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File: 34 KB, 399x362, KroniiManager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65881275 No.65881275 [Reply] [Original]

>My previous manager was a little more, distracted?
>I have a new manager now
>Back then, my manager really did NOT do a good job!

>> No.65881342

Those who do nothing but bitch in HoloEN blame management for their own incompetence.

>> No.65881351

>old manager lets Kronii collab with Vesper
>shit hits the fan
>Kronii gets mad at old manager for not stopping her and saving her from herself
Peak woman moment

>> No.65881376

What does a manager even in hololive?

>> No.65881428
File: 197 KB, 1080x1080, 1698119097257688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she HAD a manager

>> No.65881434

>fucks up her career
>it's not MY faaauuuult!!! Manager baaaad!!!

>> No.65881450

Last manager was one of Omegatroon's minions so it was most likely some chink/tranny. Explains why she was so insistent on collabing with Tempus since they probably encouraged it.

>> No.65881462

Collect a salary and spend the whole day composing an email (one)

>> No.65881472

Apart from take flak for your lazy talents? They theoretically handle permissions, get talents with musical and dance go-tos for their projects, and retard wrangle them in IRL events

>> No.65881507

Not that much apparently

>> No.65881509

did any of you watch the video

>> No.65881564

I don't know the chronology of Kronii's manager, but considered that a couple of years ago the manager had to ask Kronii if she were eating https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQEMlO_pTDI I suspect that this is Kronii shifting the blame on the manager, like >>65881351 said

>> No.65881573

More often than not the managers themselves need tardwranglers but there's nobody to tardwrangle them

No I refuse

>> No.65881581

No, why should I ? it's easier and more fun to make up rrats on what I think the video is about /sarcasm/

>> No.65881615

Faxes game permission requests to Cover
Faxes song requests to Cover
DMs the girls to actually stream
Manages their twitter accounts
Organizes their JP trips, events, etc.
Begs the girls to stream
Organizes visits at therapists, physiotherapists and spa for the girls
Works out sponsored streams for the girls
Does the paperwork
Subtly asks girls to maybe sometimes stream
Works out the new outfits with the artists. At least in case of IRyS, whose previous manager was probably the worst nutcase in Cover, who'd keep ghosting her. He was also responsible for the shitshow of IRyS 1.0 not getting any outfits for a year. Also a tranny.

>> No.65881626

blames everyone but herself
she was always a prude

>> No.65881654

>watching streams
>watching clips
>reading threads
lmao, no. I'm a proud thumbnailreader.

>> No.65881674

I did, why?

IRyS stuff is so weird, I wonder if the manager was just crazy or there was more behind the scenes.

>> No.65881781

>Asks for last minute perms less than a day before MAFIA debuts
>Manager is asleep or doing other shit
>She's seething about not getting instant support
>Video still follows through because it's an inhouse request of Shien's monologue
Kronii was seconds away from having a Selen or IRyS fiasco, but with an original. The salt would pay for all of Rome's legions

>> No.65881812 [DELETED] 

Everything points out, including forbidden knowledge, that IRyS manager was a fucking nutcase. Didn't contact Redjuice to get her outfits AT ALL. Would ghost her for weeks. https://files.catbox.moe/q5q56h.ogg
And if all the other info is true (minecraft server info, youtube info, etc, look up the archive), her manager was Jyumi, some half-chink troon who was subbed to many sex transition related yt channels.

>> No.65881845

maybe they were really bad.
but bitching about prev manager is not a cool behavior.

>> No.65881848
File: 49 KB, 341x354, 1692537960182129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive managers are either total assholes, or people who seem like good people

no inbetween

>> No.65881910

>Mel's manager
>Haachama's first manager might have also been Mel's, but she demanded he/she be replaced because she was uncomfortable with him/her around
Granted this was proto-Cover era, so we can't fault them too much, but imagine the fiasco of ENMa copping a feel or plowing any of the talents on EN side

>> No.65881920 [DELETED] 

buy an ad

>> No.65881943

irys lied about having one for the OW collab

>> No.65881953

if i was a holo i would shrimply sleep with my manager and accuse them of rape whenever they mildly inconvenience me. whos gonna stop me. management? checkmate

>> No.65881964

>irys lied
No way
That's impossible!

>> No.65881965

How do you ignore me posting Subaru, because Subaru's manager history was awful. That one asshole who deleted all of her VOD's with no recovery deserves hell

>> No.65882001

Everyone went through the Crapcom shit, that's why

>> No.65882003

Corpo bootlicker

>> No.65882020

If you believe the rrats, then know that Mel's manager was never fired, but simply moved away from contacting Mel directly
Japs are facing literal extinction, and still could give less of a shit about women in the workforce, so if you slept with manager, he's calling you every night from them on and using your own threat against you

>> No.65882043

it went beyond crapcom

>> No.65882045

>That one asshole who deleted all of her VOD's with no recovery deserves hell
In the manager's defence, I will blame this on lack of clear instructions from the top.

>> No.65882112

maybe for jp. but for en

>> No.65882122

shit clip, stop uploading

>> No.65882315

>At least in case of IRyS, whose previous manager was probably the worst nutcase in Cover

>> No.65882465

Okay, hear me out. I agree, Mel's manager was awful, but if any one of you wouldn't want to rape Mel, let him be the first to throw a stone at me.

