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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65379591 No.65379591 [Reply] [Original]

why is pippa obsessed with henya to the point where she was trying not to be a retard on stream?

>> No.65381260

No reason

>> No.65381338

That's called respect. Before Myth and Holo EN existed. HenyaPL, Coco, Hana Macchia and to a lesser extent Haachama were the main English introduction to vtubing and the rabbit whole for many. Henya is the Kami oshi for many Vtubers.

>> No.65381384

Collab with henya giving her access to mousey.

>> No.65381416

Pippa unironically loved Pikame, as many did.

>> No.65381529

Cause she is a sad girl from sad company and Pikame is the embodiment of happiness. Her and Watame made Pippa think it was worth getting up in the morning. Relatable?

>> No.65381631
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I think it's her eyes but I find Henya so fucking hot. I'd be sperging out too

>> No.65381636

Why would you want someone you really really like to think you are a fucking retard?

>> No.65381870

Pikamee's famous quote "being sad is a waste of time"

>> No.65381976
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>> No.65382047

yet Pikamee was sad during her hiatus after Hogwartsgate kek

>> No.65382375


>> No.65382834

Mickey Mouse

>> No.65382966

pippa does live like a disney princess so this checks out

>> No.65383042

Pippa is a pretty vtuber fan, likely more than most of the posters here, knowing her shes probably just starstuck. Pippa is popular but she doesn't consider herself in the same tier as people like Pikamee, so shes extra careful to not sperg out too bad.

>> No.65383069

Leech wants to continue sucking

>> No.65383424

I wanna suck your tits.

>> No.65383521

If it was just leeching she would have taken Kson up on her overtures and wouldn't have asked Tenma to hold her hand for bravery while she talks to the big celebrity Henya.

>> No.65384081

Pippa has done more for 1 and 2 view chuubas than virtually anyone else in the community. She's the queen of saviorfagging. Hell, she even tried to save Koa
>literally who?
Exactly my point.

>> No.65384182
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because Henya is that awesome.
nice to see I'm not the only one obsessed with her amber eyes. pic rel, the original art had her with yellow eyes and it bothered me so much I had to fix it.
mostly due to IRL circumstances, but the hag warts situation didn't help.
>knowing her shes probably just starstuck
I don't watch Pippa so I only saw her on Henya collabs, but she was most definitely starstruck, she even said as much.

>> No.65388502

they are hot

>> No.65393444


>> No.65394115

She wants to go to the bitch with her

>> No.65396451

numbers grifter

>> No.65396988

did henya thank pippa for owning the troons during hogworts drama?

>> No.65397024

Pippa secretly wants to be in vshojo and leave phasecuckness.

>> No.65397935

Pikamee is an honorary holo

>> No.65400591

She did say later on that she wanted to do a decent first impression with her given her fame.

>> No.65402934

>henya is jamming out to pippa the ripper
>pippa privates it
explain this

>> No.65403275

She lost it when she joined vshojo

>> No.65404579

She was sad but realized it was a waste of time and moved on.

>> No.65404644

Yeah, she was starstruck and she even broke one of her personal rules about not meeting her idols.

>> No.65404925

After vtubing stopped being about translated videos and short skits, and it became about streaming, those 4 became an oasis to a non-Jap speaker. Chammers, my beloved...

>> No.65408234

cause autism

>> No.65408531
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Too bad it was ruined when Pippa spread catalog tier rrats about Vshojo afterwards.

>> No.65408535

I find pippa's pink eyes really seductive, but her black eyes look terrible, like no effort went into drawing them

>> No.65408636

pika and coco are probably the oshi of many

>> No.65408834

lul waht?

>> No.65409003
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I love how you idiots constantly show how fucking new you are and try to act like you're old fags or have ANY amount of actually EN Vtuber knowledge, it's really funny

>> No.65409059

I'm the second anon you have in there. Yes, there were others. But it was only those 4 that anybody gave a fuck about for a time. Everybody else who spoke English were literal who's.

>> No.65409116

I'm the first anon. the second anon already answered.

>> No.65409140

Pippa said that Vshojo takes 100% of the merch profit.

>> No.65409442

she might have heard that from nyanners or some shit. I do believe Pika and coco have better vshojo contracts than a lot of the EN girls had

>> No.65409536

You are already making excuses for something that is obviously bullshit, what is wrong with you?

>> No.65409690

there is zero reason for kson and pika to have joined vshojo if their contracts were shit. especially kson who bitches about the hololive and niji contracts.

>> No.65409817
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Henya sold out to the trannies who bullied her our of Pikami and made her join VS. Pippa encourages it.

