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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 333 KB, 1519x1668, twitter_Deijī ₍ᐢ.⩊.ᐢ₎—— COMM OPEN(@daisy_bijutsu)_20240102-101836_1742128251265524020_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65837841 No.65837841 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread >>65780659

Current Premiere - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXPVfPQ31Ag
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

Fauna Plushie (Available forever?) - https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololivefriends_ceresfauna

Schedule - Return in ~12 days
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.

>> No.65837883
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>> No.65837934
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>> No.65838019
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>> No.65838071
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>> No.65838077
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i was just thinking about how many packages from last year im waiting to arrive this year

>> No.65838131
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>> No.65838173

think im down to two now
hat and the new plushie which is super cute

>> No.65838613

>my love

>> No.65838666

That did not look like I wanted it to

>> No.65838881
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>> No.65839028

so is she smart or is she retarded?

>> No.65839451

She's resmarted

>> No.65839473
File: 2.40 MB, 350x350, 1704228188958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's smart but also female
Two opposing forces constantly at war inside of her

>> No.65839722
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>> No.65839752

yeah it seems like she's smart when it comes to the lore and figuring things out but retarded when it comes to gameplay and exploration

>> No.65840063

A lot of it is her being bad at 3D navigation and identifying relevant objects. Which is most of this game, so she ends up looking really bad.

>> No.65840697

ominous title for today, hopefully doesn't mean she will spend a lot of time on it

>> No.65840760
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>> No.65841316

You guys think she will ever go back to planet zoo? Those streams were amazing.

>> No.65841652
File: 262 KB, 1050x670, 1683227549460586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

squeeb gang rules this thread

>> No.65841925

>an entire episode of trying to figure out if it means something
dear lord help me

>> No.65842084

Last episode wasn't all about the tunnels on Timber Hearth, the baby Hearthians just stuck with her. There's no way she spends more than a few minutes in the grove.


>> No.65842120

Both [Baby] And [Elevator] were literally only one part o the stream and it was less than like 3 minutes each I'm not sure why you're doomposting.

That said I really don't care I just want more Fauna

>> No.65842400

I already watched female vtubers play this before and I really thought Fauna would be more competent across the board but turns out not really, she's really invested emotionally though so it's a fun watch

>> No.65842578

I didn't expect her to play well only because I knew she'd get motion sick because I did too, even when I tried my best not to move around too much

>> No.65842992

they might arrive a bit later considering the earthquake, already got a notification about it for a package with books from comiket

>> No.65843183

This let's play made me realize how much Fauna relies on chat backseating to know what to do or notice things in front of her.
It's still fun anyway

>> No.65843422

Nah it should be fine, those things are due late this month/next month

>> No.65843799


>> No.65844024
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haha, yes, it does indeed feel good to squeeb, let us continue

>> No.65844332


>> No.65844386

I miss fauna

>> No.65844441

vibration of which quantum field causes kirin?
And does she have spin? Color charge is self-evident, I presume.

>> No.65844746
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>> No.65845175

Who drew all the thumbnail chibis? They're cute

I'm not a sapling, just an OW fan so please don't get mad if this is common knowledge

>> No.65845225


>> No.65845254
File: 42 KB, 537x232, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna is very good about crediting artists so you'll always find the thumbnail artist in the stream's description.

>> No.65846066

Thanks lads

>> No.65846216

I want a little Fauna
Making her own hypotheses calling her own shots
And sometimes a bit of whiny kirin losing her ship

>> No.65846598

If she was that good about crediting IRyS...

>> No.65846909
File: 409 KB, 1980x1115, 1704235696646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She literally hates her..

>> No.65847034

Fucking based

>> No.65847339

anyone remember if she said she recorded any of the dlc?

>> No.65847436

love this spaceborne kirin

>> No.65847512
File: 829 KB, 1920x1080, waterfox_SYcQtoLhxR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone used autocaptions on these?

>> No.65847601

yep, she completed the full thing before her 12 hour hitman run she recorded for us - we get that on day 22

>> No.65847661

I can't believe she's getting stuck on the fucking poem of all things aaaa

>> No.65847668

Hopefully she doesn't spend half an hour on this

>> No.65847682

man I'm 3 minutes late again so the thread and chat will be offset from the video

>> No.65847685

don't attempt this type of jewish trickery on me

>> No.65847757

How did she beat this in 21 episodes is a mystery to me.