>> No.65882568

>Ignore requests from other managers
>Tell your managed talent they can't do things they actually can
>Tell your managed talent they have no chemistry with anyone and shouldn't do collabs
>Demand constant meetings so you can pretend it's a date
And sometimes just ignore the talent you manage.

>> No.65882589

>At least in case of IRyS, whose previous manager was probably the worst nutcase in Cover, who'd keep ghosting her.
IRyS didn't even have the worst ghosting manager for a vsinger.

>> No.65882624

Kronii doesn't know shit, she didn't even bother to look up anything for her sponsored FGO stream and doesn't even know the names of the famous characters her mama draws.

>> No.65882824

Her previous manager was a nigger, ghosting her for weeks at times
There is a reason why she went from "no karaoke, no cover and no special gimmicky streams" to what she's at now
Probably the worst case in EN after IRyS

>> No.65883154

Nothing of value was lost anyway.

>> No.65883421

>I'm a proud dumbfuck

>> No.65883473

I don't know much about the history here but the manager delaying the new outfits could have been because Cover didn't want to get her new outfits yet. Managers typically act in the interest of the company over the interest of the individual they manage

>> No.65883608

IRyS was supposed to get the New Year's Kimono with everyone from Council. That was 2 years ago.

>> No.65883744

Her NY outfit was delayed because they decided to give her 2.0, but 2.0 was delayed because her manager would just not contact anyone about it for months. It's the same situation with Nene where her NY was delayed for a year because her redesign needed to happen before she could get it.

>> No.65883866

I'm not going to defend shit management cause i'm not a nijinigger

>> No.65883876

Her manager was actually someone elses manager who barely made time for Kronii and would get back to her on things several days late everytime.

>> No.65883994


>> No.65884254


>> No.65884439

Don't care, Kronii never apologized for her bullshit 180 on male collabs

>> No.65884520

Subaru talks about her managers a whole lot.
It seems to vary from talent to talent and especially between the branches.
But the JP managers range from tardwrangling as mentioned to acting like a Personal Assistant, bringing them lunch/snacks/water they ask for during recording events etc.

>> No.65884660

Is this the same manager that gave her the stars code for the megaman shill stream meaning any of her fans that bought the game when she was shilling it, ie. because of her, got counted as profits for the homo's commission?
I still believe that they did that intentionally to boost the homos' shill commission numbers as this was around about that clusterfuck period where they were pushing tempus HARD as if their careers depended upon it.
Feels like it was now that it's all gone quiet.

>> No.65884662

Probably one of omegatroons goons
God I hate that faggot

>> No.65884811

Reminds me of early Kiara being stuck with J-Chad prior to getting Jenma.
Fuck you J-Chad.

>> No.65884849

What's the difference?

>> No.65884889

whore bootlicker

>> No.65884936

J-Chad is a massive number faggot who gave Kiara brain worms about it without any of the support she (he) gave to Calli. When Mori initially exploded that's where her (his) attention remained focused so Kiara was left to her menhera self with little to no support in lockdown Japan for months until Jenma was introduced to her.

>> No.65884986

forced them to collab with homo aka Homobeggar

>> No.65885042

Holo managers work in rotation, someone got him/her

>> No.65885224

It was fucking omegay

>> No.65885288

No I'm not a clip beggar

>> No.65885568

Based, fuck FGO

>> No.65885640

is this how kroniikeks cope?

>> No.65886088

Anyone but me

>> No.65886118 [DELETED] 

>Anyone but me

>> No.65886154

Literally nothing. Everything would work much better if they had zero managers at the company.

>> No.65886217

You guys actually watch Kronii?

>> No.65886262

Yes is the manager fault kronii was wetting her pussy for vesper and is also the manager fault that kronii burned so many fucking bridges within different fanbases (unicorns shippers homobeggars) over vesper in less than a week. This is why I hate fucking women no fucking sense of self accountability everything that happens it's always somebody else's fault.

>> No.65886269

>acting like a Personal Assistant, bringing them lunch/snacks/water they ask for during recording events etc
That's pathetic

>> No.65886306

A lot of tard wrangling and filling out perm forms.

>> No.65886348

>write ESL lyrics
>write self-insert OC donut steele
>write shitty fanfic
>stonewall projects/ideas
>take credit, shift blame
>make a rape guild
it's very tough job

>> No.65886417

Ok vesper Mr weird fetish freak. Just couldnt be professional could you? Ame did good bringing in fuwamoco, but she's still a bitch though and a dumb one too for thinking you were hololive material

>> No.65886446

tard wrangle basically

>> No.65886480

How the fuck does that makes me vesper you fucking stupid illiterate fucking chimp. Are fucking retarded? Where are you from your education failed you.

>> No.65886520

That manager? Me. Mel and Haachama both owe me sex.

>> No.65886551

You can have Mel. But haachama will only be having sex with me of course.

>> No.65886595

they should give irys gura's manager

>> No.65887044

Maybe IRyS should get Bae's manager, she is actually releasing music.

>> No.65888317

i'm sure only the best managers are assigned gura, marine, and pekora. they are too important to risk with anyone but the best.

>> No.65888535
File: 263 KB, 401x477, 1649094196483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is manager's fault. It is also Kronii's fault, but talents are expected to be menhera womanchildren, they are in streaming with anime girl avatar career. I fucking hate hands off just do whatever managers who think that they are around to e-mail publishers once a week. Go manage NijiEN with this attitude, it's working out great for them.

