6594032


Behold the true face of pain.


>> No.6594079
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>> No.6594085

I'm forever glad that Towa does not do this. Her character voice is so nasally but her singing is fantastic.

>> No.6594092

alright, I kneel

>> No.6594128

would rather gouge my ears out than listen to that indog shit

>> No.6594130

She needs to copy suisei and at the very least unnerf her signing voice. It would be even better if she fixed her speaking too.

>> No.6594222

Music is universal, and the only content from the chicken worth paying attention to.

>> No.6594242

Chicken voice is terrible for english songs

>> No.6594302

The worst part is that this is clearly autotune'd. Imagine how it sounds live.

>> No.6594450
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Can't you go 5 second without thinking about Kiara? You really do need a life OP

>> No.6594499

It sounds so bad tho, recording quality i mean.
It sounded better when they were composing it love.
Yofi needs a good mic, and a decent internet connection

>> No.6594639

The KFP's really can't

>> No.6594716

why are KFP trannies like this?

>> No.6594747

No enough hype, it isnt pretty good, the mv isnt as good as goodbye declaration, at sometime the obnoxious marketing plays against it

>> No.6595117

What if she did the chicken son?

>> No.6595122

>Why did Sparks fail?
Because Kiara sang it

>> No.6595212

I legit forgot all 3 of those existed

>> No.6595281

her original child with me

>> No.6595349
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I don't know why Kiara is on your minds all the time. Maybe you have mother issues.

>> No.6595371

Anon come on now. Everyone knows it takes 2 weeks before you suddenly like Kiara's songs then it suddenly hits 1 mill.

>> No.6595551

Are you a 15-year-old girl from the mid-2000's? Did your parents get you Hannah Montana tickets for your sweet 16?

>> No.6595651

Nah she need to stop fucking hiring her friends for this shit and hired actual pro. The mixing on her new cover with moona just sounds terrible. I still dont understand why she didnt just hire soundweebjay like moona and risu or ask reine to introduce her to redshift. The people she hired always do a halfass job

>> No.6595761

I was going to check it but she's so fucking annoying shut the fuck up with your song already that the contrarian on me decided to ignore it

>> No.6595778

Reine's Ai Dew with Nene was great. Nene's sounds top tier in there

>> No.6595787

that cover song she did before sparks was much better 2bh

>> No.6595833

the song's too dance for imo. like what a cheerleader would sing in a musical.

>> No.6596314

she tried to push it too hard with the "stream sparks" meme
telling someone to do something makes them more likely to do the opposite

>> No.6596457

Yes, also the video was so good, the animation was amateurish But appealing

>> No.6596547

This song is fucking trash, there is better songs out there

>> No.6596640
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Sparks is so fucking bad.
To be honest i didnt expected much considering its Kiara, but i thought at least she could do a catchy song, but this shit sucks. Maybe if she did a better singing voice it could get a little more views, but even that could not correct this shit song.

>> No.6596788



>> No.6597523

good song
bad singer
thick layer of autotune

>> No.6597928

We were too busy listening to Regret

>> No.6597957 [DELETED] 

Kiara's personal social media spouted white-guild nigger lives matter propaganda, and she's a feminist. She'll likely never be a mother, and if she is, it will likely be to a lightbulb headed somalian shitskin nigger.

>> No.6598311

Huh that flatlined fast
I expected it to get to 300k at least

>> No.6598496

Honest opinion from a day 1 KFP.
Kiara needs to lose the stupid character voice. We've all heard her actual voice (and yes, Kiara, we know it's your actual voice, you're not gonna fool anyone with how well known your "lore" is), and it's so much better than the chicken voice. It's a damn shame that she's so stubborn about this, since she's handicapping herself, then getting sad about the results of being artificially handicapped. But of course, she'll never listen to us, so getting mad about it doesn't help. I've just learned to accept it.

>> No.6598511

>song released the same day as the actual vSinger announced
Her staying in character while singing doesn’t help either. And she really does need to stop being so worried about hitting a million on things, as she’s only going to drive herself into depression despite being comparatively successful to many other youtubers.

>> No.6598513

Maybe because she sucks as singer

>> No.6598786

You're assuming she CAN sing without the character voice.

>> No.6598845

her voice isn't made for anything but making ears bleed

>> No.6598931

Personally her and in general alot of hololive music is not in my taste. I prefer songs more like ghost where the talent actually has somthing to say. Not some generic weeb stuff or just trying to be cute.

>> No.6599031

Nah she's a decent singer.
You niggers just want to hate.
Just admit you hate her for some irrational and insipid reason.

>> No.6599227

She's as good as a chicken can be

>> No.6599232

Not liking her style of music isnt a valid option?

>> No.6599267


I hardly watch kiara because of her character voice, but yeah her normal voice isn’t bad

>> No.6599302

So that's how the success of something is measured now? If it doesn't hit 1 million in a week, it's a failure?
Boy ... do I feel bad for Watame and Haachama ...

>> No.6599859

If she kept the order with Hinotori, then no. that song was trash.

>> No.6600001
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my kfp cope :
the vsinger announcement killed any hype and growth that the song would've had.

>> No.6600350

since shark hit 1m in 10 hours. It was never be the same

>> No.6600578

>I don't hate this orange woman as much as you guys but honestly her voice isn't made for singing.

its the autotune. they autotune her voice so hard it sounds like a vocaloid. it's got a robotic unnatural quality that just strips the life out of the song. :\

>> No.6600588

I don't believe even Ghost hit a million in a week, for that matter.

>> No.6600729

The cult of cute singing is the single most obnoxious thing in the V-tuber music scene. I am sick of girls with credible mid-ranged singing voices trying to sing cutely in pitches way too high for them.