>> No.65847770

Wtf. I didn't know this could happen

>> No.65847793
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one loop coming right up

>> No.65847875
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got myself contradicted so fast

>> No.65847885


>> No.65847940

Fauna please...

>> No.65847948

I was afraid of it based on the title but I really hope we aren't about to spend a whole episode on the fucking poem

>> No.65847955

11 more hours is plenty of time now that she's starting to get a better idea of her goals

>> No.65848011

the worst thing is she hasn't even realized it changes

>> No.65848028

It's crazy that there's a ton of stuff pointing to the White Hole Station and she dismissed it but now is stuck in this.

>> No.65848039


>> No.65848047


>> No.65848051

This is made funnier by the fact that she could go talk to the Hearthian who wrote the poem, who’s also the only Hearthian she hasn’t spoken to yet and also one of the other lit-up masks in Ash Twin which she was curious about

>> No.65848057

she didn't really dismiss it, she said she's having more fun working out the quantum stuff

>> No.65848068

you didnt grasp the GRAVITY of the situation

>> No.65848071
File: 139 KB, 547x692, 1704128081331745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna please you literally have a log you've been using that lets you know when there's more to explore, why would you get stuck on this stupid shit that is clearly nothing

>> No.65848084

i can't wait for the episode she realizes she landed on it, looked into the door, and left

>> No.65848121
File: 158 KB, 1500x1500, 1704237137933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute sexy smooth girlbrain

>> No.65848133
File: 263 KB, 377x346, waterfox_8XYs44mo8A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fauna leans away from your puns

>> No.65848144

just because this is driving me mad, does anyone else have their stream go back in time like 5-10 seconds then you've gotta put it at 1.5 again?
feel like im getting timelooped

>> No.65848152
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>> No.65848157

She likes cryptic puzzles too much. A poem was too big a trap for her

>> No.65848159

this poem is really interesting. I hope Fauna spends the whole episode obsessing over it

>> No.65848204

there all is aching

>> No.65848211

I was watching the noclip documentary for this game. The devs said that they avoided detail in areas where there was nothing to find so players don't spend looking under every nook and cranny. Clearly they didn't account for Fauna

>> No.65848218

I feel justified after getting stuck on stupid shit as well

>> No.65848255

I liked that part last episode when she said she will now check if she visited all Hearthian astronauts, waved her scope around the system to find every signal of each traveler one by one, including the UNKNOWN on Giant's Deep, ignored it without comment and went to do something else

>> No.65848295

This is pure torture

>> No.65848303

Why is THIS the ONE thing she doesn't ADHD away from?

>> No.65848322

what do you mean without comment, she said "oh" before ignoring it

>> No.65848343

anons I'm sorry I like Fauna but my perception of how smart she was has been shattered

>> No.65848351

She really should've kept a to-do list on a scratch pad or something

>> No.65848361

actually maybe i don't want her to play the dlc

>> No.65848364

She called it "scary"
She's afraid of a fucking flute

>> No.65848376

How can she obsess over this random poem for an hour but the first time she tried to land on the quantum moon she phases through it and just goes welp that's that, nothing else here.

>> No.65848393

>I wanna complete the circuit!
>Wait, I'm just back here?

>> No.65848395
File: 238 KB, 480x480, FaunaLov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Fauna!

>> No.65848415

in other areas there are tons of things to take her attention away, this place is so barren that there is nothing to distract her

>> No.65848419

Fauna in hole
In the infinite hole

>> No.65848462

could help it ima tako

>> No.65848476
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>> No.65848479

There was no poem in the moon

>> No.65848488

it's way more linear and simpler though, you have 3 things you can do in any order, then another 3, another 3 etc

>> No.65848513

Really this LP shows what cowards other chuubas are for taking chat hints for OW, they'd all be getting called retards if they showed us a natural playthrough.

>> No.65848591
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fuck my life

>> No.65848597


>> No.65848613

If only there was a way to meditade a loop...

>> No.65848638

yeah Im not gonna lie I spent like 3 days at the last bit trying to figure shit out

>> No.65848678

which part were you stuck on?