>> No.65888595

fuck fgo and gachaniggers

>> No.65888604

Hahaha, of course it is never their fault whenever they fuck something up. Yeah cuz the moment you get a manager, you are absolved of any responsibilities. After all, the manager controls the talent like a puppet! No need to think for yourself cuz my manager can just think for me! Woohoo!

>> No.65888661

and you just know she'll do it again in a heart beat if she has the opportunity. She learned zero lessons from that experience.

>> No.65888739

This 100%

>> No.65888761

There's no situation in which a manager can say "no you can't collab with holostars"

>> No.65888769

Kronii definitely seems to be shifting blame here but the manager should have just tardwrangled her to not alienate so many of her fans in the first place. I mean, she still would have fucking hated her manager anyway for instead being a strong guiding hand holding her back instead of nebulously just "not being there" while she fucked her shit up, but at least the end result for the rest of us would have probably been better.

>> No.65888821

>the manager should have just tardwrangled her to not alienate so many of her fans in the first place
How the fuck are they going to do that? They're not mindreaders and they don't watch the stream with a kill switch to shut the stream down if they sense an uncomfortable comment coming.

>> No.65888886

Wtf are you talking about, management kills ideas they have all the time, even after they sank a significant amount of time and money into a project.

>> No.65888908

well they should have chosen an actually productive job if they werent pathetic

>> No.65888933

Managers literally watch streams part of their job and can nuke a broadcast since they have the login details for the channel

>> No.65888934

We have cases of JP managers stonewalling collabs even within the branch. That aside, manager can tell them to go chill after they start doing terrible idea mengen streams or posting stupid shit on twitter. It's not like it was a single accident that did Kronii in, she was stewing in her menhera fumes and spiraling out for a while.

>> No.65888971

The key moment was when she basically soft-promised to her fans in a member stream she would try to avoid chatting up holostars members on twitter etc and then like what, a couple hours later (if that) totally reneged on it and said she was just gonna do whatever she wants and then commented on vesper posting his actual underwear (I don't recall if that was all the same day but it was close timing).

A manager could have swooped in on that after that first stream and been like "ok, you said you were going to limit yourself to such and such level, you need to know it's really important to stick with this because the trust of a significant chunk of your fans is getting very very fragile, and you don't want to go back on what looked like a commitment from you to build it back."

>> No.65889019

Blaming faceless managers is an easy way to get fan sympathy after yabs

>> No.65889110

What the fuck are YOU talking about? The participating members have never been the reason for any cancelled collab or idea if they're from within the company.
Again, there's no situation in which a manager can say "no you can't collab with holostars". The company wants them to grow even if it's never going to happen and a manager is not going to stop a collab with holostars.

>> No.65889216

And? They still don't have the ability to magically stop her from saying things right before they happen. They don't have some kind of script of things they will say on stream that the managers review before every stream.

>A manager could have swooped in on that after that first stream and been like
They couldn't have because nobody does that. That's not their job.

>> No.65889288

Any apology she made would be a lie.

>> No.65889297

Lamy's old manager...

>> No.65889299

>terrible idea mengen streams
the member stream was good the terrible idea was to walk it all back afterwards, after reaching a compromise.

>> No.65889328

>there's no situation
>"Hey Kronii, don't do male collabs at the moment, it'll upset a lot of viewers and the boys are pretty menhera and are probably going to sperg and get in trouble. You don't want to get caught up in that nonsense"
>b-but no one could've seen it coming
Stop making it sound like it's hard. Kronii swam upstream against the current for to homo collab

>> No.65889374

>running with scissors is only bad if you are a retarded child
Yeah, no kidding.

>> No.65889409

Kiara was already had numbers brainworms because of her past and position as last place in Myth subs, incapable of catching up to Ina despite Ina not really trying. I could see him making it worse but that is just who Kiara is.

>> No.65889434

Western Woman moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9he_ZRnZDlk

>> No.65889461

You keep dreaming up these situations that don't exist.
Once again, there's no situation in which a manager can say "no you can't collab with holostars". If they're not in the middle of a suspension they're good.
You're actually fucking retarded if you think managers have an incentive to ostracize other members due to some shit they have done. By your logic managers should block collabs with Marine because Marine's channel has no many demonetized videos that they stop her from doing certain content on her own channel.

>> No.65889769
File: 3.74 MB, 640x360, Pekomanechan[sound=https%3A%2F%2Flitter.catbox.moe%2Fbzh1te.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65890005

>don't you guys have friends of the opposite sex?
>don't ship me with other male co-workers
>I will no longer bring them up
>Hey vesper nice dick I can see the outline in your underwear
>Finds the idol business unfortunate
All of this is the manager fault according to kronii.

>> No.65890063

What did Gura's manager do?

>> No.65890177

She noticed how Selen can blame any mistake on management and thought she could do the same, but since she is in Holo people don't care.

>> No.65890224

woman moment

>> No.65890257

It probably depends on how pro-active the person in question is desu.

>> No.65890336

Ex-mane-chan wore kronii's skin and impersonated her throughout that ordeal and she had to deal with the fallout right after ex-mane-chan fucked off somewhere. This is the truth, I saw it in my dreams.

