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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65333820 No.65333820 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread >>65269202

Current Premiere - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjADTsZl2Kk
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

Christmas Karaoke - >>65071836

Schedule - Return in 19 days
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.

>> No.65333877

I wonder if the thing Fauna said she hyperfocused on that she thought other people might have missed was Feldspar or something we haven't seen yet

>> No.65334098
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>> No.65334229

I have been absolutely overwhelmed at the sheer amount of work and love Fauna has put into this entire year. It's becoming abundantly clear just HOW MUCH work she had to do while in Japan, and really puts her puddle arc into perspective - and then she made us 21+ hours of a much-requested game to keep us company while she takes a well-deserved break. I literally could not have a better oshi. Man, I Love Fauna.

>> No.65334303

I opened the premier before there was a live chat open

>> No.65334420

I wonder how long it will take until she flies into the sun?

>> No.65334794

or better yet, realize what the "comet" that keeps killing her actually is

>> No.65334921

I do actually enjoy it when she comes up with these theories only for the game to dash them against the rocks.
I hope she goes hard on thinking she can stop the supernova by reaching the Sun Station.

>> No.65335042
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>> No.65335147
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>> No.65335198
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Finished piece

>> No.65335304

Guys, I have total brainrot. It’s gotten so bad I can’t even watch her let’s play without being distracted. What is wrong with my brain? Do I need constant stimulation that bad?

>> No.65335331
File: 71 KB, 1024x775, Fauna Blush Cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a very lewd present https://twitter.com/tnolize/status/1739642570530295858

>> No.65335348

Watching part 2 now since I was stuck at Christmas parties yesterday and it's cute how she thinks it's a comet that's ending the cycle.

>> No.65335430
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>> No.65335565

anti-squeeb-kun, are the eyelids just the upper part, or is the lower part included? which part will you stitch? what kind of thread will you use? how do you feel about the LP so far?

>> No.65335672

and once that's cleared up there actually is a comet that ended something

>> No.65335768

finished outer wilds today myself and can finally start her vods for it (she announced her playthrough like a day after i began playing it for myself)

>> No.65335896

I really wanted to say barbed wired, but that's stretching the bounds of feasibility. Fishing line.
Was worried the camera movements in space would make me sick, same as Fauna mentioned, but its been tolerable so far. She also makes really cute noises when she can't steer well

>> No.65335899

check this out

>> No.65336247

Disgusting whore

>> No.65336426

This is my favourite.

>> No.65336553

How quickly could one clear the game if they started today? I don't want to miss out on live(prerecorded), but having everything spoiled at a first look while watching also sucks

>> No.65336598


>> No.65336610

took me just under 19hrs and fauna about 21hrs, so somewhere in that range

>> No.65336639

It's about 15-25 hours. You won't really be able to play it yourself after watching Fauna so if you have any interest in it I would recommend taking a few days to do it yourself and just catch up on her vods.

>> No.65336703


>> No.65336809
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>> No.65336856

did she commission an artist to make all the thumbnails in advance?

>> No.65336952

ya its moonia

>> No.65336997
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>> No.65337046
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Going to miss the premier today but you Sappies have fun.

>> No.65337291

Finally getting around to listening to her reading of the king in yellow, it’s very relaxing.

I hope she does more of these readings in the future

>> No.65337416
File: 487 KB, 1920x1080, No No No 【CeresFauna⧸Hololive Animation】[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0ro46x.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. https://twitter.com/BloodyMoonia

>> No.65337732
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>> No.65338035


>> No.65338398

Fuck Elon and his retarded changes. I don't even know how many good pics I missed because they don't show up in her tag.

>> No.65338464
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>> No.65339262

Post your favorite UUUU

>> No.65339394

Search with this
#FineFaunart OR (#KronFau -#FineFaunart) OR (#FauMei -#FineFaunart) OR (#FauBae -#FineFaunart) -nameronii -bluezkaito
and bookmark it so you don't have to type it again

>> No.65339573

I'm not that anon but twitter search is definitely unreliable, I use something like that but also with min_faves:100 or other numbers and it skips a lot of posts over that like number that appear without that filter

>> No.65339638
File: 561 KB, 1080x1920, uuu-1[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffw995o.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65339646
File: 317 KB, 406x526, faunasneaking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me im a bluez animation enjoyer

>> No.65339668

does Fauna even make that sound anymore? Feels like she stopped completely long time ago shortly after people pointed it out and she became aware of it

>> No.65339793

I do use something like that, but I still don't see art even though it's under #finefaunart.

