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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.70 MB, 1600x900, Zentreyainterview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65398459 No.65398459 [Reply] [Original]

I like that this person exists, because the crying about them being a dude or not reveals how vtubers aren't any different than e-girls for some despite the claim how they're totally different, and they just want a woman to simp for, give money to, and fantasize being with. Not any different than the dudes who do the same with camgirls, twitch streamers, etcetera.

>> No.65398595

The main draw to vtubers (hololive) is how they're more real and grounded than your average twitch thot e-girls, and there is the whole idol component to it
This is just a faggot pretending to be a woman for money purposes
You're a retard

>> No.65398715

>is how they're more real and grounded than your average twitch thot e-girls
No? I have genuinely no clue why you'd ever come to this bizarre conclusion and I dont even watch Zen. How do you even come to this conclusion?

>> No.65398717

>I like them because they own the chuds
Average vshitter fan. Go back.

>> No.65398730

>The main draw to vtubers (hololive) is how they're more real and grounded than your average twitch thot e-girls,
>more real and grounded
Holy fuck my sides.

>> No.65398974

I don't watch them though. I don't watch hololive either. I just sometimes watch clips or check in on a stream every so often. I'm not pathetic enough to continually watch a women pretend to be an anime girl surrounded by pathetic forever-alone dudes. I already post on 4chan. I don't need to go any lower on the humanity scale than I already am.

>> No.65398991

They're literally worse than the average e-thot because at least with the e-thot you get lewds if you pay them while with hololive you pay an ugly fatass and get nothing in return.

>> No.65399010


>> No.65399013

Holy shit I knew there was gonna be some cope in this thread when I clicked into it but you've really exceeded all expectations.

>> No.65399111

Please respect Zen's pronouns and stop calling her a "they".

>> No.65399173

>I don't watch them, just clips sometimes
That anon was correct, you ARE the average vshitter fan huh

>> No.65399217

It's a digital puppet, and you call it whatever the hell you want

>> No.65399216

Why the fuck are you on this board if you hate vtubers?
kys OP

>> No.65399238

I personally think that the use of a text-to-speech program in the process of streaming under a VTuber avatar isn't especially wrong by any means, but I will certainly allow myself a judgement of such a thing, considering the fact that it is outside of my realm of appreciation in this very type of media. I also find Zentreya's appeal to be lacking, considering the consequent amount of unamusing sex jokes that she/he often does, and the very unique look to her/his model (which can be a point of attraction for some people, but surely not for me).
Liking someone because of the negative gaze that is brought to that very person by a certain audience is, in my opinion, a childish behaviour. It shouldn't be considered offensive to dislike something, and the great amount of response to the criticism that is brought to a person of your liking just further amplifies the negativity of the situation. It is saddening to see such a lack of maturity in a place filled with men who are supposed to be old enough to handle discussions like this one.

>> No.65399307

I'm just gonna screencap this real quick for future reference to the absolute fucking state of this board
Holy fucking shit I knew it was bad but I didn’t know it was THIS bad
These are the people shitting up the catalogue daily btw

>> No.65399337

You're probably just jealous of him.

>> No.65399403

is this chatgpt

>> No.65399421
File: 1.07 MB, 1100x1006, Zentreya_2023-12-17_20-10-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another zen thread
catalogfags are bored as always

>> No.65399488

>I just sometimes watch clips or check in on a stream every so often
So your opinion on anything vtuber related is absolutely worthless. Thank you for contributing nothing.

>> No.65399588

That's what this board was made for.

>> No.65399636

Look at what you get for paying Noel vs what you get paying her rm.

>> No.65399684

nah, this board was made because touhou trannies on /jp/ kept screeching that their threads are getting pushed to page 11

>> No.65399710

You are a sad human being, whose only purpose is found in the criticism of a media that he doesn't even consume nor like. Keep selling yourself as a higher man in the grand scheme of things if that is of your pleasure, but at the end of the day, you're the one who's so unhappy that he prefers to talk about something he doesn't like rather than talk about something he likes.
You're bragging about (You)s on 4chan to people who won't remember you in a couple of minutes. If one can go that low on the scale of dignity for a minute of attention, then I don't think that I should worry for myself.

