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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65521861 No.65521861 [Reply] [Original]

Remember their auditions are constantly open and non-gender specific. Even you can apply anon and be with your oshi, but you have to play a female character.

>> No.65521979

>Really believing they'll hire babiniku or trans
They just say it's non gender specific because it would be illegal if they openly discriminate by gender. They will never hire anything else than females assigned at birth for Hololive, because otherwise they'll lose all the trust the put in them

>> No.65522150
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Daily reminder that they will only accept female.
Also, put christian as your religion.

>> No.65522193


>> No.65522204

They hired blue man. He looks pretty troony to me

>> No.65522257
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>> No.65522288

>they hired a man who has never claimed to be anything but a man for the male branch NATALIE MARS FOR EN4 IT’S OVER

>> No.65522299

But he’a not in Hololive, anon.

>> No.65522504

Yaggy babby, hear me out

You know what people like? Bitches
You know what bitches love? Cannons
.... And ugly bastards

Me and four other fat disgusting niggas gonna do you a solid,


Our entire job will be to drop in on hololive streams and just fucking ruin them, destroying progress, chat spam, twerking fat dudes, it will be great, even crashing off collabs

I will be expecting my fully 3D model Avatar any day now, along with a pair of fuwawa's socks and mococo's panties as a forward payment

>> No.65522783

I want to be Bae of Holostars.

>> No.65523636
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>> No.65523651

If that's true then apply and sue them when they don't consider any of you. Because it's illegal like you said.

>> No.65523685

Prove that’s why.

>> No.65523907

>their auditions are constantly open
Yet they still can't find anybody that interesting. Bae is close but only because she's an aussie.

>> No.65523970


>> No.65524022

Prove in court you didn’t get into Hololive because you have a dick.

>> No.65524194

You're an idiot. If it worked like you were thinking then you could never sue unless a company acted like mustache twirling villains in public.
Just apply and get your friends to apply seriously too. It will be corroborated by others that make statements like you that it's not going to happen. Then they will have to prove that they aren't throwing away applications based on gender. The more people you can get to cooperate with serious applications the better your case is. If you can get one jaded insider to corroborate your story then they're probably liable and you can cash out. It's not the first time an even more gendered industry has had to suck it in court.

>> No.65524390

>w-w-well someone on 4Chan claimed it so there!
This is ignoring the fact that an American or whatever third world shithole you’re from trying to sue a Japanese company over hiring is LOL LMAO tier

>> No.65524525

How would you even prove the process is unfair? So long as they take applications, they have discretion as to their approvals. Your supposed pattern is easily dispelled by this without evidence to the contrary.

>> No.65524628

>Remember their auditions are constantly open and non-gender specific
some lawyers would have told them to do it this way anyone with half a brain would know this
> Even you can apply anon and be with your oshi
i have a voice of a man and in no way can i get it to sound like a woman

finally i hope selen gets better sister and i hope you get the meds you need

>> No.65524653

>Then they will have to prove that they aren't throwing away applications based on gender
innocent until proven guilty

>> No.65524701

You're an absolute idiot. They're still legally liable since they conduct business globally. Besides equal opportunity laws are effectively in most regions. They include it because they know they are liable. You just have to show that their hiring is gender imbalanced. If you actually believe they actively discriminate that is.
Easy, because the assumption is that opportunities should be gender balanced. It's already established that their hires for the positions is unbalanced, now you show that they don't even give interviews or anything to a large group of qualified male applicants. A company can't simply discriminate and get away with it if they don't admit it, I explained this.
Remember it's civil law, not criminal law.

>> No.65524840

They're not being charged, dumbass. It's a dispute.

>> No.65525111

Trannies can pass physically if they put in a lot of work and are 20. But trannies voices never pass. Never.

>> No.65525190

You really seem invested in believing they won't, but what will you actually do when they do hire one? You will probably oshi them hard.

>> No.65525234

They can and they do literally all the time.

>> No.65525291

I've heard some with voices that pass better than a few HoloEN members. Now that AI voice tech is going to be a thing I don't think passing voices will be much of an issue either.

>> No.65525304

I mean fauna is definitely trans tho

>> No.65525361

And yet they don't. If you make a good case the rest comes out during discovery.

>> No.65525366

If anything voice passing is relatively easy, retard. They can't do anything about their wide shoulders. If you can practice hard for 2 or 3 years under the influence of hrt your voice can easily pass.

>> No.65525387

They hired males that act like faggots and hired an actual femboy fag in flayon, them hiring a transexual to appeal to a certain demographic is something a savior fag like Yagoo would unfortunately do.