>> No.65848709

Actually the DLC may be better in some regard. It looks like some of Fauna’s issues stem from her really reading into the Nomai writings too hard. She’s actually been spot-on about so many lore points with minimal info, but stuff like this causes her to infer into left field and get caught up on minor details. In the DLC there’s not much writing because you don’t know their language so there’s no extra info to distract her from what’s before her eyes

>> No.65848717

She glazes over so many important details but gets obsessed about the dumbest shit

>> No.65848760

I wonder if Fauna increased the FOV, I couldnt live with 70

>> No.65848780

She will never figure this out

>> No.65848793

why is she so convinced Coleus is still alive?

>> No.65848796

yeah, I was watching one trying to get into tower of quantum knowledge, waiting at the top until it falls (noticed the decreasing structural integrity) but when it finally fell through the hole with her she just gave up until she was told "turn around"

>> No.65848799

3D navigation and identifying relevant objects are skills that should be baked into humans through evolution. She can't understand simple locomotion and has spent 8 episodes just spinning around dismissing every piece of bright, highlighted text that explains exactly what to do. Fauna has a learning disability, no human can possibly be this scatterbrained. At least the ship log exists to hand hold the special needs.

At least girls are most cute when they're almost retarded.

>> No.65848802

>That doesn't seem productive
Ahh the irony lol

>> No.65848806

>that doesn't seem productive
you've been overthinking an obvious stylistic choice for 20 mins

>> No.65848814

Looks like 70, which could explain her motion sickness

>> No.65848818

look man, she wont be the first person. the game doesnt handhold you
game says "learn quantum rules" - she finds a rock with a cryptic poem. why wouldnt you explore more?
i swear none of you faggots have ever had fun exploring the mystery of a game without googling every answer

>> No.65848837

You are so wrong it's not even funny

>> No.65848871

getting to the vessel on keyboard, kept triggering the fishes

>> No.65848921

the problem isn't that she over explored the poem, but that she overlooked some many other things

>> No.65848924

huh, i didnt get they were quantum at all for ages, i didnt get that cave. shes close

>> No.65848940

what's the intended way to go through there? you are not supposed to know about the flashlight trick at this point

>> No.65848962

I must say it isn't the most obvious

>> No.65848978

Hey, to be fair, she's crackpot-theorized that he got warped to the sixth location, which is exactly where you can find a living Nomai.

>> No.65848986

I just looked away to make the rocks move.

>> No.65848989

i did it by just turning around and realising a path had opened up, not sure if thats the "right way" as i just had no clue how to progress but knew it had to be down there

>> No.65849004
File: 311 KB, 1214x1605, ironic-isnt-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finding coleus in the hole was such bullshit and they made it one of the 3 integral pieces of information you need to know for the quantum moon

>> No.65849010

its so fascinating to hear her dissuade herself from doing things

>> No.65849024

shouldve listened to the devs, chump!

>> No.65849074

I love Fauna but I'd have dropped her 26 times already over this retarded playthrough if it weren't for her knockers. And bitch even covered them up for the playthrough.

>> No.65849091

I was on controller and those damn fish still ate my ship when I had the warp core but I was fast enough to hit the eject button and do the rest on foot

>> No.65849106

yeah I plugged in my ps5 controller and I could just go by them in 1 go after seeing some guy talk about going slowly online

>> No.65849115

Why are you obsessed with her playing an exploration game the "right" way?

>> No.65849117

>squished kirin noises

>> No.65849134

fauna stop killing yourself

>> No.65849171

Well her reaction when she finally learns meditation is going to be funny at least

>> No.65849179

did you guys not go to the fossil cave or something? or did you not realize that you can just coast through by building up momentum before entering the seed?

>> No.65849187
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pshh pshh pshh noises my favourite

>> No.65849188

it's really not bullshit at all and even if you don't find him you can infere it.
I personally never got to the hole before I reached the quantum moon and all I needed to figure it out was knowing about imaging (which I'm sure can be figuring out by itself also) and the third location. That doesn't mean I wasn't aware of it, I just happened to figure it out before I got to it.

>> No.65849219

>bashes herself into the ground repeatedly until she dies instead of peacefully sleeping until the end of the universe
she's so metal...

>> No.65849221

you have to talk to him twice in different loops which is a huge ask for Fauna

>> No.65849240

>she has only tried to go to the Southern observatory once
>can't stop talking about it

>> No.65849244

I'm pretty sure I got a hint from the game somewhere about turning off your light but I can't remember where

>> No.65849262

Her reputation as "the smart one" isn't surviving this playthrough

>> No.65849267

I never learned to meditate in my playthrough. I would just exit to main menu and start again.