>> No.65399806

Nah I'm just bored and wanted to show off that it isn't hard to write complicated shit if you know English (unlike some people here).

>> No.65399873

>zen maybe a guy with a keyboard
>vedal confirmed a guy with a keyboard
good somehow?

>> No.65399889

Nah not at all.

Calm down.

>So your opinion on anything vtuber related is absolutely worthless
Sounds like more of a good thing than bad, honestly.

>> No.65399985

It's not an egirl thing. I wouldn't watch a tranny streamer either.

>> No.65400032

you are glorifying and defending a tranny, you are lower than any /vt/fag, kys.

>> No.65400046

fpbp. catalogueniggers can't relate

>> No.65400200

now this is some grade A copium

>> No.65400210

>Look at those mannish arms, that gratuitous use of eye liner, the cartoonishly large and fake looking tits.
I want to fuck Zentranny till he cums.

>> No.65400218

The point of vtubers is that all the girls look cute and you can enjoy a female streamer more for their personality instead of how gifted they are in IRL beauty, YEAH I WANT TO WATCH GIRLS ARE YOU RETARDED? BUT I ALSO DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH FUCKING TWITCH META OF NAKED STREAMS UNTIL I FIND A GIRL THAT ACTUALLY PLAYS GAMES

>> No.65400228


>> No.65400234

I like that Zen's cyborg model exists. Hottest vtuber model hands down

>> No.65400272

But no one throws a hissfit over neuro who's defending puppeted by a dude

>> No.65400280

Bro, go back jerk off to full grown men using a female avatar.

Next you gonna say Artemis and PorcelainMaid are females too ?

>> No.65400327

You sound like a crying woman. Also, if you were happy, you wouldn't need internet stranger women to pretend to like and care you.

>> No.65400474

Full Sapport to my Indian brother saar

>> No.65401460

Imagine being so pathetic you spend your free time "trolling" the chuds, I would killed myself already if I was you

>> No.65402266

I like when people here on this site try to make their shitting on political, as if any of the things they do/are into are respectable to people of any political-leaning. It's not even respectable to anyone not political. That being just regular people.

>> No.65402391

>Took chud seriously
A true retard

>> No.65402749

false dichotomy. a lot of people don't see them as e-girls, but also just don't like trans people.

>> No.65403323
File: 923 KB, 546x815, 1680580238245119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The main draw to vtubers (hololive) is how they're more real and grounded than your average twitch thot e-girls

>> No.65403557

>Real and grounded

Also they're ALL doing it for money. If they weren't they'd all be indie.

>> No.65403594

Vshojo is such a shut company I'm glad all the real talent left

>> No.65403626

I'm glad too

>> No.65403631

the only thing Zen has going for her is the coomer aproach to her models.
the tts is awful, specially on collabs and her humor also suck ass.

>> No.65403645

Realistically, complaining about Zen is no different than complaining about Love Live being written by dudes.

At the end of the day you're still jerking off to another guys words.

>> No.65403714

tldr.- she only does sex jokes or bait for sex clips. she has nothing else going for her. And top being a contrarian.

>> No.65403785

it's kind of amazing that zen is so harmless that the only bait "people" can spam about her is that she MIGHT be a dude

>> No.65403945
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>more real and grounded
>explicitly referencing Hololive, which the catalog keeps telling me are only playing characters

>> No.65403993

More like she's so boring that the only thing worth bringing up is that she is a dude

>> No.65404204

dirt woman bad

>> No.65404216

I don't like deception or lies.

>> No.65404244

> for money purposes
its all for money purposes, retard.

>> No.65404370


>> No.65404498

Nothing wrong with zentreya. He's a faggot though, just like OP

>> No.65404510

the draw of vtubers are that the girl is autistic and a virgin. There is no fucking way someone as massively autistic as Gura or Mumei would be a normal e-thot. Yeah, I know Gura does shit like saying she has the e-thot cat headphones and getting an e-thot chair that hurt her back over her office chair, but when it came to shaking her ass on stream Gura was weirded out when it was her actual 3D model.
the point is it is some mousy autistic girl instead of some whore who tells you stories about the time she took 20 dicks at once. No one wants to watch a girl with a boyfriend and no one wants to watch a guy.