>> No.65525504

I knew someone that sounded like Nerissa but more southern. Except they would switch back to their guy voice just to creep people out all the time. Anyway they were a trained singer, so that probably has something to do with how good their voice was.

>> No.65525585


>> No.65525615

>A company can't simply discriminate and get away with it
Apparently they can

>> No.65525686

In the end if it's a robot or a man or an orangutan, does it matter if the voice sounds amazing? The caveat is the voice has to actually sound good, but most of Advent had mid-low tier voices.

>> No.65525738

And many don't. Make a good case and if you're right then there will be paperwork that makes it obvious in discovery.

>> No.65525759

Only nerissa voice is the only notable one. Biboo sounds like an ID streamer Fuwamoco sounds retarded half of the time and shiori has a meh voice.

>> No.65525765

>it would be illegal if they openly discriminate by gender
Is this even a little bit true or just some shit you made up? How do actual all-female idol groups get away with it?
Also don't fuckin say "assigned at birth", females are just females

>> No.65525837
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>> No.65525903

Agreed. Biboo and FuwaMoco are forced cringe, Shiori is meh and inarticulate, Nerissa is really smooth and has great vocal control.

>> No.65525974

Burger law is not relevant, post Japanese law or fuck off

>> No.65526078

Yes, but that does not apply anon. Did you not understand? That's why they have the clause in the first place like all the other corpos. If they could prove it then they could remove the clause.

>> No.65526254


>> No.65526411

so its the same as >>65525837

>> No.65526482

It's a pretty standard thing among most 1st world countries.

>> No.65526608

They can easily prove the process is simply grueling to pass through. I’m even certain they’ve thought about this beforehand. You’d need due cause for expedition or discovery, which isn’t likely, and then you’d be up against their team with only suppositions to back your allegations bar that hardline evidence.

>> No.65526609

>our policy is equal opportunity so any gender can apply
>but also we want to argue that the job really can only be done by females
Do you see the contradiction if that was their plan? Next you have to convince us that they just are that dumb to set themselves up for such liability.

>> No.65526683

Here come the troons straight out of the woodwork. You know I'm right because they're seething about it. Hey. As soon as you open your mouth, everyone knows. Everyone. The deep inflection in your fake laugh, the up and down tone, the croak. Lmao. It's easy to see you're a guy. Seethe about it. Keep posting those filter pictures. Meanwhile as soon as you open your mouth we know lol.

>> No.65526755

>I’m even certain they’ve thought about this beforehand.
It cam to you in a dream.

But seriously they can prove it. They only have to show that one (or any reasonable number) serious applicant was considered through a few rounds. The problem is that means they'll actually consider it. The other option is that they just hope nobody tries.

>> No.65526768

mate how many trannies are you dealing with on a day to day basis? or you just watching the trans porn im not judging

>> No.65526833

I'm just telling you what I heard with my own ears. You're too busy replaying Rocky Horror Show and "Sweet Transsexual from Transylvania" on repeat.

>> No.65526917

NTA but I had multiple online friends who ended up trooning out, along with a few streamers I used to follow. They all had extremely clockable tranny voice, even the one who trooned out earliest and had years of cross-sex hormones and practice.

>> No.65527071

>Selen is on her way from Kurosanji
>HoloEN reopens auditions
Mumei going to save her friend!

>> No.65527090

Ok now tell me how female-only idol groups exist

>> No.65527136

NTA but probably because they were your friends. There are different types and some are more like gamers and coomers and very clocky, others aren't.

>> No.65527281

Small and biased sample, sure, just my 2 cents on the issue from experience

>> No.65527282

By only hiring females. You're allowed to also prove that your business necessity requires an exemption, but this is the opposite to conforming to an equal opportunity hiring policy. You don't do both.

>> No.65527295

Look at the cope to your post and the one above calling out tranny voices. This is because troons know it's the case and are sensitive about it.

>> No.65527344

I'm not applying to be with my oshi

>> No.65527415

Even kronii a woman with an extremely deep voice is easily recognizable as female. No matter what she does it's female. But you no matter how high you go. No matter how squeaky you make it it's obviously male. There's a reason for that lmao. I love that trannies will always come out the woodwork about this point because they know it's true. Fuck look at Finn or any of the passing troons. Sound fully like a dude. Even though you think you can moan like a girl on onlyfans it's obvious you can't. Sorry. Truth hurts.

>> No.65527569

It's because there are some that really are just failed nerds. On the gay board it used to be you had more feminine types, you would see them join mixed group tiny chats, but they all got replaced by pretty much nerds on pills.