>> No.65849275

she er, cant sleep yet anon. you should catch up on the previous episodes

>> No.65849283

you learned it in the place that's blocked by this rock bars

>> No.65849288

fauna has always been knowledgeable rather than intelligent

>> No.65849293

That's the cave you learn that trick, though

>> No.65849352

>goes to the gravity cannon she already explored instead of the one on the planet she was just on

>> No.65849370

NTA but it can be a bit hard to manage your speed with the keyboard. And momentum resets when you enter the seed so I understand it could be tricky

>> No.65849377


>> No.65849399
File: 3 KB, 257x90, rys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finding out you need to go to that cave is not bullshit but putting fake quantum walls in a pitch black, twisting cave system was infuriating since I walked past the correct area so many times
that said Fauna can probably figure the "just close your eyes bro" part out because she reads books

>> No.65849402
File: 97 KB, 1060x1280, 12451513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everytime she mentions the white hole station it's torture

>> No.65849436

are you faggots retarded?
she's explored both shuttles now
is this a fucking raid or has nobody been watching the streams?

>> No.65849439

I think I'll close the stream. I don't think I can do it anymore

>> No.65849460

>"i hope it's not straight into the sun again"
>launches herself at the sun

>> No.65849479

She may look dumb this playthrough
But at least she made the smart decision to not stream this

>> No.65849481

She is so bad she makes me miss Ame.
This was the thing that got me hooked on chuubas.

>> No.65849508
File: 254 KB, 1175x1667, 1704238697198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Fauna reads these threads, please be nice

>> No.65849510

It's funny how so many people fail to realize the shuttles aren't on autopilot

>> No.65849554

I don't think that's possible anymore.

>> No.65849567

can you link me to your blog for other updates i care about?

>> No.65849569

/hirys/ is raiding but they are just saying slightly incorrect things about the playthrough instead of shitposting like normal

>> No.65849571

but also it's cool how the shuttles are actually functional if hard to operate

>> No.65849579

To me it was pretty obvious they simply went straight up. But yeah it's not the first time I see people waiting for it to land them somewhere

>> No.65849612

i thought i had to use the shuttle to get to the quantum moon since that diary entry said she got there with the shuttle. i thought it was special somehow

>> No.65849638

I'm a chumbud, I have issues, please forgive me

>> No.65849649

maybe i am retarded, did she go back to the other one after shooting herself into the sun? did I just forget?

>> No.65849654

it's a fair mistake to make and it can make for some funny moments, though I also realized almost instantly

>> No.65849695

It's just their way of flirting, please understand

>> No.65849704

Shuttle hate

>> No.65849708

the real question is why is she trying to go the moon with the shuttle if she knows how to get there with ship

>> No.65849719
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, waterfox_YHMJYzL7YP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im smiling so much

>> No.65849722

Reminder that she has already used the Teleport Home" function once before

>> No.65849726

she's done both. she did the other one like, last episode or the one before

>> No.65849727

Silver lining is that it means it the last few episodes will be quite dense

>> No.65849736

>ignores the shuttle controls again

>> No.65849737

god she is so fucking dumb

>> No.65849748

That's a new one

>> No.65849752

>she didn't even fumble with the shuttle controls
I wasn't able to help myself the moment I saw them

>> No.65849760

I wouldn't say so if she really does complete it in 21 1 hour episodes without help
ame for example took 24 hours to complete it with help from chat and she isn't that dumb

>> No.65849762

My perception of fauna's intelligence has dropped a lot

>> No.65849791

i know she went to it but I don't recall whether she went back to actually recall the shuttle or whether she got distracted after dying

>> No.65849795

Cute whine

>> No.65849810

>exploration game about discovery
>doesn't want to discover what the shuttle controls do

>> No.65849813

has she still not understood thAt she has to counterboost to slow down in space?

>> No.65849816

figured something was wrong, the amount of "HURR SHES SO DUMB" is pretty telling.
god forbid she just wants to explore shit. the faggotry is relentless today.

>> No.65849854

But how long did Ame spend trying to land on the Sun Station?

