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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 382 KB, 484x462, 1703890266051369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65556999 No.65556999 [Reply] [Original]

aquatic edition

>What is /wvt/?
/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.
Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

>Thread Quality Reminder
Remember to report and ignore trolling, shitposting, and off-topic.

>Twitch Clips Guide

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>Thread Cytube
https://cytu be/r/wvt-watchalong

>Other Threads of Interest

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>> No.65557261


>> No.65557325

Need sluttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiier Koragi

>> No.65557596
File: 97 KB, 720x480, 1638561290840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloom Center CX is doing an episode on several 3DO games tonight!

>> No.65557600
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Do kegels

>> No.65557686
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>> No.65557861

Who are some gardener vtubers?

>> No.65558003

Be the change you want to see

>> No.65558297
File: 1.43 MB, 1258x708, 1700954903010703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not-so-chatty-today fisher mink's making vtuber merch on-stream

>> No.65558396

I have yet to read this thread but I bet everyone is being gay and retarded again
And I bet everyone will become even more gay and retarded again next year

>> No.65558505

Please tell me that's Nemu that's a much better model than the hoe witch model

>> No.65558521

I don't have the funds for that. Especially when my country has bigger problems than lacking a gardener vtuber who streams to 0viewers for "be the change you want to see" poster.

>> No.65559113
File: 429 KB, 1600x1830, GCd4jifXsAApHqw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been working on that kemo model?

>> No.65559968
File: 134 KB, 960x878, FddI2u2UYAMnGfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serial killer little sister's on with madvent calendar 4!

>> No.65560340
File: 31 KB, 771x1115, 1674431684106176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some of the most stable-looking demure vtubers are also some of the biggest schizo magnets
Then where are all the Koragi schizos?

>> No.65560393

second post in the thread

>> No.65560423

nah that's just slutty koragi poster, she's fine.

>> No.65560748

I'd let her eat me

>> No.65561103

sometimes I wonder if pippa thinks rebelearthsky is a glowie/fed or based and red pilled

>> No.65561166

She doesn't know he exists.
I'm sure he jerks off to that idea, somehow.

>> No.65561189

>play map game
>explode in popularity

Map gamers are desperate for females.

>> No.65561273

she definitely at least used to read this thread and talks to chuubas who were confirmed self posters. I think you'd be surprised how well known he is

>> No.65561408

>tune in to alice stream
>she's watching gay porn

>> No.65561453

i wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.65561465

I think gumpai would be terrified by the amount I eat, and how much caffeine I drink. I think I could architecture gumpai.

>> No.65561845

I think the Lapin pipo/wiggle pipipi was an operation orchestrated by clan autism funded by Pippa to get the attention of rebelearthsky on Pippa. Now that she has what she thought she wanted Pippa has become disillusioned, and turned to the bottle to remedy the sickness in her gut.
Tale as old as time.

>> No.65561974

Miia to an extent too.

>> No.65562035

Anyone want to help a dude out? >>65560536

>> No.65562262
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gondola's checking out binary domain

>> No.65562341
File: 244 KB, 543x327, F8gnjmEWIAAu4uu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imouto frog's playing some lethal company!

>> No.65562490

She's too busy collabing with uwo, and gumpai. Damn shame my NTR oshi slot is taken.

>> No.65562493

Based pick, this game kicks so much ass

>> No.65562602

Name five vtubers who've collabed with rebelearthsky.

>> No.65563682


>> No.65563940

>denpa is seperating her sexy side from her professional side
>puris isn't a terminally online vtweeter
>my NTR oshi didn't collab with any boys this Christmas
Proud of my ooshees.
>pippa became a alcoholic

>> No.65564007

>gumpai won't finish her meals
... ...

>> No.65564043

He collabed with my dick all night, if that counts

>> No.65564248
File: 62 KB, 640x640, friday night[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flsxfhp.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65564312
File: 238 KB, 1200x1200, FZCXeKiVEAEmfF-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seiso flower AI's discussing her goals for next year

>> No.65564384
File: 503 KB, 685x865, FrYMgQsWAAAPxau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cozy sea floor slug's playing metal gear solid 1 for the first time!

>> No.65565165

Has Alice done a kink tier list yet?

