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65445529 No.65445529 [Reply] [Original]

Now that she's "hospitalized" and managed to post a tweet to update her fans, what's stopping her from making a follow up tweet to dispel any rrats like the stealth suspension or her unalive attempt? If she still has access, that is.

>> No.65445617

Because she's in a mental health ward and they don't let you tweet from there. She didn't even write that tweet imo

>> No.65445725

Because Selen always feeds the antis with reasons to shit on Niji. She has BPD and can't stop herself from being a dramawhore.

>> No.65445910

Let's say she really is in the mental ward. If that is the case then it's very likely her manager or a family member wrote that tweet for her, or she was given an opportunity to write a single tweet before again losing access to her phone.

>> No.65445960

Because it wasn't her making the tweet, it's an ESL
She either got into an actual accident/tried to an hero, or management chose possibly the worst way to cover up a suspension they could

>> No.65445981

Why does every woman claim to have "BPD" anyways?
Is this just an excuse to get away with average female behavior?

>> No.65446153

why do you nijifags hate your own livers so much, it's hilarious.

>> No.65446210

Because it's highly likely she didn't even write the tweet, it's both too formal and too ESL for Selen's usual writing style.

>> No.65446273

She most likely was hospitilized after she tried to kill herself and then she was discharged to a mental health ward by her family. And she told her manager in between. And the manager wrote the tweet

>> No.65446543

Suicide was just a rrat peddled here and anyone that truly believes it or talks about it outside of here are a bunch of containment breakers. Of course the talent won't respond to 4chan drivel seriously. It's on the same level as Ayame hating koreans like Ina. Only dramafags like Khyo took that shit seriously.

>> No.65446596

No, she most likely got suspended and had to lie about the reason.

>> No.65446624

We found the riku simp

>> No.65446667

No, she most likely got knocked up and she is delivering Tyrone's child as we speak.

>> No.65446733

>management chose possibly the worst way to cover up a suspension they could
Most likely scenario

>> No.65446754

She is most likely stealth suspended for undermining her manager (lol). Manager wrote the tweet using a random excuse but since they are esl didn't realize the implications.

>> No.65447112

Feels like it's a cover for a suspension. Similarly to "sudden family vacation" an accident does not attribute much fault compared to "not feeling well", which people would see as "not feeling well, because of what happened".

Also with what she has done, a suspension is guaranteed. Telling fans to re-upload her Cover is a big no-no for a Japanese company, because them see themselves as the owner of that video (even though she paid for it)

>> No.65448024

That's the dumbest way to cover a suspension then. Whoever came up with that idea should be suspended in turn.

More likely the last manager fuck-up pushed Selen over the edge and now she'll have to rest for a few weeks in a hospital bed. Great way to round off a great year no?

>> No.65448350

It wasn't her tweeting and she didn't attempt suicide nor is she in a mental ward. The only ones trying to argue this are the ones trying to defend their oshi the black company Anycolor/Nijisanji.
This is 100% a stealth suspension.

>> No.65449096

I think an accident is too dramatic to use as an excuse for a stealth suspension, it would have been something like a tweet saying she's taking a few days to cool off or has family plans, I really do think accident is a cover word for suicide attempt because those wards do take your phones from you. I know a person who got popped into there after an attempt and it's a general practice so I feel like it's likely.

>> No.65449345

what if it was an assesination attempt that failed?

>> No.65449500

What if the manager accidentaly asked the chink mafia to break selen legs?
Though honnestly they don't really have to bother going for mafia, they can just do her an oshi no ko and send a crazy sister to push her in the stairs.

>> No.65450287

Wasn't she posting on her PL in the two day period of 'silence' on her corpo? That may narrow or completely erase any potential time that an accident could have happened which would make obvious if this was a generated statement to cover the company's ass or not.

>> No.65450400


>> No.65450438

She posted on her roommate about half an hour after telling fans to reupload the MV and then wasn't heard of until the hospital announcement.

>> No.65450518

No, she posted on her RM just after her first angry Selen post.
But judging by the lack of any reaction from other niji organs, there was no accidents.

>> No.65451296

They don't think they own the video but they do own the copyright to Selen model.

>> No.65452148

You answeared your own question

>> No.65452338

Did Pomu like the tweet? If not, it wasn't from Selen.

>> No.65452438

>She actually did

>> No.65453332

Yeah me thanks for asking

>> No.65455975

She posted shortly after asking people to reupload her song. And shortly after that she was removed from all the collab graphics and didn't show up for streams, and then this announcement came out.

Additionally, no one in Niji talked about her "accident" and just one or two of them said "get well soon!" in response to her tweet.