>> No.65409901

No ligger would have ever joined Vshojo for such a terrible cut so I'm really not sure what Pippa was thinking.

>> No.65410153

nah, I can 100% see that as being one of the originals contracts for the nyanners group. Did nyanners get a new model when she joined? I can see the deal being that the girls keep most/all of their superchats and memberships and get the vshojo support and in exchange vshojo gets merch rights. the vshojo girls likely did not realize how much merch rights were, but the vshojo jews knew thinks like star wars, power rangers and pokemon make way more off the merch than anything else. I don't think kson and pika would have made that deal because they know how much merch is worth and have more leverage, but the girls who signed in 2020 probably thought it was a good deal at the time

>> No.65410180

Just my intuiton but i believe pink bnuy wishes to be cute and wholesome as Henya or Watame but just isn't not in her so she lives it through adoring those that do.

>> No.65410221

>isn't not in her
Isn't in her

>> No.65410302

I think you are extremely ignorant and should shut your mouth about a topic that you cannot even put 5 minutes of research into.

>> No.65410628

fuck off you 32 year old purto rican whore with a kid. you seem really mad when someone bitches about vshitshow

>> No.65410826
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You are straight up just writing some fantasy story about Vshojo retarded doxxfag.
Man, Henya should stay far far away from faggots like you.

>> No.65411005

don't you have a conner's dick to suck, mousy? or are you going to suck zen's dick instead?

>> No.65412316
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Hope Henya plummets into irrelevancy and will forever be haunted by the fact she'll never reach the amount of subs she had as her previous persona. Retard deserves it for switching over to Vshojo when VOMS was a perfectly fine group.
I don't know who the fuck put the idea in her head that she could do "so much more" or whatever the fuck she was thinking when all she does at this point is bottom of the barrel react trash and nothing else. She has no other talents aside from that to put to use. Not even as woman, she can't even cook or do anything that would normally want to make a mentally stable man take your as a wife. And yes, I'm saying mentally stable because only the unhinged faggots from here would willing marry a woman who does nothing but sitting around and be a leech the whole day.

>> No.65412481

The fuck happened to VOMS? Ive been out of the loop for a while but what the fuck why is pika gone now? is voms even a thing still? last tomoshika stream was a month ago

>> No.65412591

>especially kson who bitches about the hololive and niji contracts.
Post the timestamp where she says that.

>> No.65412744

She's doing more than fine as Henya you retarded phaseschizo.

>> No.65412882

Kson bitches about everything cause she’s a greedy bitch.

>> No.65412935

pika left cause she was retarded and wanted a "proper" 3D model done instantly so she can do some shit like VRchat and live concerts but her boss was like "no, i'm not going to hire someone to do a 3D model cause I'm currently learning how to do that and i want to make one for you myself" so she left when Vshojo offere her a contract promising to hire a professional to give her it instantly and that also she gest to keep the 3D model and her new persona even if she leaves their company later on so she took the contract and left VOMS while under pretext that she was getting bullied off the internet by trannies or whatever. held some "goodbye livestream" where she had all the crying idiots cone in to donate hundreds of dollars to her as a farewell gift or whatever only for her to resurface back into Vshojo not even a month later.

>> No.65413154
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Pop quiz who are they

>> No.65413222

2% is a bad cut
cope nijizhang

>> No.65413246

but for real tho gyari can't be worse than vshoujo can he?

>> No.65413254

why is there like 5 henya pippa bait threads, what kind of schizo raid is this kek

>> No.65413256

>I don't know who the fuck put the idea in her head
which means I have a hard time believing that she doesn't have an amazing contract and that she is making less money in vshitshow than she was as an indie.

>> No.65413361

newcomers that i don't give a shit about cause i don't watch voms anymore after they fired magnet

>> No.65413385

based pika using her job transition to convince people to hate trannies

>> No.65413410
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>the phase tranny doesn't even know her name

>> No.65413439

man I miss magnet to...
but as much as I hate it a breach of contract is a breach of contract whatever that is..

>> No.65413525

does he know?

>> No.65413536

So you always hated her and you just want to seethe. Got it.

>> No.65413553


>> No.65413563

>boss asks you out on a date
>you refuse
>you get fired for "breaching contract"

>> No.65413579

Vshojo isn't bad at all for her, Henya is happy there and she's very vocal about that.

>> No.65413668

why are you lying? She clearly hates being there, because I said so.