>> No.65565194

Glad I didn't go to offkai. Gumpai is too gorgeous. I would have had a heart attack.

>> No.65565671
File: 25 KB, 600x250, dreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65565999
File: 3.02 MB, 1920x1080, 1689830621736457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aussie homunculus raccoon's just saying hi tonight?

>> No.65566060
File: 1.60 MB, 1258x708, 1703287164064925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

history hag's streaming on the last weekend of the year!

>> No.65566126

nevermind it's recettear
fuckin wasted-ass trips

>> No.65567138

Bonnie walks into another gacha hell yet again

>> No.65567154
File: 650 KB, 2592x2780, FgIIh0maMAAycPk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your cute dictator's doing a gachimuchi watchalong

>> No.65567589



>gumpai going live
>just posted about gumpai
She's /here/ isn't she...

>> No.65567767
File: 147 KB, 342x566, 1701480798108606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucianus is doing her last deejaying stream of the year!

>> No.65567920
File: 1.55 MB, 1258x708, 1703900210019007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space animator elf's doing some 3D christmas-themed karaoke

>> No.65567982

What did anon mean by this?

>> No.65568246
File: 112 KB, 300x350, 1702794120613161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not my space animator elf

>> No.65568368

isn't this one just a normal artist

>> No.65568647

>gumpai only has 40 hours streamed
>needs 60 hours
>doesn't replay her latest VOD on loop for 60 hours for lurkers
Lurkers will always be disregarded as the air is until it runs out huh?

>> No.65569010

I'm one of the most autistic map painters but I won't watch women play them

>> No.65569015

Fuck Mikoposter in the head

>> No.65569599

someone name a chuuba

>> No.65570012
File: 2.50 MB, 360x360, miya.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a normal artist
She's an illustrator, 3D modeller, rigger and animator afaik

>> No.65570811

>gumpai can't roleplay a vtuber so she puts a live vtuber theater stream on her stream
Gumpai really should become a facecam, or no cam streamer. She doesn't play with her avatar at all. I think she'd have just as much fun without an avatar.

>> No.65571001
File: 841 KB, 698x708, cgjv05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mecha mechanic jellyfish is trying her hand at vampire hunting!

>> No.65571073

>open /wvt/ for the first time in a while
yup, I did not miss this place

>> No.65571589

I can just watch YouTube videos on my own time. Think I'll sit out the rest of this gumpai stream. I don't watch vtubers for react content.

>> No.65572052

Maybe gumpai can go to Japan it Letania, mint, maple, and all the rest of the react vtubers. Think I'll stick to denpafish for my daily dose of fictitious nonsense.

>> No.65572485

That's all vtubers are

>> No.65572623

get filtered

>> No.65572805
File: 206 KB, 1600x900, GBfiys2WkAAHPP6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

corpse is reviewing this year's bacon for corpse entries!

>> No.65572843

Denpafish plays with her model, and doesn't talk about her IRL for 90% of her stream. Try denpafish out. I don't ever want to see her become a Japan flight tour girl. She's as fake as the best fairy tale, and as fun as flowers in December.

>> No.65572907

wtf because of you guys i can now spot babi designs what have you done to me

>> No.65573000

You know why i'm here! <3

>> No.65573024

What is happening on the left? Is that lunch meat with kraft singles on top? Some kind of rice behind it?

>> No.65573414

Rebel’s mad vtubers talk about their holidays now? Lmao

>> No.65573606

those are apparently apples with white parmesan slices on top
behind it is the onions

>> No.65573636

pop pop pop!

>> No.65573715


>> No.65573841

Denpafish is just entertaining.

>> No.65574127

Add "doesn't understand the concept of vacationing" to the many things that make him a fascinating zoo animal-esque persona.

>> No.65574279

Vtubers are meant to be fictional! As in no IRL!

>> No.65574381

Shh. Adults are speaking.

>> No.65574562

I’m not a pedophile so I don’t watch her

>> No.65575054
File: 622 KB, 564x799, guruguruMeatwaru[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqzrx7e.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meat truckin

>> No.65575183

Rebel FEARS Krimbo

>> No.65575249

Remember: Denpafish has VODs on subscribers only mode, so you'll have to watch live if you want to watch free. Most of the Japan fly overnight girls have VODs open for anyone for free at all times, so you can always watch them later when they're getting ready to graduate after they finally get their Japan chikawa plastic bullshit.