It seems pretty obvious management stealth suspended her and locked her out of her social media accounts, and then decided to post this "they took my phone away from me in the hospital" crap to make her look like a lunatic that had a mental breakdown, presumably to try to damage her credibility in the future. I can only guess they're desperate to prevent another Zaion situation, but these tactics are so dirty it's going to make it even worse for them if Selen goes public on her personal accounts and says they're making it all up.

>> No.65456147
File: 59 KB, 847x404, ohshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally gave permission

>> No.65456298

Anon please learn a little about the world. The Chinese mafia is called the Triad. Japanese mafia is the Yakuza.

>> No.65456363

They've already been trying to say that her ESL tweet is because she's being gassed up. All to establish a precedent that we can't trust her account of the incident.

>> No.65456403

How does that boot taste?

>> No.65456451

Series of events
>Selen makes MV and cover, releases it
>2 hours later Management privates it
>Selen then has had enough, makes the tweet with no regard for the future because she's ok the edge of whether or not she kills herself
>Millie makes tweets trying to defend the black corpo
>That pushes Selen over the edge and she tries to kill herself
>either she fails and is put into the hospital, succeeded and management are puppeting her social media, or failed and while in the hospital management are puppetinv her social media.

>> No.65456653

i hate that this sounds really plausible considering how much management has been shown to hate her

>> No.65456688

missing context is that this is a project that has gone on as long as her entire nijicareer and niji management failed at every single step along the way.

>> No.65457007

ty for the qrd anon

>> No.65457253

It's not her tweet and I'm sure she's about to snap if she hasn't already.

>> No.65457437

riku pulled some strings to get her institutionalized for life due to not respecting the chain of command, she'll never stream again

>> No.65457456

Why the fuck would she respond to retards on 4chan speculating out of fucking nothing

>> No.65457640

Selen completely ruined the collab with Nerissa and Zen

>> No.65458275

Because management has given her an order to make an excuse tweet and then keep her mouth shut until her suspension is over.

>> No.65458365

I don't think she's in hospital at all, I think that's a lie management is forcing her to post.
Like fishing trips, broken backs, family vacations out of nowhere and such.
Just a lie to avoid saying they were suspended for being too uppity.

>> No.65458435

>It's on the same level as Ayame hating koreans
So it's 100% true? Ayame is on record as saying the Gando massacre was the best day of her life.

>> No.65458641

>Pomu liked that Selen was commited to a hospital
That bitch

>> No.65458823

As someone with BPD, 67% of those fags are lying about having it.

>> No.65458938

The idea that she succeeded and they would immediately puppet her twitter account for the temporary benefit of throwing blame off management (and it didn’t even work) when something like that would obviously come to light sooner or later and put to rest any possible doubt about the incompetence and callousness of Niji is so morbid, heartless, and stupid that I believe it to be true.

>> No.65459911

The cover story is clearly working if you look at this board. People on both sides are swallowing it hook, line, and sinker, and talk of the music video or her possible graduation has almost stopped.

>> No.65459990

>people revise their opinions when selen admits she had a menhera episode and attempted to an hero

>> No.65460036

why does every woman complain about women constantly

>> No.65460059

Intern is using deepL and asking other interns if the verbiage is ok. Please understand this is a taxing process for them.

>> No.65460277

Is it true that a jap or in general an east asian wouldn't understand how badly severe a hospital stay sounds to westerners? Since they go to a doctor's visit at the hospital for as little as a slight fever

>> No.65460388

Not really, the tweet contains enough details, (phone confiscated, will remain "under supervision", etc.), that there's no ambiguity.

>> No.65460406

but selen is from taiwan

>> No.65460643

Nothing in that tweet implies an attempted suicide. People are jumping to that conclusion because her phone was supposedly taken away, but that is more easily explained by Niji employees not knowing medicine.

>> No.65460702

That would explain the hate she gets from Chinese management and Enna’s clique.

>> No.65460855
File: 80 KB, 1200x675, 75018948124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jumping to that conclusion
It is literally just spelled out. She had an "accident" and it was not slipping on a banana peel. She's not sick, she's not on vacation, she's in the hospital with her phone confiscated. None of the other Nijis are supporting her. The writing is on the wall and you're the only one who can't see it.

>> No.65461430

>it was not slipping on a banana peel
It could have been with how vague the tweet was.
>she's in the hospital with her phone confiscated
As I said, Nijisanji employees do not know medicine. They saw it happen on some TV show and dropped it in to explain her radio silence.
>None of the other Nijis are supporting her
Which is consistent with her being suspended.