>> No.65890509

What was the deal with Lamy's old manager??

>> No.65890522 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 850x1367, 4ce94074ad39a2cb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65890661

So IRyS willingly chose to collab with homos and it wasn't management's fault?
LOL, what now IRyStocucks?

>> No.65890723

I hate managers but I distrust Kronii more.

>> No.65890791
File: 44 KB, 418x306, Manager-chama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should get Haachama's, I've heard he's one of the best!

>> No.65890836
File: 238 KB, 1500x1500, 1662938872795239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Miko

>> No.65890913


>> No.65890941

I still remember Ina referring to a manager as he in the Left 4 Dead collab.

>> No.65891081

You know too much hide before cover sends botan to kill you

>> No.65891204

Kronii and Selen collab when?
Or do we have to wait for Selen to debut in EN gen 4 first?

>> No.65891273

Kinda funny how adult women need managers to reign them in

>> No.65891298


>> No.65891309

Maybe they'll collab if Selen joins Vshojo like Mysta.

>> No.65891322

I posit this question: How many managers in Hololive are qualified to be actual managers and not simply Cover employees shuffled around?

>> No.65891343

previous manager couldn't kronii sexually satisfied, good luck to the new one

>> No.65891353

Is this the thread where we bitch aimlessly at Kronii and spew year old drama while ignoring what the OP is actually referring to?

>> No.65891443

Unironically yes, since they predicted that Kronii would actively hate on Tempus when they debuted.

>> No.65891476

Most Japanese office workers are not qualified to do anything. They just need to spend a lot of hours at the office

>> No.65891737

There was nothing to apologize for. She did nothing wrong.

>> No.65891771

Now say it without crying.

>> No.65891774

If they want Yagoo's wrath.

>> No.65892378

Retarded take. Selen's problems are outright management interfering, Kronii's, at most, are management not doing anything.

>> No.65893298

>being this retarded

>> No.65893777

HoloEN can blame management in a general sense but can't blame Cover issues like a design or model so it can be hard to determine the target. I have the feeling that Kronii had major issues that went beyond her personal manager. That she is more optimistic and that after the recent meeting Kiara was saying that 2024 would be a good year seems like they might be connected.

>> No.65894137

It's amusing how much irrational hatred exists between vtuber watchers and gacha players, despite how similar they are.

>> No.65894300

>Most Japanese office workers are not qualified to do anything
lol, that's how I feel most of the time as an office worker.

>> No.65894388

Selen deflection thread

>> No.65895124

>nijisanji vtuber complains about management
>"wow what a fucking black company"
>hololive vtuber complains about management
>"what an ungrateful cunt, stop being a dramaqueen"
First it was Kiara, now it's Kronii.

>> No.65895158

Closest thing to being correct

The only live events they appear at are cons, though it is rare, who have staff their to help them and solo lives/rare jp gen concerts (not CtW) which comes with a full team not just the manager. Most of the time their managers are their in person for them to make sure their appearance is running smoothly and to pick up the gifts

All of these are wrong, these are done by other people and you’re wrong about the irys shit because you’re probably a newfag. She teased her redesign before that so she didn’t get an outfit for a first design though you can blame the manager on the year delay if they are involved in that which they normally aren’t. And jp have all had worst managers

Also correct sadly

You are right this is the managers job. Being the personal assistant to a bunch of “children” is their job. Some take the children aspect to seriously and greatly overstep their boundaries. This is the standard in the entertainment industry unless you’re a newbie


This is partially correct



Gen 2 and 3 all have solid managers, Gura and Kiara’s managers seem to work well for what they need to a lesser extent the rest of myth as well, and gen 0 though their managers are special. Everyone else's managers are either highly incompetent or dealing with the biggest headaches in the industry. Lamy Kanata and Mel had bad experiences but there’s no way it’s that bad for everyone else while 3 gens have 0 issues. Towa in particular speed runs managers

>> No.65895362

First it was JP and what Kiara complained about it isn’t the same as kronii. Management is upper management while their managers are below them on the totem pole. But the biggest difference is cover didn’t try to strike dramatubers, mainly because they pretend they don’t exist, so now they raid the catalog consistently for screenshots

>> No.65896171

More important question. What does Gura's manager do?

>> No.65896939 [DELETED] 

Cope holokek

>> No.65897050

Retweet when there’s something to shill

>> No.65897100

The same as every other manager gives her jobs, snacks and miku to calm her down. Then there’s jenma always trying to get her involved

>> No.65897294

So schizo he wasn’t sure which buzzword to use and picked wrong. I was defending niji but you only come here to troll and stir up drama

>> No.65897441

irys is literally the worst and dumbest vtuber and should graduate. seriously I can't even hate watch her she is so stupid.

>> No.65897837

I genuinely don't understand what iRyS does that makes retards like this guy seethe so hard

>> No.65897988

Ghost write as Gura when merch needs shilling, pretend she's requesting perms for games, and apparently hook her up with such egregiously terrible people for her QUEEN cover, Gura abandoned it all together

>> No.65898652

>kronies cope

>> No.65899090

He's a Holostars fan

>> No.65899513

You do realize pretty much everyone by now has bitched about management in the entire branch? I could see your point if it was only a couple of them and chalk it up to them being malcontents and bad apples but when every last member has gone off on management at one point or another don't you think its time to stop pointing fingers at the talents and to follow to the common source, the management?

