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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 209 KB, 1284x1798, fbm86t2xq3vb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65425486 No.65425486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it bothers Bae that Biboo is already more popular than her?

>> No.65425662

Of course, it's a numbers business through and through

>> No.65425683

yes, but shhe is also close to her age allegedly, so win some lose some

>> No.65425765

riku sending a hit squad after selen deflection thread

>> No.65425778

they should have sex

>> No.65425811

you wish she wanted to be the cunny of her gen but failed

>> No.65425834

>nijinig poorly deflecting with made up bullshit

>> No.65425851

the real question is why Kronii hates Advent when she was so ok with tempiss

>> No.65425928

Selen suicide attempt deflection thread.

>> No.65425937

Well…… almost anyone in hololive is poppular than her…….

>> No.65425964


>> No.65425984
File: 399 KB, 1153x898, 1682190663143963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think hololive in general dont give a fuck about numbers as much as you do, monkey.

>> No.65426214


>> No.65426380

Less than it bothers nijiinterns that we see right through their selen getting zaion'd deflection.

>> No.65426522

By the end of next year Rock and Bau Bau will beat all EN except Gura.

>> No.65426564

It shouldn't since she has only squandered and fucked up her advantages since day 1 like a retard.
>gen 2 had bigger hype than gen 3 but worse retention
>had a stupid schedule early on, failed to leech gura
>hebe, almost cunny, never plays into it
>does a handful of gfe streams, memory holes them immediately
>random japanese streams for no reason, is she "holo jp honorary" like irys? but then drops those streams
>some korean pandering in early 2022 but it's been 2 years and she kind of stopped caring about that train
>went whole hog on the homo train and then it exploded
Bae's only true advantage is you can count on her to have a consistent schedule which is gold in a branch full of wallflowers who constantly have excuses as to why they made 20k last week and will be taking the next 3 weeks off for no reason. But otherwise bae's vtuber career (and council's, to a lesser extent) looks like a how-to manual on not fucking up a massive lead over all your nearest rivals.

Meanwhile Advent is full of girls who went full force ass pussy and mouth chasing after the things they wanted like nerissa trying to eat out kiara.

>> No.65426597

Cmon NDF. This is just sad to watch. Like clockwork.

>> No.65426646

She fears Nerissa.

>> No.65426696

Why doesnt it bother nijiniggers that theyre a chinese cult who wishes death on its streamers?

>> No.65428090

Completely prompted and natural thread that popped up after Selen's "Accident"

>> No.65431398

>Pic of them having fun
>Bae hates Biboo!

Do Nijifags really?

>Verification not required

>> No.65431766

They don't know what having friends is like. They don't even know what seeing friendship is like in Niji, it's all very foreign to them.

>> No.65432336 [DELETED] 

Biboo has like 6 years on Bae. Rock is approaching hag status.

>> No.65432632

Nah, no one actually confirmed Biboo's age yet. Doxsisters put up a number and people went with it. they actually recently got called out for doing that recently over on the other site.

>> No.65432701

>bijou is old
schizo rrat

>> No.65433625
File: 98 KB, 283x409, consider the following.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Bae had been a loli she would have been vastly more popular.

>> No.65433711

That wasn't confirmed actually, just someone threw it out there and people believed
Can be anywhere between 22-27

>> No.65433824

i feel like they appeal to vastly different types of people, so no

>> No.65433874

How so? They're both cute zoomies and I'm an ojisan who likes both

>> No.65433926

They are cute sisters

>> No.65434045 [DELETED] 
File: 986 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled_2.1.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe true but I'll say she'll be droping numbers a litlle bit slower at least

>> No.65434371

I don't speak chimp, what is this monkey saying?

>> No.65434445

lol nope

>> No.65434652
File: 472 KB, 1156x306, 1676373848838626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda surprised how Kronii of all people is still more popular than Bae
Kronii shoot herself in the foot 10+ times by now

>> No.65435375

what you dont like watching a stoned monotone korean "voice actor" suck at games

>> No.65435508

Tell that to Calli 'Will refuse to stream her PoV in a group collab because she knows she'll be in last place' Mori

>> No.65435684

>About to do a weekly duo watchalong of the entire JoJo franchise.
Yeah they clearly hate each other.

>> No.65435874

bae has more subs than fauna

>> No.65435929 [DELETED] 

If the forbidden knowledge I've seen of biboo is indeed her then you're right on the money.

>> No.65436059

>holo vs holo

>> No.65436553

It's not

>> No.65436683
File: 54 KB, 350x350, 9768a8df5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Biboo is more popular than Bae than she is more popular than Keala. Neither has happened yet and that is a fact.