>> No.65404588

>ugly fatass
yagoo doesn't hire fat fucks. the only EN fatty was hot as fuck when she got hired.

>> No.65404638

These are two completely different things
Vedal has only ever been Vedal
The girl on his stream is Neuro, an AI he created
Neuro has never been positioned as Vedal's avatar or representative in any way

>> No.65404659
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>> No.65404671
File: 422 KB, 600x450, 1631240350259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real and grounded

>> No.65404699

Yeah so boring that she gathered a considerable following while communicating exclusively through Notepad

>> No.65405164

The power of large anime titties

>> No.65406337

Why are you suddenly limiting it to EN only? JP and ID are mostly fat

>> No.65407843

If you like dicks you're gay that's just how it is OP.

>> No.65409001

This fandom was started by a sentient vocaloid.

>> No.65409178

bitching about people only do things for money like nigger this is america, are you even human

>> No.65409223

Hana you're supposed to wait til Jan 1 to get drunk. You're right though
>they're more real and grounded
>>65400272 see >>65373531

>> No.65409480

>Annoying Orange
Low T male
>Kizuna Ai
Low morale nft bitch
>4 kings
4 dead kings

>> No.65409644

it's was Hatsune Miku

>> No.65409774

Did you mean definitely, phoneposter? Also how is neuro any different then the streamer loading up chatgpt? Other than it having a little avatar to go with it.

>> No.65409960

I thought it was a guy until I actually watched some of her streams. A guy couldn't act like she does I don't think. Too much goofy feminine energy.

>> No.65410010

>/vt/ tells me Zen is the worst thing since cancer aids and should die
>see a chuuba messing with their friends for fun content

>> No.65410055

I think the lack of honesty just rubs people the wrong way, if Zen was just honest that he's a dude playing a female character there wouldn't be any controversy

>> No.65410127

>A guy couldn't act like she does
Have you never heard of femboys?

>> No.65410228

Femboys act like boys acting like girls. Zen makes mistakes only a real woman could make.

>> No.65410719

I haven't seen a lot of Zentreya, but this point and calling it a controversy is fucking retarded. This shit ain't a controversy other than to some fags that don't want to masturbate thinking it's a man under it and making ideas out of it, whether she is a she or he, the truth remains that Zentreya is a good person, they are likely a bit on the stupid side with some opinions, but there's a reason that despite the TTS, despite the notepad, people sticked with her and more importantly like her enough to collab with or have great opinions upon meeting the person behind it.
For me, this clip alone solidifies what matters of Zentreya, a good friend and co-worker.

>> No.65411130

Zen is certainly interesting. I just found out about them a couple of minutes ago.
>the crying about them being a dude or not reveals how vtubers aren't any different than e-girls for some despite the claim how they're totally different, and they just want a woman to simp for, give money to, and fantasize being with
I don't believe that this is entirely accurate. I mean sure, watching vtubers has the whole "waifu" culture thing going but I think there's something more into play.
Btw don't get me wrong, Zen's gender is totally irrelevant (I don't think it changes anything, I am not sure if zen is supposed to have a "girly" personality but even then I don't think it would matter) and people crying about it have somewhat of a wrong perception of vtubers. Avatars aren't just a way to avoid facecam, the actor behind the avatar is... an actor (obviously in a very lower degree than actual voice actors etc).

Also Zen is playing fucking devil daggers right now, how can they be a girl?

>they're more real and grounded than your average twitch thot e-girls
I don't watch a lot of vtubers but this seems a bit true. I don't get why other anons don't agree with this. Maybe its the "real" part? The average e-girl doesn't even play games and if she does its mostly a mainstream game all the time. I think this is a bit true even to legit (as in non-thots) girl streamers. The fact that vtubers have more content is a sign that they are actually doing stuff and thus more grounded.

>> No.65411628

Nice try vshojocuck

>> No.65411709

Didn't read, ain't clicking that shit

>> No.65411773

>I thought it was a guy until I actually watched some of her streams. A guy couldn't act like she does I don't think. Too much goofy feminine energy.
If Zen is a guy he's definitely a huge poof.

>> No.65412066

So why are people obsessed with calling Zen a guy?
Did she make fun of Trump, so /pol/ is just doing the only thing they know how to do and scream 'tranny!' because they get triggered when someone makes fun of their god?