>> No.65899616

you try tardwrangling western women, lol

>> No.65899684

in what world is mafia an original you mouth breather

>> No.65899955


>> No.65900168

case on point

>> No.65900178

I don't get the IRyS hate. I love a good bimbo.

>> No.65900185

The minimum catalogtards could do is actually watch the clip instead of just reading the thumbnail.

>> No.65900463

>being a clipwatcher

>> No.65900659

Still slightly better than a thumbnail reader. I already know you retards aren’t gonna watch stream.

>> No.65900850

>thumbnail readers
respect their own time
too busy being productive to spend time watching clips, let alone full streams
gathers information in the most efficient way to grace everybody else with their correct opinions

do I even need to elaborate further

>> No.65901859 [DELETED] 

Kronii is unironically better than mumei who by the way did you know

>> No.65902020 [DELETED] 

I'm sure you have proof of all these claims right? You chuds are fuckin hilarious considering the orange Teletubby you worship went to Epstein pedo Island at least 20 times according to Jeff black book.

>> No.65902906 [DELETED] 

https: //v-buz.net/en-US/post/nanashi-zense
Enjoy you cum gargling retard

>> No.65903053

>clip thumbnail thread

>> No.65904030

>Post quotes, get told for source, have to post the fucking VOD and time stamp it, then the corresponding timestamps of "context", to shut up the retards in denial
>Post the link to clip shit, get told "LOL Clip nigger" and argument discarded
>Post pic, make everyone seethe, get maximum content

>> No.65904314

>Ask for proof and I get link to another schizo basket weaving site.
Are you happy to be exhibiting all of this small dick energy?

>> No.65904536


>> No.65904675 [DELETED] 

>Give me proof
i bet you reported the post too so you can bury the truth lmao

>> No.65904811

You're thinking of Bill Clinton, you mouthbreathing McMongoloid. You know, the one that Eppy got a painting of in his wife's dress.

>> No.65904999

Why is it pathetic?

>> No.65905211

That happeneD WAY WAY after the period where management wasn't contacting Redjuice so unlikely

>> No.65907801 [DELETED] 

Actually it never crossed my mind to do that but now that I saw you mentioning it I just reported it for dox just now enjoy your 2 day vacation. I hope in those 2 days you find time to at least take a fucking shower.

>> No.65908908

I think it is very possible Kronii's manager may have been responsible for the yab in the first place. It would be nice to believe she was ordered to change her position after the stream where she seemed to agree with her viewers on the issue.

But we'll never know for sure, most likely. If it was the manager being an asshole, I feel genuinely bad for her.

>> No.65908925

It's not a dox you fucking retard. You zoomers are unironically so fucking stupid holy fuck kys

>> No.65909585

kroni is a tranny herself, her manager also being one wouldn't matter to her

>> No.65909682

Actually it is. That site is posting PL information you fucking stupid retard.

>> No.65909790

>gets btfo

>> No.65910031

I don't argue with small dick anons

>> No.65911048

In the beginning, Cover management was clearly subpar and probably as bad as Nijisanji's currently is.

After the disaster where Mio nearly lost her channel, Yagoo seems to have realized the need to "professionalize" the company and started hiring people with actual experience in managing talents. This did a lot to clamp down on further yabs. Some Holos like Rushia and Matsuri couldn't be tardwrangled and melted down anyway, and Laplus was a horrible choice from the get-go, but I think its to Cover's credit that they've done as well as they have in recent years.

In the case of Holo EN, it seems to have taken longer to professionalize (possibly because the Omega era management could point to the initial success of Myth, particularly Gura). My guess is various Myth yabs and the overall failure of Council is what got EN's incompetent management pushed out. Things got better for them when Dimitri Jap was hired to replace Omega, and there haven't been any major yabs since he took the reins, with Advent being a success and the problem of male collabs mostly gone (excepting Bae).

>> No.65912062

ok, not arguing with you anymore.

>> No.65912356

>pretends to care and want to understand how we feel for an entire stream
>thought she was actually different than the others
>"fuck you I'll collab with who I want" the next day
Don't care who she blames, I'll never forgive her.

>> No.65912487

why is advent a success but council is not?

>> No.65913069

Council did a lot of self-sabotaging things. Sana basically decided she didn't like it maybe a month or two after she debuted and quit the minute her contract was up. Kronii had the whole "male collabs" disaster and also went through a period of not streaming which torpedoed her growth. Bae collabed too much with men, and Mumei I don't pay a lot of attention to but I heard she doesn't stream a whole lot (please correct me if I am wrong). Fauna is the only one who is a success, even with the We Are Not Friends yab, and I'd consider her a modest success at best.

IRyS was also crippled by being launched as a vSinger and then they didn't really seem to know what to do with her; had she been part of Council she might have done a lot better.

The advantage Advent has is they stream a lot, particularly Biboo and the dogs, and so far have avoided big yabs. Their selection was also a lot more careful than Council's, IMO. Even Shiori, who I was initially wary of, turned out all right.

>> No.65913072

>my previous manager made me do a voiceover for a whore company
boohoo manager hort :(

>> No.65914403

IRyS also had like the worst manager ever to debuff her, too

>> No.65914537

The concern here is from a business perspective, and in that sense are they doing better than council did/does?