>> No.65436726

>holo v holo bait

>> No.65437146

in some small way probably? most hologirls (who are actively streaming) are at least trying to be entertaining and grow, if you don't it has to be a bit painful to your ego. but more so she's probably pretty happy to have someone closer to her age that can mess well with her. seems like biboo in general is quite easy going and willing to collab with whoever, i think i've seen her collab with id more in these few months than rest of en in their careers. yes i know its basically just kaela, though i think it's probably time based and she'd be up to collabing with any id

>> No.65437468

I doubt it, if Bae cared about numbers she would have taken different actions.

>> No.65437830

They don't measure popularity in CCV because they are not retarded SEA monkeys. So I'd say no.

>> No.65438044

>bae makes her own model
>makes it a flat as fuck loli

>> No.65438099

not really. Both are trying to be hyper zoomers. literally the only reason bae is a runt is because she fag enables

>> No.65438169

kronii has big tits, hasn't fag collabed in a while and went total fan service for a while

>> No.65438224

>caliope "I won't play the same game as someone else at the same time because Gura will fucking destroy me" mori

>> No.65438275

fauna averages like double Bae's ccv

>> No.65438327

>literally the only reason bae is a runt is because she fag enables
And other fairytales unitroons tell themselves to last another day without suicide.

>> No.65438346

Does biboo live in the US or does she live in SEA? doesn't she speak thai and say she is asian?

>> No.65438366

Why specifically Biboo? Advent in general has a high power level, and it's not like Bae competes for Biboo's gamer/cunny audience.

>> No.65438405

She lives on the west coast and her first language is English. One of the first things in her debut month was asking her mom to teach her more thai.

>> No.65438429

bae cares about her numbers a lot.
>releases tons of songs
>releases new models so she can 3d dance
>always plays buff games
>collabs with jps all the time
>does GFE a bunch
>hired a clipper and is spamming shorts.
Bae is actively trying to grow way more than anyone other than kiara and mori

>> No.65438432

Flat is banned in Australia. I kid you not, that cuntry believes youre not allowed to sexualize yourself unless you have massive jugs.

>> No.65438442

And had the same total amount of views. Weird how things work, huh?

>> No.65438461
File: 189 KB, 500x354, 15BE2FA4-D384-46E2-A9B3-40E510B97379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Niji deflection thread if ever there was one

>> No.65438506

>Its another >trannies claim bae is annoying and untalented to deflect from the fact homobeggers don't watch streams and fag enabling turns everyone off

>> No.65438537

Nijisisters aren't even trying now

>> No.65438566

fauna puts out basically zero music. bae puts out multiple music videos a year. a 3 min music video gets way more views than a vod. Plus bae literally spams shorts. Only a retarded brown tranny would compare MV and shorts videos to stream vods

>> No.65438591

There are like 10 Niji threads in the catalog atm, what would be the point of a deflection?
This is just a typical shitpost, you're just too mindbroken.

>> No.65438600

Fauna’s VODs do way better than Bae’s in views, what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.65438653 [DELETED] 

>holo v holo numbernigger monkey war



Stay in there niggers

>> No.65438701

Damn, if I lost 15k for no reason I'd try something too

>> No.65438762

Using a comparable stream:
>Bae’s Promise lethal collab VOD
>Fauna’s Promise lethal collab VOD

Bae only competes with Fauna in views because of music views.

>> No.65438786

you should compete with yourself in getting bitches

you'd still lose somehow

>> No.65438842

>a bitch
>ever getting bitches

>> No.65439081

>make a retarded statement about Bae getting more views
>bitch and whine when you’re given context
Ok shitposter

>> No.65439173

>Bae only competes with Fauna in views because of music views.
Yes. And Fauna competes with Bae because of game streams. Your point?
Overall Bae, while having lower numbers than Fauna (who is still top EN I believe), is not a "runt" unicorn faggots try to make out of her based on CCV alone.

>> No.65439200

you should get more bitches

>> No.65439344

>3 people listening to bae's music videos over and over makes her not a runt and on the same level as a basic fauna stream
homotroons sure love to do mental gymnastics, huh?

>> No.65439432

I like Hakoseki more.

>> No.65439567

>mental gymnastics
>3 people listening to bae's music videos
Nah, that's actually unikek specialty. That you're doing right now. Whatever keeps you from roping yourself I guess.