>> No.65461610

There are people on this board right now that don't understand she's stealth suspended.
After all this time they still haven't learnt the ways of Niji the black company.
Better be newfags, that's the only excuse.

>> No.65461696
File: 174 KB, 1024x576, wait_a_minute_that_card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously this bad at interpretation? The only reasonable explanations for the tweet are to take it literally, i.e. she was literally in a car accident that left her so injured she's stuck in the hospital for a week, or to read between the lines, i.e. she's been committed. Neither of these would be used as cover stories for a suspension, and only one of them makes sense given the events that led up to this.

>> No.65461936

She can be both stealth suspended and try to kill herself. Trying to pick one is trying to defend niji.

>> No.65462190

Does it fucking matter which it is when Riku and his Shareholder butt buddies are the root cause?

>> No.65462574

Alternatively, the tweet was not meant to be interpreted. It was meant to be seen for a few seconds on a feed and then scrolled past. Most people are not invested in vtuber drama and respect the privacy of others when they say they're going through something.

>> No.65462690

The tweet is announcing that a popular person is in a hospital. Nobody who follows them will just scroll past it.

>> No.65462925

That's seriously what you're going with? They expected no one to read the tweet? Make zero sense but you clearly won't see reason.

>> No.65463075

just saying, if someone is hospitalized for a "normal" accident and they just got their phone back, they can damn well make more than one single tweet

>> No.65463149
File: 450 KB, 1920x1244, seething femanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No (U)

>> No.65463467

I wonder if niji managers now tell them "come up with an excuse but don't say family vacation" because it's too obvious by now lmao

>> No.65463523

In a week management will put out a tweet:
>Selen died on the way to her home planet

>> No.65463904

How many times have you seen a statement about someone going to the hospital and started scrutinizing it? Not many, I'd imagine. The normal response is to accept it and wait for updates.

>> No.65463948

Selen has had it so either she is in the hospital and can't even tweet out a stealth suspension tweet or she said no and they did it themselves and implied she tried to kill herself.

>> No.65463975

Guess what, there isn't going to be any update. She'll be back in a week or two pretending like nothing happened.

>> No.65464476

Permission isn't even required for song covers. You can just notify the creators and pay them a royalty fee of about 9 cents per song sold if you make money off of it. That's copyright law, covers can't be denied.

>> No.65464601

Everyone else is a pick me. Fuck woman right bros?

>> No.65464669

>too uppity
Thinking she had human rights while working for a black company. Imagine the nerve.

>> No.65465670

Exactly. How dare she not obey like a good slave.

>> No.65466217

Why do Japs think that making a fake suicide attempt tweet will do anything to stop their self immolation in the public eye? People literally killing themselves at your company is basically the nightmare scenario for public companies. This shit could have hit mainstream news and tanked their stock price.

Even if it's FAKE it's still terrible for them.

>> No.65466335

I've been gone for over a week wtf is going on with selen

>> No.65466527

Who fucking told management to use suicide as an excuse, fucking Sonny?

>> No.65466529

>spend 15k and tons of time collabing to create a song cover for christmas
>be given the green light to post a while ago
>publish the cover
>niji decides to revoke green light after the fact, forcing her to take it down
>selen goes silent
>selen mentions in other places that she is out 15,000 dollars and may need help with finances
>selen's friend makes tweet along the lines of "hope your next tears are tears of joy"
>selen breaks silence days later with "sorry im in the hospital and they took my phone and I am under surveillance"
And now you're caught up. People rightfully assume that she is stealth suspended. Speculation is out on whether the hospitalization was a suspension cover or self harm

>> No.65466810

Also Niji management has claimed it's a perms issue, yet the rights holders have publicly stated that they gave perms more than a year ago, Niji management refused to get perms when asked and Selen had to get it herself, and yes this whole thing has been in the works for that long so Nijisanji would have had literally over a year to get off their ass and do literally anything they were supposed to do as her management.

>> No.65466823

In between points 4 and 5, Selen also told people in a public tweet to reupload the cover AGAINST the wishes of Niji management. There was no better way to spit in their face

>> No.65467088

It's a little funny how Selen started out as this supposed queen of bantz, and over time it was exposed how overly sensitive she is anytime she doesn't get exactly what she wants/doesn't perform like she wants to.
Pomu's cover of Fukashigi no Carte got art and everything and never saw the light of day and she has been shat on worse by management and hasn't done anything drastic like Selen.
She bitches about it sure, but it ends there. I guess the Holo-Niji Apex tourney broke Selen and this drove her over the edge.

>> No.65467168

What’s stopping you from making this post on Twitter with your real name?