>> No.65914669

>quick private everything
No, her manager was a fucking retard

>> No.65914746

No that happened under the current manager
The old bad manager is from way longer ago

>> No.65915121

For an entrepreneur like Yagoo, failures are nothing but step-stones to success.
He won’t be afraid of making mistakes like council or CN.

>> No.65915388

More views over time and more consistent fanbase = more marketability and demand for concerts = more money.

>> No.65916350

>expecting someone who's entire job is helping you to get back to you within a day
What a fucking woman

>> No.65916413

How many views do you need for your shit clip to keep bumping this thread like this?

>> No.65916670

Council streamed a lot in the first year too.
Or at least Fauna/Kronii/Bae did.
Mumei was absent more than usual and Sana checked out during/after the dog arc.

>> No.65918069

Treat her like a baby, apparently.

>> No.65919184
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>> No.65919234

Yeah it's hard to believe the story of a quick backstabber.

>> No.65921672

In the last possible stretch it stops being an obligation and more of a inconvenience. One can only imagine how many times Kronii was asked what else she needed before she finally realized "oh hey last minute perms!"

>> No.65921729

They still pretend the managers are female?

>> No.65921938

the sovl of /vt/ right here

>> No.65922021

Pretty based of her the outright call her ex manager incompetent. If they're still with the company then everyone knows who it is and the next girl that gets them knows what to expect

>> No.65922087

She talked about this in an Oct 2022 member stream, it's old news.

The only interesting information was that her old manager was JEnma (who she doesn't hate). JEnma was busy with Kiara and completely neglected Kronii. When JEnma was promoted to head manager she dropped every girl except Kiara
That's when Kronii got a new manager. She shares KroMa with Mumei.

>> No.65922220

rrat: Kronii's mane-chan graduated from clock sex to cock sex and she got so bitter she started male collabing to rouse jealousy from her true lesbo love

>> No.65922739

Don't you guys have more recent shit to schizo over than the clock woman again

>> No.65923240

Considering /vt/ latches on to Fauna and Ina's quips to this day, no

>> No.65923893

>to what she's at now
An unpopular member who barely streams, has the worst merch sales, has no channel growth and gets less live views than other members prerecorded VOD uploads?

>> No.65923940

>Her only manager was Jenma
Why... Jenma is one of the few competent managers what got promoted to head manager, give her to some girl that will take advantage of her skills like Bae or FWMC for example (and Kiara but she's her permanent manager already). They really wasted Jenma on Kronii

>> No.65924277

what is she CAPS LOCK RAGE POSTING today?

>> No.65924370

Mumei is about to eclipse 1M subs even without streaming. Imagine how big she would be if she was healthy and stable enough to stream consistently and release projects at Bae's level. Lots of underdeveloped potential there.

IRyS was indeed poorly managed but since that was corrected, she still doesn't put in work the way Bae does. I assume her middling success in streaming is sufficient, given her... living situation.

Kronii wants to be a voice actress. If she breaks into that field (50/50 odds there) she will graduate immediately. She has never been totally committed.

Bae, while not overly popular, puts in the work and I think will make herself useful to Cover.

Fauna just enjoys streaming for now. Some day she will be ready to move on.

They spent more time vetting Advent and making sure each member filled a precise niche and that each member was serious long-term. They were also sure to avoid difficult personalities.

>> No.65924568

Yes, JEnma is competent, but she was too busy to help Kronii and gave Kiara preferential treatment. Kronii doesn't hate her former manager and she loves KroMa, so she's good now.

>> No.65924977

Since you appear to know something, can you explain what it is the talents are doing when they claim they have "lots of off stream work." Fauna does this constantly. I feel like Will Ferrell asking WHAT IS SHE DOING IN THERE?

>> No.65925141

>Mumei is about to eclipse 1M subs even without streaming
Yeah after how many years. I don't hate Council but that gen flopped hard. Good thing management got their shit together and did great with the advent girls. The en branch wouldn't have survived with another flopping gen.

>> No.65925390

>Kronii wants to be a voice actress. If she breaks into that field (50/50 odds there) she will graduate immediately.
>She will quit a work from home job with decent stability, okay income, and ability to decide a lot of her own schedule and content.
>To work exclusively in an industry where if she "makes it" she'll be paid around $30/hr.
>Which isn't even consistent work, so it's significantly less than $30/hr full time.
>And will have to live near studio in a major city with high cost of living.
>And drive to that studio and maintain a car, which comes out of the profits.
>And perhaps the best way to continuously get roles in that industry nowadays is to be a well known anime or gaming-related InFlUeNcEr on the internet.
>Which is exactly what she is right now.
>Which is what you are saying she will stop being.

>> No.65925791

>Kronii wants to be a voice actress
She already was though?

>> No.65926188

>And perhaps the best way to continuously get roles in that industry nowadays is to be a well known anime or gaming-related InFlUeNcEr on the internet.
The best(only?) way is to have sex with one of the creepy execs at crunchyroll or provide them with girls/boys

>> No.65926275

sniff the bodysuits after a 3D

>> No.65926406

Presumably for something a little bigger than indie games about being a sad tranny that sell 3 copies

>> No.65926710

I remember Kronii saying her manager telling her to just shut the fuck up about the collabs and let the noise down but against their wishes, Kronii decided to address it and ended up making worse. So with regards to that issue, it sounded like the manager actually had their head on their shoulders compared to Kronii having a woman moment.