>> No.65849877


>> No.65849881

fuck you i've been seething for days now

>> No.65849891
File: 234 KB, 1414x2000, 1702238420180011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros if she makes it to the high energy lab the run is unironically saved

>> No.65849904
File: 161 KB, 292x306, waterfox_b3tYSevMKm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65849902

does she have adhd or something? holy fuck she is so scatterbrained and cant focus for shit

>> No.65849926

>that death just now
you were saying something about how not dumb she is?

>> No.65849931

then fuck off, if you hate it that much go do something else

>> No.65849936

I'm sorry but not being able to control your ship 10 hours in is a bad sign

>> No.65849970

not if she does it before White Hole since it ruins the "22" reveal

>> No.65849976

Nigga’s been in chill mode tooting his horn for like 60 loops, he’s good

>> No.65849978

Funnily enough, you can safely assume all the people whining right now would get lost in some MMO with quest arrow handholding them.

>> No.65849979

the up and down thruster buttons have dust on them

>> No.65849986

only half of a 5 hour stream
also the best part of her playthrough

>> No.65849989

i promised her on our wedding day i would be there in good as in bad.

>> No.65850014

>woman driver moment

>> No.65850018

He's lying, you braindead faggot

>> No.65850044


>> No.65850043

did you also promise to relentlessly whine like a bitch every single thread? you could simmer that down at least.

>> No.65850101
File: 2.63 MB, 1080x1080, 1703798709198649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been trying to upload fauna animations for 2 hours now grahhh

>> No.65850102

how long is it going to take her to figure out the core of giants deep puzzle? i predict she's going to forget that she already found the solution

>> No.65850108
File: 229 KB, 472x361, 1677515876487157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People aren't used to vacum.
The tutorial should have emphasized speed explanations.
Also, the arrows in the UI should have been explained better in the tutorial. It took me a while to understand what they meant, and most streamers never get them, but they make flying much easier.

>> No.65850111

>people complaining are dumb too actually!
Sure, anon. I'm trying not to be too mean, I like Fauna and I'd be sad if she read the thread, but come on, just the white hole station bit or the poem is enough to poke a little bit of fun

>> No.65850135

literal goldfish attention span and memory

>> No.65850147
File: 533 KB, 742x635, 1688950362782719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't control your ship properly
>tfw you are hurtling through space at 5k meters per second and a planet just decides to rotate in front of you faster than you can decelerate or turn

>> No.65850186

i refuse to believe that this amount of undistilled fauna hate has naturally occured from the same people ive shared a thread with for the past 2 years.
not a single person here has ever given a shit about her being smart, or being a gamer. its like all the global tropes in one go shitting up the thread on cooldown.
and ive lost count of the amount of "i cant take it any more bros its too much" that has happened since episode 2 - and oh look, they're still here saying the same shit.

>> No.65850230

I'm sorry but I cannot believe someone with normal, functioning intelligence would fail to understand that piece of UI, let alone the directional thrust thingie on the ship

>> No.65850233

>crying out for saplings in her moment of need

>> No.65850240

deaccelerate earlier then? kerbal space program taught me that

>> No.65850262

what would you consider a more fitting reaction?
don't come here during live if you don't want to hear peoplw's opinion

>> No.65850273

Are you autistic?

>> No.65850298

anon she is autistic but she is not autistic enough to play KSP otherwise she'd have landed on the sun station in episode 1

>> No.65850300

maybe dont hate on fauna, the person you supposedly follow?
is that too hard to understand?

>> No.65850312


>> No.65850343

>points cannon at sun
>fires self out of cannon

>> No.65850345

maybe learn what hate means?

>> No.65850347

current sun death counter?

>> No.65850355


>> No.65850364
File: 198 KB, 348x339, waterfox_K9vg1jTVXF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my heart is fluttering, im smiling brightly but should i do so, because i feel it when fauna whines

>> No.65850363

what has she explored? (other than the sun)

>> No.65850375

calling people retarded isnt hate, got it
you fucking retard

>> No.65850400

I can tell you from previous experiences watching people play this game it's just Outer Wilds things. It would be worse if she was playing a puzzle game.

some people find it really frustrating to watch these types of games. that doesn't warrant this response but it irritates a lot of folk that would otherwise be chill.