>> No.6601007

You kept demanding I stream the last song, I refused to even consider this one

>> No.6601157

If she and her faggot fanbase stopped demanding that I streamed it then maybe I would actually listen to it. But saying "stream sparks" constantly only comes off as desperate and annoying.

>> No.6601263

I'd rather listen to Ame sing than Kiara

>> No.6601558

Sounds like girls night out vacation music.

>> No.6601604

Ok thats going a bit too far lmao

>> No.6602031

I listened to sparks, it's shit

>> No.6602131

Have you streamed Sparks yet Anon? You should really stream Sparks.

>> No.6602265

Because it's a truly bad song. It's not even anything to do with her voice. The song itself is difficult to listen to. It sucks.

>> No.6602595

I've never listened to this song but Kiara looks hot as fuck in that outfit

>> No.6602633

for such loud mouths, the KFPs arent loyal enough unfortunately

>> No.6602670

the song was produced by a well known vocaloid producer so it was probably intentionally mixed that way

>> No.6602919

Then you should have specified what it made you feel, retard

>> No.6603398

cuz it's boring i don't even remember it

>> No.6603629

She'll eventually hit 1 million views but this is a pretty big L for Kiara. She should've released it a day after her birthday instead of cramming it between the birthday stream and the collab. The shilling didn't help either. That's a sign of desperation and a huge turnoff for most people. Songs are like the easiest things to hit 1 million views. If you can't even hit that 1 million mark in a week, I think it's safe to say the song failed to resonate with your audience and everyone else.

>> No.6604004
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>> No.6604387

Someone fixed the song btw

>> No.6604595

I remember her very first karaoke stream singing paramore and the likes. She sounded great at that time. Where did it go wrong kfpbros?

>> No.6604615

I wonder who that someone is.

>> No.6604680

Now that's more like it

>> No.6604724

She got a cloudlifter or goxlr (forgot which one) earlier this year and Ame gave her the settings she uses. Ever since then her treble has been way too high (sorry audiofags, I can't explain it better than that).

>> No.6604849


>1 million a week

Watame Sweet Night Sweet Time is at 152k views right now in around a week. If 1 million in a week is the standard for resonating with audiences, then it's safe to say neither of Watame's recent singles have resonated with her Watamates Does it mean Watame should urge her Watamates to stresm Sweet Night Sweet Time?

>> No.6604940
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rent free

>> No.6604962

>Does it mean Watame should urge her Watamates to stresm Sweet Night Sweet Time?
No and kiara should learn to not do it either

>> No.6605004
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>rent free

>> No.6605059

Precisely. It's a rhetorical question. Do keep in mind though, many JP side talents do continually promote the sales of their original music, but much in the same way they might promote their merch.

>> No.6605126

Ame uses an EQ setting that boosts the normal female vocal range. I guess chickem voice with the EQ boosting doesn't work well.

>> No.6605366
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>not event 500K views
>MV that cost way more than SPARKS
Irys a flop

>> No.6605408

You could call every single one of Azki's songs a flop if Sparks is. And those MVs of hers don't come cheap.

>> No.6605428

It's just a meme to her I think, she gets interaction from KFP when she says the words and they also post memes on twitter and reddit and another website she doesn't check anymore. She only sounded desperate on the day it was released.

>> No.6605841
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MV is advertisement for EP

>> No.6606319

Hey this isn't so ba-
>Voice goes full autotune robot
Ouch nevermind.

>> No.6606459

Corny, faux positivity lyrics. Lines like "Everybody's gonna know your name" may work in Japanese, but they sound lame in English unless you're in 4th grade.

>> No.6606465

How does Kiara feel that her original song with Kira couldn't get 1 million views in 10 days while Suisei and Mori got 3.5 million in a month with their Getcha cover?

>> No.6606482


>> No.6606537

Corny shit like that works all the time on billboard, especially in the spring. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6608991

I guess it may be because Gura single did extremely well, but comparing yourself with Gura seems like a really dumb idea

>> No.6609200


>> No.6609569

Pretty much. As soon as someone demands that I do something or even offers an unsolicited opinion that I should do something my immediate reaction is to do the opposite. Besides I'm pretty sure I heard Sparks when I checked in on her karaoke where she only sang Sparks.

>> No.6609622

I'm tired of seeing Kiara's face everywhere holy fuck. Stop obsessing about her you faggots. I swear this board is /vt/ - lets give Kiara attention

>> No.6609701

Just means that not all her subscribers watched the video. Sad that she has 1M subs and can't get 1M ciews on day 1 release.

>> No.6609746


>> No.6609987

I feel nothing from either of them, you're just a faggot

>> No.6610072

As KFP I have to agree. It's my least favourite thing about her and the fanbase. It's no longer about listening to it because it's a good song - they just want to bump the numbers up. It's off-putting to be told to do something over and over for that purpose, instead of out of genuine love for the music.

>> No.6610296


Ame's singing is bad and even she knows it to some extent, but at least in her karaoke's she tries making things funny and she actually sings more than just jp songs and does more western songs. Hell she sang ice cube in her latest karaoke.

>> No.6610371

Algorithm is fucking her. I haven't seen sparks in my recommended at all.

>> No.6612292

Iofi cares more about giving her friends work and promoting them than having a professional sounding song. She has good networking sense but poor fiduciary competence.

>> No.6612670

>I'd rather listen to Ame sing than Kiara
More evidence that Kiara's hate is completely irrational and without reason.

>> No.6612814
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>> No.6613451

there's a hint of "sexy" for sure. if that makes sense. some of the lyrics are still kinda cheesy though

>> No.6614613

Nenechi ?!

>> No.6614689

Despite being 4chan, I'm glad that the first thing people think of when "emotion" is used is "positive".