>> No.65927216

I wonder if these kinds of preferences have caused conflicts or resentments between holomems behind the scenes...

>> No.65927220

A VA getting a non-VA job doesn't mean that they don't want to be a VA anymore, if that's what you mean. It usually just means that they can't afford to ONLY be a VA. The pay they make is dogshit relative to the living conditions they have to maintain. It's similar to how Google engineers can make $200,000+/yr but somehow STILL only be scraping by. It's because they own a house or pay rent in driving distance to Google.

That's the main reason voice actors do so many convention panels, if they're famous enough to. It's a way to make semi-consistent money by kindling past successes, rather than scrounging for new ones and getting paid peanuts to be in the booth. A lot of this has become less definitive and ubiquitous in the internet era, but large companies are always slow to change.

Kronii is therefore in a pretty comfortable position as far as a voice actor is concerned. She got a job that gives her relative stability and acts as an agent for her, before making it big. Although I would probably argue that being a member of Hololive IS a voice acting job of sorts, but I digress.

>> No.65927387

Kronii can be a voice actress and work on Hololive at the same time, neither job is demanding enough to overshadow the other unless she starts doing a stupid amount of projects

>> No.65927581

There has to be tons of behind the scenes drama. It’s dozens of women working together.

>> No.65927593


nah you idiots didn't even bother knowing about the context. it was about people complaining about kronii not asking shien permission for the mafia credits at the end of her cover. when she's had permission MONTH before she even released it. but because of her incompetent manager you left her on read for a whole day. Shien's fans had already started rioting about his lyrics being in her cover.

>> No.65927730


>> No.65927882

wow. you're so good with twisting her words. are you like autistic or something? or were you just dropped on your head since birth?

>> No.65928005

she still doesn't care about you dumb fuck. she was talking about perms for her MAFIA Cover. But seeing as how you haven't moved on from her you're still an ugly virgin kek

>> No.65928178

Imagine being a roastie who's proud of having loose flaps.

>> No.65928257

I absolutely love manager threads because you get to see everyone pull the most asinine nonsensical conclusions out of their ass to defend their oshi from their own fuckups all while being able to attack whatever shit in the industry they hate. Poor number growth? Shitty merch sales? OG Song flopped? No collabs? Interacted with company I don't like? Doesn't stream? Collabed with men? DIDN'T collab with men? No new outfits? Doesn't get sponsored streams? Had a menhera breakdown episode? No, no, not my beautiful perfect oshi! Management's fault! Manager bad! Manager HATE! I fucking love it. The absolute mental illness, full fledged backwards ass schizo conspiracies people will come up with are better than any shitty forced rrats to have come out of this board in all of 2023.

>> No.65928292

Generally, but the mandatory Holo workload periodically becomes hard to handle on its own, even if you aren't doing optional projects. There's a decent chance it could cause scheduling conflicts if she got a major anime role or something. But at that point, I wonder if Holo would not only play ball, but play into it, if they thought she was going to be the next Haruhi or something.

>> No.65928335

100%, but these girls are too passive to create anything big.

The JP girls have gotten into arguments to the point of tears. EN and ID aren't like that.

>> No.65928423

bet you hate english classes too eslchama

>> No.65928872

…except for Kiara

>> No.65928924

>you're still an ugly virgin kek
>Thinking this kind of "insult" is going to affect anything on 4chan of all places
Kek. I might not agree with the unicorn, but kindly fuck off back to wherever you came from.

>> No.65928946

Do you think Shiori or Henma is to blame for her first cover getting botched?

>> No.65929081

Sounds like it's working very well

>> No.65929150

I want to watch vtubers who want to be there, not have to be because of monthly rent.

>> No.65929332

>Shien's fans had already started rioting
Female unicorns who don't want female collab with their male oshi? that is new.

>> No.65929440

I suppose it worked to make me discard the possibility that you'd have meaningful input, so you got me there.

>> No.65929550

Can I get a qrd on the individual known as Ouro Kronii? some say she's a tranny dyke. Some say she fucked Vesper. Please someone tell me the truth!

>> No.65929565

If Vesper had several conflicts with different people in a year, imagine dozens and dozens of women working together for several years...

>> No.65929920

unity ~
kronii should have graduated with mori
to 2024 goals

>> No.65930152

The truth is schizos latched onto her from Day 1 for having a deeper voice than the others and decided she was a tranny because of that, and have spent 2+ years coming up with whatever brainworms that keeps their schizophrenia going ever since.

>> No.65931246

She was very popular with the saberface buff until she abandoned everything to collab with Vesper, doing a 180 after she said she will compromise.
Worst yet, Vesper turned out to be a male menhera that brought the most drama to the EN branch, and abandoned her and the company after a single year, and after he brought drama to both HoloEN and StarsEN.

>> No.65931433

It’s not because of her voice, it’s because of her past-life, in which she appears to identify as a tranny.

>> No.65935449

I love clip threads

>> No.65936225

I wanna be a manager. The perks are worth it alone.

But heard that claiming to be a Hololive fan is how not to get hired.

>> No.65936958

Shoulda been a manager during the first year
>Get Mel as your talent
>"Free oshi sex? Don't mind if i do"

>> No.65937087

Forced Gura to stream

But also didn't force Gura and Kiara to collab with Stars

>> No.65937229

No they were pissed that Kronii didn't credit him.