>> No.65439717

again, you are the one going >but muh music videos, in response to bae being mogged by every other member of EN even though she is one of the most talented members, but she gets shit numbers because she fag enables and trannies like you only watch the faggots and refuse to watch bae stream

>> No.65440069

Unicuck-chama, Fauna can only keep up with Bae because of her assortment of ASMR vods which is the most highly viewed vod content period due to it's nature, she wouldn't be able to do otherwise and Bae is about to pass her in total view count anyways

>> No.65440275

Now your cope has gone from Fauna to every EN member? Kiara might want a word about that.
Fuck, if you want to numberfag IRyS has 55k for the same collab >>65438762
Stance on male collabs affecting numbers is a unitroon myth. You are irrelevant, deal with it.

>> No.65440534

music videos get more views than asmr, tranny. play dice has 6 million views. the most a fauna ASMR has is 1.7 mill. Bae has 4 MVs with at least 1.7 mill views

>> No.65440597

the homobegger tranny is MAD as fuck because no one likes his fag collabing and he has no penis.
Kiara mogs the shit out of Bae with SCs. Pretty sure IRyS does too. both have higher ccv than bae

>> No.65440815

>Bae has 4 MVs with at least 1.7 mill views
And that is a bad thing? How dare she.
Keep seething. Noone cares about CCV except troon monkeys here.

>> No.65440842

This dumb unitard doesn't even realize the amount of resources that go into into a MV vs a fucking ASMR. Fauna has MUCH more ASMR vods than Bae has music videos you retarded fuck

>> No.65440932
File: 104 KB, 800x517, DEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch hours matter more than CCV, I didn't make the rules.

>> No.65441163

>And that is a bad thing? How dare she.
you are comparing view count, because it is the only way you can think of to make her not a runt. people are not watching her vods a ton more than fauna, Bae just puts out like 1/5th more vids and has MVs which get views because people watch them on repeat. Bae has fewer fans than fauna. hence the lower CCV
>Keep seething. Noone cares about CCV except troon monkeys here.
again, you are only trying to make the retarded >muh total views argument, because its the only way bae doesn't get completely mogged and its literally only because of her MV. also you have no penis and you are brown

>> No.65441256

>Watch hours matter more
>Watch hours is a formula literally created by anons in /#/ because no one can actually see the real watch hour of youtube streams.
Yeah, they totally matter more.

>> No.65441273

I have no idea. But I know it bothers (You) that the rest of the board gets to eat real food instead of pagpag.

>> No.65441275

nta but
>hololive in general
>in general

>> No.65441278
File: 362 KB, 600x600, 366887542119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holo vs Holo
I love that we are at a point where Holo is only being compared to other Holo, because it shows that there is no one else worth comparing to anymore.

>> No.65441328

Fuck off and suck homo cock fagoo

>> No.65441346

Really I know it'll get leech accusations but playing up the Big Sister angle was a smart move by Bae in regards to Biboo it gives them both an interesting dynamic and if played well it can turn their collabs into something like a Zoomer version of the Twins.

>> No.65441368


>> No.65441370

and? That really isn't an argument the way you think it is, tranny. again you are doing backflips to try to defend bae being a runt
so bae barely beats out fauna because she streamed for 2 times the time? also, I am pretty sure your calculations aren't accurate because Bae's average CCVs is a lot higher than her median, where as fauna's median CCVs is the same as her average

>> No.65441409

I literally do not even know what pagpag is

>> No.65441420

>Your argument doesn't work because it completely defeats my argument
Concession accepted

>> No.65441429

>because its the only way bae doesn't get completely mogged
It's the opposite, you're clinging to ccv for dear life, because it's the only way to keep your delusion (see >>65440932 for example).
Noone cares about ccv, not the fans, not the company, not the sponsors. Only a few brown faggots.

>> No.65441473

ikr gotta love the rise of all these holo vs holo threads since sisters can't use their garbage anymore after luxiem failed.

>> No.65441494

I'm not your bruh brown SEApagpag

>> No.65441523

no, because its fucking retarded backflips you are trying to pull to say someone in jakarta listening to bae's song on repeat means she is as popular as fauna when we don't have unique views data and bae gets mogged in terms of ccv. you only are trying to defend this one weird stat because you are a tranny and love faggots
there is no way those stats are correct because Bae's median ccv is way lower than her average ccvs.
no one hates bae enough to call her a leech. all bae shitposting involves homoloving trannies saying bae has no talent and normal people saying bae is one of the most talented holos but gets mogged because no one wants to watch a fag enabler

>> No.65441601

You are mentally ill, you are out of arguements, have been defeated by data and still refuse to back down. a brick wall would provide a more productive back n' forth than your braindead ass

>> No.65441631

>Goalpost moving

>> No.65441700

How in the world did half the anons ITT actually bite OPfag's Holo vs Holo bait? There are literally no grounds to pitting Biboo who is just living her streamer dream against anyone else in EN, let alone to someone who has such a vastly different goal like Baelz.
Did you get bored of the Biboo the Gura killer threads?