>> No.65527595

You cannot prove it isn’t an equal opportunity process. You’d need to find damning evidence that you were turned away for being male. The lack of males in Hololive (HoloEN, to be specific to these auditions) isn’t good enough. Your suggestion to band together with some other faggots won’t prove that, either. Seeking a payout — possibly out of spite, possibly simply to hurt Cover, or ultimately by greed — would necessitate proof. How do you intend to gain said proof?

>> No.65527835

>How do you intend to gain said proof?
Discovery. If you can make a legitimate case and show that you are qualified, and others qualified applied multiple times and got no response, you can make a case. As a dispute it gets settled as a dispute, not as a a criminal charge.
The point is not that I'm suggesting "we" should do this. The point is that I'm suggesting if you really truly believed that they were red pilled poltards that were on your side and would never let one get in, then you ought to believe that there is a strong case and corporate documentation that implies discriminatory practices.
Personally, I don't believe that. I don't believe they're secretly anti-LGBT poltards and seething like many anons here. But that implies the policy is valid.

>> No.65528160

Why would anyone seek to expose them in court and ruin a good thing unless they were some seething faggot tranny? Also, who would need to write down "don't hire trannies for the female branch" so explicitly in a manual for the hiring staff? You won't find shit in discovery because people implicitly understand don't hire trannies for your female branch. Are you autistic enough to think them encouraging all genders to apply is anything other than trying to get talent for holostars as well as hololive? Nothing you've posted here amounts to much more than college student "I took a couple semesters in ___ look at how smart I am" nonsense.

>> No.65528243

Like I said, it isn't about ruining them in court. It's about whether or not you actually believe they are doing something that could make them liable. If you actually believed that you would have to believe that it was possible to sue them and win.
None of this is out of thin air, it's based on their own stated policies. The point is that if you think a few steps ahead from whatever your own belief is then there are consequences that play out differently depending on the validity of their adherence to the policy. The alternative is some vague came to you in a dream scenario where their office values and practices just magically align with yours and somehow work out. It's possible but highly unlikely to the point that it's not worth taking seriously. That kind of belief is more of a product of wishful thinking and may already be invalid, considering we don't really know the medical history of all members.
Of course, anons tend to let their emotions get ahead of them and confuse them and make them incapable of considering realistic hypothetical scenarios.

>> No.65528259

>secretly anti-LGBT poltards
Normal people don't want to deal with trannies even if they don't want to send them all to the gas chamber

>> No.65528408

That's just you saying that. But you probably do support Japanese companies with them. I know some that were higher profile ended up in some game in media companies. It didn't tank sales. Life goes on because most people don't care.

>> No.65528447

Yeah, my company automatically throws applications from them in the trash because they're generally more mentally unstable and not worth it.

>> No.65528462

Like I said, normal people, not ideologues. They don't seethe about there being a tranny somewhere 3 degrees of separation from them but they're not going to hire a heckin valid crossdresser if they can help it.

>> No.65528492

Get a grip. Trannies are not getting into a female branch and no one is going to sue them over it. Even if you do, nothing will come of it. Legal or not doesn't apply here. Discriminating against males for your female branch is common fucking sense. Suing people over the exercise of common sense because "b-but the law said you can't" is a purely American phenomenon.

>> No.65528504
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>non-gender specific

>> No.65528646

But they do. Big companies like SE, Sony, Nintendo, NHK, TBS, and so on, and they've been elected to political office in Japan for decades. I'm not trying to convince you to like them, but accept reality the way it is, not the way you dreamed it to be.
Like I said, emotions get the better of you. You can't consider a hypothetical scenario because it's making your blood boil.

>> No.65528658

Only if I get to suck on Mori’s tits.

>> No.65528805

Your hypothetical scenario isn't based in logic or reality. Actual, real, existing companies get away with discriminatory hiring. This isn't emotional thinking, it's life experience. Graduate college.

>> No.65528914

Equal Employment Opportunity Act
It's easy to go around this and many companies do.
You just can't be open about it.

>> No.65529133

No, it is based on logic and reality. You're projecting and imposing something that came to you in a dream on what you think is definitely their policy and practice. You are unable to consider other options because you're too emotionally invested.

>> No.65529395

If you were convinced of that then you would say it was possible. Maybe finish highschool.

>> No.65529693

Exemptions. You can't if the job is like streamer or content creation. But they probably say your voice has to match the character and don't care about anything else.

>> No.65531308

>On the gay board
Went there once outta morbid curiosity while drunk, and spending 2 mins looking at the catalog made me physically ill.
I don't know what it is was like when moot added it years ago, but I had hoped it would have cut down on the trap and tranny posting on /b/ which never happened because they made it a fucking SFW board instead of NSFW like they should have.

>> No.65532952