>> No.65850409

she's cute when she's whiny (she's also cute at all other times)

>> No.65850412

If I were Fauna I would've just restarted the recording and memory holed the past 50 minutes

>> No.65850425

Right now it's literally only people who already beat the game complaining someone else missed something. Like it's uncommon to have a "where the fuck do I go now" moment, even in games that are supposed to straightforward, let alone an exploration game. Poking fun is ok, whining for an entire hour is something else.

>> No.65850435

noone here hated on her

>> No.65850436

good luck learning English

>> No.65850441

>mocks faunas intelligence
>spews ESL
good one

>> No.65850444

>has given up on the cave
wtf bros

>> No.65850516
File: 194 KB, 360x339, shinji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get in the fucking jellyfish Fauna

>> No.65850520

ESL moment? That was perfectly fine
Way to out yourself.

>> No.65850522

>english grammar knowledge = intelligence
good one anon

>> No.65850544

I'm complaining she doesnt use the tools at hand because she doesnt care. It took her over an hour to read scout launcher in the top right corner in the beginning while actively seeking one.

>> No.65850557

oh my god she did it

>> No.65850561

Holy shit it took 55 minutes but some small little bit of progress thank you god

>> No.65850562


>> No.65850565

Gabbro bros, it's finally out time

>> No.65850568

good job proving my point

>> No.65850583
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, waterfox_yWZo5QgFhV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65850601

>flying a ship in a video game = intelligence
you're not winning this one retard

>> No.65850617

oh no she's going to realize her poem sillies

>> No.65850711

she really just can not grasp the most basic physics

>> No.65850716

it's a competition now?

>> No.65850769


>> No.65850770

If finally uploaded. Fauna cute btw fuck autists in this thread that are mad at her for her gameplay.

>> No.65850843

How can it be over in 11 more episodes if NOTHING EVER HAPPENS

>> No.65850885

anon I'm with you on people being too mean but I need you to understand that it's a bit insulting to imply being frustated at watching her play is because of previous knowledge of the game

I've played it, remember my progression quite well and I've seen other people play it. I can tell you pretty confidently she's doing quite badly so far, bless her soul. There's reason to be frustrated even if you've never played the game, just not reasons to be a complete cunt about it

>> No.65850891

Fauna can struggle with the game all she wants, I don't care. I will still complain about cringing over the gameplay through, because cringe is just my own pain from doing the same and now knowing better.

>> No.65850893

This place has always been a target for shitposters, I'm not sure why you're being intentionally obtuse about that
Regardless I was moreso refuting that /HiRyS/, the place in love with a girl who is astoundingly retarded, which I say endearingly as would they, that has never had issues with us and vice versa, is involved

>> No.65850930

you might be a retard, it means that she obviously works stuff out and finishes the game
damn, imagine being more unintelligent than fauna

>> No.65850941

yes the 5 minutes of it we got at the end was pretty good

>> No.65850960
File: 193 KB, 305x341, waterfox_Z1pq8bmYOR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65850961

your people have never sent anyone to the moon, brownfeet

>> No.65851027

Who is a complete cunt about it?

>> No.65851074

Even though she spent 20 minutes on the poem today, she didn't notice that the lines get jumbled whenever the sign changes spot.
4 lines -> 4x3x2x1 = 24 possible poems.

>> No.65851081

I was in a couple of posts lol

>> No.65851088

maybe just watch episode 21, youre clearly not enjoying the journey
imagine hatewatching someone and seething instead of doing something productive. what an absolute retard.

>> No.65851115

I'm not mad. I think it's funny. Got a lot of cute Fauna noises

>> No.65851153
File: 261 KB, 473x434, 1697504762645999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't complain about Fauna because in moments like that I'm reminded of being stuck on certain puzzles In Golden Sun.

>> No.65851188

she went back to the fucking poem

>> No.65851194

hello IRyStocrats I want our oshis to have kissy gay sex together

>> No.65851197

May your testicles twist in your sleep and your toenail rip off at the nail bed.

>> No.65851210

I'm just here for Gabbro tho

>> No.65851226

Lol at least she realized. Cute kirin

>> No.65851242
File: 15 KB, 408x82, sdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dev is making fun of her...