>> No.65467414

Because here's how it would go:
>Selen posts a tweet saying she's fine. It's nothing big.
>The board: It was management posting it! Look at the commas! kek

Trying to reply to every rrat is just going to give attention to everything even more and make the situation worse. Plus I wouldn't be surprised if the management was determining exactly what to do with this situation. Those two Selen tweets gained lots of traction and I doubt management is happy with Selen all but confirming Niji management's tanking reputation.

>> No.65467516

Do you know who selen is?

>> No.65467526

>Selen posts a tweet saying she's fine. It's nothing big.
Fucking where? Because her last 2 tweets are "I got fucked over and I'm really upset" followed by "I'm in the hospital and under supervision"

>> No.65467635

It only works because dramafags are apparently suicidal

>> No.65467678

Do you?

>> No.65467778

You’re retarded

>> No.65467955

She was going to be out 15k regardless, it wasn’t a few days, they took it down themselves. You are a schizo

You live on the catalog

>> No.65467972

>Pomu's cover of Fukashigi no Carte got art and everything and never saw the light of day and she has been shat on worse by management and hasn't done anything drastic like Selen.
She should have.

>> No.65467992

>Under supervision
What color is the sky in your world?

>> No.65468027

>You live on the catalog
No, I'm just in this thread. This is all information posted IN THIS THREAD. Anon, did you even read the thread you're in? Receipts were posted anon.

In. This. Thread.

>> No.65468029

If that is true, the EN branch dies with everyone that defended the conpany. It's more likely just a stralth suspension.

>> No.65468086

I can give you like 10 different talents outside of niji in the same scenario. Women complain too much but some of you are even >>65467972.

>> No.65468092

>redditspacer is a retarded corpo boot and ball licker

>> No.65468133
File: 39 KB, 598x238, supervision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was going to be out 15k regardless
Ok? She still was upset about it. "I lost $15k+ in something recently" is a literal quote from selen you fucking retard
>it wasn’t a few days
The time between the apology tweet and the hospital tweet was 2 days. Was this some point you thought you made or something?
>they took it down themselves
"They" being whom? Niji? Ok, that literally changes nothing in the points being made
You are less than ESL, holy shit
You're the same poster as above, yes? Now I know you don't even know who Selen is. Read picrel you stupid subhuman. Don't ever reply to me again

>> No.65468167
File: 16 KB, 582x185, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's her. She has never used the curly single quote until that tweet. (I haven't been following her too closely but I checked the past few months at least.)
Also I'm fairly sure you'd need to type at a PC for a straight single quote to be autocorrected to a curly single quote.

>> No.65468205

This was debunked 1000x over. Go read the archives from yesterday. She's used that character many times in random tweets

>> No.65468235

That’s not better

>> No.65468330

Nobody is killing themselves over a fucking song cover

>> No.65468344

You know what, fair. Everyone should have just told you to kys instead of spoonfeeding you, I've learned my lesson. From now on, the only thing I'll ever reply to anyone with is death threats.

>> No.65468428

If this was the first time Selen was fucked over by management you'd be right.

>> No.65468429

It's entirely plausible that she got told that she's suspended and will need to come up with some excuse to explain it and she decided to go balls to the wall with "fuck it, i'll imply that i got suicidal over shit management and got locked up in a mental ward, you can go ahead and tell them i got suspended if you don't like what i came up with"

The Nijisanji PR team will need a while to figure it out

>> No.65468432

Hello sir.

>> No.65468456

There’s one more tweet made in between them schizo. You can’t bring up where she brought up the 15k then pretend it didn’t exist. The quote about losing 15k implies if it didn’t happen she wouldn’t have to beg for money which she was probably going to do regardless. And them taking it down doesn’t change what happened it just shows you’re a drama obsessed faggot who doesn’t actually watch her. So again you’re just a schizo

>> No.65468484

You're engaging with a nijinigger trying to bump threads and waste your time and energy. Just call it a faggot and move on

>> No.65468513

Your arguments aren't even comprehensible. Go learn english you mutt

>> No.65468532

That would make more sense than spreading rrats as facts. And stop typing in all caps it makes you seem like a woman

>> No.65468603

Let’s say this is true in what way would this make her seem mentally stable?

>> No.65468634

Who said she's mentally stable?

>> No.65468647

Nijiintern really?

>> No.65468733

Ah nijifags on full company defense mode

>> No.65468782

Do nijis really?

>> No.65468790


>> No.65468791

That would only happen if kurosanji was popular in the U.S. which really isn't. Every other countries don't have crazies cancelling people left and right over their views that only happens here. The only thing I could see happening to kurosanji is sponsors alienating themselves from them since companies don't want bad rep from an affiliated company.