>> No.65575352

rebels so mad he’s never been anywhere but the autism clinic and home

>> No.65575423
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>> No.65575701
File: 207 KB, 1158x1592, tp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toilet paper chan

>> No.65575810
File: 529 KB, 824x850, womenmoment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65575851
File: 948 KB, 2901x4096, aruswim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bratty little vampire is definitely not going to scream, cry, and rage her way through Dead Space

>> No.65575986

The funnest vtuber in existence. To boot she's probably never had the Japan fly over treatment.

>> No.65576045

do you ever have sleepless nights thinking about your oshi's leaving you?

>> No.65576105
File: 12 KB, 96x96, denpa dum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65576234

How would that even happen?

>> No.65576456

What does this even mean

>> No.65576464
File: 140 KB, 1652x972, GCj_YjvWgAACzMF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.twitch.tv/denpafish just chatting then pokemon indigo disc!tip !throne

>> No.65576611

It means denpafish works hard to be entertaining, and not in a Japanese bed.

>> No.65576654
File: 73 KB, 254x265, 1671937277318885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

campfire dog's trying to finish up red dead redemption undead nightmare!

>> No.65576677


>> No.65576758

Don't try to make sense of rebel. Just report him for off-topic and move on.

>> No.65577065

That isn't a rebel post. That was kemori

>> No.65577839

She's a pity narcissist, don't fall for it. Expect an eternal tumbleweed of "problems".

Great streamer though, I like her :3

>> No.65578052

>been watching a vtuber for about a week or so
>haven't followed her yet she just pops up in recommended
>she has an amazing voice, like she's a professional VA
>also has a great personality
>decide to follow her with the intention of subbing
>she pronounces my name wrong even though it's really basic when I follow
>lose all interest
>she goes from being close to my favorite vtuber to ones I always watch on mute and only if there's nobody else on

>> No.65578206

Curious on this one, would it be less bad if she said something like “sorry if I mispronounced that let me know if I did”?

I always try to do that if a name isn’t obvious so I’m just curious if that would help make a viewer like you not feel alienated

>> No.65578266

>programmer thinks they have everyone, and everything read to the point that they can understand others in a jungian way
She's a vtuber. They're fictional. If you want to play wiki pyscho analyst call your mom, and try to have a decent conversation this holiday without acting like a spaz.

>> No.65578371

>not remaining a pure lurker
You had it coming.

>> No.65578716

She read it as the word containing an A instead of an I which is the only spelling difference between the two and they're both words but it kinda pissed me off as nobody has ever read my name wrong like she did. I know it's stupid to get mad over but I've used the same name in every game over the past decade or so and NOBODY has ever said it wrong and she typically has less than 15 viewers so it's not like chat or notifications were going at mach 5.

>> No.65578731

you have a mental disorder
how does that make you 'lose all interest' are you retarded

>> No.65578784

>are you retarded

>> No.65579131

>denpafish advertising starts playing
Think that's all the denpafish I'll be watching tonight.

>> No.65579204

Okay I getcha yeah. Sorry that happened dude, I know if I made a mistake like that it would totally be an accident and I’d super apologize if ya let me know. I’d hope she’d be the same!

>> No.65579367

Very slutty and quite Koragi

>> No.65579462
File: 145 KB, 600x674, Slut Tuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sloth is just a whore these days.
Period tracker anons take note.

>> No.65579836

You guys check out this Canadian ex-morman chuuba with a cute lisp

>> No.65579899
File: 5 KB, 150x150, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65580895

>mainly streams osu!


>> No.65581126

nobody wants your mediocre asmr sloth

>> No.65581326

Sort of glad Letania is graduating. Hope all the fly by Japan tour vtubers do. They aren't my oshis. Never were.

>> No.65581415


>> No.65581463

>fly by Japan tour vtubers
Is this a new Rebel keyword I need to put in the filter?

>> No.65581488

I miss my retro bro

>> No.65581515


>> No.65581656

I hope Puris gets to go to Japan at least once before this place is totally spent. If Letania gets to pump n dump us for a yen I think puris should too.