>> No.65339796

bizarre post

>> No.65339811

baffling post

>> No.65339884

Do you not watch her bro?

>> No.65339915


no but seriously, maybe my brain started filtering it out for some reason but I haven't heard anything like this in forever

>> No.65340120

eh, she still does that maybe not as long but still

>> No.65341842

Do you think she got any of the alternate endings/gameovers?

>> No.65341896

there's alternate endings?

>> No.65342033

Not counting the DLC there are 4 endings, with only one being the real ending and the other just for consistency

>> No.65342087

more like gameovers/alternate deaths

>> No.65342288

I think it'd be a fun stream idea to backseat her into getting these. I need to see her reaction to the kazoo credits music.

>> No.65342651

love this predetermined kirin

>> No.65342659

Remember to put 2x playback speed when a premier starts

>> No.65342716
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>> No.65342734

>No Fauna in chat today
Its over...

>> No.65342742

she looks at chat even when we aren't there... she loves me...

>> No.65342756
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Looking longingly

>> No.65342838

" I did some mining offscreen" moment

>> No.65342889

she's lying, this is actually live, she just pretends this is prerecorded so people have less motivation to spoil

>> No.65343017

How would you prove that

>> No.65343035
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>gets out of pilot seat and hides from the crash

>> No.65343039
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>> No.65343050

it came to him in a dream

>> No.65343162

fauna learn to use both sticks at the same time challenge (impossible)

>> No.65343190

past Fauna got a little whine in her

>> No.65343294

Maybe by the end she'll even be rolling with the best of them

>> No.65343497
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>> No.65343526


>> No.65343539

Saplings reference

>> No.65343543
File: 3.96 MB, 1024x1024, 1697894451307983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that "Saplings?!"

I'm gonna fucking die.

>> No.65343726

My wife is being very female right now

>> No.65343796

She's so bad...

>> No.65343827

Already forgot about the jetpack she just remembered...

>> No.65343943

How did she finished this game in 21 episodes?

>> No.65343957

>nobody visits him because the moon sucks

>> No.65344054

The prophetic dreams will guide her

>> No.65344064

>still unable to grasp basic movement

holy fuck

>> No.65344105

>22 Mins
Holy kek. She stumbled upon the correct time even though she died prematurely

>> No.65344199

Totally thought she was going into the sun there

>> No.65344239

My oshi is a jetpacklet

>> No.65344291

i almost look forward to her "OH NOOO" screams as she hurtles towards planets at this point

>> No.65344289

Part of me hopes she never learns to land properly

>> No.65344417


>> No.65344713

its especially annoying she keeps losing her bindings since that never happened to me a single time

>> No.65344785

I like seeing women utilize their brains. Its interesting to me.

>> No.65344809

She didn't lose her binding. She was scanning the text perfectly fine

>> No.65344813

Holy fuck she figured out the photo mode on the scout. She's a genius.

>> No.65345016

There you go

>> No.65345327
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>> No.65345346

made for BWH

>> No.65345368

love this spaghettified kirin

>> No.65345474

her small female brain can't even comprehend the most basic shit lmao

>> No.65345476
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>> No.65345527
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>> No.65345539

>she doesn't remember she has time stop during dialogues enabled

>> No.65345616

She doesn't. She has it stopped during reading and the ship log, but dialogue is unpaused

>> No.65345725

oh I thought she turned all on
still she isn't accounting for these

>> No.65346171

Hour goes by too quickly, Saplings...

>> No.65346193

Is this brat going to tease us every day?

>> No.65346285
File: 24 KB, 97x95, waterfox_ArixZqqwnN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65346293

I wasn't sure about the let's play format at first but I think it's been working really well especially with the premiers

>> No.65346380

It's nice to have something like this to look forward to each day while I'm on holiday.

>> No.65346523

yeah if that's what you mean then it's so short I don't even register it as the OG Fauna UUU, just generic sound of surprise

>> No.65346698

she saw the dlc randomly, I've never seen anyone catch a glimpse of it outside of the specific way you're supposed to

>> No.65346869

wait what? that was exactly how i found it too, whats the 'proper' way?

>> No.65346912

The fact that Fauna casually mentions Sheldrake's theories of consciousness is based as fuck.

>> No.65347244

What are you talking about? You mean when she saw it in the notes?