>> No.65937650
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Worst? Clearly not.
Dumbest? Do you mean cutest?

>> No.65937751

>and position as last place in Myth subs, incapable of catching up to Ina
This wasn't the case at the time. Kiara was ahead of Ina for a while and Ina didn't pull ahead of Kiara until long after she left Japan.

>> No.65937798

So who's fault ultimately was it? Seems manager took 12+ hours to respond before the debut, but didn't Kronii want Shien's monologue from the very beginning?

>> No.65937998

Unironically Kronii's first OG song was delayed by almost half a year because LUMINA is a lazy fuck.
And it looks to be the same with her second OG song.

>> No.65938403

Just fucking stream you lazy fucking shark.

>> No.65938434


>> No.65938534

This thread is a great reason why I don't give a fuck about most of holoEN, and just peruse them. I don't have any long term commitment to any of them, and its more entertaining to just hear these retards whine and cry.

>> No.65939168
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EN management aren't used to managing talents the way how JP company wants them to be managed.
EN talents saw how JP talents are treated like gods by their managers while they're being ghosted by their own EN managers, ofc they'd feel bad.
It's been 4 years, they should hire actual professionals as managers or at least hire a multilingual JP manager as a supervisor for EN managers.

>> No.65939170

Yeah mean a random YT comment that's 6 years old at this point that literally did not say anything remotely near that?

>> No.65939394

JP managers suck but they did get a lot of good for the members. Its still amazing that they get work even with the bad sprinkled in.

>> No.65939472

If you run into an asshole once, you ran into an asshole
If you run into assholes all the time, you're the asshole

>> No.65939952

I don't know how you'd be able to pin her orisong released getting delayed on her end if the song was recorded and mixed over half a year ago at this point.

>> No.65940080
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Why won't they let me manage my oshi, I would be at her beck and call 24/7. If she was doing some girls offcollab and didn't have access to a restroom I wouldn't hesitate to be her human toilet and use $100 bill to wipe her

>> No.65940252

Lumina was the cause of a few of IRyS's delayed songs too and still gets work

>> No.65940624

they want women and you sound like you'd rape her if she doesn't listen to your advice

>> No.65946162


>> No.65947437

Imagine being the one who has to answer for 2023 Gura's activities

>> No.65953363

yea, that was definitely a headscratcher. She literally should have said nothing regarding it.

>> No.65953514

obviously the managers. She wanted it since the beginning and told the manager. It should've been confirmed since the beginning but kronii still had to check with manager before uploading the cover. And he still took 12+ hours to respond just to not even do the task. At what point should a talent be more on top of this stuff than the manager?

>> No.65953659

>had she been part of Council she might have done a lot better
Would she? IRyS had hype and a headstart that Council didn't get. She started her career with 600k subs, Council started with like less than half that.

>> No.65953705

council was culled badly and more than once which ruined momentum, while IRyS wasn't

>> No.65953911

she said management suggested she do that stream, not her manager. Just because she doesn't have a personal manager for her vsinger stuff anymore doesn't mean cover is letting her continue without management. She was literally being passed around by any management that had free time to do work which is why all of her shit keeps getting delayed or there were multiple communication issues since she doesn't have a singular person to relay info to.

>> No.65954044

Whats your point, are we going to make up a scenario where Council doesn't get culled? Thats not the point of the discussion, because then we could just say if Council wasn't culled they would've all blazed past IRyS.

>> No.65954286

Mumei has already passed IRyS so yes if they weren't culled they would've blazed past.

>> No.65954479

Some of the comments in this thread are really bending over backwards to defend this manager in particular. As if the ex-manager himself wrote them

>> No.65954606

Thats my point, retard. They are basically even despite IRyS having a huge headstart, which is why the original anon's claim that IRyS might've been bigger if she debuted in Council doesnt check out.

>> No.65955312

sure incel keep telling yourself that. don't get calluses from rubbing one out too much. unlucky for you women wouldn't even come near you with a 10 foot pole with how ugly you are

>> No.65955358

the retard actually got triggered and replied to bait. get a job loser

>> No.65955439

and you should've graduated in life since you don't have one and still in kronii's business while she lives in your unemployed head rent free

>> No.65955948

I remember Ina had one manager had nothing to do cause she had herself sorted out.

>> No.65956434

>He doesn't know
You could say Ina and Ame's managers are closer than you think

>> No.65956509

Yeah they're both secretly Mori

>> No.65958173

Probably chilling out.
Gura's absences didn't start until after her contract renewal. Probably negotiated for more time off... "her new norm". So it's out of her hands, other than the company-mandated appearances.

Don't know who her current manager is, but she often talked highly of Jenma.

>> No.65958230

Nice try, Kronii.

>> No.65960417

hey Mumei might not have streamed much but that's because she was in college, and even then she still sacrificed her college terms just to stream

>> No.65960447


>> No.65962613

Why is Kronii always seeking validation from a group of random people?

>> No.65962938

Pretty sure that one has been laid off after "cant play sanic if sega hired this man, PC hort" and gura fucked off forever.

>> No.65963167

Kronii’s manager told her to shut the fuck up so Kronii did the opposite of that of course.

>> No.65963519
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IRyS isn't even in the top 5 of dumbest vtubers.

>> No.65965580

that's kiara's job