>> No.65441758

>make up a fake stat from #
>no this is the only stat that matters reeee
a true tranny, through and through. we can see fag enabling is bad in multiple ways
a. even kronii and mori stopped collabing with tempiss
b. bae stopped collabing with tempiss for like half a year and only did the barbie stream
c. the barbie stream only happened because roasties were harassing the one faggot and he made it clear he did not want to do it
d. none of the advent girls have done anything involving fag collabs, unless you count the zen collab today, which at least there is plausible deniability that he is a man
trannies lost and will continue to lose

>> No.65441761

Anon look at the IP count, it's a bunch of dumb numberfags fighting, goes to show how much of a mistake /#/ is

>> No.65441801

The discussion went from Biboo to unitroons being mentally ill a long time ago. OP is obviously a faggot shitposter.

>> No.65441804

its a unichad vs brown tranny thread. all bae threads are unichad v brown tranny threads, not holo v holo

>> No.65441818

To be honest, it's kind've devolved to Bae v Fauna now since it gets more bites than Bae v a holo girl she's literally doing JoJo watchalongs with.

>> No.65441874

That would be impossible simply because they are one and the same.

>> No.65441883

you can't understand basic words?

>> No.65442000

Why can’t brats stop seething about Fauna?

>> No.65442038

I think it bothers OP more that Bae exist or that you try your hardest to incur the wrath of Holofan or turn them against one another but you only draw ridicule to yourself, lol

>> No.65442065

>Not new IP
Okay OPfag you can stop samefagging your thread now

>> No.65442111

they explicitly aren't, seeing as ID are fine with fag enabling and expect the girls to have boyfriends

>> No.65442218

>arguing about numbers
>trying to call others brown

>> No.65442437

>enjoying watching male streams
>calling others brown

>> No.65443999
File: 260 KB, 381x381, 1663758045959492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii seems to be doing bait and switch, stayed away from the homos for a while now, got an sexy model and voice while on the other hand there is Bae who oogled over Roberos cock since her debut

>> No.65444136

Why are you brown?

>> No.65444171

When your friends and coworkers ur close with succeed, you feel happy for them.
If youre somewut normal

>> No.65445762


>> No.65446688

literally who?

>> No.65447439

Mori actually talked on-stream about this. She cares. They all care. Every single girl you watch care about numbers, they just don't like to talk about it because it's can cause bad vibes.

>> No.65448005

Unicorns still seething over Bae trumping all of Promise with her Lethal Company numbers.

>> No.65448258

>that shit with any girl C or lower being treated like they're a child
good meme desu

>> No.65450529

dude you already know kiara's gonna be even more fucking weird about it after they come back from the maldives.

>> No.65450634

Nice bump from page 10. Very organic reply

>> No.65450650
File: 64 KB, 680x951, GBLpYjCbkAAFPCd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They very obviously care about numbers, but:
>"as much as you do"
Yeah, that's fair.

>> No.65453471

most of EN is more popular than her, she's used to it.

>> No.65453756

There's also many different levels of 'care'. When Howard Stern was rated #1 in all these radio markets he crippled himself with stress-induced back pain from worrying about staying in that top position, obsessively checking the ratings as they were published. So not everyone who cares will drive themselves insane with caring.

>> No.65453802

It’s only banned if someone finds out about it. You can buy fucking Fate/Illya off a shelf in a JB Hi-Fi here. The Kuro seasons too, so plenty of loli make out sessions.

>> No.65454123

And FuwaMoco. Can't exclude them in terms of grind, unless you're just talking first 2 gens.

>> No.65454176

Bae is a numberfag deep at heart so yes, it bothers her probably more than you think.

>> No.65454649

Sure, everyone cares about retarded stats you numbermonkeys jerk off to. Deep in their heart.
She probably isn't even aware "Biboo is more popular than her" according to some faggots.

>> No.65455197

Why you taking shit post seriously. Bae and Biboo are literally watching the entire season of JoJo together when January starts to. Stop believing bait threads.

>> No.65455269

Why do you think you cant be friends but at the same time also in some way jealous of said person?

>> No.65455377

>collabs with males
lmao she doesnt care enough apparently.

>> No.65455623

Serious answer, NO
She's moving to Japan and that shows how dedicated she is at her job and proves that her goal is much higher than EOP rock girl
She's gonna keep collabing with the JP senpai and become Japanese by 2024

>> No.65455911
File: 152 KB, 632x543, 1695009120413240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know who else is irrelevant?