>> No.65412107
File: 55 KB, 460x603, FEsJiiQXMAIouCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the running theory on /vsj+/ is that, if zen is guy, their ass is actually fucking gigantic. zen's hands clip through their tits regularly but the ass never clips, meaning their ass irl is at least as big on her model. Pic for reference. Also zen's switch is full of otome games and romance visual novels so if they are a guy they're EXTREMELY gay.

>> No.65412258

no, it's just because they use a tts, catalogfags immediately jumped to trans. there's more evidence of zen being a babiniku than anything else but this board is actually mindbroken about trans so there ya go.

>> No.65412290

I want our balls to touch

>> No.65412814

>I don't get why other anons don't agree with this.
Because he said hololive. Everyone in hololive is just like the average e-girl you're talking about.

>> No.65412825

vtubers are a female thing
males are not wanted by anyone other than fags and mentally ill lesbians

>> No.65412911

Can you make a list for the class that shows which holos are no different than e-girls, and tell us how they are the same?

>> No.65413463

>vtubers are a female thing
>one of the Heavenly Kings is a guy

>> No.65413506

All of them. Just watch an e-thot stream and hololive stream and you will see they're both the same.

>> No.65413547

>can't list a single one

>> No.65413701

Marine. Happy now?

>> No.65414013

She's the least like an egirl.

>> No.65414053

>All of them
even prudes like Ina, yes?

>> No.65414157
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>> No.65414581

I got a feeling a lot of gift cards were handed out thanks to this thread

>> No.65414850

Yes I want a cam whore that acts like an anime girl. It's really that simple, sister.

>> No.65414898

Are you kidding me? She is the most like one

>> No.65414934
File: 89 KB, 850x601, IMG_5316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you buy one?

>> No.65415967

I don't know if Zentreya is actually a male or actually a female. I don't care if Zentreya is actually a male or actually a female.

Zentreya is a a mediocre-to-bad Vtuber and the synthetic voice actively makes her unpleasant to watch, especially in collabs.

>> No.65416862

It because people want to believe they have special knowledge that makes them superior to everyone. It's the same for all doxx stuff.

>> No.65417697

I don't know if grounded is the best word for it. It's the lack of ground that makes them more honest. They put on a mask and they can chose what kind of character they want to be, so they can chose the one that makes them happy.

>> No.65417795

OP is revealing how he views the Vtubers he likes.

>> No.65418078


>> No.65418192

It's a unique gimmick.

>> No.65418293

Tts streamer and tts donos is awful

>> No.65418705

OP discovers some men are still straight and dont want to fuck deranged mentally ill men in dresses

>> No.65421097
File: 281 KB, 850x1202, IMG_5313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn’t this?

>> No.65422700

Men can have big asses. It's called being fat.

>> No.65422929

How is Devil Daggers not a Zen game? It's inline with her lore and artstyle.

>> No.65423199

Cool story, you will never be a woman though....

>> No.65423424
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, zen walk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Zen is a guy and you get hard to the model, what are you?

>> No.65429252


>> No.65432247


>> No.65433549

Based anon hating Zen on their merits. I don't care about Zen's gender, I would just rather take bamboo shoots under the nails than sit through a lukewarm experience in entertainment made further worse by Microsoft Sam ASMRing me every 5 seconds

>> No.65433638

>If Zen is a guy and you get hard to the model, what are you?
gayer than two dudes bangin'

>> No.65433742


>> No.65434984

Gimmick designs are rarely good. If someone gave it to me for free I'd try it though.

>> No.65435468

that design is ugly as sin

>> No.65436034

can you get any more delusional? holy ducking shit schizo

>> No.65440326

The westerner fears the babiniku

>> No.65440522

Kek at all twitter troon screeching

>> No.65440931

It's actually easier for someone to lie to you if they are more familiar e.g. a fleshtuber. It is once the mask is ON that people are more aware they are being lied to.
Think about this as well. What says more truth about a person's soul? What they do when naked and vulnerable, or what they do when protected and in control?

>> No.65441089

But you don't need them to see that. You see that all the time by how fans act and talk.

>> No.65441176

What? Also, why is it always the biggest retards that start calling people retard unprovoked?