>> No.65851251

>Talks to an NPC multiple times that says FIRE SCOUT LAUNCHER INTO THE SEED, fumbles around for 40 minutes with FIRE SCOUT LAUNCHER plastered in the top right the whole time
>Falls into a harmless dip on attlerock, trapped for 20 minutes hopelessly flailing around unable to puzzle out how to push the jetpack button
>Has failed to understand momentum and simple movement or the existence of the match velocity button and gets around by hammering the gas and never using downward thrust, constantly overshooting things
>Talks to an NPC and read text that explicitly told her how to go to the core of giant's deep, whole exchange is memoryholed
>Has fallen into the black hole on numerous occasions, failed to notice the white hole station almost every single time. The one time she did notice and went to investigate she circled it, looked at the door along with the opening mechanism used all throughout the game, and declared the whole thing useless never to return
>Happens across Nomai corpses floating in Dark Bramble, straight up ignores them and instead tries and fails repeatedly to snipe a scout into a seed using the ship instead of exiting and doing it on foot which is far simpler
>Gets flung into space in a tornado resulting in low gravity while clearly seeing the rise and fall of objects in the distance and the resulting plummet back to Giant's Deep, still thinks she's being dragged underwater when it happens
>Calls a ship back into the gravity cannon, boards it, shoots it while it's pointing at the sun, wonders why it's flying into the sun, flails with the control mechanism without ever bothering to try the middle switch which would recall her back, dies to the sun
>Is on the twin planets and asks "Is the sand still rising/leaving?" when clearly watching the pillar of sand in motion, doesn't immediately clue in or simply stand still and confirm herself
>Reads text that says a Nomai teleported away in the lakebed cave, enters the lakebed, vocalizes that she wishes to find where he disappeared, leaves the lakebed
>Reads text that says DESCEND THESE STAIRS TO ENTER THE TOWER, walks away, panics over something and fumbles around, falling onto the stairs, is shocked that there's stairs

Love this cow btw but she's as dumb as one, too.

>> No.65851252

I hope we get a compilation of Fauna "Ow"s from outer wilds

>> No.65851255

you are now reminded that in 2011 when letsplayers were popular people would constantly call them retarded for not beating every puzzle instantaneously whereas nowadays streamers just directly get every answer from chat immediately

me too anon, me too

>> No.65851272

youve already played/watched a playthrough of the game, you dont need to see it again
or are you more retarded than fauna and needed to see it again? grim bro

>> No.65851274

Every thread has been raided heavily since the new year. It's been pretty excessive, Fauna's popular so this thread is also a big target.
To be honest I expected it to be worse during her break.

>> No.65851287

See, she stumbled, she goofed, explored, and learned.

>> No.65851302

we have a lot of tourists

>> No.65851337

I can't unremember that thread that said Fauna was an NPC

>> No.65851393

the lego talk one?

>> No.65851397

why are you so assmad?

>> No.65851399

if you guys are just gonna be mean about fauna i won't post here anymore >:C

>> No.65851454

/uuu/ torn apart by non-gaming kirin

>> No.65851462

Lost Fauna was especially cute today.

>> No.65851469

I'm glad she's enjoying the game and I'm sure it'll all click eventually and bring us good satisfying moments but please for the love of god go to white hole station

>> No.65851473

that was one of the most schizophrenic and unintelligent bait threads I've seen about her. you just know op plagiarized it from some youtube video essay too.

>> No.65851493

got real brownfeet energy today haven't we
oh sorry, is calling someone a retard a sign i'm mad?
you must be seething, you've been saying it non-stop all thread

>> No.65851510

There's probably something in the heroes journey or whatever about the lowest point, this is that episode and it's all up from here. WHS next episode I belieb.

>> No.65851524
File: 91 KB, 209x211, waterfox_1oPAhijfvV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so delighted

>> No.65851530

Anon you're arguing with people who have never and will never develop a theory of mind.
I know how you feel but it's not worth it

>> No.65851543

what's this about?

>> No.65851581


>> No.65851624

>287 replies
Holy autists.

>> No.65851627
File: 558 KB, 2902x1634, 1704240597380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute interplanetary adventurer cosmic timelooping smart but kinda dumb sometimes gaming idol kirin wife

>> No.65851648

Yeah this is just a spastic raid, I'm sure of it now
New rule saps - grasshopper anyone that is just shitting up the thread on cooldown about her intelligence.
I refuse to believe its the normal crew. None of you have ever been this deliberately hurtful, it's like, not even joking at this point - just mean spirited.