>> No.65581768

Cool, thanks

>> No.65582177
File: 39 KB, 640x360, celeryman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now Tane I can get into

>> No.65582716
File: 64 KB, 696x522, 37493B29-AAA3-45DB-867C-35FA5540EED4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else trying to become these two to be more successful or just me?

>> No.65582735

I’m so happy I found Kuu. Her streams always make my day better.

>> No.65582867

She seems genuinely sweet, I hope she doesn't attract any more schizos

>> No.65582873

It's really just Rurumi unless you can name examples.

>> No.65583059
File: 24 KB, 592x113, 1693545156959251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>western vtubers

>> No.65583123

It's easy to just be kind to people.
Hope that helps, Anon.

>> No.65583225

>this person is happy, how cringe

Bro what lol

>> No.65583344
File: 615 KB, 740x740, vomit (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65583502

Every single day you scrub twitter for this kind of shit no one cares about. Every single day.
The fun part is that this is the only place you can revel on it because you are too ashamed to link this shit to an actual name and being known as the faggot who obsesses over twitter literalwhos without a clear objective.

>> No.65583560

It's diaframe.
Now you know who to ignore.

>> No.65583581

This seems like such a non-issue, are you anti-vaxx too?

>> No.65583884

That's how I like her.
I want it.

>> No.65583919
File: 126 KB, 854x1006, 1628306162270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65584398


>> No.65584914

Seeing her acting all slutty is kinda hot ngl

>> No.65585024

could anyone tell me who's the vtuber in OP? That looks great, I wanna check em out

>> No.65585051

looks like nemu

>> No.65585460

for the sake of the innocent, i will say it's a mock-up sketch for fishoffline. yeah.

>> No.65585961
File: 617 KB, 731x731, blessed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean. She's just too good for this world

>> No.65586038

what is that shirt?

>> No.65586569
File: 3 KB, 256x256, 1634889517124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65587082

>Last weekend of the year
Where did time go? :(

>> No.65587111

>>65585024 (me)
nevermind, I found it. It's not nemu it's a vtuber called rainyshrimpy apparently

>> No.65587176

bro right wingers are never going to live down the "evil demon" allegations

they are objectively, OBJECTIVELY, the worst and lowest quality ""people"" that I have interacted with my entire life. Very disrespectful, uncharismatic, abusive, exploitative, entitled, uncharitable, unfunny, mean-spirited, worthless, unpopular, and dumb. You tolerate one thing only for them become increasingly worse towards you and everyone. When they get kicked out, it is always because of others instead of them. Communities get significantly better without that tumor.

You lose ad rev, friends, and money over them, yet they loathe you instead of love you for it.

its fucking insane bro. i'd rather be friends with an indian call center scammer

>> No.65587339

worked for pippa

>> No.65587393

Pippa is already going through the nyanners arc and abandoning them, lol. the ONLY thing they are good for is to be used and disposed of. They are the dumbest niggas on earth, they will fall for it every single time if you just say the right dogwhistles and have enough plausible deniability.

>> No.65587452

She and Kirsche most likely only act like cryptofascists since it gives them the big bux from retarded chuds that learned about them from that one Terry Davis clip. Any male that attempts to do such a thing deserves their NGMI status

>> No.65587460

let me correct myself: they would also make amazing target practice: fat as fuck and they love wearing bright red hats on their heads to spot them easier. So that's two uses they have.

>> No.65587549
File: 229 KB, 1610x875, guess_when_kirsche_started_grifting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing you can pinpoint exactly when she started being more vocal about politics.

She's still too much of a pussy to out and say her true beliefs though, it's funny.

>> No.65587699

fuck off krimbo

>> No.65587780

but honestly, if you want to do political content as a male, its best to be hard leftist and be mean as fuck. There a million alex jones wannabes, but being a mean as fuck leftist who vocally attacks grifters is probably an untapped market. I'm not sure if it will work with a vtuber avatar though, might be better as a cam-less streamer. You need to aggressively attack people up to the limits of twitch TOS though, and use that as the excuse to why you're using no camera/a live2d

You would basically be making lolcow content but for libs/leftists to watch, so you need to make sure your image is spotless aside from being an online attack dog, and you need to sound like a chad. No short supply of content though, but you'd have to do your own research instead of skimming kiwifarms for ideas