>> No.65347307
File: 164 KB, 402x395, Fauna Plays Outer Wilds_ Episode 3 【Black Hole】 13-28 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65347395


>> No.65347428

I thought I saw it too. There is a moment where the sun is obscured by a MASSIVE black circle. I'll see if I can find it again

>> No.65347447

It's so frustrating to watch people play this even if it's Fauna. I'll keep watching for now tho

through the radio tower photos and coordinates of the probe

>> No.65347558

That was giant's deep, the DLC is off the main solar plane, it's up or down on the vertical axis from the sun

>> No.65347632
File: 783 KB, 1920x1080, [jjADTsZl2Kk] - [44_51] - [2023-12-26 18.18.51].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, it seemed really big for how far out she was. I know you have to get to the radio really early to see it like this anyways plus it comes from the right side of the sun and not the left

>> No.65347729

It's probably best if she finds it later on anyway, though I'm not sure.

I played the DLC much later after the main game so I don't know how the experience of having it all your first time is.

>> No.65347868
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I hope she remembers about the flashlight too

>> No.65348052

I played for the first time with DLC included, so I only had a suspicion that it was DLC. I saw the red dot blinking at some point and was confused that I could lock onto it. Something happened so I never actually made it there. Later I found the radio tower and then went to the red dot and saw the degrees around it and just started waiting and hoping I'd get to the degree that the picture had because I forgot. Then I tapped it and it broke my map. Then I smashed into it and got the achievement. I rushed it the next loop and had to get there early, then I just landed, observed a bit, knew it was DLC, left.
She sure knows how to press every button on the controller with none of them being the correct one

>> No.65348243

>talks about phantom moon
>while it is flying top right

>> No.65348422
File: 3.90 MB, 418x406, 'Twas revealed to me in a dream[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F41b2mt.wav].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65348491

I feel like the DLC absorbs a lot of your attention since it's self contained and bigger than the average planet so I doubt it's something people multitask. I'm very interested in what other anon's experiences are.

It probably has my favorite 2 surprise moments in the whole game the initial discovery and reveal and the dam bursting

>> No.65350576
File: 1.39 MB, 540x540, 1692914577476363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65350853


>> No.65353987

It’s almost like she’s an intelligent and well educated woman

>> No.65354199

In the first minute when she made fun of herself for looking at chat.

Yeah, people calling her normie fodder clearly don't realize how well she Hides her lower level, not just about meme culture.

>> No.65354492

Wait are you talking about when she referenced morphogenetic fields? That wasn't a reference to Sheldrake. That was a 999 reference...

>> No.65354576

It's a real shame we can't see her go blind into those games. Would have been fun.

>> No.65354782

maybe by the grace of uchikoshi, her current foray into story games will help her realize that story games make for extremely compelling stream games. Maybe Fauna version 2.5 or greater will start to play games in the similar vein on stream instead of sequestering them to her solo playthroughs

>> No.65355418

Well, since it's based on Sheldrake's theory I'll still call it a win, even if she doesn't know where the term originated from. Though she does read a lot of sci-fi, and morphogenetic fields are a somewhat popular trope in that genre, so maybe she does know about the source regardless.

>> No.65355883

Ehh, I like this format as a let’s play, but I don’t enjoy heavy story focused games for streams. I really didn’t enjoy signal for example. Gameplay heavy, thoughts empty, max fauna rambiling is the way to go for me

>> No.65356355

I don't think signalis is the best example of a story game really. Too obtuse. Deltarune though is probably too good of an example, but somewhere in between would still sit comfortably in great stream territory

>> No.65356489

A reminder to me or anyone else to add this for a bit into the next few OPs

>> No.65356580

is it open on geekjack

>> No.65356744

Undertale, and by extension deltarune, are some of my all time favorite games, so I didn’t wanna include those as examples to avoid bias

>> No.65357038

I absolutely adore fauna, but even I think the “friends with you” moniker is a bit ironic

>> No.65357247

No, anon. If anything, your brain is overstimulated. Try to go a day without holding your phone or doing anything with any electronics with a screen. Walk, find a good restaurant/cafe, sit and have a drink while looking at the outside. It’ll mimic you watching a tv/video, without your brain having to process thousands of stimulants a second.

>> No.65357539

>I absolutely adore fauna
photo of membership, merch, and toes in frame

>> No.65358003

Says 27th JST so should be soon