>> No.65851657

She is going to learn about teleportation on High Energy Lab and beat the game without ever entering WHS

>> No.65851718

The WHS was destroyed
Nothing remains

>> No.65851725

You should play this game before watching it

>> No.65851736

she already learned about teleportation in museum - the tech used to recall scouts was made by Nomai

>> No.65851758

>we have actual antis in this thread posting everyday now
go kys

>> No.65851832

some faggot (brownfeet) linked to this minecraft guy giving a speech about how some people talk without focusing on what they are saying just to talk and op went on a rant about npcs

>> No.65851854

are you actually surprised when /vt/ has been a kiwifarms clone for a good while now and mods are doing their best to keep it that way?

>> No.65851926

Overal Fun episode.
The flustered speedrun deaths were pretty funny, and I liked that the Poem arc came full circle with meeting Gabbro finally

>> No.65851959

Next episode, the kirin will be gaming for sure

>> No.65851972

it was good when she realized it but I'm glad it's over lol

>> No.65851984

Yeah I had fun. I don't know why but it reminded me of the Fly episode from Breaking Bad.

>> No.65852012

Yeah, this episode had the best ending it could have had.

>> No.65852063

oh fuck off noone is antiing of course people are venting. no need to whiteknight her playstyle is objectively bad.

>> No.65852088

I laughed more than I should have

>> No.65852277

Let me tell you a secret. Your feet are brown.

>> No.65852309

yeah, I just hope that she goes back to Gabbro again
>noone is antiing
At least like 1/3rd of the posts here read like they're from the catalog.

>> No.65852335

why does this guy like talking about brown feet? are fauna's feet covered in dirt because she doesnt wear shoes?

>> No.65852366


>> No.65852396

Why? I have no interest in personally playing some slow exploration game, but I'm more than willing to watch a cute girl do it, even if she ends up being a bit dumb at times.

>> No.65852413

your people haven't even learned what a toilet is, you've got no right venting about someones ability to play a game

>> No.65852471

Jesus christ shut up

>> No.65852561 [DELETED] 

global rule 3b

>> No.65852595 [DELETED] 

>announcing a report

>> No.65852643


>> No.65852663


>> No.65852667

listen to yourself

>> No.65852674

I like watching fauna streams

>> No.65852677

Maybe making these Outer Wilds threads was not a good idea after all.

>> No.65852787

She's really good at figuring things out when she's not panicking I just wish she got the basic controls down

>> No.65852850

I mean I don't think you can pull off the ending if you don't have basic controls down. Have faith.

>> No.65852917

Yeah. They look more like a gaming thread than a fauna thread. Thanks to the fucking autists.

>> No.65852950

It's been 10 episodes and they've been pretty decent so far, far better then I expected.
Probably just nothing else going on to distract the schizo

>> No.65853047

They'll get better as we finish the last few flailing episodes and approach the end, that guy obsessed with feet notwithstanding.

>> No.65853129

I was pretty against them but they were fine up until today so I'll admit I was wrong.
Just need to be much better at removing the obvious trouble makers now we know what the signs are

>> No.65853590
File: 746 KB, 2255x3587, 1703214544674154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last update before I go back to gaming, added quite a bit that has been gathering dust in my storage. Let me know what you think is missing, what you would like to see added and if there are any duplicates or corrupt files.
See ya later /uuu/

>> No.65853685

thank you for your hard work!

>> No.65853875

Thanks milktruckling, in amongst all the cancer i forgot to thank you
I don't suppose you ever got the text version of @nixour / rx's doggystyle set did you? i remember saying you lost them somehow last time

>> No.65854070

I'll look for em

>> No.65854219

I've been posting in /hlgg/ instead of here, It's much better.

>> No.65854246
File: 484 KB, 1000x1000, 1699361651556335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, as always.

>> No.65854732

Fauna's as pretty as a 菊

>> No.65854742

Thanks my man, always appreciated as ever. Gonna peace out, thank you for looking.
Better thread tomorrow /uuu/, I believe in you.

>> No.65855136

Found them. They are there now.

>> No.65856314

which is your favorite fauna asmr stream

>> No.65856425
File: 118 KB, 231x228, 1704245349897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissing Fauna on the lips

>> No.65856424

frog for relaxing, yandere for sleeping aid

>> No.65856464

I really like the summer spa one.

>> No.65856532

kissing fauna on her cheeks, nose and forehead
ku100 onomatopoeia
kuu100 soap bubble & fizz