>> No.65413728

That can't be true, no one is as retarded and as petty as that. She was the face of VOMS, not just a great doing vtuber, she was the whole group and changing to be just another new generic vtuber #312 on vshojo it's just

>> No.65413795

I don't think gyari is that kind of guy, and even then it wouldn't be "for breaching contract" it would just so be some other generic bullshit. Breaching contract is some serious shit after all

>> No.65413829

it was a tweet

>> No.65413922

I mean I'm not saying vshojo it's shit, but it's definitely more like a real corpo, so I don't believe gyari it's worse than them

>> No.65414065

She roughly quadrupled her viewership and makes tons more money as "vtuber #312".

>> No.65414149

Fair enough

>> No.65414152

Supposedly, they've been in the talks about her quitting for months at that point. I think they just wanted to finalize things or something but then Pikamee decided to retire earlier after she tried playing Hogwarts Legacy and trannies on Twitter began screeching about it and people decided to ignore any other possible leadups to it and just chalk it all down to her quitting due to being harassed or whatever.

Kson might've had a hand in her deciding to switch over to Vshojo though. Claiming shit like she was "too good" for a small group like that or whatever and that they were holding her back from whatever potential she had.

>> No.65414379
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whore heavily overestimates her market value

>> No.65414397

the fact she joined vshojo means kson absolutely had a hand. It isn't like Pika wouldn't have had her choice of corpos/could have gone indie

>> No.65414640

Silly anonchama, Henya didn't even exist during the hogarts drama era

>> No.65414786

Kson is treating as a business, which it is, fans view it as a sort of social relationship, which it's not. The idol industry is so fucked because people inside keep playing to that and pretending everything in there is "not a business and were all just friends and we help people reach fans better!" Which is not, they help the personas make more money and take a cut, that's why terms such as "graduating" are so fucking retarded.
Now Kson is definitely a greedy bitch, but she has all the right to be so, although that last tweet about people doing the same in social relationships comes as manipulative as fuck

>> No.65415058

even as a business, imagine lacking the base level of respect and professionalism to just shut your retarded mouth up and to your job instead of openly shitting on your company saying you'd leave at any point if offered more money. i'd have fired her on spot for online misconduct.

>> No.65415242

the agencies absolutely take advantage of the girls being friends with each other. In hololive, especially since the girls are making so much anyway, it becomes a lot less likely the girls will fuck off if it means they can't stream with their friends. it seems like EN management made it more of a priority for promise and advent to all like each other with advent being sent to AX predebut. or how holox seems to like each other and do shit together off stream

>> No.65415328

hyper leacher

>> No.65415554

It's a given, after all it's a money transaction at the end of the day. She's not being outright disrespectful although the way she speaks it's childish which does make you lose respect it's not outright wrong. Business believing you can't say shit about them is wrong to, you have as much freedom as them, and sure you can end her contract for that, but she also has the right to say what she said without issues, but that way of speaking is lacking yes.

Oh yeah totally, and that's just straight up fucked up. You can kind of justify it as helping the competition but still it's pretty fucked up, that's kind of the issue with that specific sector, social relationships play a key rol and making the distinction blurrier only makes it worse for the "talents" or employees, rather, you can't just tell the girls that they shouldn't be friends because it's a job and bla bla bla, humans don't work like that, but companies should be publicly shamed for playing stunts like those.
That is emotional extortion.

>> No.65415756

Although, she is stuck just being a vtuber now anyways, in voms she could've been waaay more if she had the vision, sure gyari is the one running the things but she had a really powerful position there, helping the Vons grow meant a direct link in her growth and she could even end up playing a similar role to gyari if VOMS grew as much as vshojo. The ones making a lot of money after all are the ones that take a cut for every talent in their corp. I'd say she lacked vision

>> No.65416046

>she gives an EXAMPLE for retards
>The retards still don't understand it
Literally unable to evolve

>> No.65416612

Pikamee was the only person who made any effort to grow VOMS, she tried for YEARS. But GYARI is, respectfully, a hyper autist who insists on doing everything himself regardless of how ineffecient that is. You and everyone else that try to pontificate about "VOMS growth" always out yourself as having 0 fucking clue about what you're talking about
>last tomoshika stream was a month ago
You looked at the "Video" tab instead of the "Live" one on her channel, didn't you?

>> No.65417063

Funniest part of all this is VOMS actually has a pretty large presence on both 2 and 5chan, even having an individual thread. They're kind of like the phase connect of those boards.

>> No.65417068

Ebosi has been alive for a while and doing pretty well, and just today I found out she's finally getting a Live2D.

>> No.65417428

yeah that's true I have just surface knowledge about this, I thought it was clear

>> No.65421335


>> No.65421440

What do they think of Pika? Is she seen as a traitor to her race and their language?

>> No.65425195

Vshojo has almost zero presence there so a majority of 2chan anons legitimately don't know she re-incarnated.

>> No.65425348

these bitches gay lmao