>> No.65587833

i'm not krimbo, i just hate nu-/pol/ and rightoid vtuber fans so much its unreal. they're a cancer on this community and worse than any BVTM seafag

>> No.65588004

go back to twitter

>> No.65588022

not your safe space faggot. I was here before you were born

>> No.65588060

>supports pronoun shit
sure you are zoomer, fuck off back to your faggot hole full of babis and other filth

>> No.65588137

I'd say kill yourself, but thankfully the american civil war will take care of this issue soon enough. You'd probably trip on some stairs and break your neck you dumb fucking conservafaggot. Your mother wants to kill herself whenever she thinks about you, that's why she never talks to you anymore.

>> No.65588170

>being a mean as fuck leftist who vocally attacks grifters is probably an untapped market.
Hasanabi already cornered that market.

>> No.65588204


>> No.65588231

I'm not american nor do I fit into your retarded american political axis, kill yourself you fucking retard. I bet you're that Mana poster, or that one niji that shills actual communism

>> No.65588257

Also: reminder that kirsche has an account on
TVA and cried and had a meltdown when someone there called her a fat whale. She tries to act hard as fuck but she doesn't have the spine to do it.

Every right-winger is like this. Expose them and make them miserable. It's easy content if you know how to get under their skin. They will inadvertently shill for you through their seething tard rage at being exposed.

EVERY conservative is a lolcow. And an unexploited resource. Think about it anons. You play your cards right and you could make it big, as big as hasan. We're talking mansions, infinite content, and much lols to be had at mocking the world's most sensitive faggots in human history.

>> No.65588302

Hasan mostly focuses on politics and logistics. You would have to focus on internet bullshit and mockery of rightwingers and less on political figures.

Think leftist mr metokur instead of hasanabi clone.

>> No.65588336

unironically just kill yourself pluviam

>> No.65588374

lmao you still can't figure out who i am. It's incredible. You're flipping through boogiemen in your head to rationalize being mocked.

Like I said. Fragile as fuck. Knock some more holes in your wall ya fucking fag

>> No.65588392

Why don't you openly reveal yourself if you're such a chad?

>> No.65588545

I'll post a picture if you record yourself eating shit off the floor, and show your face with a timestamp next to it. I want you to beg like the bitch you are. Make sure to wipe those tears off your face princess

>> No.65588573

diaper check

>> No.65588633

You've accused me of being krimbo, pluviam, and now rin. Make up your mind son

>> No.65588695

you could be any number of schizos, even that old faggot that quit recently, he was so irrelevant I forgot his name, one of nelson's faggot capeshit friends

>> No.65588722
File: 246 KB, 554x1200, 1703922176035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep stroking their ego

>> No.65588773
File: 587 KB, 685x733, mads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mads Mikelsen

>> No.65588796

a chuuba playing a game i like
they are now probably better at than i am

>> No.65588959

Tower guy? Like I said, you're fragile as fuck so you're just crying like a fat bitch, flipping through boogiemen to rationalize that you aren't actually a cringe faggot.

High cholesterol causes memory issues, by the way. That's why you can't remember his name despite him being "so irrelevant" even though you know small details about who he was friends with, and when he quit streaming.

Stop eating mcdonalds you fat piece of shit

>> No.65589003

change your diaper please

>> No.65589138

This nigga so broken he's refreshing and replying within the minute still.
Like I said, weak as shit. Every conservative is prime lolcow material.

>> No.65589237
File: 42 KB, 720x508, GCjflgUXIAAzldF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65589269

I'm glad this place died in favor of /lig/

>> No.65589347

Conservatives have ruined every single society and community they've infested in history. Every single one.

>> No.65589350
File: 555 KB, 1500x2412, 1673243757624084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

computer science shark's doing her last stream of the year! she'll be discussing goals for next year

>> No.65589457

lol calm down Scott

>> No.65589509

Looks like she bagged an oiler already

>> No.65589540

I wonder why scott didn't just dump the entire discord log and fuck over the entire website

Sooner or later it's going to happen. Proctor is a fucking retard for trying to make muh legitimate kiwifarms for streaming. You don't EVER fuck with the money like that. Even jersh knew better than to do that.