>> No.65456020

explain the seacuck id fanbase

>> No.65456158


>> No.65456220

Your life must be very sad...

>> No.65456228

Cover is pushing her to be the de facto leader of EN since Mori is busy with UMJ, Kiara is basically irrelavant, Ina just shows up (if she can), Gura lol, Ame has one foot out the door, IRyS' keeps ruining her throat and lost a chunk of her EOP audience due to heavy JP pandering this year, Fauna perfers streaming than idol shit, Kronii is trying to rebrand, Mumei is likely to graduate due to health and school issues, and Advent basically already has two talents that are DOA for various reasons. So it makes sense to use the one EN that isn't signed to a label and agrees with Cover's Live and Stars are equal business strategy, and speaks EN, JP, KA, and CN, with the last three being their target markets. And yes CN is a target market based on Cover's recent moves with the bug website and hiring multiple people that speak Zhang (Bae, Kobo, Shiori, and Kaela)

>> No.65456891

No one in Cover knew Kaela can speak Chinese until a few months ago

>> No.65457262

If you aren't jealous of anyone close to you then you are lucky, but someone is probably in turn jealous of you.
Humans are greedy and by that jealous by nature afterall...

>> No.65457285 [DELETED] 

God I hope so, this homo sleeve breaking down in tears because she can't work out why she's unpopular while she's still dripping cum out of both holes after the homo Barbie spitroast was pure bliss to watch.
Her and her numberfag brats deserve to be bothered by rock girl mogging her

>> No.65457311

just stop being EN's Homostars representative, simple as that.

>> No.65457323

My god imagine trying to stir shit up with these two
They're like best friends

>> No.65459162

real answer is that kronii is consistently fucking hilarious in collabs, bae is pretty much the same in solo and collab streams.

>> No.65459246

Was this post made by a woman?

>> No.65459283
File: 2.17 MB, 500x500, numbers [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F57shne.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65461388


>> No.65461872


>> No.65462400

Oppai lolis just aren't as popular as regular ones. Hell, Anya went out of her way to avoid it, once she got new outfits

>> No.65462436


>> No.65463304

bae doesn't even speak the right type of chink. she speaks cantonese which is hong kong and rural. the major cities speak the other chinese

>> No.65463579

>bae numberthread
post the image, you know the one.

>> No.65463922

is that the one with the accurately colored brats on the right DORYAAing their queen?
kek, i like that one too

>> No.65463967
File: 26 KB, 1316x864, 1696153201768518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go.

>> No.65463979

*accurately colored posters like yourself

>> No.65464093

based, kek look at the brats go

>> No.65464147

wow, look at the color of those homobeggers

>> No.65464182

love it anon, thanks, I remember them being darker though.

>> No.65464183 [SPOILER] 
File: 429 KB, 1200x748, boomboomboom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.65464186

you can just call them brats you know, theyre the same thing

>> No.65464609 [DELETED] 

Damn, brats actually in here crying to the janny because you remind them their whore got spitroasted twice by homos.
Let's not forget oga splitting her in 2 at the off Collab
>why is she doing so badly though my cuckqween is so hard working
Brats are mentally ill for being so cucked and not telling bae the truth, it's why she keeps you at arms length after each stream.

>> No.65464726

This is far too based and sadly completely true

>> No.65464747

And yet, you are the one seething.

>> No.65464875

I don't understand? is posting about streams that actually happened like how bae collabed with 2 fags last week or how she off collabed with a fag against the rules?

>> No.65465301

Posting about streams that happened and being a mindbroken cucked cumslut who writes fanfiction for slander are two entirely different things. Well now you have been educated.

>> No.65465372

Nobody wants to read your fan fiction you ban evading faggot off yourself

>> No.65465409

looked on topic, and true
it's weird how brats apparently love the male collabs and support them, but the second you mention it they seethe something fierce
makes me wonder why they don't tell her how much it upsets them. I guess after the yab where she shit on her fans and called them toddlers or the infamous virgin yab they're too scared of getting mocked

>> No.65465484

*resets router for the 40th time*

>> No.65465522

meido camping the thread, you missed some offtopic posts fyi

>> No.65465639

she's never getting close to 10k again after she baited gfe with her asmr then had a super fun time with her boys at the Barbie watch along. the brats in that pic are delusional

even her most hardened supporters felt sick after that betrayal.

>> No.65465694

Look at this guy reset his router after every post
Its like watching live mental illness

>> No.65465715

Be honest brats, what did you do to this roastie? every time I come into a baet thread there's a schizo seething about brats nonstop