>> No.65468808

She isn't.
This is public knowledge.
This is an interesting angle: Selen implying self-harm because people knows she is crazy to throw shade on Nijisanji, get fired, and get the best sob story out of all the ex NijiEN talents

>> No.65468813

Because a woman's biggest enemy in life is their fellow women.

>> No.65468834

Japan specifically has massive cultural sore spot over suicide and corporate culture leading to suicide

>> No.65468838

She's getting Britney Speared at that hospital

>> No.65468905

>She isn't.
>This is public knowledge.
Clearly not. NTA, your implying as much has convinced me of the opposite and now I will never be persuaded otherwise.

>> No.65468918

Most chill spoonfeeder

>> No.65468929

All within 70 or so seconds of each other. Will your next post be holochads or I feel so bad for Selen? Maybe spice it up with why you love vshojo?

>> No.65468967


>> No.65469009

It’s not a bait thread without [insert company is finally going to die]

>> No.65469011

Yeah but Japan also was the same country who did not take mental illness seriously until 2 years ago. Idk how things would fair in Japan because I never been there, but kurosanji deserves to be cancelled, I just don't see it happening especially in places outside of the us

>> No.65469142

Look at literally any of her tweets after an Apex tourney lol

>> No.65469210

You mean mental illness like the schizos in this thread or autistic vtubers? Because one is real and the other isn’t

>> No.65469403

Why does it seems like all her co-workers hate her? Even the management too?

>> No.65469508

She’s Taiwanese, fat, and harbors no ill will towards hololive or their fans. She’s not in the clique and she’s not in the secret discord. Selen is hated by management because she’s the easiest target.

>> No.65469551

They'll probably eventually evolve their strategy to make fake/controlled tweets during a stealth suspension to cover it up

>> No.65469619

I thought she's from Hong Kong. Wtf

>> No.65469671

The answer is always, unequivocally, yes.

>> No.65469697

Or that idk I’m just a threadreader.

>> No.65469698

Are you the same schizo that ask why everyone hates gura

>> No.65469749

It's all niji deflection shitting up the catalog except the generals

>> No.65469967

Yeah, HK.

>> No.65470017

selen doesn't strike me as the type to an hero

>> No.65470369

I am not a niji watcher, but I wonder if it drove her to self-harm. I'm assuming all the talks about niji are true.

>> No.65470421

Because if you actually watch her, you know that selen is barely ever active on twitter except when she goes to it to make announcements or post her stream rooms. Shes been known for almost 3 years as very inactive in the platform

>> No.65470763

>Because if you actually watch her, you know that selen is barely ever active on twitter
I thought reading twitter was the favorite pastime of people who don't actually watch streams

>> No.65471286

Those people know what vtubers are at least. This is purely for content so they can pretend they have sources

>> No.65474394

Usually people who laugh the most hide the most pain. Ha ha.

>> No.65478763

Pomu had extensive leave after Nina left and did some soul searching in Japan. She is all in on Niji due to her friends and JP, BUT, she has mentioned that finding a new job is a good thing. It's been obvious none of the clique fuck around with Pomu and behave like typical bullies focusing on one scapegoat at a time for stress relief. If Selen leaves in 2024, and the clique bullies another one of Pomus friends like Rosemi, if management doesn't support her with some crazy good concerts, if the clique or management ever steps out of line and harasses her. Pomu leaving will krill NijiEN branches reputation. Their business model only supports the top chuubas after all and NijiEN is fucking around in dangerous territory thinking Selen is disposable especially with the size of her fanbase. The biggest antis of Niji are in NijiEN itself with the horrible behaviour they treat each other with.

>> No.65478968

Is the clique in the room with us right now?

>> No.65479145

I dunno, is Millie, Kyo, Enna awake on discord right now. How about any of the staff that grovels at their managers feet? Have you had your daily lick of leather shoes yet?

>> No.65479826

Guess I hit a nerve, too busy controlling yabs before a holo collab huh. Drink a cup of coffee to relax. Heh.

>> No.65480019

That was a manager tweet.

>> No.65482681

It would just be so easy to dispel the rrrats by having Selen to tell everyone to shut up. But we all know the manager is in control

>> No.65482750

yeah they're running rampant damage control and trying to bury this yab as much as possible. They want everyone to forget the yab and move on without ever acknowledging that they played a part in any wrongdoing.

>> No.65482913

She has access to her phone, it's just so easy to post it!

>> No.65485744

$20 says she doesn't even know the tweet exists

>> No.65485903

Last I checked, anesthetics don't change the way you type your apostrophes

>> No.65486294

Its not her, millie didn't reply asking if she had permission to tweet that