>> No.65589634

why are we being raided

>> No.65590226

>Brazilian hands typed these messages

>> No.65590298

You don't need to be brazilian to understand basic power dynamics anon. Making a political doxx and gossip site, and actively encouraging people in the entertainment industry to use it is a recipe for disaster.

>> No.65590726

>all you zombies

>> No.65590938

I'm glad back desk died in favor of front desk

>> No.65591296


>> No.65591413

what is adrians twitch name nowadays?

>> No.65591444
File: 407 KB, 2048x1682, lilybops enthusiast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65591685

You can't remember his name because he's "so irrelevant" but you can recall that he was friends with Nelson. And that's despite the fact that it's been well over a year since he was last seen chatting in a Nelson stream.
Just admit you only know of him because of what the thread schizos have said about him and you're bringing him up to be a shit-stirrer.

>> No.65591746
File: 47 KB, 552x373, 1703928057294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of of you are talking about my stream I've been streaming for 6 hours

>> No.65591775

I'm sorry denpa but your content is just not good

>> No.65591825

Sorry toots we're arguing about demographics

>> No.65591969

Check Kuu's top gifters, he is that snek_55 guy or something along those lines

>> No.65592110

no he isn't

>> No.65592126 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 1051x651, GB5_gpVWYAAMj24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is taking ADHD the ultimate and final NGMI?
Think about it logically. You are LITERALLY taking pills that make you less spontaneous and fun, and then you go to your stream and wonder why the CCV is dropping down. Can you really keep telling yourself that its the right thing to do?

>> No.65592168
File: 80 KB, 1051x651, GB5_gpVWYAAMj24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is taking ADHD Medications the ultimate and final NGMI?
Think about it logically. You are LITERALLY taking pills that make you less spontaneous and fun, and then you go to your stream and wonder why the CCV is dropping down. Can you really keep telling yourself that its the right thing to do?

>> No.65592236

nice double post

also I don't think you know how they work

>> No.65592267
File: 718 KB, 1700x1700, Me loving the only individual that matters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, ladies and gentlemen, the 2023 Christmas bash is officially done. Now as to why i'm retiring /wvt/ with this post, the reason is very simple, and it's one I feared i'd never have to give - i've lost it. Ive lost the joy of posting on /wvt/ or reading /wvt/ desu. I won't even lie to you either, the past couple of years, i've been phoning it in because I know there's alot of people on here who look forward to me being an asshole on the internet, and I appreciate it alot. Though it's not fair to you anons who give 110% every year to your linkposting and discussions and it's not fair to me to pretend I even relate to this thread anymore. Not trying to be a doomerfag, but this thread has changed since my hayday, and I feel it'll only get worse as I get older and branch out to other hobbies and interests. I don't feel this will be the last time you'll see me around here, but as they say, tomorrow never knows. Merry Christmas, everyone and may we see each other again in another thread. I love you all.

>> No.65592308

>Double post
That's not what it means nigger.

>also I don't think you know how they work
If it reduces your attention span, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior then its bad.
I don't need to understand anything further than that.

>> No.65592311

This sounds like something I’d do, my brain panics and misreads things sometimes without me even noticing. I’m sure she’s sorry, I know I would be.

>> No.65592414

i dont get it

>> No.65592451

Someone's new to entertainment business.

>> No.65592662

I think they have made my oshi funnier

>> No.65592677


>> No.65592702

>A retard ranting about muh conservatives has done more for this general than months of linkposter's linkposting
How do you people resist the urge to neck yourselves?

>> No.65592718

She seems to have more energy and stamina, so more streams and less brainworms

>> No.65593714

Denpafish really is fun. Getting kisses in my headphones from a cute girl is so nice. Especially from a playful denpa. Much better than watching YouTube videos.

>> No.65594025

Denpafish is the best.

>> No.65595119

https://www.twitch.tv/denpafish pokemon dlc

>> No.65595119,1 [INTERNAL] 

"You can be anything in the world, even a retarded turk" - Okay Satan, i have to say that was the worst pitch ever. Guess i keep my soul. The IDF is really not sending their best

>> No.65595119,2 [INTERNAL] 

"You can be anything in the world, even a retarded turk" - Okay Satan, i have to say that was the worst pitch ever. Guess i keep my soul. The IDF is really not sending their best
