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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65833763 No.65833763 [Reply] [Original]

>being in holoen
>sing an original song
>a holojp mem covers your song (picrel)
>proceeds to mog you at your own song
i am starting to think that maybe kiara should stick to singing in japanese or german.

>> No.65833840

Anyone that replies to this thread after me is a bait eating retard

Also, OP is a faggot...

>> No.65833943

>Have no fans
>Noone likes the song
>Someone with fans covers the song
>Her fans like the song
If it was the other way around you'd be whining about leeching, you guys just want to complain

>> No.65833978
File: 244 KB, 1000x1000, 1704220234220528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65834075

I agree with faggot OP. Even though I don't like either of them, the short whore does sound better. Also stop being a pussy you kfp autist.

>> No.65834232

it's funny no one else is covering that song

>> No.65834287

laplus singing it is SOVL but trying to spin it like this for a bait thread is so fucking funny

>> No.65834362

Replying to this may make me a bait eating retard, but I think thats worth calling OP a faggot.

>> No.65834370

>La+ fangirling over Kiara's song for a whole stream, pausing every 10 sec analyzing every bit and note. She really likes Kiara and the song.

>> No.65834374

Kiara has a terrible voice it is not something new. Her original is great

>> No.65834430
File: 1.89 MB, 852x480, Laplus kinda likes Kiaras song [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frt40ve.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65834452

It is just so out of left field, it probably was corporate mandated, I havent heard of the purple gaki ever knowing the chicken exists, even considering her slight westaboo tendencies

>> No.65834577

Laplus has been cumming to DO U for months, singing it multiple times in karaoke.
She even did a short

>> No.65834680

Fine, I take it back, I dont watch that much lap

>> No.65834700

anon we all know nobody here watches streams, why do you have to back up your claim with evidence

>> No.65834751

Why the fuck did you ignore this anon >>65834370?

>> No.65834771

It's like dick slapping someone

>> No.65834930

>Nov 4, 2023
Even giving it a week or two or margin between stream and clipping, that one still falls easily within the timeframe where she could have been tasked to rehearse an EN cover

>> No.65834991

Sounds like fucking cope to justify your delusional seething

>> No.65835200

Do U is her 2nd most popular song, which the most popular is Sparks. I also like 2 of the songs on her new album, being Retrospective and the Great Wanderer. She also has a lot of amazing covers like 4blood and iya iya iya. Kiara has been constantly bringing food songs to the table. I think Pineapple was a miss but I think most of her songs after Heart Challenger have a good place on an album, which is why I bought it.

>> No.65835262

A few jp members have told her they want to sing it in karaoke but it's in english so yea

>> No.65835289

>She also has a lot of amazing covers
>iya iya iya
How disingenuous of you to leave out Ina.

>> No.65836327

She was fangirling over the song all the way back in April anon, see >>65834577 you are starting to remind me of the anons who cope over holos liking Mori's music.

>> No.65837340
File: 297 KB, 1200x780, Holo_VS_Holo[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F64yrxt.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65838530

You can't be serious when she can't even pronounce the lyrics

>> No.65839048

Don't be so mean to Kiara

>> No.65844127

kek, saved

>> No.65844432

they literally offcollabed

>> No.65844780

I like how you have to make up bullshit and admit you're ignorant of laplus's onscreen statements just to keep your worldview of everyone somehow irrationally hating kiara just like you do intact. And then revert to shifting the goalpost further and further when confronted with evidence to the contrary. Like people said, laplus has been obsessed with the song ever since it was released and other members have asked Kiara for a Japanese version onstream.
Just admit you're insane.

>> No.65845540

kiara can't pronounce her own lyrics kek

>> No.65850624


>> No.65850743

>Using Captain AMERICA's theme for this
Fucking cheeky, 10/10

>> No.65852312


>> No.65852378

>Kiara is a shit singer
Yes, we know that all along

>> No.65856600

They should have sex

>> No.65860628

>german singing

>> No.65860749


>> No.65861952

But enough about Marine singing Violet better than Ina

>> No.65862010

wow. she's better than kiara.

>> No.65864970

did they have sex

>> No.65868983

With me

>> No.65869236

ppl like OP need to be studied by teams of psychologists

>> No.65872549


>> No.65873778

It was a good cover, Kiara didn't really react at all the way I thought she would, was more concerned about lap's outfit maybe if you know someone likes your music it's less impactful to see them perform a rendition of it? Or maybe it's a senpai kohai thing.

>> No.65877510


>> No.65878313

She's heard her sing it before, the outfit swaps are the highlight desu
