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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65909511 No.65909511 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the shork leave us

>> No.65909584

pooping hard

>> No.65913965

bad fans will ruin streaming for good chuubas. tale as old as time

>> No.65914055

she was too cute for this world..

>> No.65914366
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Come home

>> No.65914421

Have you seen how toxic chumkeks are?
I don't blame her

>> No.65914799


>> No.65915825

Management, and HoloEN was having a suspicious number of radio silent health breaks and hiatus announcements in late 2022 and late 2023. Gura hasn't made a single optional stream on her channel since her 3rd anniversary which is a giant neon sign they have been fighting over contracts. After the recent meeting Kiara did say that she was relieved and that 2024 will be a good year but things obviously did get heated.

>> No.65916132

did kiara talk really about this on stream?

>> No.65916420
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If you didn't see the giant writing on the wall in April last year, than you have only yourself to blame. Now do yourself a favor and find a better oshi or graduate from vtubers altogether.

>> No.65916467

Pregnancy, then motherhood.

>> No.65917168

Or maybe guras just burned out like she told us she was. no need to invent giant conspiracy theories for a lazy shork

>> No.65918207

>stayed up all night for a management meeting she could have listened to later
>couldn't give any details since it was confidential
>HoloEN was in such a horrible mood that graduation was briefly considered
Kiara being relieved sounds like things are getting worked out but the winter must have gotten spicy. The EN project manager did feel it necessary to remind talents that "leadership does care".

>> No.65918322

you're an idiot

>> No.65918347

Atlantis needs her

>> No.65918393

When was this meeting? Because kiara said things haven't been shit since 2022

>> No.65918404

HoloEN should just be purged and replaced with girls that want to be anime idols.

>> No.65918410

I stopped giving a shit after she streamed when Advent showed up and then fucked off. That was honestly worse for me than just not showing up at all.

>> No.65918560

Got cocky about not wearing her helmet and passed out and hit her head on the corner of a table. She's not dying and is physically healed, but she's not the same "Gura" anymore.

>> No.65919033

It's gonna be awkward as fuck when there's that myth collab in a couple days and she's nowhere to be found. Kiara basically confirmed she won't show up, too

>> No.65919973
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>> No.65920089

>Kiara did say
Funny how I see this so often in a Gura thread

>> No.65920427

She's lazy and stopped caring about streaming in general.

>> No.65920708

Chumbuds didn't donate enough nor bought enough merch. Shame on them! SHAME!

>> No.65924572


>> No.65926095

>only info we get about radio silent vtuber is from colleague who has no filter
Yeah, how strange

>> No.65931868

You disappointed her

>> No.65931915

Because you're all pedophiles and she slowly realized it wasn't ironic shitposting.
>Verification not required.

>> No.65932783

They're nothing alike.

>> No.65937665


>> No.65938331

Why did HoloEN feel relieved by a management meeting if everything was good? Gura hasn't made an optional stream in over 3 months and it has been more than 5 months since any membership content. When you add that several other EN talents have gone on a hiatus that does seem to indicate that something big was going on that Ame thought was going to continue for several months.

>> No.65939336

It's not ironic shitposting, but I'm not a pedo. My fetish is luring actual pedophiles into a situations where they trip and fall and accidentally fuck kids but get caught in the act by the cops, and I'm in the rafters watching the sting, jacking it to the lady cops and anyone in enough riot gear that I can pretend they're a lady cop inside, like a lowest bidder military surplus dollar store Samus.

Yes, it has to be exactly this situation, I will accept no substitutes and my relationship with my parents is great

>> No.65940528

So she relapsed, while out traveling and spending her Chuuba-bucks?

>> No.65940632


>> No.65941702

>Why did HoloEN feel relieved by a management meeting if everything was good?
Because they got good news for themselves, unrelated to whatever's up with Gura?

>> No.65941813

she has a child to take care of now.

>> No.65942093

>doesn't stream
>still made shit load of money
I wish I can live on cheatmode like Gura

>> No.65942191

Do you mean to tell me you would not find HoloEN in full riot gear hot? Are you a criminal and/or gay?

>> No.65943390

fauna in full riot gear wouldnt even be my toughest whack of the year i suspect

>> No.65943654

>leadership does care
>earthquake? Better put Advent’s costumes on hold
>the homo’s new costumes are ready?
That’s basically black corpo tactics 101

>> No.65943879

her voice is a bit too forced like Mori's

>> No.65944013

If they do that that means they keep Kiara and Irys

>> No.65944234

IRyS would prefer to be JP than EN. She has spoken at length about feeling more comfortable and confident speaking Japanese than English.

>> No.65944360

Her numbers would plummet. Thats just suicide at that point. Same argument for tbe teletubbies dogs. They may have a small Jap audience, but they are first and foremost ENs, and they need to get over it

>> No.65944542
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I don't care how long Gura is doko, I'm not making shittier senzawa my oshi

>> No.65944643

>Getting arrested by Officer Fauna for a federal crime and being read your miranda rights ASMR.
So many people would jack it to that.

>> No.65945054

Would Fauna becoming the female version of old Vox be good or bad?

>> No.65945220

Horrible. Girls like that are a diamond dozen and add little of value. Doesn't change that it would be popular and profitable, though.

>> No.65945360

This, and also bad management.

>> No.65946059

If the baby cries on stream schizos are gonna freak the fuck out.
